Jan 30, 2018

Questions from April 2017 to Dec 2017

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Question: Sun, Mars, Venus, Rahu all in 2nd house then what happens????? on Four Grah/Planets in one house at the time of birth, Hemant Punit  6/25/17.

Answer: Rahu is not included in any combinations as it is a shadow planet, so look for Sun, Mars, and Venus in 2nd house, and Rahu will enhance the effects of the 2nd house and the lord of the house and the planets posited in the house.

Question: MOON-MERCURY-SATURN YOGA. The native will be liberal in gifts, will be respected by the king and will be possessed of good qualities, what if this is present in Lagna chart at 12th house for a Capricorn ascendant? on Three Grah/Planets in one house at the time of birth - Varaha Mihira  

Can you shed some light on the above mentioned Yoga in 12th house? 

Praveena  07/08/17

Answer: Need full date of birth details to see where the lord of the 12th house is and what is the situation it is in, and also any aspects, and other issues, thanks.

Question: Sir, Alok from Bhilwara 13/Feb/1977 10:10 am Bhilwara (Raj) is my birthplace. What is best suitable field to earn money fill date, I have worked in various fields medical , suiting, agency self business, services etc. last I have a brokerage work I am doing small stock market work, please tell is it right .......because I have spent 7 years in this field.... on Questions from 26 Aug 2016 to 30 Mar 2017,  Aki  07/11/17.

Answer: Getting a job or vocation or starting a business is not a problem but to sustain it  for a along time appears to be the problem as the mind wants to grow very fast but mind is also busy with carnal desires so lack of focus, meditate to overcome such desires and focus on whatever you are doing, Venus is wasted in 12th and 8th, 10th house lord is Saturn in Rasi as well as Navamsa, Saturn means delays, 6th house in both charts is Virgo, Mercury gets exalted in Virgo as it is its own house also, so communications based, software based professions or business in beauty products or female related products might work out well.


Question: Thanks a lot! on Karakas or Significators, Istadevata,  Kirubakaran P 786 07/15/17

Answer: Thanks!

Question: Sir, In my Kundli, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter are present in 6th house and Neptune and Ureanus in 8th house...My date of birth 03 Nov 1980 and time 6:00 am on Three Grah/Planets in one House at the time of Birth-I  Anonymous 07/20/17

Answer: Neptune and Uranus are not part of Vedic Astrology, 6th house is for Income, Jobs/Vocation, Enemies and Diseases or health, it is a dusthana, bad house, better it is empty, a benefics (Subha graha) like Jupiter and Venus are wasted here, it is like putting a highly skilled and intelligent person responsible for an ordinary or negative vocation, Saturn is a Malefic (Krura graha) in 6th house so it is OK up to some extent, but which house is the 6th house also matters and lord of that 6th house is posited where in what situation?, place of birth is also needed.

Question: My DOB is 07/05/1984 and tim eof birth is 11:25 AM, Place of Birth is Faridkot, Punjab, India, I am still jobless. Please suggest me something what I have to do , I have done B.Tech in Electrical Engineering. I have cleared % times government Exam but failed in Interview. on Tanu Bhava- 1st House, Lagna/Ascendent, Signs/Houses  Munish Sharma 08/19/17

Answer: Hello Munish, 

Since you were 15 till 29 yrs of age, Your Maha Dasha was Mercury (2 degrees) Which is in 10th house with Sun ( 23 degrees) and Venus (12 degrees) so it is little combust because of Sun, in Mercury Maha Dasha, Venus Antara Dasha was during 2004 to 2005, and I am sure you  were still a student and Mercury is good for Communication, Knowledge, Speech, Business based industry and Sun which is for govt jobs, its Antara Dasha under Mercury Maha Dasha passed too soon, just a year, Under Ketu Maha Dasha , just 4 months, Aug 2016 to Dec 2016, Your current Maha Dasha is Ketu till 2022 and current Antara Dasha is Mars will Dec 2017 followed by Rahu till 2018 Dec and then Jupiter and Saturn each for one year. Tanu Bhava- 1st House, Lagna/Ascendent, Signs/Houses

Question: Best post thanks for Sharing Kaal Sarpa Dosh on  Kal Sarpa Yoga-I  Monika Sharma  09/14/17.

