Oct 11, 2018

Spritual Talk - For the Spiritually Inclined

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Spiritual Talk for the spiritually inclined in the era of lies.

If you are spiritually inclined this is for you, by now it must/should be clear that the actual spiritual journey is with in your body and it is a three and a half feet journey, If you go to Internet there are more then 2000 sites both Western and Eastern trying to figure it out, I am not saying they have no information, they do, If you look at the top I use a small Mantra, which is a simple salutation to the Guru.

Who is a Guru?

All those sites which are more then 2000 are kind of playing the role of a "Guru", and there are more and everywhere, it is only you have to open your doors of your mental world to absorb the information which is flowing 24/7, well not like the wimps, like a child. :-)

When it comes to spirituality there is no Shastra (Written Protocol) which will tell you how to do it, the reason for this is simple, there is no "path" prescribed as the only way, If you have a Guru (Someone who is already treading In this path) he or she might be able to take you up to certain point in this path, after that they are as lost as you are, which means after that you will have to carve your way out.

This is the only reason why there are more then 2000 sites giving out information and they kind of loose the way after few minutes, and they end up repeating. 

But this should not discourage you, keep going ,If you are destined for it in this life you will sure discover it and If you are new to this path and this is your first life or first attempt, then it might take you to certain level and after that you need to come back, discover it all over again and then pursue it from there. 

I know it is kind of very discouraging, otherwise we would be having just one site in the Internet which would have detailed out all the steps leaving all the nonsense, but we have more then 2000 sites.

Now you must already be feeling, common, this is nonsense. :-)

Don't give up.

There was a time, when people would go out looking for a Guru, for getting initiated in to this process and it was at the total discretion of the Guru whether to accept someone as his disciple or not, but now I heard few people in this path, even from the foot hills of the Himalayas saying, they did not find any proper disciples. :-)

The reason for this is because now (Current era of lies) the Guru is looking only for money, :-) doe snot matter how much turmeric they smear on their forehead or how much Kumkum they apply on their forehead.

How do you prepare?

One should prepare with an open mind and with this understanding that he or she is walking on a path which does not end in this life or in this world, "Aham Brahasmi", is the right way.

Why people get stuck at a particular point?

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda both died of throat cancer, Throat is Vishuddha Chakra, the 5th Chakra, and the reason why people resort to all kind of things to move past that point is because it takes hell of a time to move out of it, people have devoted almost their entire lives at this point and when they understand the situation it is almost very late, and they have already stepped into another life, and the process starts all over again, but again If it is discovered it will sure take you to that point very fast and it will stop there again, repeat this over and over and over again it will not move, it might as well take many many births.

In the past hundred years one person has crossed the Vishuddha Chakra in India, all put together inside the caves and outside the caves, everywhere and that person also ran out of time after that as his body gave away.

Solution: Withdraw yourself from everything, like a tortoise withdraws its limbs, it is very easy to say, it is very tough for the people from the East, even though they live in a culture where spirituality is a daily talk, now you can imagine what goes on with a person from the western world, :-) where everything is external, even a superman wears his underwear outside. :-)

But the impulse to stay in the limelight and the external world is so strong, :-) it is wrapped in a thick layer of that ego, which gets triggered at small small things and then there is Vritti, :-) and in this current era of lies, the Vritti is double edged. :-)

Hence people don't cross Vishuddha Chakra in many many life times.

Will it help If you have a pale skin ?

To my knowledge skin is also a sensory organ but it has no Chakras or nodes, so pale skin or dark skin or brown skin will have no effect or advantage, make sure your mind is free from stains, and things like Jealousy, Greed, lies, deception, betrayal mentality etc are not part of your mind.

Will it help If one is a women?

Women is given a very important responsibility by the nature and that is child birth, hence they are not given few things, I think they don't have Kundalini energy like men, there is no serpentine power in women, it is a different technology, I will write about it once I will understand it completely.

This is the reason why in Hinduism women are always asked to hold the hand of her husband even in an ordinary puja, with that single minded devotion to her one husband she can cross with him, meaning she can use her husband as a vehicle to cross, in many cases the man might not be involved in spiritual journey or he might be a scumbag, the devotion works.

So ladies stick to one man all your life, If you don't want to come back on this Earth or If you want to move to higher planes of existence. 

Will it help If I follow a white man or a Caucasian for spiritual purposes?

Well Caucasians will not help you in this material world leave alone the spiritual world and when it comes to Spirituality I don't see them, which means your travel time will double If you follow them. :-) bad idea.

What can a Guru do in such a situation?

Nothing! because even a Guru is stuck in such a predicament, :-) he might end up wasting little more of your time, it is easy to find a Guru who has not crossed the Vishuddha Chakra not after that. 

What does it mean for both the Disciple and the Guru then in such a predicament?

It is simple - it means you can not move further up along with the world once you cross Vishuddha Chakra.

So, What should you do?

Keep going...…….:-)

Will it help, If you repeat, words like, " I am that", :-)

Yes! it sure will attract more people but it will delay your Vishuddha Crossing, :-) and to keep the people you will have to device new new tricks every day or they will go away.

Will there be any help after crossing Vishuddha Chakra?

Yes!, If you live in a culture where Archetypes are present, and If you have inculcated a spiritual habit to fall on them on a daily basis they might come to your help and extend their hand again and again, now for people in the East, they have many Archetypes, but in the west, I have yet to find one, which is used by the people to fall on or lean on as a ritual. 

Basically what I am suggesting is a Yogeshwar archetype is required.

Yogeshwara: One who has crossed the Vishuddha Chakra.

