Feb 10, 2017

The Spiritual Journey

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

The spiritual journey is not by visiting many places of pilgrimage but the actual spiritual journey is a three and a half feet journey beginning from the base of the spine to the apex of your head, which takes more or less 14 years, preparation, execution, and harnessing the results or fruits.

Following are the main five nadis and the vayu (air) managed by them and the functions they carry out in our body, and five secondary nadis and the vayu (air) and the functions they control in our body.

NADI                              VAYU                      BODY PART OR FUNCTION

Primary Nadis and their functions

IDA                              PRANA                        BREATHING, HEARTBEAT,

PINGALA                    APANA                       URINATING, DEFECATING AND MATING

SUSHMANA               SAMANA                    DIGESTION, ASSIMILATION

GANDHARI                UDANA                       TALKING, SINGING, COUGHING

ISTIJIHA                      VYANA                       ENTIRE BODY CIRCULATION

Secondary Nadis and functions,

PRITHA                        NAGA                         BELCHING, BURPING FROM STOMACH

YASHAASHWINI       KUURMA                   SNEEZING

ULMBUSHAA             KRIKRA                      EYELID MOVEMENT

KUHUU                        DEVADATTA            YAWNING

SHANKINI                   DHANUNJAYA          ENTIRE BODY


ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 10 Feb 2017

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