Jun 22, 2016

Dharma Bhava-9th House

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Dharma Bhava- 9th House, 

Dharma is difficult to explain in one word as there is no equivalent word in English, it means more then just self righteousness, duty towards self, family, country, religion, and god, etc. the natural Dharma Sthana is Saggitarius and Dharma Karaka is Jupiter, its lord, so this house /bhava should be aspected by or posited by Jupiter for beneficial effects. 

Dharma Bhava relates with Father, teacher, boss, fortune, religiousness, spirituality, God, higher studies & high knowledge, fortune in a foreign land, foreign trips, deeksha (joining a religious order), past life and the cause of birth, grandchildren, principles, dharma, intuition, compassion, sympathy, leadership, charity, thighs.

Effects of Dharma Bhava: BPHS

1 Combinations for Fortunes. O Brahmin, now listen to the effects of Dharm Bhava. One will be fortunate (or affluent), if Dharma’s Lord is in Dharma Bhava with strength.
2 Should Guru be in Dharma Bhava, while Dharma’s Lord is in an angle and Lagna’s Lord is endowed with strength, one will be extremely fortunate.

3. Fortunate (Affluent) Father. If Dharma’s Lord is with strength, as Sukra is in Dharma, while Guru is in an angle from Tanu Bhava, the native’s father is fortunate.

4. Indigent Father. If Dharma’s Lord is debilitated, while the 2nd and/or the 4th from Dharma Bhava is occupied by Mangal, the native’s father is poor.

5. Long-living Father. Should Dharma’s Lord be in deep exaltation, while Sukra is in an angle from Tanu Bhava and Guru is in the 9th from Navamsa Lagna, the father of the native will enjoy a long span of life.

6. Royal Status for Father. If Dharma’s Lord is an angle and receives a Drishti from Guru, the native’s father will be a king endowed with conveyances, or be equal to a king.

7. Wealthy and Famous Father. Should Dharma’s Lord be in Karma Bhava, while Karma’s Lord receives a Drishti from a benefic the native’s father will be very rich and famous.

8-9. Virtuous and Devoted to Father. Should Sūrya be in deep exaltation, as Dharma’s Lord is in Labha Bhava, the native will be virtuous, dear to the king and devoted to father. If Sūrya is in a trine from Lagna, while Dharma’s Lord is in Yuvati in yuti with, or receiving a Drishti from Guru, the native will be devoted to his father.

10. Fortunes etc. Acquisition of fortunes, conveyances and fame will follow the 32nd year of age, if Dharma’s Lord is in Dhana, while Dhana’s Lord is in Dharma.

11. Inimical to Father. There will be mutual enmity between the father and the native, if Lagna’s Lord is in Dharma Bhava, but with the Lord of Ari. Further, the native’s father will be of contemptible disposition.

12. Begged Food. If Karma’s Lord and Sahaja’s Lord are bereft of strength, while Dharma’s Lord is in fall, or combust the native will go begging for his food.

13-25. Combinations for Father’s Death.

The father of the native would have passed away prior to the native’s birth, if Surya is in Ari (6th), Randhr (8th), or Vyaya Bhava (12th), as Randhr’s Lord ( Lord of 8th bhava) is in Dharm Bhava (9th), Vyaya’s Lord (12th) is in Tanu Bhava (1st bhava) and Ari’s Lord is in Putra Bhava (5th bhava).

Should Surya be in Randhr Bhava, while Randhr’s Lord is in Dharma, the native’s father will pass away within a year of his birth. If the Lord of Vyaya Bhava is in Dharma Bhava, while Dharma’s Lord is in its debilitation Navamsa, the native’s father will face his end during the 3rd, or the 16th year of the native. Death of father will occur in the 2nd, or the 12th year, if Lagna’s Lord is in Randhr Bhava, as Randhr’s Lord is with Surya.

Should Rahu be in the 8th from Dharma, as Surya is in the 9th from Dharm, death of father will take place in the 16th, or the 18th year of the native.

If Sani is in the 9th from Chandra, as Surya is with Rahu, the native’s father will die in the 7th, or the 19th year of the native. The native in his 44th year will lose his father, if Dharma’s Lord is in Vyaya, as Vyaya’s Lord is in Dharma.

If Lagna’s Lord is in Randhr Bhava, as Chandra is in Surya’s Navamsa, the native in his 35th, or 41st year will lose his father. One will lose his father in the 50th year, if Surya, being the Lord of Dharma, is conjunct Mangal and Sani.

