Apr 30, 2008


ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Previous post: Chakras - VI - Agnya Chakra

The energy is Hakini Yogini ( हाकिनी योगिनी), 

हाकिनिरुपधारिणी  सहस्रदलपद्मस्था। (The Shakti is present in the Shasrara Crown Lotus in the form of Hakini Yogini). 


Imagine shasrara as a lotus hanging downwards with its stem beginning from the brahma randhra, the place where shikha is grown and forming the spinal cord.

The Zodiac sign is Capricorn/Pisces.

The Mantra is ॐ. 

The Endocrine Glands connected is Pineal gland, melatonin -photoreceptors,
The no of Petals thousands.

The space in here is like a dome, The color is like light.
The area of Knowledge is Super-Conscious.
Shiva's abode, when kundalini reaches here and stays put with out falling down, it begins the cycle of flow of energy. 

Swami Sivananda Maharaj Said:

The SAHASRARA is the thousand-petalled lotus at the top of the head and is the
Abode of Lord Siva. 

When the Kundalini is awakened, it pierces one Chakra after another and
finally unites with Lord Siva and enjoys the Highest Bliss. 

Now the Yogi attains super conscious state and becomes a full-blown ज्ञानी  (Jnani). 
He drinks the कुला (Nectar) of Immortality, which drops from the kechari.(The place in the palate of the mouth Just in front of the Uvula).

The Shasrara is always awakened, only the sadhaka has to reach it, hence it is not a chakra, from inside it is a beautiful view, one should see it by themselves, words will not help, use all that energy and effort to control your Mind, Prana and Semen (In case of men).

I am not very sure about women, but there must be something other then just prana to work their way up or down the sushmana/ida/pingala nadi, women is a different technology, for me it is very difficult to understand it for obvious reasons, one thing Uterus is the seat of creation, hence it should either begin from there or end there, If you see YIN and Yang, they are depicted in opposite direction, so in case of women it might be top to bottom instead of bottom to top, I am still trying to understand, so that few serious women sadhak can benefit, because there is no use getting stuck in this examination hall (Earth) for ever, :-) and few people just want to own this examination hall only for their folks who look like them, :-) some because of skin color, some because of caste, some because of relations, and some because of their creed, like billionaires club. :-)

Logic, when a billionaire dies and leaves all his well maintained body, beautiful family and wealth, billions, where does he (Soul) end up ?, this is a point one needs to brood on, :-) they might end up in Haiti, or Yemen, or Syria, Sudan, or Somalia, or Pakistan, or in Saudi as a women, he or she might as well end up as a cow, or a mango tree, all based on their karma baggage, :-) it is not the God who will decide for them, it is them who decide for themselves and they as well might be born to very poor parents in some remote African village, or they might as well be born in the home of that employee who was denied his right to earn, :-) which means there is no use of earning billions and billions and billions, earn and keep what you need to live a dignified life or comfortable life, but the focus, energy and efforts should be towards SELF realization.

Three pointers which decide your next life.

1) Attachment
2) Desires
3) Disgusts (hates included)

If you are stocking billions and billions, you are actually stocking equal amount of rights of other people (souls) who have come to this Earth (Examination centre), the purpose should be to create as many earning centers as possible, this way the good karma which brought you the ability to make billions will be put to good use and you will remain in a good position as far as karma is concerned, because giving is the biggest virtue, it can be anything.

One should make sure they are giving something, Food, Clothes, Shelter, Employment, Money, and the supreme is knowledge.

One Maha Yuga = 12,000 Divine years.

In Satya yuga (4800 Divine years), Doing penance was the main path to reap maximum spiritual benefits.
In Treta Yuga (3600 Divine years), Gaining knowledge was the main path to reap maximum spiritual benefits.
In Dwapara Yuga (2400 Divine years), Performing Yagya karma (Fire oblations) was the main path to reap maximum spiritual benefits.
In Kali Yuga (The current yuga -  1200 Divine years, which commenced Approximately 5200 years ago), Charity is the main path to reap maximum spiritual benefits.

(One Human year = One divine day) 

Earth is the crossover point (Pit Stop), lower worlds below the Earth are where Materialists end up, and Upper worlds above the Earth is where the Spiritual beings end up, and Earth is the only crossover point.

An Atheist remains in the lower cycle which is from Earth to the lower worlds, and only way to move upwards is by going spiritual, and as it is very difficult to get a Human body, which is explained in the following Sanskrit Shloka

दुर्लभं  त्रयमेवैतधेवानुग्रह-हेतुकम | 

मनुष्यत्वं  मुमुक्षुत्वं  महापुरुषसंश्रयः  ||  

Atheists mostly remain stuck in the lower worlds and few who have morals move upwards towards the Earth, but they remain stuck in the lower cycle culminating every time at Earth.

Lower worlds are more materialistic, vanity and material wealth, at the same time they also lack morals, the morals are far lower then even the level of Morals on Earth.

Have a good yoga time.

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, April, 2008

1 comment:

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