Dec 12, 2007

Jupiter : Effects and Remedies-Lal Kitab ( Red book of Persia)

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Jupiter is a fiery, noble, benevolent, masculine, expansive, optimistic, positive and
dignified planet. Higher attributes of the mind and soul, generosity, joy, jubilation
and joviality along with high reasoning ability and the power of right judgement
are all governed by Jupiter. Jupiter rules educational interests, law, religion, philosophy,
banking, economics and indicates the extent of one’s love and longing for religion, scriptures, elders and preceptors. He is also a signification of wealth, progress, philosophic nature, good conduct, health and children.Jupiter represents ‘Thursday’ and the yellow colour. He is regarded as ‘Karaka’ for 2nd, 5th and
9th houses. The Sun, Mars and Moon are his friends, where as Mercury and Venus are enemies to him. Rahu, Ketu and Saturn adopt neutrality to him. He stands exalted in the 4th house and the 10th house is the house of his debilitation.Jupiter provides good results if placed in houses 1, 5, 8, 9 and 12, but 6th, 7th and the 10th are the bad houses for him. Jupiter gives bad results when Venus or Mercury get placed in the 10th house of a horoscope. However, Jupiter never gives bad results if placed alone in any house.

A malefic
Jupiter affects the Ketu (son) very adversely. Jupiter offers malefic results if he is placed with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu in a horoscope.Jupiter in 1st HouseJupiter in the Ist house makes the native necessarily rich, even if he is deprived of learning and education. He will be healthy and never afraid of enemies. He will rise every 8th year of his life through his own efforts and with the help of friends in the government. If the 7th house is not occupied by any planet success and prosperity will come after the marriage of the native. Marriage or construction of a house with one’s own earnings in the 24th or 27th year would prove inauspicious for the longevity of the father’s life. Jupiter in Ist house along with the Saturn in the 9th house causes health problems for the native. Jupiter in the Ist house and Rahu in the 8th causes the death of the native’s father because of heart attack or asthma.Remedies1. Offer the things of Mercury, Venus and Saturn to the religious places.
2. Serving cows and helping untouchables.
3. If Saturn is placed in the 5th house, don’t build a house.
4. If Saturn is placed in the 9th house, don’t buy machinery associated with Saturn.
5. If Saturn is in 11th or 12th house, avoid use wine, meat and eggs strictly.
6. Ward-off the evil effects of Mercury by putting on silver in the nose.Jupiter in 2nd HouseThe results of this house are affected by Jupiter and Venus as if they are together in this house, though Venus may be placed anywhere in the chart. Venus and Jupiter are inimical to each other.
Hence both will affect each other adversely. Consequently, if the native engages himself in the trade of gold or jewellery, then the things of Venus like wife, wealth and property will get destroyed.
As long as the wife of the native is with him, the native will continue gaining honour and wealth despite the fact that his wife and her family may be suffering because of ill health and other problems.
The native is admired by females and inherits the property of his father. He may be benefited
by lottery or property of a person having no issues, if the 2nd, 6th and 8th houses are auspicious and Saturn is not placed in the 10th.Remedies1. Charity and donations will ensure prosperity.
2. Offer milk to snakes for warding off the evils of Saturn placed in the 10th.
3. Fill up the pits if any on the road side, in front of your house.Jupiter in 3rd HouseThe Jupiter in the 3rd house makes the native learned and rich, who receives continuous income from the government all through his life. Saturn in the 9th makes the native live long, whereas if Saturn is placed in the 2nd the native becomes extremely clever and crafty. However Saturn is the 4th indicates that the native will be robbed of money and wealth by his friends. If Jupiter is accompanied by inimical planets in the 3rd the native is destroyed and becomes a liability on his closer
ones.Remedies1. Worship of Goddess Durga and offering sweets and fruits to small girls and obtaining their
blessing by touching their feet. Avoid sycophants.Jupiter in 4th HouseThe 4th house belongs to Moon, a friend of Jupiter, who stands exalted in this house. Hence Jupiter here gives very good results and provides the native the powers of deciding the fate and fortune of others. He will possess money, wealth and large properties along with honour and favours from the government. In times of crisis the native will receive divine help. As he grows old his prosperity and money will increase. How so ever if he has built a temple at home Jupiter will not give the above mentioned results and the native will have to face poverty and disturbed married life.Remedies1. The native should not keep a temple in his house.
2. He should serve his elders.
3. He should offer milk to snake.
4. He should never bare his body before anyone.Jupiter in 5th HouseThis house belongs to Jupiter and Sun. Native’s prosperity will increase after the birth of his son. In fact, more sons a native has, the more prosperous he will become. 5th house is the own house of Surya and in this house Surya, Ketu and Brihaspati will give mixed results. However if Mercury, Venus and Rahu is in 2nd, 9th, 11th or 12th houses then Jupiter Sun and Ketu will give bad results.If the native is honest and laborious then Jupiter will give good results.Remedies1. Do not accept any donations or gifts.
