Nov 3, 2016

Two Grah/Planets in one house

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Here are the combinations of two grahs conjoined in one house at the time of birth.

If present in any house, each house will have a different result, the results will also differ based on which Nakshatram they are present in, how close other grah/planets to the Sun, and many other factors, and then that house can be Aries, or Virgo or Pisces, the results of such combinations in each house will be different, as the Sun is exalted in Aries and debilitated in Libra, Venus is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo, Mercury is exalted in Virgo and debilitated in Pisces, so please don't read a combination and feel bad or good, these are very general rules which change depending on position, status, Avastha, Astakavarga points, strength, power, any combination needs to be seen from Lagna (Ascendant), the Moon or the Sun and not as an independent entity.

Note: Dhristi - Aspect

Conjunction of two planets in one house

Vriddha Yavanas have stated the effects of combinations of two planets (in one house).

1. Sun -Moon in One house

Kalyana Varma Saravali - One who has the Sun and Moon together will be at the disposal of his wife ( or females), immodest, be a metallurgist ( can be interpreted also as able to deceive), Will be quite wealthy and be an expert in sale of intoxicants.

Varaha Mihira - The native will be maker of fire engines and will work in stones.

Jataka Parijata - Subject to the influence of women and will be skilled in work and wll be of bright appearance.

2. Sun - Mars in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  Should the Sun and Mars be in one house the native will be splendourous, valorous, dull witted, strong, be a liar, be sinful, disposed to kill (or torture) and be fierce.

Varaha Mihira - The native will be addicted to sinful deeds,

Jataka Parijata - The native will be strong man a liar and a sinner.

3. Sun - Mercury in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  If the Sun and Mercury are in one house, the native will be in service, will have unsteady wealth, be sweet in speech, will have fame and money, be noble, dear to king and good people and will possess strength, beauty and learning.

Varaha Mihira - The native will be skilled in work and wil be intelligent and famous and will live in comfort.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be learned, beautiful , strong and of fixed views.

In 2nd House - B R Ambedkar, 2nd hosue, Aries in Rasi chart.

                          Swami Sivananda, 2nd House, Leo in Rasi chart.

4. Sun - Jupiter in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  If the Sun and Jupiter be together, one will be virtuous be a minister of king, will gain through friends, be with good mind and be a preceptor.

Varaha Mihira - The native will be cruel and will work for other men.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be earnest in work and will be a favourite with the king and rich.

5. Sun - Venus in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  If the Sun and Venus be together, one will be skilful in use of weapons be mighty, weak sighted in old age, will be able to amuse the public and will have abundant money earned through women.

Varaha Mihira - The native will gain money by engaging in public sports and by the use of weapons.

Jataka Parijata - The native will acquire wealth through women and will have kinsmen and enemies adn will be intelligent.


In 4th House - B R Ambedkar, 4th house, Aries in Navamsa chart, Mercury 7th dhristi.

6. Sun - Saturn in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  If the Sun and Saturn are together, the native will be a metallurgist, be virtuous, mindful of his own duties, will lose his wife and son, will have the qualities suitable to his race, will be pure, but not so upright.

Varaha Mihira - The native will be skilled in metal work and in earthen ware.

Jataka Parijata -  The native will be of dull understanding and subject to his enemies.

7. Moon - Mars in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  One, who has the Moon and Mars together will be valorous, brave in war, be a boxer, will suffer bloody imbalances, or diseases, will manufacture articles of mud, skin, minerals and will be an artisan and a metallurgist.

Varaha Mihira - The native will earn money by the sale of works of arts of women and of liquor and of pots and will give trouble to his mother.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be bold and born of a high family and will be virtuous, wealthy and possessed of excellent qualities.

8. Moon - Mercury in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  One, who has the Moon and Mercury combinations will be expert in poems and fables, be wealthy , amiable to his wife (Read Spouse), beautiful , smiling-faced and will be endowed with distinct virtues.

Varaha Mihira - The native will have sweet speech, skilled in literary interpretation and will become popular and famous.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be charitable, learned in sciences and possessed of excellent qualities.


In 8th House - B V Raman, 9th house, Leo in Navamsa chart.

9. Moon - Jupiter in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  One with Jupiter and the Moon together will be firm in friendship, modest, respectful towards his relatives, wealthy, virtuous and regardful of Gods and the wise.

Varaha Mihira - The native will defeat his enemies and will be important person in his family and will not be of firm views and will be greatly rich.

Jataka Parijata - The native will protect good and pious men and will be very intelligent.


In 1st House - Author of this blog, Lagna/Ascendant, Gemini in Rasi chart, Mars 4th dhristi.

10. Moon - Venus in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  Should the Moon and Venus be together, the native will be endowed with flowers, incense and clothes, will know to perform duties (Kriya also means rites), be dear to his race, very lazy and expert in buying and selling.

Varaha Mihira -  The native will be skilled in cloth work.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be a sinner and a merchant.

11. Moon - Saturn in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  Should the Moon and Saturn be together, the native will possess a decayed wife, be dear to public, will breed elephants and horses, be devoid of virtues, be under the control of others, unwealthy and defeated.

Varaha Mihira - The native will be the son of a remarried women.

Jataka Parijata - The native will possess a bad wife, will ill treat his father and will be poor.


In 4th House - B V Raman, 4th house, Taurus in Rasi chart, Jupiter 7th dhristi.

In 6th House - Aurobindo Ghose, 6th house, Sagitarius in Rasi chart.

IN 10th House - Swami Vivekananda, 10th House, Virgo in Rasi chart.

