Mar 14, 2010

Effects of antara dasha in maha dasha - I Vimshottari dasha system BPHS

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Working out of Antar Dashas of Grahas and Rāśis in Vimshottari etc. Dasha systems

1. For finding out the span of the Antar Dasha of a Grah in the Dasha of the same, or another Grah multiply the Dasha years of the former with the Dasha years of the latter and divide the product by the total Dasha years of all the Grahas. For finding out the span of the Pratyantar Dasha of the same, or any other Grah in the Antar Dasha of another Grah multiply the years etc. of the Antar Dasha with the Dasha years of the other Grah and divide the product by the total Dasha years of all the Grahas. The figure so available in months etc. will represent the Pratyantar Dasha of the former.

2. In every Dasha the first Antar Dasha belongs to the Lord of the Dasha. Then the further Antar Dashas belong to the other 8 Grahas in the same order, as followed for the Dashas. The same applies to Pratyantar Dasha.

The Antar Dashas of Char Grahas in Char etc. Dasha

3-4. The Antar Dashas of the Charadi Kendradi Dasha of the Grahas are worked out by dividing the Dasha years by 9. The first Dasha will invariably be of the Lord of the Dasha. Thereafter there will be Antar Dashas of Grahas, placed in Kendras, Panapharas and Apoklimas, respectively, according to their strength.

Antar Dashas of Rāśis5. The Antar Dashas of Rāśis is worked out by dividing the Dasha years by 12. Pratyantar Dashas of the Antar Dashas are also calculated in the same manner.

6. The Antar Dashas will start from the Dasha Rāśi, or from the Rāśi 7th therefrom, whichever is stronger. The Antar Dashas are in the onwards order, if the Dasha Rāśi is odd and in the reverse order, if it is even.

7-12. O Brahmin! Now I will acquaint you with the special characteristics of the order of the Antar Dashas of the Rāśis. If the Dasha Rāśi is a Movable one, the Antar Dashas of the 12 Rāśis are in the onwards, or reverse order. If the Dasha Asraya Rāśi is a Fixed one, the Antar Dashas will start from it and thereafter there will be an Antar Dasha of every sixth Rāśi. If the Dasha Ashraya Rāśi is a Dual one, the first Antar Dasha will belong to it. Thereafter there will be Antar Dashas of Rāśis in Kendr to it, Rāśis in Kendr to the 5th from it and Rāśis in Kendr to the 9th from it. In the case of all kinds of Rāśis, namely Movable, Fixed, or Dual, the order will be onwards, if the Dasha Asraya Rāśi is an odd one and in the reverse order, if it is an even one. The so called Dasha Asraya Rāśi is known, as Pak Rāśi. In the first order Rāśi, which is Pak Rāśi, is also called Bhog Rāśi. Later, if the Dasha Prad Rāśi is even, then the Bhog Rāśi will be that, which is at the same Rāśi distance, as the Dasha Asraya Rāśi is from the Dasha Prad Rāśi. For the Char, Sthir and Trikon Dasha, the Pak and Bhog should be determined in this manner. If Pak and Bhog Rāśis are associated with malefics, there will be pain in the body and mental agony. There will be enjoyment, if they are associated with benefics. In the Kaal Chakr Dasha, like the Vimshottari Dasha system, the span of Dasha should be multiplied by the span of the Dasha of the Rāśi, whose Antar Dasha is required and the product should be divided by the total Dasha years of (all) the Rāśi(s). The years, months etc. as arrived at will represent the Antar Dasha of the Rāśi concerned.

13-16. Now I will tell you the method of working out the Antar Dashas in the Pinda, Ańś and Nisarg Dashas. The Lord of Dasha is Dasha Pachak of full part, the Grah, associated with, is Pachak of ½ part, the Grah in Trikon from him is Pachak of l/3 part and the Grah in the 4th and 8th from him are Pachak of ¼ part, the Grah in the 7th from him is Pachak of l/7 part of the Dasha. No Grah in any other Bhava is Antar Dash Pachak. In this manner there are Antar Dasha Pachakas in the above-mentioned Bhavas from the various Bhavas, including Lagn. In any of such Bhavas, if there are more than one Grah, then the one, who is the strongest amongst them will be the Pachak. Take the fractions and reduce them in equivalent fractions with a common denominator. Add up the aliquot parts of the Dasha, representative of the various numerators, leaving out the denominators. The Antar Dashas will be arrived at, when the various aliquots are converted into years, months etc. within the main Dasha and divided by the above sum. (The calculations, given above, are not the literal translation of the text in the verses concerned, but their actual meaning and sense. This has been got confirmed by checking up with similar information, given in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali and Varamihir’s Brihat Jatak)

Ch. 52. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Sūrya (Vimshottari)

1-3. Good effects, like acquisition of wealth and grains etc., are derived in the Antar Dasha of Sūrya in his own Dasha, if Sūrya is exalted, in his own Bhava, in Labh, in a Kendr, or in a Trikon. Adverse results will be experienced, if Sūrya is debilitated, or in an inauspicious Bhava, or Rāśi. Medium effects will be realized, if Sūrya is in other houses. If Sūrya is the Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati, there will be danger of premature death, or death-like sufferings. The remedial measures to be adopted are Mrityunjaya Japa, or the worship of Sūrya (by recitation of appropriate Mantras, charity etc.).

