Jul 14, 2015

Epilepsy or Seizure disorders and Vedic Astrology

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Epilepsy (Seizure disorders) : Epilepsy is a neurological disorder and the source of Epilepsy is the brain, and Epilepsy is considered a chronic disorder and the main symptoms being recurrent unprovoked seizures.

It is estimated that close to 50 million people all over the world suffer from some form or type of Epilepsy and there is no cure in Allopathy (English medicine) but with medication the symptoms can be controlled.

Brain is all electrical, so it appears when ever there is a traffic jam of electrical signals in certain neurons, the brain triggers a sudden high electrical jerk causing all muscles and body to go into seizures, the purpose might be to clear of the electrical traffic jam.

It is estimated that young children suffer from this problem but over certain period of time they are free from it, and even old people are vulnerable to this problem.

Astrology and EpilepsyThe important elements in a chart.

1) Lagna, Ascendant, and Lagna lord's position,
2) Moon, its position and its status as Moon controls mind,
3) Jupiter, Planet of knowledge,
4) Saturn, Planet which can cause severe sickness,
5) Mercury, Planet responsible for communication and speech,
6) Mars, Planet responsible for anger,
7) Rahu, Is a shadow planet and it enhances the effects of the planets present with it or effects of the lord of the bhava or house it is present with,
8) Ketu, Is a shadow planet and it reduces the effects of the planets present with it or effects of the lord of the bhava or house it is present with.
9) Virgo is a very vulnerable house for sickness, and lord of Virgo is Mercury so it might effect communication and speech etc.
10) Tanu Bhava or 1st house as it represents all physical and mental.
11) 2nd house is responsible for Vak Shakti, Speech, Face, Tongue, Right Eye,
12) Planets in certain Nakshatra, Like Saturn in Hasta Nakshatra
13 6th, 8th and 12th houses, the dusthanas afflicted or with papa or krura graha Mars, Saturn,
14) Dasha and Antara dasha dosha,
15) Bhadhakas and Marana karaka Sthana of Planets,
16) Relationship between planets
17) Negative Strength of Planets, check Ashtakavarga
18) Avastha (Situation in terms of age, maturity)  of Planets
19) If Rasi and Navamsa charts are not enough for information one can move to other divisional charts.
20) Argala, Virodhaargala, Istha devata, Rahu for rebirth, Atma Karaka, etc.

The current trend of too much electronics around growing children, so I think children's bedrooms and play rooms should be free from any electronics and electrical equipment, but now a day with out a game boy or IPod or IPhone children's life is not complete.

It might appear almost every planet has something to do with Epilepsy or any other brain related ailment, but these are the factors which can individually or collectively contribute to it.

There is this chart sent to me by someone, the issue is the child born on 29 Dec 2009, 10:07 pm, Barnstaple, suffered fits at the age of 2 years and 9 months and since then his health has been not good and he has problems with his speech, though he is going to school, so the parents tried almost every thing but no relief seems to be in sight, though the child suffered only one episode of fits and has been more or less in stable condition and is going to school.

The child just 6 years old, so normally it is recommended not to read charts of children below 21 years old, but since there is a problem I tried to read it and here is the analysis.

Rasi Chart

Tithi: Shukla Trayodashi, Nakshatra, Rohini 3 pada,

Lagna is Leo, and the house is empty, Lord of  the house Sun is in Putra bhava, or 5th house, and this house has a 7th house dhristi of Jupiter,
2nd house, is Virgo, Saturn (10 degrees) is present in Hasta Nakshatra, Pada 1,
3rd house, Libra is empty,
4th house, Scorpio is also empty,
5th house, Sagittarius, Lord of the house Jupiter in Kumbha or 7th house, Sun (14 degrees), Mercury retro (26 degrees), Venus (11 degrees) and Rahu (27 degrees) are posited there,
6th house, Capricorn, empty,
7th house Aquarius is with Jupiter (1 degree), Lord of 5th and 8th house and it has a 8th hosue dhristi of debilitated retro mars,
8th house, Pisces, empty,
9th house, Aries, empty,
10th house, Moon in Taurus, and Moon at 18 degrees is exalted here, Moon in Rohini, Pada 3,
11th house, Gemini is with Ketu (27 degrees) and has a 10th house dhristi of Saturn,
12th house, Cancer is with Mars retro (25 degrees), and Mars is debilitated here (Neech Avastha) Lord of Cancer is Moon,

Navamsa Chart D9

Lagna is Virgo and is empty,
2nd house is Libra, Lord of Libra Venus is in 11th house, and it has 7th house dhristi of debilitated Saturn from Aries,
3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th house are empty
4th house, Rahu and Mercury retro
6th house, Mars retro
8th house, Satrun debilitated
10th house, Moon and Ketu in Gemini,
11th house, Venus in Cancer,
12th house, Sun in its ownhouse Leo,

If we go house by house, Lagna is free from any afflictions so by birth the child is physically healthy and with Sun lordship and Jupiter's dhristi, he should be very good looking and bright,only hicup is Lordship os Kumbha, Saturn in Virgo in Hasta Nakshatra.