2. Offers your services to priests and sadhus.Jupiter in 6th House
6th house belongs to Mercury and Ketu also has its effect on this house. So this house will give
combined effects of Mercury, Jupiter and Ketu. If Jupiter is benefic the native will be of pious
nature. He will get everything in life without asking. Donations and offerings in the name of elders will prove beneficial. If Jupiter is in 6th and Ketu is benefic then native will become selfish. However, if Ketu is malefic in 6th house and Mercury is also malefic the native will be unlucky upto 34 years of age. Here Jupiter causes asthma to the native’s fatherRemedies1. Offer things connected with Jupiter in a temple.
2. Feed the cocks.
3. Offer clothes to the priest.Jupiter in 7th House7th house belongs to Venus, so it will give mixed results. The native will have rise in luck after
marriage and native will be involved in religious works. The good result of the house will depend upon position of Moon. The native will never be a debtor and will have good children. And if the sun is also in 1st house the native will be a good astrologer and lover of comforts.
However if Jupiter is malefic in 7th house and Saturn is in the 9th the native will become a thief. If Mercury is in the 9th then his married life will be full of probelms. If Jupiter is malefic native will never get support from brothers and will be deprived of favours from the government. Jupiter in 7th house causes differences with the father. If so one should never donate clothes to anyone, otherwise one will certainly get reduced to extreme poverty.Remedies1. Offer worship to lord Shiva.
2. One should not keep idols of God in ones house.
3. Keep gold tied in a yellow cloth always with you.
4. One should stay away from yellow clad Sadhus and Faqirs.Jupiter in 8th HouseJupiter does not give good results in this house, but one will get all the worldly comforts. In the time of distress, one will get help from God. Being religious will increase native’s luck. As long as the native is wearing gold he will not be unhappy or ill. If there is Mercury, Venus or Rahu in 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th and 12th house, native’s father will be ill and native himself will face loss of prestige.Remedies1. Offer things connected with Rahu, like wheat, barley, coconut into running water.
2. Plant a Pipal tree in a cremation ground.
3. Offer Ghee and potatoes and camphor in temple.Jupiter in 9th House9th house is especially influenced by Jupiter. So the native will be famous, rich and will be born in a rich family. The native will be true to his words and will have long life and have good children. In case Jupiter is malefic the native will have none of these qualities and will be atheistic. If the native has any planet inimical to Jupiter in the 1st, 5th and 4th house then Jupiter will give bad results.Remedies1. One should go to temple everyday
2. Abstain from drinking alcohol.
3. Offer rice to running water.Jupiter in 10th HouseThis house belongs to Saturn. So the native will have to imbibe the qualities of Saturn only then he will be happy. The native should be cunning and sly. Only then the can enjoy the good results of Jupiter. If Sun is in the 4th house Jupiter will give very good results. Venus and Mars in the 4th house ensure multi-marriages for the native. If friendly planets are placed in the 2nd, 4th and 6th houses, Jupiter provides highly beneficial results in matters of money and wealth. A malefic Jupiter in the 10th makes the native sad and impoverished. He is deprived of ancestral properties, wife and children.Remedies1. Clean your nose before beginning any work.
2. Throw copper coins in the running water of a river for 43 days.
3. Offer almonds to religious places.
4. A temple with idols must not be established within the house.
5. Put Tilak of saffron on the forehead.Jupiter in 11th HouseJupiter in this house affects the things and relatives of his enemies Mercury, Venus and Rahu very adversely. Consequently, the wife of the native will remain miserable. Similarly, sisters, daughters and father’s sisters will also remain unhappy. The native will be a debtor even if Mercury is well placed. The native will be comfortable only as long as his father lives with him in a joint family along with brothers, sisters and mother.Remedies1. Always keep gold on your body.
2. Put on a copper bangle.
3. Watering a Pipal tree would prove beneficial.Jupiter in 12th HouseThe 12th house would provide the combined influences of Jupiter and Rahu, who are inimical to each other. If the native observes good conduct, wishes good for all and observes religious practices he will become happy and enjoy a comfortable sleep at night. He would become wealthy and powerful.
Abstaining from evil acts of Saturn will make the business of machinery, motor, trucks and
cars highly beneficial to him.Remedies1. Avoid furnishing false evidence in any matter.
2. Render services to sadhus, Pipal Gurus and Pipal tree.
3. Place water and Saunf on the head side of your bed during nights.

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, Dec 2007.

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