Jul 26, 2007

Maha Ganapathi

ॐ केशवाय नमः। 

"Ganesha", means Leader of people।

The legend: Parvati (Consort of Shiva) scraped the scuff off her body, mixed it with oil, transferred it into a figure of small child and gave life to the figure by sprinkling sacred Ganges (River Ganges in India) water on it. Then she asked this child to guard her door while she bathes.

Shiva arrives at the door but is denied entrance by the unknown child, lord Shiva cuts off the head of the child after a battle. 

Seeing  Parvati in sorrow, he orders his followers to find any living thing that is sleeping with its head towards north, Yama's abode is in south, the followers of Shiva find a elephant, they severe the head of the elephant and bring it back to Shiva.

Shiva joins the head with the body of child and awards him the foremost position among all devata's (Gods).

His form represents all those virtues which a leader of men should possess.

His elephant head - strength of an elephant to overcome the challenges of life.

Tiny eyes - sharp vision.
Large ears - lend one's ears to all.

"Paasa" (noose) - Maya ( Illusion) should be controlled.

Goad (Axe) - To restrain ego.

Big head - Broad intellect.

Single tooth - symbol of victory over lust.

Large stomach - To take in all Public secrets.

Snake - Sleeping Kundalini Energy.

Rat (Vehicle) - Ignorant Soul if not guarded can become materialistic and would
run after everything that others possess.

Trunk - Pranava "Aum' which symbolizes Brahman.

Four hands - Four Vedas ( Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Veda)

Ganesha is represented by Aum ( Mantra) and Swastika (Yantra).

Ganapathi is first among all rulers, he is the God of wisdom, knowledge, champion of worldly achievements, and remover of obstacles. He is invoked at the beginning of all religious events and all important undertakings.

Following are 108 names of Shri Ganesha from his more than 1,000 names:

Akhuratha : One who has Mouse as His Charioteer
Alampata : Ever Eternal Lord
Amit : Incomparable Lord
Anantachidrupamayam : Infinite and Consciousness Personified
Avaneesh : Lord of the whole World
Avighna : Remover of Obstacles
Balaganapati : Beloved and Lovable Child
Bhalchandra : Moon-Crested Lord
Bheema : Huge and Gigantic
Bhupati : Lord of the Gods
Bhuvanpati : God of the Gods
Buddhinath : God of Wisdom
Buddhipriya : Knowledge Bestower
Buddhividhata : God of Knowledge
Chaturbhuj : One who has Four Arms
Devadeva : Lord! of All Lords
Devantakanashakarin : Destroyer of Evils and Asuras
Devavrata : One who accepts all Penances
Devendrashika : Protector of All Gods
Dharmik : One who gives Charity
Dhoomravarna : Smoke-Hued Lord
Durja : Invincible Lord
Dvaimatura : One who has two Mothers
Ekaakshara : He of the Single Syllable
Ekadanta : Single-Tusked Lord
Ekadrishta : Single-Tusked Lord
Eshanputra : Lord Shiva’s Son
Gadadhara : One who has The Mace as His Weapon
Gajakarna : One who has Eyes like an Elephant
Gajanana : Elephant-Faced Lord
Gajananeti : Elephant-Faced Lord
Gajavakra : Trunk of The Elephant
Gajavaktra : One who has Mouth like an Elephant
Ganadhakshya : Lord of All Ganas (Gods)
Ganadhyakshina : Leader of All The Celestial Bodies
Ganapati : Lord of All Ganas (Gods)
Gaurisuta : The Son of Gauri (Parvati)
Gunina : One who is The Master of All Virtues
Haridra : One who is Golden Coloured
Heramba : Mother’s Beloved Son
Kapila : Yellowish-Brown Coloured
Kaveesha : Master of Poets
Krti : Lord of Music
Kripalu : Merciful Lord
Krishapingaksha : Yellowish-Brown Eyed
Kshamakaram : The Place of Forgiveness
Kshipra : One who is easy to Appease
Lambakarna : Large-Eared Lord
Lambodara : The Huge Bellied Lord
Mahabala : Enormously Strong Lord
Mahaganapati : Omnipotent and Supreme Lord
Maheshwaram : Lord of The Universe
Mangalamurti : All Auspicious Lord
Manomay : Winner of Hearts
Mrityuanjaya : Conqueror of Death
Mundakarama : Abode of Happiness
Muktidaya : Bestower of Eternal Bliss
Musikvahana : One who has Mouse as His Charioteer
Nadapratithishta :One who Appreciates and Loves Music
Namasthetu : Vanquisher of All Evils and Vices and Sins
Nandana : Lord Shiva’s Son
Nideeshwaram : Giver of Wealth and Treasures
Omkara : One who has the Form Of OM
Pitambara : One who has Yellow-Coloured Body
Pramoda : Lord of All Abodes
Prathameshwara : First Among All
Purush : The Omnipotent Personality
Rakta : One who has Red-Coloured Body
Rudrapriya : Beloved Of Lord Shiva
Sarvadevatman : Acceptor of All Celestial Offerings
Sarvasiddhanta : Bestower of Skills and Wisdom
Sarvatman : Protector of The Universe
Shambhavi : The Son of Parvati
Shashivarnam : One who has a Moon like Complexion
Shoorpakarna :Large-Eared Lord
Shuban : All Auspicious Lord
Shubhagunakanan : One who is The Master of All Virtues
Shweta : One who is as Pure as the White Colour
Siddhidhata : Bestower of Success and Accomplishments
Siddhipriya : Bestower of Wishes and Boons
Siddhivinayaka : Bestower of Success
Skandapurvaja : Elder Brother of Skand (Lord Kartik)
Sumukha : Auspicious Face
Sureshwaram :Lord of All Lords
Swaroop : Lover of BeautyTarun : Ageless
Uddanda : Nemesis of Evils and Vices
Umaputra : The Son of Goddess Uma (Parvati)
Vakratunda : Curved Trunk Lord
Varaganapati : Bestower of Boons
Varaprada : Granter of Wishes and Boons
Varadavinayaka : Bestower of Success
Veeraganapati : Heroic Lord
Vidyavaridhi : God of Wisdom
Vighnahara : Remover of Obstacles
Vignaharta : Demolisher of Obstacles
Vighnaraja : Lord of All Hindrances
Vighnarajendra : Lord of All Obstacles
Vighnavinashanaya : Destroyer of All Obstacles and Impediments
Vigneshwara: Lord of All ObstaclesVikat : Huge and Gigantic
Vinayaka : Lord of All
Vishwamukha : Master of The Universe
Vishwaraja : King of The World
Yagnakaya : Acceptor of All Sacred and Sacrificial Offerings
Yashaskaram : Bestower of Fame and Fortune
Yashvasin : Beloved and Ever Popular Lord
Yogadhipa : The Lord of Meditation