Nakshatra, Rohini, Pada 3, It falls in Gemini Navamsa, Lordship is Mercury, and it bestows power of mind and speech, Rohini natives are honest, beautiful and pure and Rohini is a productive Nakshatra, Rohini is wife of Moon.

Moon: Is Exalted in Taurus and is absolutely fine and is in 10th house will bestow a very promising public career, e.g. Obama has Moon in 10th house.

Jupiter: Jupiter is in Kumbha, Lordship is Saturn, which is afflicted, so Jupiter might carry that and has a 7th house dhristi on Lagna, few people have sighted that Jupiter at the time of ascendant rising might cause Epilepsy.

Saturn: Is the main reason for all the suffering due to its position, Aavastha, period, Dasha, Antara Dhasa, in this case, Saturn is in Hasta Nakshatra which gives roga yoga and it is present in Virgo, Virgo it self is vulnerable for sickness, and it seems around 1st week of August 2012, when Saturn and Mars were in transit in Virgo and Saturn left Virgo in 1st week of Aug 2012, they together inflicted this effect on the native.

Saturn needs to be kept as far as away from the child, Saturn likes dirty places, places full of clutter, old things, meaning Saturn needs to be made weaker so that the effects go down and Mercury needs to be raised.

Mercury: Virgo has Mercury lordship and effects Speech and Communication but the native will regain as the planets have moved away from Virgo, and only after 25 to 30 years they will return together to Virgo and this period was very sensitive for not only this native but for the entire world.

Mars: Mars in Asresha or Aslesha Nakshatra, pada 3, and is debilitated 18 degrees (high debilitation is at 28 degrees Cancer) in Cancer, and is also retro, in 12th house, 12th house is responsible for pleasure, and moksha, women in Hindu households are recommended to wear corals because corals are believed to control anxiety and anger, it more like rage which needs control.

2nd house Virgo is afflicted with Saturn in hasta Nakshatra, pada 1 which causes roga yoga, and lord of Virgo Mercury is in 5th house 15 degrees apart from Sun and retro, which means some past Karma needs to be resolved, 5th house is also shows past punya, 2nd house in Navamsa chart is also afflicted with 7th house dhristi of debilitated Saturn, Saturn in 2nd house as such slows down the natives ability of speaking.

Rahu and Ketu; Rahu in 5th house and Ketu in Labha bhava, 11th house are not in the equation here.

Dusthana: 6th, and 8th houses are empty but 6th house has 7th house dhristi from debilitated Mars, and 8th house has 7th house dhristi of Saturn, but their position is much better then most other houses, 12th House is afflicted with Mars debilitated.

Dasha: This native had Monn mahadasha when born and was all right till Around Aug 2012, and Mars Maha Dasha started from Aug 2013 (Lahiri) and will remain tll Aug 2020, and next Dasha is Rahu from Aug 2020 till Aug 2038 followed by Jupiter for 16 years, followed by Saturn for 19 years and followed by Mercury (17 yrs), Ketu (7 yrs), Venus (20 yrs) and Sun (6 yrs).

Antara Dasha: Venus Antara dasha and Saturn Pratyantara dasha during Aug 2012 and Venus is combust 11 degrees, Sun 10 degrees Saggitarius.

Bhadhakas (Road block): For Leo which is Sthira rasi (Fixed sign), 7th house and its lord are Bhadhaka, 7th house is Kumbha, Aq, and lord is Saturn and Jupiter is in Kumbha,

Marana Karak Sthana: Rasi Chart none, Navamsa, Sun in 12th house and owns 12th house.

Relationship between planets: Saturn in Virgo is freindly to Mercury the lordship, Mars in Cancer is friendly to Moon the lordship, Jupiter is not so friendly with Saturn its lordship, this signifies the comfortability of planets in their respective houses, for Argala, Saturn in 2nd house, so Virodhaargala from Mars in 12th, Saturn is a permanent enemy of Mars, but friendly temporarily, but Mars is OK with Saturn.