4-6. Functions, like marriage etc., gain of wealth and property, acquisition of a house, of land, cattle and conveyances etc. will be the effects of the Antar Dasha of Candr in the Dasha of Sūrya, if Candr is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon. There will be marriage of the native, birth of children, beneficence of and favours from kings and fulfillment of all ambitions, if Candr is in his exaltation Rāśi, or in his own Rāśi.

7-10. Distress to wife and children, failures in ventures, disputes with others, loss of servants, antagonism with the king and destructions of wealth and grains will be the effects, if Candr is waning, or is associated with malefics. Effects, like danger from water, mental agony, imprisonment, danger from diseases, loss of position, journeys to difficult places, disputes with coparceners, bad food, trouble from thieves etc., displeasure of the king, urinary troubles, pains in the body will be experienced, if Candr is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya.

11-12½. Luxuries, comforts, pleasures, dawn of fortune (Bhagyodaya), increase in the enjoyment from wife and children, acquisition of kingdom, performance of marriage and religious functions, gain of garments, land and conveyance and birth of children and grandchildren will be the auspicious effects, if there are benefics in the 1st, the 9th, or a Kendr from the Lord of the Dasha.

13-14. Unpalatable food, or course food, exile to outside places etc. will be the effects in the Antar Dasha, if Candr is in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Candr is weak. There will be premature death, if Candr is the Lord of a Marak Bhava. To acquire peace and comfort, the remedial measure is giving in charity of a white cow and a female buffalo (Mahishi).

15-18. Auspicious effects, like acquisition of land, gain of wealth and grains, acquisition of a house etc. will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Sūrya, if Mangal is in his exaltation Rāśi, in his own Rāśi, in a Kendr, or in a Trikon. All-round gains, attainment of the position of a Commander of the Army, destruction of enemies, peace of mind, family comforts and increase in the number of co-borns will be the effects, if Mangal is yuti with the Lagn’s Lord.

19-20. Brutality, mental ailment, imprisonment, loss of kinsmen, disputes with brothers and failure in ventures will result, if Mangal is in the 8th, or in the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha, if Mangal is associated with malefics, or, if Mangal is without dignity and strength.
21-22. Destruction of wealth by the displeasure of the king will be the effect, if Mangal is in his debilitation Rāśi, or be weak. Diseases of the mind and body will result, if Mangal is the Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati Bhava. Recovery from ill health, increase in longevity and success in adventures are possible, if remedial measure, like recitation of Vedas, Japa and Vrashotsarg are performed in the prescribed manner.

23-26½. In the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Sūrya, if Rahu is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon from Lagn, there will be in the first two months loss of wealth, danger from thieves, snakes, infliction of wounds and distress to wife and children. After 2 months inauspicious effects will disappear and enjoyment and comforts, sound health, satisfaction, favours from the king and government etc. will be the favourable effects, if Rahu is yuti with benefics, or, if Rahu is in the Navāńś of a benefic. Recognition from the king, good fortune, name and fame, some distress to wife and children, birth of a son, happiness in the family etc. will be derived, if Rahu is in an Upachaya from Lagn, if Rahu is associated with a Yog Karak, or is placed auspiciously from the Lord of the Dasha.

27-29. Imprisonment, loss of position, danger from thieves and snakes, inflection of wounds, happiness to wife and children, destruction of cattle, house and agricultural fields, diseases, consumption (Gulma - enlargement of the skin), dysentery etc. will be the results, if Rahu is weak, or is in the 8th, or in the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.

30-31. Adverse effects, like premature death and danger from snakes will be derived, if Rahu is in Dhan, or Yuvati, or, if Rahu is associated with the Lords of either of these Bhavas. Worship of Goddess Durga, Japa, giving in charity of a black cow, or female buffalo are the remedial measures for alleviation of the above evil effects, or total escape from them.

32-33½. Marriage of the native, favours by the king, gain of wealth and grains, birth of a son, fulfillment of the ambitions by the beneficence of the sovereign and gain of clothes will be the auspicious effects, derived in the Antar Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Sūrya, if Guru is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon to Lagn, in his exaltation Rāśi, in his own Rāśi, or in his own Varg.

34-36. Acquisition of a kingdom, comforts of conveyance, like palanquin (motor car in the present times), gain of position etc. will result, if Guru is the Lord of Dharm, or Karm. Better fortune, charities, religious inclinations, worship of deities, devotion to preceptor, fulfillment of ambitions will be the auspicious effects, if Guru is well placed with reference to the Lord of the Dasha.

37-39. Distress to wife and children, pains in the body, displeasure of the king, non-achievement of desired goals, loss of wealth, due to sinful deeds, mental worries etc. will result in his Antar Dasha, if Guru is in the 6th, or in the 8th from the Lord of the Dasha, or is associated with malefics. Giving in charity gold, a tawny-coloured cow (Kapila Gaya), worship of Isht Lord (Isht Dev) are the remedial measures to obtain alleviation of the evil effects and to achieve good health and happiness.