It is said that even Ramakrishna Paramhamsa needed someone to clarify what Nirvikalpa Samadhi was, they called him Totapuri, don't be mesmerized with stories too early and too fast, use your analytical brain, because we are living in an era of lies. :-)

I think most people in the past suffered when they reached at this point is because they lacked formal education, or general knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology and all other sciences, so If people wants to tread such a path it will be a great help If they get educated in any of the applied sciences.

And develop analytical brain.

What happens to the brain during this entire process,

The brain becomes a sponge, a magnet for knowledge and information.

Is there a short cut:

Yes! Bhakti is the way.

Bhakti is devotion towards certain Archetype with faith, better If that Archetype was a Yogeshwar.

Faith: it is either 100% or it is not there.

What happens in Bhakti?

It is a shortcut and starts from Anahata Chakra, it bypasses all the three base chakras and it takes less time for the preparation but it needs total surrender to the Archetype with faith and this works wonders.

But there is a drawback one is free from any anchor to the Earth, total detachment from the world might be difficult for people still in the Grahasta (Family) Ashram and carrying out responsibilities.

Does it mean then that the Kundilini is still sleeping ?.

Yes! it might be, Kundilini Awakening is one of the ways and one can do both.

What is the next stop after Anahata Chakra in Bhakti mode?.

Next stop is Vishuddha Chakra. :-) the gateway.  :-)

How much time it might take in Bhakti Mode,

It can happen in 5 years or even less depends on your intention, but you are sure to get stuck at Vishuddha Chakra and stay there as long as your mind stays connected to all the external things.

This is the sole reason why most people or majority of the people who tread this path have crossed the threshold of spiritual journey through Bhakti, which means they cross this 5th Chakra.

And If you have enemies it works in your favour.

After Vishuddha Chakra it is a different world, most people don't like those who have crossed this Chakra, they might look very selfish. :-) 

And I think one will have to turn selfish otherwise it is not possible to cross this Chakra. :-) I did not make this rule. :-)

Where can one start Bhakti,

Anywhere...……..and with any Archetype, better If that Archetype was/is a yogeshwara.

Will it help If you convert to Hinduism?

It will sure help to get initiated and feel the Bhakti around you to get inspired as the atmosphere already exists but as I said it will only take you up to Vishuddha Chakra after that it is a different story. 

How many Hindu's in the past 100 years while living in India had crossed Vishuddha Chakra (5th Chakra in the Throat).

I think just one and he too ran out of time and his body gave away, so he passed away.

Will it help to learn Sanskrit?

It will help to understand Hindu Scriptures and chant Mantras like they need to be chanted specially the Beeja Aksharas.

And I think the Indian government should take precautions and stop everyone from translating the Sanskrit texts into various languages without paying royalty, this way it will also help to maintain the integrity and originality of the texts, and If anyone wants to learn they should first learn Sanskrit and then understand it and apply to their sadhana.

Beej Akshara: It is a seed for each Archetype, when planted properly it grows, like a plant grows out of a seed.

Will it help to cover yourself with GOLD or SILVER. :-)

Well! need I say more...…..:-)

What accessories are needed?

Your body -Mind- Soul is the only thing that is needed

Which one is good Mantra, Yantra or Tantra?

All are equally good and interchangeable and help each other.

Do you need permission from any living spiritual master or Guru or Organization like Peeth or Religious head or temple or any past spiritual master etc. ?

It will help in the beginning for initiation, If you are new, otherwise If you are born on this Earth, it is enough for you to move ahead.

What you should do, If you ran out of time?

It happens like I said, people get stuck and remain there for almost their entire lives, and then it is too late to cope with the demands of spirituality, there is a huge demand of energy to tread in the mental world then in the physical world.

So, when you get initiated, make it a habit to wish for a set of parents in your next life (If you feel you need one) who should be spiritually advanced or well connected through their Anahata Chakra so that you can begin early and discover your loose end from your previous life, I think one can do this favour to themselves and hope for the best.

I started at the age of 8 or 9, thanks to my parents.

What one should look during this journey.

There are certain indications which repeat it self to assure you that you are on a right path, I have seen COWS in my life.

Example: On the day I was made the bridegroom, lots of food was prepared for the guests from both sides of my parents, but our relatives from my fathers side boycotted, :-) and relatives from my mother side thought the other side will be in total control so they did not show up.

I was made the groom, the barber does everything, :-) at least in my case he did, and his children today are highly educated, which is done a day before marriage, and there were 7 or 8 people from my mother's side who came slowly, that is around 12:00 PM, when the first one informed the others that there was no one, but around afternoon hundreds of cows emerged from no where and had all the food. :-)

 And they kept repeating all my life.

Here in the west we don't see COWS in one piece, :-) which is sad.

What is the right age to get initiated ?

There is no age factor If you have already decided, but I would prefer people to prepare for this journey all their life till they turn 45 and then go for it all barrels, because number 48 is very crucial for the Kundilini activation in a natural way without external efforts, If you have someone to guide you it is very good, I was having a live book in front of me and an excellent analytical mind, and enough experience in R&D :-) etc but one can go all by themselves but with much caution.

How much money you need?

Depends where you are, :-) but one need to reduce their personal expenditure to the minimum, which will reduce the need to earn loads of money, it is a cycle. 

Can you levitate or walk on the water??

:-) What is the purpose.

But it seems there are some spiritual masters on the internet who invite people to learn the technique of levitation and walk on the water for some fees, I think some people even paid 10,000$ per head to get their children's mid brain activated, I am not sure If they could also walk on the water but this spiritual master assures you he will have all the Shastra pramana, Apta pramana, Atma pramana and also Shakshi pramana (Literary proof, Past experience proof, Personal experience proof, Permission and audience for such feats), even for walking on the water.

And he brags that every village in his neighbourhood (In India) has one or more persons doing all these things like it is some mundane task.

I don't know why people are waiting, I don't have that kind of money. :-)

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

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