If Surya is in the 7th from Dharma Bhava, as Rahu is in the 7th from Sahaja Bhava, the 6th, or 25th year of the native will be fatal for father.

If Sani is in the 7th from Randhr Bhava, as Surya is in the 7th from Sani (Saturn), the ages of 21, 26, or 30 will be fatal for the father.

If Dharma’s Lord is in its debilitation Rasi, while his dispositor is in Dharma Bhava, the native will lose his father at the age of 26, or 30. Thus the Jyotishi's may know the effects.
26. Fortunes. One will enjoy abundant fortunes, if Sukra is in deep exaltation and be in the company of Dharma’s Lord, as Sani (Saturn) is in Sahaja.

27-28. Fortunate Periods. Abundant fortunes be acquired after the 20th year, if Dharma has Guru (Jupiter) in it, as its Lord is in an angle from Lagna. Should Budh (Mercury) be in his deep exaltation, as Dharma’s Lord is in Dharma itself, abundant fortunes will be earned after the 36th year.

29. Should Lagna’s Lord be in Dharma, as Dharma’s Lord is in Lagna and Guru (Jupiter) is in Yuvati, there will be gains of wealth and conveyances.

30. Lack of Fortunes.

If Rahu is in the 9th from Dharma Bhava, as his dispositor is in Randhr Bhava and Dharma’s Lord is in fall, the native be devoid of fortunes.

31. Food by Begging. Should Sani (Saturn) be in Dharma Bhava along with Chandra, as Lagna’s Lord is in fall, the native will acquire food by begging.

32. O Brahmin, these are the effects related to Dharma Bhava. I have explained briefly. These may be estimated with the help of the state of the Lords of Lagna and Dharma Bhava and in other manners as well.

Kalyana Varma Saravali : Ninth House And Effects There of:

1. Leaving aside all the other Houses, one should first analyze the House of fortune (or Bhagya-sthana) for a native can not obtain benefic results without fortune. So narrated below is an account in this direction. 

2. Bhagya-sthana (House of fortune) is that, which is the 9th counted from the Ascendant, or from the Moon. Effects of the 9th counted from the stronger of the Ascendant and the Moon will come to pass. 

3. The House occupied by the Lord of the 9th and the planet occupying the 9th will have a say on one's fortune. Their strength, or weakness will indicate the fortunes. 

4. If the 9th House is Aspected, or occupied by its own Lord, the native will make his fortunes in his own country. If others aspect, or join the House in question, the dawn of fortune will be elsewhere. 

5. The native will be extremely lucky, if a planet lends full aspect to the 9th from the 3rd, 5th, or Ascendant. The planet in question should be strong in the process. 


If Jupiter is placed in the 9th, the native will become a minister.
If Jupiter is in the 9th and is Aspected by the Sun, one will be equal to a king.
If Jupiter is in the 9th and is Aspected by the Moon one will be splendorous and will enjoy pleasures.
If Jupiter is in the 9th and is Aspected by Mars, he will be endowed with gold.
If Jupiter is in the 9th and is Aspected by Mercury one will be affluent.
If Jupiter is in the 9th and is Aspected by Venus one will have quadrupeds, conveyances and wealth.
If Jupiter is in the 9th and is Aspected by Saturn one will possess immovable properties, asses and buffaloes.

If the 9th House is occupied by Jupiter and Aspected by both the Sun and Mars, the native will be endowed with sovereignty, precious stones, gold, courage, excellence, strength, conveyances and servants. 

If the 9th House is occupied by Jupiter and Aspected by both the Sun and the Moon, he will be blessed with plentifulness (of all things), be devoted to his parents, be famous, be equal to a king and will have plurality of wives. 

If the Sun and Mercury jointly aspect the Jupiter in the 9th, he will be graceful, splendorous, fortunate, be endowed with an excellent wife, ornaments and wealth and will be expert in poetry and arts. 

If the 9th House is occupied by Jupiter and Aspected by both the Sun and Venus, one will be festive in disposition, will have (wide) social activities and will be endowed with cows, buffaloes, elephants etc. 

If the Sun and Saturn aspect Jupiter in the 9th, one will be head of a country, town, or group, be famous, learned, virtuous, affluent and will have a tendency of accumulating.
If Jupiter occupies the 9th in aspect to both Mars and the Moon, one will be an Army chief, or a minister and be endowed with various kinds of happiness. 

