Feb 16, 2008

Karma Bhava- 10th House- B P H S

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

The Karma Bhava/10th Bhava/House from the Ascendant relates to Action, Fame, Career growth, profession, karma (action), conduct in society,  honors, awards, self-respect, dignity, knees.

The general understanding about this bhava is that it deals with your job and your capacity to earn, I would say NO, Job as a mere mode of earning is handled by 6th house, and the grah/planets present in them, lord of the 6th house and any dhristi of a grah on 6th house. and income is handled by 2nd, 4th, 7th, 9th and 11th, 10th bhava gives the career growth.

Profession and career are at the base level, role in public office (Government of Private) and nation as a society stands at the top level of this bhava, meaning a President of a Nation might not have any Grah/Planet in this Bhava, because for such a President the presidency is just a Job to earn some money and not to use that opportunity to pool all actions towards a constructive nation building. 

Another President with loaded 10th bhava might do something so considerable and positive or negative also, depending on the auspiciousness of this bhava.

10th from Lagna.

Few examples:

Donald Trump
has Sun and Rahu in 10th Taurus with Jupiter 9th dhristi.
Lal Bhadur Shastri had Sun, Moon and Mercury in 10th, Virgo in Rasi chart.
Moti Lal Nehru had Sun, Mercury and Venus in 10th, Aries in Rasic Chart.
Nicholas Sarkozy has Moon, Mars, Merc and Ketu in 10th, Scorpio, D-9, Sun 7th dhristi.
P V Narashima Rao had Sun, Mars and Mercury in 10th, Gemini in Rasi chart.
Zakir Hussain had Sun,Mercury and Jupiter in 10th, Aquarius in Rasi chart.

Lilian Battencourt has Sun, Jupiter and Venus in 10th ,Scorpio in D-9 chart.
Prince Charles has Moon and Rahu in 10th

Meira Kumar has Moon, Mars and Saturn in 10th, Capricorn in D-9 chart.

Few examples:

Al Pacino has Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in 10th, Aries in Rasi chart.
Al Pacino has Sun, Mars and Saturn in 10th, Cancer in D-9 chart.
Anup Jalota has Moon, Mercury and Jupiter in 10th, Leo in D-9 chart.
Avril Lavigne has Sun, Mars and Saturn in 10th, Aries in D-9 chart.
Carrie Anne Moss has Sun, Mercury and Venus in 10th, Leo, Rasi with Moon dhristi.

Charles Bronson has Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu in 10th, Virgo, Rasi chart.
Gulzar has Sun, Moon Mercury and Venus in 10th in Leo Rasi, with Saturn 7th dhristi.
Kareena Kapoor has Sun, Mercury and Saturn in 10th, Virgo in Rasi chart.
Rajesh Khanna has Moon, Mars and Mercury in 10th, Sg, D-9 chart, Jupiter 7th dhristi.
Sean Connery has Mars, Mercury and Venus in 10th, Virgo in Rasi, Saturn 10th dhristi.
Shammi Kapoor has  Sun Moon, Mercury and Saturn in 10th house, Scorpio, D-9 chart.
Steve McQueen has Sun,Mercury andVenus in 10th, Pisces in Rasi chart.
Susan Sarandon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter in 10th, Libra in Rasi chart.

Vincent Van Gogh has Sun, Mars and Venus in 10th Pisces in Rasi chart.
Whoopi Goldberg has Sun, Moon and Mercury in 10th, Libra in Rasi chart.

Rahul Dravid has Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Rahu in 10th house, Sg, Rasi chart.

Few Examples:

Albert Einstein had, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in 10th, Pisces Rasi chart.
Candoleeza Rice has same combination but in Libra as 10th house in Rasi chart.

