May 9, 2017

Hora / Drekkana / Trishansha /Vela / Kalahora Phalam - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Hora Phalam - Jataka Parijata

If the Lagna be an odd sign -

Hora be owned by Sun - The native will be cruel disposition, lustful, rich and honoured by kings.

Hora be owned by Moon - The native will be eloquent, liberal, handsome, compassionate but will have an intriguing wife.

If the Lagna be an even sign - 

Hora be owned by Sun - The native will be clever in counsel, sensible of favours received, but irresolute and exceedingly timid.

Hora be owned by Moon - The native will be fearless, lazy and fond of a virtuous wife.


Drekkana Phalam - Jataka Parijata

Malefic Drekkana - First Drekkanaa of Simha, Mesha, Kumbha, Vrischika and Makara,
Malefic Drekkana - Last Drekkana of Meena, Vrischika, Simha, Tula,
Malefic Drekkana - Middle Drekkana of Karkataka, Vrischika

Water bearing Drekkanas - First Drekkana of Karkataka, Meena, 
Water bearing Drekkanas - Middle most of Meena and Kanya,
Water bearing Drekkanas - Last of Vrishabha and Mithuna.

Benefic Drekkana - The second of Mesha, Dhanus, Vrishbha, Kumbha and Makara,
Benefic Drekkana - The first of Tula, Kanya and Mithuna,
Benefic Drekkana - The last of Dhanus, Kanya adn Kumbha.

Mixed Drekkanas - The last of Makaa, Mesha, and Karkataka, 
Mixed Drekkanas - The first of Vrishabha and Dhanus,
Mixed Drekkanas - The  middle most of Mithuna, Tula, Simha.

Drekkanas Phala:

Malefic Drekkanas - The native will be evil minded of wandering habits, addicted to evil deeds and in bad repute, 

Water Bearing Drekkanas - The native will be liberal, voluptuous, compassionate, bent on agriculture and irrigation and void of morality.

Benefic Drekkanas - The native will have rich and happy sons, al lovely form will be tender hearted.

Mixed Drekkanas - The native will be ill behaved, addicted to young women not his own, of cruel aspect and fickle minded.

Trishansha Phalam - Jataka Parijata,

If a person be born in a Trishansha (Thirtieth portion) owned by:

1) Mars - In any sign he will be fickle stiff voiced and cruel minded, 

2) Mercury - In any sign he will have great respect for his preceptors and the Gods, delight in the society of virtuous men and be attended by relatives.

3) Jupiter - In any sign, he will be wealthy.

4) Venus - In any sign, he will be loving, lovely and happy.

5) Saturn - In any sign, he will be addicted to wandering and of a depraved mind.


Vela Phalam - Jataka Patijata,

Satva Vela - The native will be eloquent, conforming to the duties and practices of the wise, devout, constantly persevering, pure, bountiful, possessed of lustre, learning and beauty, truthful and without enemies.

Rajo Vela - The native will have happiness, wealth, fame, beauty and strength, he will overcome his foes and will be lovesick at heart, his mind will not be kindly disposed towards his relations.

Tamo Vela - The native will try to secure the wealth and women belonging to others and will lose his happiness there by he will be a master rogue, at variance with his relations and venerable superiors and fickle minded.

Calculation :

Each day = 16 Ardhayama (Half Yama)
Half Yama = 1 hour and a half or 33/4 Ghatikas,

In the order, Thamas, Satva, Rajas, Thamas, Satva, Rajas, From Sunday forward through the other days of the week.

First and Last Ardhayama of a Sunday is a Tamo Vela,
First and Last Ardhayama of a Monday is a Satva Vela,
First and last Ardhayama  of a Tuesday is a Rajo Vela,
First and last Ardhayama of a Wednesday is a Tamo Vela,
First and last Ardhayama of a Thursday is a Satva Vela,
First and last Ardhayama of a Friday is a Rajo Vela, 
First and last Ardhayama of a Saturdday is a Tamo Vela,

Satva   = Purity,
Rajas   = Passion,
Tamas = Darkness,


Kalahora Phalam -Jataka Parijata,

Order of Grah - Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Saturn.

e.g. The first hora of Monday is the Moon, next Saturn then Jupiter, and so on, 

The first hora on Monday night is to be reckoned from 5th day i.e Friday,

The lord of the first hora on Monday night is Venus, 2nd belongs to Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun and so on.

Sun's Kalahora - The native will be in pain and fatigue,
Moons Kalahora - The native will be prosperous,
Mars Kalahora - The native will be in sorrow and be sick,
Mercury Kalahora - The native will be learned and wealthy,
Jupiter Kalahora - The native will be in possession of every kind of blessing,
Venus Kala hora - The native will be in conjugal bliss,
Saturn Kalahora - The native will loose his property.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 09 May 2017

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