Sep 14, 2016

Nakshatram (Constellations) -Gandanta Births-Gandam to relatives due to nakshatra.

Nakshtram: Out of all the 27 or 28 Constellations (Nakshtram) following three families of Nakshtra belong to people who carry some Gandanta (Gandam) to some or multiple relatives due to their birth in following nakshatra, and general understanding is that once the native survives gandanta they come out very successful (Material world) in their lives.

1) Mula, the other Nakshtram that belong to this family are Ashwini and Magha, they belong to one family because of Ketu lordship.

2) Aslesha, Jyestha and Revati, they belong to one family because of Mercury lordship,

3) Vishaka, Punarvasu and Purva Bhadrapada, they belong to one family because of Jupiter

Moola Family: The following six Nakshtra belong to Moola family.(Not all pada's)

Ashwini, Ashlesha, Jyestha, Magha, Mula and Revati,

Ashwini, Pada 1--- Danger to father,
               Pada 2--- Happiness,
               Pada 3--- Ministerial,
               pada 4--- Kingly status,

Gandanta: Only children born in Pada 1 need to be subjected to shanti pooja,


Aslesha: Sarpa Nakshatra, 27 days after birth some rituals needed.

              Pada 1---No Dosha,
              Pada 2---Loss of wealth,
              Pada 3---Danger to father,
              Pada 4---Danger to mother,

Gandanta: Children born in Pada, 2,3 and 4 need to be subjected to shanti pooja.


Mantreshwara Phaladeepika (Annotations by Dr G S Kapoor) If Lagna (Ascendant) is not connected with any benefic planet, then the above given results will follow.

Jyestha, Pada 1, Danger to elder brother,
              Pada 2, Danger to younger brother,
              Pada 3, Danger to Mother,
              Pada 4, Danger to Father.

Gandanta: Children born in all pada need to be subjected to shanti pooja.


Magha, Pada 1, Danger to Mother,
             Pada 2, Danger to Father,
             Pada 3, Happiness,
             Pada 4, Gain of wealth and knowledge.

Gandanta: Children born in first and second pada need to be subjected to shanti pooja.


Mula, Pada 1, Destruction of Father,
          Pada 2, Destruction of Mother,
          Pada 3, Destruction of family lineage, Destruction of self,
          Pada 4, Prosperity and wealth,

B V Raman: Pada 1, Father of her husband in trouble, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Pada are free from any such afflictions.

Mantreshwara Phaladeepika (Annotations by Dr G S Kapoor) If  Lagna (Ascendant) is not connected with any benefic planet, then the above given results will follow.

Gandanta: Children born in Pada 1, 2, and 3 need to be subjected to shanti pooja.


Revati, Pada 1---Kingly status,
            Pada 2---Ministerial status,
            Pada 3---Gain of wealth and happiness,
            Pada 4---Adversities,

Gandanta: So only children born in Revati pada 4 need to be subjected to shanti pooja.


Other group,

Vishaka, Younger brother of her husband in trouble, (Not confirmed)

Still Editing:

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