B.V. Raman had Jupiter in 10th,
Deepak Chopra has Venus and Ketu in 10th and Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Sun in 9th, Leonardo de vinci had no Grah/Planets in his 10th,

 Few Examples:

Swami Chandrashekar Saraswati has Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in 10th, Taurus in Rasi.
Shirdi Sai Baba has Moon, Mars and Jupiter in 10th, Cancer in Rasi chart.
Vinobha Bhave, has Mars, Mercury and Venus in 10th, Virgo in Rasi chart.

Ammachi, she has Ketu in 10th,
Ramana Maharishi has Ketu and Moon in 10th,
Putaparthi Sai Baba has no Grah in 10th but he has Sun, Saturn, Mercury and Venus in Ascendant,
Swami Jayendra Saraswati has Jupiter and Mars in 10th,
Ramakrishna Paramhamsa has Ketu in 10th and Moon, Sun and Mercury in Lagna.
Swami Sivananda Maharaj has Moon in 10th and Saturn, Mars, and Rahu in Ascendant, Swami Vivekananda had Moon and Saturn in 10th,

Few Examples:

Francis Scobee had Mars, Venus and Saturn in 10th, Aries in Rasi chart, Shuttle accident.

Few Examples:

Osama Bin Laden has Sun, Mercury and Venus in 10th, Aquarius in Rasi chart.

Example, of a social contribution which can be used for negative purpose as well as positive purpose is of Albert Einstein, he had, Venus ( Exalted), Saturn, Mercury (Debilitated) and Sun in this bhava, Rahu and Mars in 8th house (Debilitated), Ketu in 2nd and Jupiter in the Dharma bhava (9th bhava) and Moon in 6th, Lagna (Ascendant) Gemini, and we know what he did to us, (E= MC(Square)) a simple formula changed the whole world and still we are dealing with it, well again this has been used for positive as well as negative purposes, but his intention would have always to remain positive only, but the circumstance in those day were such that his gift to the world was used for a negative purpose.

The 10th Bhava from Ascendant gives the real active mentality of the native with respect to his actions towards others, it has nothing to do with what world thinks about him, to see what world thinks about him, we have to see the 10th bhava from Arudha Lagna (AL), so for Albert Einstein, it is Gemini with Ascendant, the world perceived him as a ordinary, but very intelligent peer, but nothing very special, I am talking about the time when he was not "The Albert Einstein", because the loaded 10th from AL would confer the properties with or without any achievement, but in reality Albert Einstein was a Sensual individual, must have been a kind of ladies man and mostly he would have been liked by most of the opposite sex, given the exalted Venus in 10th (Pisces), very hard working, and might have worked very hard for what ever he achieved - Saturn in 10th, and Sun in 10th might have given him the radiance of the Sun and a great desire to withhold the public power, and a debilitated mercury, would have worked through his revenues by keeping him low on income and might have given him an ability to gamble. but above all the exchange between lord of 9th, Saturn and lord of 10th Jupiter, confer a kind of Raj yoga, and we all know what it is.

The 10th bhava effects are seen from

a) 10th Bhava from the Ascendant,
b) 10th bhava from Chandra (Moon),
c) Surya (Sun) in 10th from Moon and in Navamsa,
d) 10th from 10th, which will be 8th from Ascendant,
e) Dashamsa (D-10), Divisional chart.
f) 10th bhava in Dashamsa (D-10)
g) Chandra ( Moon) in Dashamsa (D-10)
h) Lord of 10th bhava and its position from Chandra (Moon
) i) Lord of 10th bhava ( Rasi chart) in Dashamsa (D-10)

The 10th Bhava, should also be seen from Ascendant, Arudha Lagna, Moon, Hora Lagna, Sree Lagna and Ghati Lagna.

Karma-Sthana- 10th Bhava/House from Ascendant, and If the significator is-

Surya (Sun).

Status, Pride, Social Rights, Responsibility, Independent views, help from Government, politicians, Officers, Power, Executive abilities.

Chandra (Moon)

Fame, Ability to deal with women and children.