12. Mars- Mercury in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  If Mars and Mercury are together in one house at birth, the native will have unlucky wife, little wealth, will work with gold and iron, be an architect, will keep a wicked widow and be expert in making medicines.

Varaha Mihira - The native will deals in roots and like in oil in works of aet and will be skilled in duels.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be of good speech and learned in medicine, arts and sciences.

13. Mars- Jupiter in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  If Mars and Jupiter be together in one house at birth, the native will be an artisan, Vedic expert, intelligent, expert in speech, wise and found of using weapons.

Varaha Mihira - The native will be the chief of a town or a king and will acquire money or will be a brahmin.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be of strong sexual passion and will possess excellent qualities and will be a mathematician.


In 2nd House - B R Ambedkar, 2nd house, Aquarius in Navamsa chart.
                        Queen Elizabeth of England, Capricorn in Rasi chart, Moon 7th dhristi.

In 10th House - Queen Elizabeth of England, Virgo in Navamsa chart.

In 11th House - B V Raman, 11th house, Libra in Navamsa chart, Sa, Mo, 7th dhristi.

14. Mars - Venus in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  One, who has Mars and Venus together at birth will be worshipped, be a chief among his men, be a mathematician (or an astrologer) and be fond of gambling, untruth.

Varaha Mihira - The native will protect cows will engage in duels and will be skilled in wrk will indule in sexual union with the wives of other men and will be a gambler.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be fond of fight and of the world and will be deceitful.


In 1st House - Albert Einstein, Lagna/Ascendant, Aquarius in Navamsa chart.

In 7th House - M K Gandhi, 7th house, Taurus in Navamsa chart.

15. Mars - Saturn in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali - If Mars and Saturn be together, one will be a mettalurgist, be an expert in jugglery, be deceitful, skillful in stealing, troubled by weapons and poison and be 
very fond of quarrels.

Varaha Mihira -  The native will be afflicted with grief will be a liar and will be despised by others.

Jataka Parijata - The.native will be litigious , fond of music and of a dull understanding.


In 7th House - Swami Vivekananda, 7th house, Taurus inNavamsa chart, Jupiter 7th dhristi.

16. Mercury - Jupiter in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  One, who has mercury and Jupiter together will be a noted dance, scholar, singer and instrumentalist, he willbe wise and happy.

Varaha Mihira - The native will be skilled in duels will be fond of music and learned in dance,

Jataka Parijata - The native will be of good speech, beautiful and very rich.

17. Mercury - Venus in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  Should Mercury and Venus be together at birth, the native will be abundantly rich, a politician, an artisan, will study Vedas, be good in speech, will know to sing, make fun and like scents and flowers.

Varaha Mihira -  The native will be one of a good speech and will be a ruler over countries and over men.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be a ruler over countries and over men.


In 2nd House - Swami Vivekananda, 2nd house, Capricorn in Rasi chart.

In 3rd House - Ramana Maharishi, 3rd house, Scorpio in Rasi chart, Mars 8th dhristi.

In 8th House - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 8th house, Aries in Rasi chart.

18. Mercury - Saturn in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  One, who has Mercury and Saturn together at birth will contract debts, be proud, deceiving, an able poet, intent on moving, expert and will possess auspicious speech.

Varaha Mihira - The native will be skillful in deceiving others and will reject the advice of his perceptors.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be deceitful and will not be open to the advice f his preceptor.


In 3rd House - M K Gandhi, 3rd house, Capricorn in Navamsa chart.

In 9th House - Albert Einstein, 9th house, Libra in Navamsa chart.

19. Jupiter - Venus in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  One, who has Jupiter and Venus together at birth will live by education and arguments, will follow a highly virtuous path, will have accurate conception, or notion (of things) and will have a supreme wife.

Varaha Mihira - The native willbe learned insome respectable department of knowledge will possess wealth and wife and various virtues.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be bright in appearance, a facourite with the king, will be very intelligent and skilled in work.


In 12th House - B R Ambedkar, 12th house, Aquarius in Rasi chart.

20. Jupiter - Saturn in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali -  A native who has Jupiter and Saturn together at birth in one house will be heroic, will have plenty of wealth, will be chief of the city (mayor etc.), famous and will be the head of an assembly, a village, or an association.
Varaha Mihira - The native willbe a barber a potman or a cook.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be a sculptor and will protect cows.

21. Venus - Saturn in One house.

Kalyana Varma Saravali - If Venus and Saturn are together in one house at birth, one will be expert in breaking wood, be a barber, painter, or sculptor, boxer, be intent on wandering and be owner of quadrupeds.

Varaha Mihira - The native will be short sighted will have anincrease of wealth through the friendship of a young woman, and will be skilled in writing and painting.

Jataka Parijata - The native will be skilled in duels.


In 5th House - B V Raman in 5th house, Aries in Navamsa chart, Ju, Ma 7th dhristi.

In 11th House - Donald Trump in 11th house, Cancer in Navamsa chart.

In 12th House - Donald Trump, 12th house, Cancer in Rasi chart.

22. Whatever results have been stated as above are likely to become increased or decreased according to mutual good or bad Vargas, occupied by the planets in question.

Thus ends the 15th Chapter Conjunction of two planets in Kalyana Varmas Saravali.

Ref: Brihat Jataka- Varaha Mihira, 504 CE, Translated by N Chidambram Iyer, 1885. 

Ref: Jataka Parijata - Vaidyanatha Dikshita, Translated by P Subramanya Shashtri 1939.

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, 03 Nov 2016, 
                25 May 2017.

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