If Jupiter occupies the 9th in aspect to both Mercury and the Moon, he will enjoy excellent houses, sleeping comforts and pleasures, be splendorous, patient and very intelligent.
If Jupiter occupies the 9th in aspect to both the Moon and Venus, he will be very rich, dutiful, valorous, attached to others' wives and be devoid of sons. 

If Jupiter occupies the 9th in aspect to both the Moon and Saturn, he will be very lascivious, endowed with permanent livelihood, will live in foreign places, be argumentative, be a liar and be not virtuous. 

If Jupiter is in the 9th and is in aspect to both Mars and Mercury, one will be highly learned, very virtuous, will keep up his word and will have a pleasing appearance.
If Mars and Venus jointly aspect Jupiter in the 9th, one will be wealthy, learned, will live in foreign countries, be sincere, very skillful and cruel. 

If Mars and Saturn jointly aspect Jupiter in the 9th, the native will be base, tale bearing, spiteful, living in foreign places and will be in the company of unsteady people.
If Mercury and Venus jointly aspect Jupiter in the 9th, one will be an artisan, be very virtuous, learned, fortunate, will keep up his promise and will possess a pleasing appearance. 

If Mercury and Saturn jointly aspect Jupiter in the 9th, the native will be fortunate, learned, eloquent in speech, pleasing, courageous, happy and modest. 
23. Jupiter in the 9th in aspect to 9th Lord will make one a king. The effects stated in connection with Jupiter's position in the 9th and aspects thereof are valid, only when no other planets (than the mentioned) aspect. 

24. If all the planets aspect Jupiter posited in the 9th, the native will possess excellent guise, virtues, splendor, sovereignty and abundant riches. 

25. If the 9th is occupied by a strong benefic, it confers kingdom, according to the wise, in addition to movable properties, wealth, grains, righteousness and increased longevity.


If the 9th House gives place to a debilitated planet, or a combust planet, or a malefic planet and be without a benefic's aspect, the native will be devoid of (moral) strength, wealth and fame and be dirty. 

27. If the malefic in the 9th is the owner of that House, then it proves auspicious. And with a benefic's aspect it is more auspicious. 

28. If Full Moon is in the 9th, while Mars, Saturn and Mercury are strong the native is born to a king. 

29. If a planet is exalted in the 9th, an excellent person is born with plentifulness of wealth and gold. And, if a benefic aspects the exalted planet in question, the native will be a supreme ruler, destroyer of the band of his enemies, will possess divine splendour and great fame. 

If the Sun and the Moon are together in the 9th bhava, the native will have a short life, will be afflicted by eye diseases, be rich fortunate and fond of quarrels,

If Mars and the Sun be together in the 9th, the native will experience many kinds of miseries, be fond of quarrels, be fierce, courageous, dear to king and be skilful.

If Mercury and the Sun are together in the 9th, one will be skilful, miserable, will have many enemies and suffer from many diseases.

If Jupiter and the Sun be in conjunction in the 9th, the native will be endowed with wealth, will obtain abundant paternal wealth, be long-lived, very courageous and be a worthy person.
If Venus and the Sun are together, in the 9th, he will incur diseases and will be endowed with scents, garlands, ornaments, robes and decorative articles.

If Saturn and the Sun be so placed one will be rich, will suffer from eye diseases, be fond of quarrels and be short-lived. 

If Mars joins the Moon in the 9th, one will be devoid of mother (i.e. will lose his mother early), will have a deformed body and with ulcers and be wealthy.

If Mercury joins the Moon in the 9th, he will have knowledge of Shastra's (Scriptures), be scholarly, will have some physical deformity, will be excellent among men, will talk much and be famous.

If Jupiter joins the Moon, he will be distinguished, will be fortunate, will be endowed with abundant riches, will be always happy and be courageous.

If Venus be the accompanying planet, he will suffer from diseases, will marry an unchaste lady, be plentiful, will have a step-mother and will be in a minister's custody (i.e. will serve a significant person).

Should Saturn join the Moon in the 9th, he will be devoid of moral merits, be sinful and will have a fallen mother. 


If Mars be in the company of Mercury in the 9th, one will be chief of men, will be always emotional, be fortunate, will enjoy pleasures and be skilful in Shastra's.

