May 29, 2017

Female Horoscope - Brihat Jataka - Varaha Mihira

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Female Horoscope:

Varaha Mihira, 504 CE, Brihat Jataka, Translated by Mr N Chidambaram Iyer, 1885, 

1) The same remarks apply to the horoscope of women as to the horoscope of men, but the effects which are suitable will effect women alone and the rest will effect their husband.

2) According to some all the effects will effect the husband only.

General chart reading:

Physique of the woman : From rising sign and the sign occupied by the Moon.

Fortune and her husband: From 7th house,

Death of her husband: From 8th from Lagna (from the Ascendant).

High Appointments: This effect will generally go to the husband,

Body related: This effect will go to the woman,

(Note: This is the reason why Men were married to woman with excellent planetary yog and this is the general advise of all astrologers for all arranged marriages,)


Rising sign and the sign occupied by the Moon is even: Women will be a true feminine character.

Such signs be aspected by benefic grah: Women will be virtuous, modest and wear ornaments,

Rising sign and the sign occupied by the Moon is odd: Women will possess masculine character,

(If the rising sign be an odd sign, Saturn be neither powerful or weak, the Moon, Venus and Mercury be weak, and the Sun, Mars and Jupiter be powerful : The woman will be of a masculine character)

(If the rising sign be an even sign, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury be powerful:The woman will be of wide spread fame and will be vastly learned, and learned also in the sciences of divinity.

Such signs be occupied or aspected by malefic grah: Women will be wicked with few virtues.


Rising sign be even and sign occupied by Moon be odd or

Rising sign be odd and sign occupied by the Moon be even or

One of the sign is aspected by Benefic and the other by a Malefic: Women will partake character of man and a


Rising sign or sign occupied by the Moon is either Aries or Scorpio and if

The rising Trimsamsa or the Trimasamsa occupied by the Moon is:

Is that of Mars: Women will become unchaste before marriage

Is that of Saturn: Women will lead a life of a servitude,

Is that of Jupiter: Women will be chaste,

Is that of Mercury: Women will be deceitful,

Is that of Venus: Women will be of bad conduct,


Rising sign or sign occupied by the Moon is either Taurus or Libra and if

The rising Trimsamsa or the Trimasamsa occupied by the Moon is:

Is that of Mars: Women will be of bad conduct,

Is that of Saturn: Women will marry second time,

Is that of Jupiter: Women will possess good qualities,

Is that of Mercury: Women will be skilled in music and dance,

Is that of Venus: Women will be of good qualities and will be of wide spread fame,


Rising sign or sign occupied by the Moon is either Gemini or Virgo and if

The rising Trimsamsa or the Trimasamsa occupied by the Moon is:

Is that of Mars: Women will be deceitful,

Is that of Saturn: Women will be a hermaphrodite,

Is that of Jupiter: Women will be chaste,

Is that of Mercury: Women will possess many good qualities,

Is that of Venus: Women will commit adultery due to lust,


Rising sign or sign occupied by the Moon is Cancer and if

The rising Trimsamsa or the Trimasamsa occupied by the Moon is:

Is that of Mars: Women will be of independent nature,

Is that of Saturn: Women might murder her husband,

Is that of Jupiter: Women will possess many good qualities,

Is that of Mercury: Women will be skilled in work of art,

Is that of Venus: Women will be of bad conduct,


Rising sign or sign occupied by the Moon is Leo and if

The rising Trimsamsa or the Trimasamsa occupied by the Moon is:

Is that of Mars: Women will be of masculine nature,

Is that of Saturn: Women will commit adultery,

Is that of Jupiter: Women will be wife of a king,

Is that of Mercury: Women will be of masculine nature,

Is that of Venus: Women will commit adultery with a person of low caste,


Rising sign or sign occupied by the Moon is either Sagittarius or Pisces and if

The rising Trimsamsa or the Trimasamsa occupied by the Moon is:

Is that of Mars: Women will possess good qualities,

Is that of Saturn: Women might be disinterested in sexual union,

Is that of Jupiter: Women will possess many good qualities,

Is that of Mercury: Women will be woman of knowledge,

Is that of Venus: Women will not be chaste,


Rising sign or sign occupied by the Moon is either Capricorn or Aquarius and if

The rising Trimsamsa or the Trimasamsa occupied by the Moon is:

Is that of Mars: Women will lead a life of servitude,

Is that of Saturn: Women will join a person of low caste,

Is that of Jupiter: Women will be chaste,

Is that of Mercury: Women will be of bad conduct,

Is that of Venus: Women will be barren,

If at the time of birth of a woman:

Saturn and Venus occupy each others Navamsa,and aspect each other, or

If rising sign be either Taurus or Libra and the rising Navamsa be that of Aquarius: Women will quench the poisonous fire of her strong lustful desires by means of other women assuming a masculine character.


If at the time of birth of a women, the 7th house from the rising sign or from the sign occupied by the Moon:

If not occupied by any grah/planets and If such 7th house be weak and not aspected by benefic grah/planets: Such husband will be wicked,

If such 7th house be occupied by Mercury: Husband will be a hermaphrodite,

If such 7th house be a movable sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn): Husband will travel foreign lands,

If such 7th house be a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius): Husband will remain in his country,

If such 7th house be a common sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces): Husband will travel foreign lands but will come back to his country from time to time,

If such 7th house be occupied by the Sun: Husband will reject the woman,

If such 7th house be occupied by several Malefic grah/planets:Husband will die,

If such 7th house be occupied by a Malefic grah/planets and be weak and be aspected by a benefic grah/planet:Husband will reject her.

If such 7th house be occupied by a Malefic grah/planet and 9th house is occupied by some grah: The woman will without doubt become an ascetic of the class belonging to the grah occupying such 9th house and all other effects already described will fail,

Malefic grah: The Sun, or Mars, or Saturn,

Benefic grah: Mercury or Jupiter or Venus,

If such 7th house be occupied by several Malefic and Benefic grah/planets: She will quit her husband and marry,

If such 7th house be occupied by Mars: Husband will die very young,

If such 7th house be occupied by Saturn aspected by Malefic grah: Woman will remain unmarried till old age.

If such 7th house be occupied by the Moon, Venus and Mars: She will commit adultery with the permission of her husband.

Setting sign or setting Navamsa be of:

Saturn: The husband of that woman will be an old fool,

Mars: The husband will be of irascible temper but will be attached,

Venus: The husband will be beautiful and fond of his wife,

Mercury:The husband will be learned and intelligent,

Moon: The husband will be full of lustful desires and of a quiet nature,

Jupiter: The husband will possess courage and other virtues and will have a control over his passions and desires,

Sun: The husband will be of very soft nature and will engage in many works,

If Venus and Mars occupy each other's Navamsa: Women will commit adultery,

The rising sign be Capricorn or Aquarius (Lord is Saturn) or

The rising sing be Aries or Scorpio (Lord if Mars) and

If such a sign be occupied by the Moon and Venus and aspected by Malefic grah/planets: The woman and her mother will commit adultery.

Rising sign occupied by two grah/planets:

Moon and Venus: The woman will be envious of the prosperity of other persons and will be greatly mindful of her comforts.

Moon and Mercury: The woman will be learned in the fine arts and will be in enjoyment of comfort and will possess many good qualities,

Venus and Mercury: The woman will be beautiful,much liked by her husband and learned in music, vocal ad instrumental,

Moon, Mercury and Venus: The woman will be in enjoyment of immense wealth and comfort and possess many good qualities,

Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus: The woman will be in enjoyment of immense wealth and comfort and possess many good qualities,

Note: All that has been said in this chapter applies to the positions of the grah at the time of promise of giving the girl as a gift in an arranged marriage and also at the time of the query.

Ref: Brihat Jataka - Varaha Mihira - 504 CE, translated by N Chidambaram Iyer 1885.

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 29 May 2017,

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