Mangala (Mars),

Executive Abilities, proactive.

Budh (Mercury)

Professions and Careers, excellence in education, marketing, public relations, sales, communications, intuition, intelligence.

Guru (Jupiter)
Prosperity, Growth, Fame, Respect,Teacher, special ability in dealing with educational systems and culture.

Sukra (Venus)

Entertainment, beauty, pleasures, special ability in dealing with women, attraction and fashion.

Sani (Saturn)

Works, Actions, Karma, special ability to deal with fear and famine, hard working unionist.


Pilgrimages, Imports, desire for power.


Exports, aloofness from public.

10th Bhava represents the Mid -Heaven, 2nd in importance only to the Ascendant, low ashtakavarga "bindu", in this bhava can weaken the bhava considerably, bhavas whose lords posited in the 10th bhava gain considerable strength and the activities ruled by them succeed, any grah/planet in 10th bhava is independently capable of giving good yoga, that could mean, power, rise, and success, Surya (Sun) and Mangala (Mars) that get directional strength in the 10th bhava can be a great blessings in any chart providing dynamism and success, 7th bhava being the pada of the 10th bhava, should also be studied, as the 7th bhava rules business, promotes business, and strong 7th bhava gives an entitlement for independent business.

Effects of Karma Bhava: BPHS

1. I now explain the effects of Karma Bhava. Listen to these, o Maitreya, in the words of Brahma, Garga and others.

2. Paternal Happiness.

If Karma’s Lord is strong and in exaltation, or in its own Rasi/Navamsa, the native will derive extreme paternal happiness, will enjoy fame and will perform good deeds.

3. If Karma’s Lord is devoid of strength, the native will face obstructions in his work. If Rahu is in an angle, or in a trine, he will perform religious sacrifices, like Jyotishtoma.

4. If Karma’s Lord is with a benefic, or be in an auspicious Bhava, one will always gain through royal patronage and in business. In a contrary situation, only opposite results will come to pass.

5. Should Karma and Labha Bhava be both occupied by malefics, the native will indulge only in bad deeds and will defile his own men.

6. If the Lord of Karma Bhava is relegated to Randhr Bhava along with Rahu, the native will hate others; be a great fool and will do bad deeds.

7. If Sani (Saturn), Mangal and Karma’s Lord are in Yuvati, as Yuvati’s Lord is with a malefic, the native will be fond of carnal pleasures and of filling his belly.

8-10 Should Karma’s Lord be in exaltation and be in the company of Guru (Jupiter), as Dharma’s Lord is in Karma the native will be endowed with honor, wealth and valor.
One will lead a happy life, if Labha’s Lord is in Karma and Karma’s Lord is in Lagna, or, if the Lord of Karma Bhava is yuti with the Lord of Labha Bhava in an angle.

Should Karma’s Lord in strength be in Meen (Pisces) along Guru, the native will doubtless obtain robes, ornaments and happiness.

11. Should Rahu, Surya, Sani (Saturn) and Mangal be in Labha Bhava, the native will incur cessation of his duties.

12. One will be learned and wealthy, if Guru (Jupiter) is in Meen along with Sukra (Venus), while Lagna’s Lord is strong and Chandra ( Moon) is in exaltation.

13. Should Karma’s Lord be in Labha (11th), while Labha’s Lord is in Tanu Bhava (First Bhava) and Sukra is in Karma, the native will be endowed with precious stones.

14. If the Karma’s Lord is exalted in an angle, or a trine and is yuti (Conjoined) with Guru, or receives a Drishti from Guru, one will be endowed with deeds.

15. Should Karma’s Lord be in Lagna along with Lagna’s Lord, as Chandra is in an angle, or in a trine, the native will be interested in good deeds.

16. If Sani (Saturn) is in Karma Bhava along with a debilitated Graha, while Karma Bhava in the Navamsa Kundali is occupied by a malefic, the native will be bereft of acts.