If it is Jupiter with whom Mars is conjunct in the 9th, one will be endowed with wealth and grains, be honourable, be troubled by sickness and will be pained with bodily wounds.
If Venus is joining Mars in the 9th, one will live in foreign places, be argumentative, cruel, will hate women, be ungrateful and will indulge in falsehood.

If Saturn is with Mars in the 9th, one will be sinful, will be of dirty conduct, be interested in other housewives, be deprived of wealth and happiness and will not be with his own men.

If Mercury is with Jupiter in the 9th, one will be learned in Shastra's, be a scholar, be wealthy, will speak sweetly, be an artisan and an efficacious and excellent person.

Venus and Mercury in the 9th denotes, that one will be famous, very learned, valorous, fortunate, skillful in speech and be fond of songs.

If Saturn and Mercury are in the 9th in conjunction, he will suffer from diseases, be very rich, be endowed with dear and near, be skillful, envious and be garrulous. 


If Venus and Jupiter be together in the 9th, one will be a leader of men, be long-lived, eloquent and will be endowed with many kinds of happiness and wealth.

If Jupiter and Saturn are in the 9th, the native will enjoy wealth and gems, be honourable, will have diseases to trouble him and be devoid of his own men. 


This conjunction denotes, that the native will be sickly, will have many sons, be dear to king, famous and virtuous.

51. In analyzing the said effects, the Signs and aspects involved should be skilfully understood according to Shastra's and results declared accordingly, so say the learned. 


If the Sun, Moon and Mars are together in the 9th, one will lose his parents in his very boyhood, be base, odious and hurtful.

53. If the Sun, Moon and Mercury join in the 9th, the native will be a eunuch in appearance, be miserable, will hate all people and be valorous and truthful.

54. If the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter join in the 9th, one will be excellent and will possess conveyances, wealth and happiness.

55. If Venus, the Moon and the Sun be together in the 9th, one will lose all his happiness and wealth due to quarrels with females, be dear to king, will have knowledge of politics and will be an eloquent speaker.

56. If the Sun, the Moon and Saturn join in the 9th, one will be very strong, will have cruel conduct, will serve others and will hate others.

57. If the Sun, Mars and Mercury be in the 9th, one will be an eloquent speaker, be akin to a snake, when in anger, be fond of quarrels, be hard-hearted and will be interested in living in foreign countries.

58. If the Sun, Jupiter and Mars are together in the 9th, one will be always diligent, be intent on worshiping his father and God, will have an affluent wife and be virtuous.

59. If the Sun, Mars and Venus be together in the 9th, one will be fond of quarrels, is of a high descent, will spoil virgins, be fickle-minded and be odious.

60. If Mars, Saturn and the Sun join in the 9th, one will be valorous, very mean, will hate people, be fond of speaking lies, be cruel and be fatherless from boyhood.

61. Should the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter join in the 9th, one will be endowed with fortunes, wealth and happiness, be dear to king, be appealing in appearance and be courageous.
62. Should Venus join the Sun and Mercury in the 9th, one will be splendorous, famous, will destroy his enemies, be equal to a king and be rich.

63. Should the Sun, Mercury and Saturn join in the 9th, one will be fond of others' women, be a sinner, be interested in living in foreign places, be skilful, be a profligate, be a liar and be unfortunate.
64. Should the Sun, Venus and Jupiter join in the 9th, one will be very learned, splendourous, will know many things and be intelligent.

65. The conjunction of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in the 9th is indicative, that the native will be highly valorous, be a king, be wealthy, virtuous and plentiful.

66. If the Sun, Venus and Saturn be together in the 9th, one will be devoid of splendor, be dirty, punished by the king, be devoid of riches and be foolish.

67. The company formed by the Moon, Mercury and Mars in the 9th denotes, that the subject will enjoy wealth, gold and gems and will be miserable throughout his boyhood.
68. If the Moon, Mars and Jupiter join in the 9th, one will conquer his five senses, be learned, will honor elders and Gods and will be endowed with learning and wealth and be fortunate.

69. If Venus, Moon and Mars are together in the 9th, one will have a wounded body, be ugly, will eat a lot, be fond of women, be at their disposal and will lose his strength (or wealth) through them.

70. Should Saturn, Mars and the Moon be in the 9th, one will not possess a good maternal history, be base, be given up by his mother in boyhood and will be mean among men.