40-42. Destruction of foes, full enjoyment, some gain of grains, auspicious functions, like marriage etc. at home will be the good effects, derived in the Antar Dasha of Śani in the Dasha of Sūrya, if Śani is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon from Lagn. Well-being, acquisition of more property, recognition by the king, achievement of renown in the country, gain of wealth from many sources will be the effects, if Śani is in his exaltation, in his own, in a friendly Rāśi and, if Śani is yuti with a friendly Grah.

43-44. Rheumatism, pains, fever, dysentery-like disease, imprisonment, loss in ventures, loss of wealth, quarrels, disputes with coparceners, claimants etc. will be the effects in the Antar Dasha, if Śani is in the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha, or is associated with malefics.

45-47. There will be loss of friends at the commencement, good effects during the middle part and distress at the end of the Dasha. In addition to other evil effects there will be separation from parents and wandering, if Śani be in his Rāśi of debilitation. If Śani is the Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati, there will be danger of premature death. Giving in charity black cow, buffalo, goat and Mrityunjaya Japa, are the remedial measures for obtaining relief from the evil effects of the Antar Dasha. These measures help to achieve happiness and gain of wealth and property.

48-49½. Acquisition of a kingdom, enthusiasm and vivacity, happiness from wife and children, acquisition of conveyance through the beneficence of the sovereign, gain of clothes, ornaments, pilgrimage to holy places, acquisition of a cow etc. will be the good effects in the Antar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Sūrya, if Budh is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon from Lagn.

50-51½. Budh becomes very beneficial, if he gets associated with the Lord of Dharm (9TH HOUSE). Reverence from and popularity amongst people, performance of pious deeds and religious rites, devotion to the preceptor and deities, increase in wealth and grains and birth of a son, will be the auspicious effects, if Budh is in Dharm, Putr, or Karm.

52-53½. Marriage, offering of oblations, charity, performance of religious rites, name and fame, becoming famous by assuming another name, good food, becoming happy, like Indra, by acquiring wealth, robes and ornaments will be the effects, if Budh is in an auspicious Bhava, like a Trikon etc. from the Lord of the Dasha.

54-57. Body distress, disturbance of peace of mind, distress to wife and children, will be the evil effects in the Antar Dasha of Budh, if he is in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha (Budh cannot be in the 6th, or the 8th from Sūrya). There will be evil effects at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, some good effects in the middle part of the Antar Dasha and the possibility of displeasure of the king and exile to a foreign country at the end of the Dasha. If Budh is the Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati, there will be pains in the body and attacks of fever. For relief from the evil effects and to regain good health and happiness the remedial measures are the recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving in charity grains and an idol, made of silver.

58-59. Body pains, mental agony, loss of wealth, danger from the king, quarrels with the kinsmen will be the effects of the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Sūrya. If Ketu is associated with the Lord of Lagn, there will be some happiness at the commencement, distress in the middle part and receipt of the news of death at the end of the Antar Dasha.

60-61. Diseases of teethe, or cheeks, urinary troubles, loss of position, loss of friends and wealth, death of father, foreign journey and troubles from enemies will be the results, if Ketu is in the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.

62-64. Beneficial effects, like happiness from wife and children, satisfaction, increase of friends, gain of clothes etc. and renown will be derived, if Ketu is in Sahaj, Ari, Karm, or Labh.
If Ketu is Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati (or is in any of those Bhavas), there will be danger of premature death. The remedial measures for obtaining relief from the evil effects are recitation of Mantras of Goddess Durga (Shat Chandi Path) and giving a goat in charity.
65-68. Marriage and happiness, as desired from wife, gain of property, travels to other places, meeting with Brahmins and the king, acquisition of kingdom, riches, magnanimity and majesty, auspicious functions at the home, availability of sweet preparations, acquisition of pearls and other jewels, clothes, cattle, wealth, grains and conveyances, enthusiasm, good reputation etc. are the auspicious effects of the Antar Dasha of Śukr in the Dasha of Sūrya, if Śukr is placed in a Kendr, or in a Trikon, or, if Śukr is in his exaltation Rāśi, in his own Rāśi, in his own Varg, or in a friendly Rāśi.

69-73. Displeasure of the king, mental agony and distress to wife and children will be the effects in the Antar Dasha of Śukr, if he is in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha. The effects of the Antar Dasha would be moderate at its commencement, good during the middle portion and evil effects, like disrepute, loss of position, inimical relations with kinsmen and loss of comforts, will be derived at the end. If Śukr is the Lord of Yuvati (and Dhan), there will be pains in the body and the possibility of suffering from diseases. There will be premature death, if Śukr is associated with Ari’s, or Randhr’s Lord. The remedial measures for obtaining relief from the evil effects are Mrityunjaya Japa, Rudra Japa and giving in charity a tawny cow, or female buffalo.

To Follow:Effects of Antara Dasha in Maha Dasha -II

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal Mar 2010

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