Strengths of Planets: Astakavarga,

Sun is 3 low average,
Moon is 5, High Average, the exalted Moon will bestow high average strength in a positive way,
Mars is 5 high average and as it is debilitated negative strength will be high average,
Mercury is 5 high average
Jupiter is 5 high average
Venus is 6 high, as it is combust, the Antara dasha of Venust will be uncomfortable for the native,
Saturn is 3 low Average

(Below 3 is low strength, 3 to 5 is average, 6 and above is high Strength)

Avastha of Planets: The importance of Avastha is to see what situation the planet if a happy powerful in its youth will give happy and strong results, and a happy, powerful planet in its old age will give happy, strong but slow results, and a child like planet will give very scarce results, in this case,

Sun is average, and a child,
Moon is high average and in its youth,
Mars is in its middle age and high average so the effects will be very uncomfortable
Mercury is in its middle age, and it is posited with Sun, it is not combust, results will be high average but slow,
Jupiter is an infant, and high average,
Venus is a child, and combust,
Saturn is also a child and low average which is a positive sign, so the negative effects will be scarce or little or momentary.

Conclusion: This native suffered a momentary injury due to Saturn in 2nd house, Virgo, Hasta Nakshatra, Venus Antara dasha and Venus gets debilitated in Virgo, Saturn pratyantara dasha, Mars and Saturn transit through Virgo during Aug 2012, Jupiter as bhadhaka, its dhristi on Lagna, it was a collective effect of all the above, but the injury was very small and will heal as Moon is very positive, as Mercury is responsible for speech and 2nd house lordship is Mercury, a clear green, Emerald in panch loha or gold on little finger, as little finger is also responsible for communication, might enhance Mercury to help him regain his speech and other communicative abilities. 

If Saturn in 2nd house slows down the natives ability of Speech, Rohini Pada 3 Nakshatra bestows power of mind and speech.

Try a clear Emerald on wednesdays and see how it helps the child if results are positive continue for entire week, and under observation let him wear it for ever, it will help him in his studies also, and whatever Coral, Pendants, should be used on experimental basis, If any thing causes negative effect on the child, better to be removed, Hanuman Kavacha is OK, Satudays are governed by Saturn so take refuge in the Lord Venkateshwara or Balaji, play devotional music, or Vishnu Shasranama which good for everyone.

Avoid dark colours, use light green or light colours for clothes, wall paints, objects, toys, etc.


Remedy: As Jupiter is the main planet concerning head related issues, it is best to read श्री बृहस्पति कवचम्  as a remedy, particularly for all those natives who have Jupiter in their Ascendant or Jupiter is in Cancer, Saggitarius, Pisces or in mutual exchange with the lord of the house it is posited in.

Remedy: As per Brihad Jabal Upanishad, Shiv Upanishad:

Raksha Raakh : Bhasma made from dung of a Suman type of cow, is effective against following issues, Preta Bhaada, Brahma Rakshas bhada, Mirgi (Epilepsy), Other Birth related ailments.

Deity for Raksha Raakh is Ishaan, (Shiva)

Other types of cows for various Bhasma from their dung are: Nanda, Shyama, Surabhi, Shushila, Suman.

Vrihat (Brihat) Vat Chintamani Ras is one product being recommended for Epilepsy by Ayurvedic Doctors, but please consult an Ayurvedic Doctor for proper instructions.

One source is https://www.planetayurveda.com/library/vrihat-vatchintamani-ras/

(Note: I am not an Ayurvedic Doctor.)

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala Montreal, 15 July 2015


  1. There is another case i request you to study and suggest some remedies. The boy is suffering from epileptic seizures for the past 5 months.
    details are as follows
    T.O.B 17.26
    P.O.B san jose California

  2. Please provide your email id also, thanks!

  3. AnonymousJuly 15, 2018

    My mother is suffering from some kind of anxiety attacks that are difficult to be figured out by doctors.I think it is epilepsy. Kindly tell me if it is epilepsy according to her birth chart her details are:
    10 am
    Basti district, U.P, INDIA
    My email: 2081vidushi@gmail.com

  4. Hello,

    Epilepsy symptoms as generally seen and witnessed by me in two cases were, 1) The person falls on the floor with severe jerking of the entire body particularly the head and clenching of jaw and hands, followed by froth from the mouth, and after few seconds to minutes the person regains consciousness.

    And please provide date of birth as 09 March or sep 03, which one is correct,


  5. My daughter date of birth is 08-03-2015,9-30am,birth place kotdwara,uttarakhand.she is suffering from epilepsy,she forgets all her past,she is bed ridden,we feed her through nasal tube.she breath through trackstomy tube, doctor says that extra fluid is in her brain so they put tube from brain to stomach.so that extra fluid come out of brain.please recommend remedy for it.

  6. I have added a remedy as per Upanishads for Eiplepsy, Consult an Ayurvedic Doctor for proper instructions, Bhasma use, dosage etc. tks SPIANALA.