71. If the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are together in the 9th one will bring credit to his descent, will be a preceptor, will possess many friends and will be a king endowed with many things.

72. If the Moon, Mercury and Venus be together in the 9th, one will have a stepmother, be endowed with delight and honour, will have many friends and will be gentle, or pacific.
73. If the Moon, Mercury and Saturn are together in the 9th, one will be bad in conduct, be courageous, dirty, be averse to war and be poor.

74. If the Moon, Jupiter and Venus be in the 9th, one will be equal to a king and be a king.
75. If Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon be in the 9th one will speak sweetly, be truthful, virtuous, famous and skilful in all Shastra's.

76. If Venus, the Moon and Saturn join in the 9th, one will be in agricultural profession, be interested in women, will not indulge in sinful acts, will accomplish his objects (Kritakritya) and be world-famous.

77. If Mars, Mercury and Jupiter join in the 9th, one will be splendorous, devoid of grief, be learned, firm in his word, famous and be head of a zone.

78. If Mars, Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the 9th, one will head many provinces, or affairs, be famous, honored by the king, the fierce and be always zealous.

79. If Mars, Mercury and Saturn join in the 9th, one will be skilful in cheating others, will be highly gloomy, will not be in a position to understand Shastra's (i.e. be not so learned) and cannot understand others' notions.

80. If Mercury, Jupiter and Venus be together in the 9th one will be equal to God, be spotless, famous, kingly, learned and virtuous.

81. Should Mercury, Venus and Saturn join in the 9th, one will be intelligent, splendorous, eloquent and happy.

82. One with Saturn, Venus and Jupiter in the 9th, will have plenty of food, drinks and riches, be fortunate, happy and beautiful. 


If the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Mercury join in the 9th, one will be rich, learned, fortunate and dear to king.

84. If Venus, Moon, Sun and Mars are together in the 9th, one will be cunning, will be happy with his wife and will indulge in many mean acts.

85. One, who has the Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun in the 9th, will be principle, steady, honored by the king and be delighted.

86. One with the Moon, Venus, Mercury and Sun in the 9th, will be a Lord of wealth, morally meritorious, plentiful, eloquent in speech and be calm.

87. If the Sun, Mercury, Moon and Saturn be together in the 9th, one will be rich, splendorous, kingly, will have many quadrupeds and will possess rich qualities.

88. One with the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus will honour God and father, will have a rich wife and be virtuous.

89. If Venus, Mars, Mercury and the Sun join together in the 9th, one will be hard-hearted, beautiful, interested in valorous acts, be not wealthy and will lose his wealth through his enemies.

90. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn be together in the 9th, one will be interested in others' wives, will incur loss of wealth and be always pitiable.

91. One with the Sun, Venus, Mars and Jupiter in the 9th, will hate people, be troubled by thirst, will spoil virgins and be fickle-minded.

92. If the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are in the 9th at birth, one will be devoid of happiness, be diligent, fierce and courageous.

93. If the Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are in the 9th, one will be an excellent person endowed with wealth, gold and sovereignty.

94. If the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are together in the 9th, one will be devoid of wealth, be sinful, be interested in other housewives, spiteful and will indulge in mean acts.
95. Should the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn be in 9th, one will be fortunate, wealthy, truthful and world-famous.

96. With the Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in the 9th, one will be truthful, eloquent and will honour elders, Brahmin's and guests.

97. If the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are in the 9th, one will have plenty of robes, will lose his mother in boyhood and be wealthy.

98. With Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon in the 9th, one will practice penance, be famous, be a good speaker, be very charitable, ultra-mundane in disposition and be very learned.

99. If Saturn, Mercury, Moon and Mars are together in the 9th, one will be dejected, poor, base, cunning and interested in others' wives.

100. If Mars, Moon, Venus and Saturn, are together in the 9th, one is born in a royal family. He will be a principle person, be valorous, will be endowed with plenty of learning and money, be famous and dear to people.

101. One with Moon, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in the 9th, will be troubled by thirst, be fond of promoting quarrels and be plentiful in the matter of luck and robes.

102. If the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Venus are together in the 9th, one will be hard-hearted, sinful, cunning and be bereft of cleanliness and behaviour.

103. If Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Moon are together in the 9th, one will be wealthy, be endowed with moral merits and be famous in arts.

104. One with Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and Moon in the 9th, will be knowledgeable in politics and ethics and be pleasing in appearance.