17. One will indulge in bad acts, if Karma’s Lord is in Randhr Bhava (8th), while Randhr’s Lord is in Karm Bhava with a malefic.

18. Obstructions to the native’s acts will crop up, if Karma’s Lord is in fall, as both Karma Bhava and the 10th from Karma Bhava have malefic occupations.

19-21. Combinations for Fame.

One will be endowed with fame, if Chandra is in Karma Bhava, while Karma’s Lord is in a trine from Karma Bhava and Lagna’s Lord is in Lagna’s angle, similar effects will come to pass, if Labha’s Lord is in Karma Bhava, while Karma’s Lord is strong and gives a Drishti to Guru (Jupiter).

Fame will come to the native, if Karma’s Lord is in Dharma Bhava, as Lagna’s Lord is in Karma Bhava and Chandra is in Putra Bhava.

22. O excellent of the Brahmins, thus have been told about the effects of Karma Bhava in a brief manner. Other related effects be guessed by you based on the relationship of the Lords of Lagna and of Karma Bhava.

Effects of Grah/Planets in Karma Bhava/ 10th Bhava/House.

If Sun occupies 10th, the native will be extremely intelligent, rich, strong and will be endowed with conveyances, relatives and sons, will succeed in his undertakings, be valorous, unconquerable and great.

If Moon occupies 10
th, the native will not suffer grief, be dutiful, successful in his undertakings, affluent, pure, very strong, valorous and charitable.

If Mars occupies 10
th, the native will be proficient in his acts, be valorous, unconquerable, will serve important people, be endowed with sons and happiness and be very courageous.

If Mercury occupies 10
th, the native will possess distinguished intelligence, will perform distinguished acts, will attain fruition in undertakings, be very learned, courageous, strong and will be endowed with various kinds of ornaments.

If Jupiter occupies 10
th, the native will attain successful beginning in his undertaking, be honorable, effort full and will be endowed with abundant welfare, happiness, wealth, relatives, conveyances and fame.

If Venus occupies 10th, the native will earn success in litigations and will be endowed with happiness, sexual unions, honor, wealth, fame and great wisdom.

If Saturn occupies 10
th, the native will be wealthy, learned, valorous and be a minister, or a justice, or be the leader of a group, city, or village.

If Rahu occupies 10th, It is the desire to reach the top position in the social hierarchy, and the native opts for very unusual and manipulative, as the native starts this journey from the lower stratas of the society, the native goes through sudden jerks in his persona and leadership qualities, the focus of the native is on the public admiration and recognition as an public respected figure, and the native moves up using the instabilities and spaces in the social hierarchy.

If Ketu occupies 10th, A very withdrawn individual, who lacks public recognition and confirmation for his/her contributions, its all in the mind, the thinking, feeling, the gravity to pull himself/herself back 'cause they do not have anything to offer to the masses, the knowledge of public appearances, poise, dignity, honor, humility, lack but they do gain it slowly through their own status. once gained might try to pull himself/herself apart from the great expectations that lay on his shoulders, it is like they get shocked by the sudden spotlight.

The Rahu makes a individual a Extrovert and Ketu makes the same individual an Introvert.

Karma bhava-10th bhava/house- Argala ( Intervention)

Argala is intervention of Grah/planets, which can be Sukha- Argala, meaning intervention for good, and Papa-Argala, meaning Intervention for bad.

Ascendant has Sukha-Argala on the 10th bhava, if the grah/planets in 10th bhava and Ascendant are friendly, then the native will experience satisfaction and if the Grah/planets are inimical then the the native will experience dissatisfaction.

11th bhava has Dhana-Argala on 10th bhava, meaning the Grah/planets in 11th bhava will have bearing on the fruits of the actions by the Grah/planets in 10th bhava and 8th bhava has Labha-Argala on 10th bhava, meaning the grah/planets in 8th bhava will determine the end of career/work etc.