  7. Namaste guruji, I am the mother of above described child in your blog.. to my utter surprise, I was shocked to see my son's detail horoscope here in a blog, what a co-incidence, I was just googling which planet is causing the epilepsy and suddenly I found this page, when I scroll down, there was my son's details really amazing, thank you so much, my son is 10 years now, these days, there were so many hiccups but health wise he was fine, no seizures, he was totally out of the medication, but there was pretty much delay in his development, he is diganosed with autism, and ADHD, so after the medication for ADHD from last year he seemed to be settled down a bit at school and now he is moved to a special school, he enjoys being socialised, he is sweet child who constantly enthuisistic about everything can't stop talking though he has limited knowledge of language, not like a typical 10 year old boy but he is growing on his own pace.. I was really looking forward to see his bright future,,, I taught him reading writing, and he picked up very well, again on his own pace, BUT from last three months... I have been noticing some absences..they are very brief like not more than 5 secs, he will be expression less, like a statue for that 5 secs, doesn't blink but his eye balls follow us, he doesn't respond but his hands will be moving, as a mum I can see something is wrong. Going for another EEG but not sure about the results, again remembering those night mare days of 2012..having restless days and sleepless nights, by the analysis of your horoscope I understood that the epilptic period was temperory ..he may face some issues when he is 25 ... please can you help me, what is going now, how is his future, hope I am not showing my greediness, can he be normal at all? I can't see my child suffering again infront of my eyes, he already lost his precious childhood, at least now I was thinking he is getting better, now he is thinking,, understanding, but why is this again, what is happening, how can I save him, please help me Guru ji,
    So many thanks

  8. My date of birth is 11/03/1982,15:32 pm, Thiruvananthapuram,hastha Nakshatra,Kanya Rashi .iam.suffering from blurry vision ,balanced disorders,confusion and movement disorders,eyes unable to focus on one area for the past 6 yrs .doctors have been unable to find what it is and have termed it as anxiety neurosis.but is it epilepsy.my email id is vijgarud@gmail.com.kindly confirm as per.my birth charts

  9. SPIanala: The date of birth is 11 March 1982 or Nov 03, 1982. ?

    Glaucoma symptoms are more or less like you have expressed, but it normally happens in people above 50, Ophthalmologists should be able to diagnose it, and they keep changing because the two fluids in the eye ball either mix or are under too much pressure, slowly massage your eye balls and see If that changes the pressure in the eye balls, operations are not successful but please check with your eye doctor.

    It is not Epilepsy, I did not read your chart because the month could be Nov or March.

  10. My daughter is a epilepsy patient since last 10 years got her brain surgery done few years she was fine again the seizures are back she is non verbal. Can u please help her left foot is also not proper.
    Aheli Singh
    1st Oct 2011

  11. hello, I would be interested to know your opinion about my case. I was born Dec. 03 1992 3.20am and I had seizure on Feb 23 2021 around lunch time. Doctors said I had a MVA since birth, on the right side of my head, frontal zone. I had surgery and successfully removed it a month ago. Do you think I can still have seizures even if they removed MVA? I am taking keppra for it. Thanks in advance for your answer

  12. My son born 01/31/2020 in san dimas California at 1.40 pm Friday.. he has epilepsy since he ws 6 mnths old and now on medication but still suffers from fits. Any insight on this guruji.. feel very defeated here to see him suffer

  13. What a great testimony is this about doctor joseph 5 months ago i was searching for a doctor who would help me to cure my son from Epilepsy and i went to facebook to search for doctors and i saw different herbal doctors but i was scared but i contacted doctor joseph to just try my luck i never knew he was a great man and man of his words i told him my problems and he sent me his product and told me the instruction on how i will be giving it to my son after 1 month i took him for medical check up and the news was the greatest testimony i ever heard confirmed negative and free .and you can contact him on is EMAIL joseph.healinghome@gmail.com

  14. What a great testimony is this about doctor joseph 5 months ago i was searching for a doctor who would help me to cure my son from Epilepsy and i went to facebook to search for doctors and i saw different herbal doctors but i was scared but i contacted doctor joseph to just try my luck i never knew he was a great man and man of his words i told him my problems and he sent me his product and told me the instruction on how i will be giving it to my son after 1 month i took him for medical check up and the news was the greatest testimony i ever heard confirmed negative and free .and you can contact him on is EMAIL joseph.healinghome@gmail.com

  15. My daughter age 2 yrs two months.Has cyst in backbone and she not able to make balance while walking and doesn't babble s.I am worried as her EEG report is also abnormal.please help me. her DOB 19 Jan 2020.12:20 pm .Delhi India

  16. Name subham panigrahi
    DOB 4th September 2008
    Time 12.20pm
    Place ghatkopar mumbai
    Suffering from epilepsy since 13 years no relief till today

  17. My daughterr also suffering epilepsy since 20 years. pl suggest remedy
    Birth details are
    name : padma
    DOB :27-09-1993
