Feb 28, 2008

Chakras - I - Muladhara Chakra ( Base Chakra)

नमः शिवाय!

Previous post: Introduction to Chakras.

The base chakra is called Mul-Adhara chakra in Sanskrit, The place where it manifests is called Kunda and the energy Kundakula.

Mul means root, and Adhara means support or base, it is a 4 petal lotus, with the Brahmdvara in its center, where the "Shakti" resides, and this Brahmadvara remains closed by the head of the Kundalini, the Serpentine power, it lays there inactive in 3,1/2 coils. this point lies exactly near the end of the spine in the flat area between the Anus and the testicles of a human male, this area is called "Kanda".

The Mandala is Bhu Loka (Earth). (The Gross plane)
The Zodiac sign is Taurus
The Mantra is लँ . Agni Deva is present here.

The Endocrine Gland is Prostate, Adrenal.
The no of Petals are 4- Parmananda, Yogananda, Virananda and Samajanada,

वं , शं , षं , सं ,

The Linga positioned here is Swayambhu (Meaning self emerged)
The Vayu or Air here is called Kandarpu Vayu
The color of this Chakra is Crimson Red
The area of Knowledge is Unconscious.

The Energy is called Kundalini ( कुण्डलिनी ) and is Kakini Yogini ( काकिनी योगनी), काकिनीरूपधारिणी  मुलाधाराम्बुजारुढ़ा।  
The Musculine Deity for this Chakra is Shri Maha Ganapati.   
The Dvara or opening is Brahma Dvara, and Young Brahma resides here.

One of the purpose of yoga is to activate the Kundalini (Sanskrit meaning, to sit on the ground in a 3,1/2 circles) and send it to the crown Shasrara.

Swami Sivananda says:

The MULADHARA CHAKRA is situated between the root of the reproductive organ and the anus at the base of the spinal column. It is here, as I have already mentioned, that the two Nadis, Ida and Pingala, meet the Sushumna., hence it is also called Triveni, in French it is called Trois-Rivières

The Muladhara Chakra is two fingers above the anus and two fingers below the genitals and four fingers in width (i.e. If you sleep on your back). It has four petals (Nadi's) of crimson hue. 

In the pericarp of this Chakra there is a triangle in which the sleeping Kundalini coiled-up in 3,1/2 coils in Kunda, note for Shri Vishnu Kundalini is seven coils, so it is the journey from  the 3,1/2 coils to the 7 coils

The snake holds her tail in her mouth and covers the mouth of the Brahma-dvara with her head, the gateway to the Seat of Brahman, when a person dies the soul departs the body from this dvara or the door, and it is called going towards the south direction where the god of death Yama's abode is, and the one who was in a spiritual pursuit and reaches it goal of self realization and works his or her way up towards the Brahma randhra (Shikha sthana) leaves the body from Brahma Randhra, and is called going towards north, this is also one reason why people when they bathe in sacred rivers like Ganges, particularly in places like Kasi (Varanasi) they bathe in that part of the river which is going towards north and not towards south.

But please before you start building a new desires on this bit of information, read Adi Shanakaracharyas NIrvana Shatakam, https://ianala.blogspot.com/2018/12/blog-post_20.html, where he says Self is not even desire for Moksha. sorry. :-)

The Yogi who concentrates on the Muladhara Chakra gets full knowledge of the Kundalini and the various means to rouse it to action. 

As soon as the Kundalini is roused, (The Yogi gets the power to rise up above the ground), he gets full control over his breath, mind and semen. 

His Prana flows through the Sushumna and all his sins are destroyed. He gets knowledge of the past, present and future. 

He is immensely happy.

Mind, Prana and Virya (Semen) are three ways, control one of them the other two will automatically come in your control.

More to Follow: Chakra II.

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, Feb 2008


  1. Your drawing of the muladhara chakra is astounding! I would love to see more of the chakras, where can I see them? THANK YOU!

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