Lord of 10th in various bhavas:

Lord of 10th in Ascendant: Strong leadership qualities, and easy public recognition if it is exalted or strong, and in case of the lord of 10th being in fall, might not do well in his career due to his/her own self esteem issues, 10th lord in Ascendant confers Simhasana yoga- meaning kingly status after the middle years.

Lord of 10th in 2nd bhava: Direction of Karma and source of fortunes, family business will be source of livelihood, if the 10th lord is afflicted the family business wil be disrupted and misfortune to the native, strength of Jupiter and significtor of family deity is a crucial factor, 2nd house indicates food, and hotel industry, and the significator of hotel industry is Moon and if Moon influences 10th lord, success is sure.

Lord of 10th in 3rd bhava: Constant travelling and short journeys specially if Venus joins 10th lord, co-corns will further the career of the native.

Lord of 10th bhava is debilitated: Native will face obstruction.

Lord of 10th is Exalted or strong: Extreme happiness and will enjoy fame and will perform good deeds.

Lord of 10th with Benefic or aspected by a benefic: Gains through royal patronage and in business.

The results will be opposite if the 10th lord is aspected or conjoined with a malefic.

If the lord of 10th in 5th bhava: Research occult studies, gambling, speculation, growth and achievement, service to orphans, handicapped, old and sick people, and If Jupiter and Moon are present in the 8th, they will damage the above effects.

Note: I will complete this section with other bhavas later.

Lords of various bhavas in Karma bhava.

Lord of 1st in Karma bhava:
Strong leadership, easy public recognition if exalted or strong, and if in fall, might spoil his/her career due to self esteem problems.

Lord of 2nd in karma bhava: A good leader with strong morals and principles, enriches his/her leadership with culture and business ideas.

Lord of 3rd in Karma bhava: Public relations, might need public approval for every action, and might not be able to protect the monetary interest of the society at large.

Lord of 4th in Karma bhava: Very popular and trusted leader but only at the root level and not at the national level, might lack global instinct.

Lord of 5th in karma bhava: A strong leader who would like to play and create or gamble, might be very uncomfortable in the role of a director, but would do extremely well in industry of theatre.

Lord of 6th in Karma bhava: The native of this kind can be extremely good at handling leadership in areas that involve conflicts like police, Army, medicine, debt, divorce, loans etc.

Lord of 7th in Karma bhava:Auspicious, Particularly good results in administrative law, judgeship, policy and planning, human relations/human resources, diplomacy, and other agreement-seeking disciplines.

Lord of 8th in Karma bhava:The house of Saturn dislikes change and this native might shun change, the native adopts a very linear approach, like I want to go up inch by inch and if matched with someone who want to scale everest overnight, conflicts would arise and thenative might change his location but would not change or adapt to the existing conditions.

Lord of 9th in Karma bhava: Good leadership for thepeople and the native
, brings some great value to the leadership role and might have a very broad view point if the Grah is auspicious and this native might take the leadership as a responsibility towards the society, understand law and self righteous, and would be trusted by people he/she would lead.

Lord of 10th in Karma bhava: In a way the best position for the lord of 10th, the native might have a global perspective and is well suited for multinational corporation, mega plans and large scale projects, all planets would give an extra edge as a team player except Surya ( Sun) here is too independent, Saturn would be the best.

Lord of 11th in Karma bhava: This position is not suitable for the financial position of the native himself/herself, he/she might bring some knowledge to the administration but would remain aloof, the native might connect people and commerce.

Lord of 12th in Karma bhava
: The Lord of Vyaya bhava in Karma bhava, it is a difficult proposition, the native would loose for the benefit of the organization, not a candidate for open arguments and discussions, would like to operate behind close doors and make secret contracts, so the advisers might remain at loggerheads with the native, good at international levels and plays.