Answer: Thanks!

Question: Hello. I have Sun, Mercury, Mars and Ketu in 6th house in Meena Rashi, Can you tell me about my career and Marriage on Five Grah/Planets in one house at the time of birth  Anonymous 10/03/17.

Answer: Lord of Pisces (Meena Rashi) is Jupiter, and then you will have to see in what situation it is present, Multiple planets in 6th house suggest multiple opportunities, Mercury gets debilitated in Pisces, so see what is the degree of debilitation, Sun stands for government related, and Mars is army, police, sports, related and also 6th house stands for enemies and diseases.

Question: Sir, If Sun-Mercury-Venus-Moon conjunction is in Lagna, How much powerful the combination will be.......Name:- Manas Dixit DOB:- 15JAN2002 Time:- 08:25 AM, Place of Birth:- Korba, Chhattisgarh, India, Sex-Male, Eagerly waiting for your reply.............on Karma Bhava- 10th House- B P H S  Mansi Dixit 10/12/17

Answer: Hello Manas/Mansi Dixit, You are just 15 years old, normally I ask people to wait till they turn 21, but :-) anyway your Lagna is the most powerful house in your entire Rasi chart, Sun and Moon (17 degrees apart from Sun) should not be present in one house, Moon kind of looses its shine and Venus is 1 degree apart from Sun (0degrees), so it is badly combust, Mercury is 18 degrees apart so it is kind of safe, but it will not give same Phala as an independent Mercury so strengthen it with an Emerald on your middle finger on your working hand particularly when Mercury is transiting through Capricorn, and these four Grah are present in Capricorn, the lord is Saturn , and Saturn and Venus have exchanged their houses which is good yoga, and when four planets are present in one house more than the combination , you should see what individual Grah is contributing to your character, because 1st house is Lagna is also Tanu Bhava, you and your physical and mental self, read properties of each. on Karma Bhava- 10th House- B P H S

Question: Sir, My 4 planets like Sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter are in the same 8th house My DOB is 9 Nov 1993 Time is 15:20. On Three Grah/Planets in one House at the time of Birth-I  Anonymous 11/03/17.

Answer: 8th house is Randhra bhava, so please read about Randhra bhava in my blog then ask what you want to ask. thanks. 

Question: Rahu, Venus, Saturn and Mars in same house?on Four Grah/Planets in one house at the time of birth  Anonymous 11/04/17.

Answer: Rahu is a shadow planet so is not included in these combinations, so please look for Mars, Venus and Saturn combination. thanks!

Question: Sir, I am born on 13/05/1994, 6:05 A.M. Hyderabad, India, Can U please explain my Horoscope. On Tanu Bhava- 1st House, Lagna/Ascendent, Signs/Houses  Srinivas B S  1/4/18

Answer: Taurus Lagna Rasi Chart, Shukla Tritya Moon in Taurus, where it is exalted, Venus in its own house with Mercury and Ketu, Sun exalted in Aries 12th house, Saturn in Moolatrikona 10th house, Mars in 11th, Jupiter in 6th retro, Rahu in 7th, Nakshatra is Mrigasira Pada 1, Navamsa chart Lagna is Capricorn with Ketu, Sun in 12th, Jupiter in 2nd retro, Saturn and Mars in 3rd, Mercury in 4th Aries, Rahu again in 7th, Moon in 8th with Moon. Yoga Sukarman, Karana Taitula, 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,8th and 9th empty in Rasi. Sun is Atma Karaka in 12th both in Rasi and Navamsa chart. Rahu maha dasha ending 2019 and Jupiter will start 2019 till 2035, things will change and improve from 2019, career education based, career growth will be slow due to Saturn in 10th, 11th Mars is beneficial for Viprita dhana arjita, elders will not be favourable. thanks!

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

S P Ianala

Deux-Montagnes, Quebec

Jan 2018

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