105. With Saturn, Venus, Mercury and the Moon in the 9th, the native will be intelligent, fierce, will be an expert in democratic matters and be fortunate.

106. One with Moon, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter in the 9th, will be cunning, fierce, unconquerable and bold.

107. If Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn be together in the 9th, one will destroy his enemies, be fierce in battle and bold.

108. If Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn join together in the 9th, one will be virtuous, wealthy and pious.

109. If Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are in the 9th, one will be devoid of wealth, be base, unkind and weak. 


If including Mercury there are 3 to 7 planets in the 9th, the native will be trustworthy, wealthy and be a king.

111. If the 9th is occupied by other planets, without the company of Mercury, or Jupiter, the native will be sickly, ugly, void of relatives, be troubled by imprisonments and will suffer penury.

112: Preceptors, like Badalayana, have explained still detailed results arising out of conjunction or aspects relating to the 9th house, one should understand these also and declare effects after using his wisdom.

Thus ends the 32nd Ch. entitled “NINTH HOUSE AND EFFECTS THERE OF” in Kalyana Varma's Saravali.

Grahs/Planets in 9th Bhava and the effects there from

If Sun occupies 9
th bhava, the native will be endowed with wealth, children and friends, will be very interested in worshiping Gods and Brahmin's, will not be well-disposed towards his father and wife and be not calm.

If Moon occupies 9th bhava, the native will be devoted to divine and paternal assignments, will be endowed with happiness, wealth, intelligence and sons and will attract the fair sex.

If Mars occupies the 9th bhava, the native will not be skilful in acts, be odious, will kill living beings, be not virtuous, be very sinful and honoured by the king.

If Mercury occupies 9th bhava,the native will be very affluent, scholarly, of good conduct/habits, be eloquent in speech, skilful of a great order and be virtuous.

If Jupiter occupies 9th bhava, the native will be attached to divine and paternal duties, be learned, fortunate, be a king's minister, or a leader and be chief.

If Venus occupies 9th bhava, the native will possess a spotless and broad physique, be endowed with wealth, charitable, wife, sexual pleasures and friendship and will honor Gods, guests and preceptors/elders.

If Saturn occupies 9th bhava, the native will be devoid of religious merits, will not have much wealth, be bereft of co-born, sons and happiness and will cause sorrow to others.

If Rahu occupies 9th bhava: Rahu intensifies the desire for exalted experience in divine rituals, often a native has a foreign guru, father does not benefit from this combination, might be associated with secretive activities involving international engagements, and to reach the truth the native destroys the natural barriers, Rahu in 9th house is not good for the native.

If Ketu occupies 9th bhava: Ketu in 9th effects the father, either father is never available or remains distracted, the Priests might appear deceptive, native might suffer from psychological complexes with regard to religious truths and might not trust the religious authorities and might wander in his own imaginative sensitivities to reach the essence of truth, which is perceived by him/her as an external entity. 

Ketu in 9th, effects the native in a negative way, with regards to his/her father, religion, teachings, etc. which might not be healthy for his/her.

So the bottom line for this bhava is this bhava should be connected with Jupiter in one way or other to derive or gain maximum benefits, other wise, things might not be as rosy as they are with Jupiter or Sun.

let me see my chart, I have Venus (8th in Rasi) in 9th bhava with Jupiter Aspecting it from the Ascendant, my Father was very dear to me and out of all siblings I was very dear to my father, but he passed away few months before his 64th birthday after suffering for 15 years, we had an excellent relationship, more as a friend then Father- Son, but I never crossed the line, I have intense religious beliefs, I have very high philanthropic ideals, I have very deep set principles and convictions, So Jupiter does confer all these properties.

With regards to eighth bhava, it is empty and is not Aspected by any planet, but the Rasi chart has Venus in 8th house, it is better to have an empty Du-Sthana (6th, 8th and 12th) then with an malefic.

It gets little confusing , when you say 8th house or 9th house. In Indian languages, Bhava means it is more Mental or psychological then physical presence, like a Graha/planet is present in 8th Sign in Rasi (Radix), but it gives effects of 9th house, because it is present in the 9th bhava, it is exactly like Planet in English is a physical body, but Graha in " Jyotish shastra", is more of a Mental, or psychological or metaphysical entity, or it is more like a powerful energy, which has the capacity to effect a living thing with its rays or aura from with in, but when we explain this in English, it appears they are like table and chairs, which is not correct.

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, Feb 2008

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