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, Feb 2008


  1. Hi
    I have been lurking around your blog for quite sometime now. Having read all your write ups on the various bhavas, I find your interpretation extremely different in a very enlightening manner.
    The way you inter-link bhavas and lordships with ease, and link them to common behaviour is brilliant and teaches one to interpret the relevance of houses and karakas.
    Just wanted to say that you've done a great job- so helpful for toddlers in astrology like me :D
    Thank you...
    Sudha R

  2. This is seriously exciting . My jupiter, mercury and venus are in 10th house and i find your interpretations exciting. Could please throw some light on Hamsa Yoga ?

    with regards

  3. Hi, your study w.r.t bhava is really great! I have moon, jupiter, mars, saturn in my tenth house; venus in it's own, seventh house; Sun and Mercury in 8th; rahu in 9th and ketu in 3rd.

    I am seriously rapped by my life in every sense whether it's family, education, relations, money, every thing. will you be able to interpret any thing relating to the position of my stars.
    If you could convince about any planetary position in my chart.

    I WILL... I dont have words.


  4. sir,

    the last message was posted by me. If you could predict any thing about my planetary position.
    Mine is the last message in your blog, my details are there in that message.

    I shall be waiting for your valuable comments!


  5. wonderful work and great contribution...my dob 14th dec 1985 11:45 am (vellore , tamilnadu), i have rahu in 3rd house, ketu and mars in 9th, venus,mercury,satrun, and sun in 10th, moon in 11, jupiter in 12...right now i am running rahu mahadasa from 4th quarter of 2007...can u predict something regarding my career..i completed my b.tech..but no job.looking it for last two years

  6. Please tell me about my life, profession , marriage life .my DOB 31/08/1991 time 11.20am at haora WB

  7. Hello ,my name pooja .my date of birth is 16 may 1990 kolhapur maharashtra . Want to know about the my career opportunity
    , marriage life any yoga is there.
    Hoping for the reply .

  8. Hello sir , My name is pooja rane .dob is 16 may 1990 kolhapur maharashtra. Want to know about my career opportunity , marriage life ,any good yoga .
    Waiting for the reply.

  9. Respected Sir.

    I could know about my future..
    Which business or line would be suitable for me..
    I m working and working ..
    But no positive comes to me for years and years..
    Plz guide me on career and would I ever live stable peaceful happy and rich life Sir ?
    Name : hemang
    My Dob 31/01/1980..
    Time - 3:20 am..
    Place - malad east , Mumbai..
    Thank you sir

  10. Sir
    My DOB 10-may-1973
    POB machilipatnam,India
    Currently running Mars-jup. Lost job in Mars-rahu. May I know why. Also let me know when will I get a job.

  11. Sir, if sun-mercury-venus-moon conjunction is in lagna how much powerful the combination will be.......
    Name:-manas Dixit
    Place:-korba, Chhattisgarh India
    Eagerly waiting for your reply.........
    Email id- mansidixit7@yahoo.com

  12. Hello Mansi/Manas Dixit,

    You are just 15, Normally I ask people to wait till they turn 21, but :-)

    Anyway Your Lagna is the most powerful house in your entire Rasi Chart, Sun and Moon (17 degrees apart from Sun) should not be present in one house, Moon kind of looses its shine, and Venus is 1 degree apart from SUN (0 degree), so it is badly combust, Mercury is 18 degrees apart so it is kind of safe, but it will not give same phala as an independent Mercury so strengthen it with an Emerald on your middle or ring finger on your working hand, particularly when Mercury is transiting through Capricorn, and all these four Grah are present in Capricorn, the Lord is Saturn, and Saturn and Venus have exchanged their houses which is a good yoga, and when four planets are present in one house more than the combination, you should see what individual Grah are contributing to your character, because 1st house Lagna is TANU bhava, you and your physical and Mental self.

    Read properties of each Grah and deduce the positive and negative effects.


    SP Ianala
    Deua-Montagnes Quebec