The birthday of Shri Ganesha is celebrated on the fourth (Chaturthi) day of the shukla paksha (waxing moon, Caution -Do not look at the moon at any cost on this day, if one would want to avoid a curse-- I did to experiment- result was very bad, what follows is humilitation, rebuke, bad rumours, defamation, Insults etc. etc by strangers and even friends, and remedy is to do Ganapathi vrata for minimum 40 days. the best way is to avoid going out after evening hours, now I do not venture out on this day at any cost, very important thing is if you do not invoke the diety there is no problem, but if you do, then follow the rules. Even Shri Krishna was not spared from this curse, he by mistake took a glance at moon's shadow in the bowl of water. 

ॐ श्री गं (ग्लौं) महागणपतये नमः। 

 please forgive us.).

Bright half of the month Bhadrapada indicates knowledge (For year 2007 it is 15th September).

The fourth day symbolizes the power beyond the three Gunas and the three states (awake, dream, deep sleep). 

Prayer to Ganapathi is prayer to none other than parabrahman it grants peace of mind and contentment and is beyond the five elements, it destroys the three sources of disturbances, those caused by nature, animals, and subjective, so pray before initiating any undertakings.

Ganapathi is the presiding deity for Muladhara Chakra ( First and the base chakra). He constitutes the five elements and at the same time transcends them, he is the ladder of liberation and so he should be worshipped first, no worship should begin with out the worship of Lord Ganesha, the bestower of auspiciousness. So before anything and everything just say 

ॐ श्री गं (ग्लौं) महागणपतये नमः। 

May Ganapati bless us and direct us towards knowledge from ignorance and please do not be under this impression that obstacles will stop once Shri Ganesha is invoked, the obstacles are the part of the game on this arena called 'Earth', lord Ganesha once invoked will always find a way out. :-))

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, July 2007

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