Jan 7, 2019

Beyond Shasrara

ॐ नमः शिवाय। 

Beyond Shasrara……

After Shasrara, that is the thousand petal inverted lotus, the spiritual journey continues beyond shasrara, it continues towards the Brahma-Randhra (The Brahma's hole)

Bhagwan, the literary meaning is owner of the hole, so we call one who owns this hole as Bhagwan, and hence all those men or women who realize this hole become the owner of this hole, hence they should also be called Bhagwan, but there are physical and mental symptoms when someone even takes the first step on his/her own or is put on this path due to past sadhana, :-) so careful before anyone claims anything, particularly the parrots. :-)


When a man takes he first step away from his normal (Pingala Nadi) into the Ida nadi, as the Swathisthana chakra to Anahatha Chakra is under the maya of the feminine divinity, through the Ida Nadi, they develop breasts, and other feminine qualities and as long as they remain with in this maya circle they continue to remain so, it only changes when one crosses the Anahatha Chakra in to the Vissudha Chakra, when for Men the Masculinity returns, and for women which is very rare, If they cross the Anahatha Chakra they loose their feminine qualities and turn more masculine, as the world above Vissudha Chakra is all Musculine, even their voice should turn more masculine. (This is still under study, so please do not jump to conclusion and suffer for nothing. :-))

Which also means the one who has settled in the Agnya Chakra, will loose the craving for the opposite sex and see himself as Ardha Nareshwari, because the life forces, and other energies are all flowing through all the three nadi's, This place is also called Varanasi, where all thoughts end rather are burned to ashes.

So humans can become a "Bhagwan", many times you must have heard Bhagwan Rajneesh, Bhagwan Sai, etc. which is all right, but point to note is we are not calling them  Param-atma, because Param-atma is only one, which is Para Brahma, which is even above Jyoti-Swaroop, though a valid discussion to understand Atma-Param Atma is well expected.

Out of 11 holes, this is the tenth hole “Dasama-dvara,” the tenth opening or the tenth door. 
Brahma created the physical body and entered (Pravishat) the body to give illumination inside through this Brahma-randhra. 

In some of the Upanishads, it is stated:

This is the most important part. 

It is very suitable for Nirguna Dhyana (abstract meditation). 

When the Yogi separates himself from the physical body at the time of death, this Brahmarandhra bursts open and Prana comes out through this opening (Kapala Moksha). 

“A hundred and one are the nerves of the heart. 

Of them one (Sushumna) has gone out piercing the head; going up through it, one attains immortality” (Kathopanishad).

When it comes to Dhyana there are symptoms attached to each level of Dhyana, like where your Dhyana is, If it is at Muladhara Chakra, then the symptoms are different and when it is at Agnya chakra then the symptoms are different, and at Shasrara they are very different, and beyond Shasrara yet the symptoms are different.

Based on these symptoms one can know or establish where he has reached or at what level his sadhana has reached and where his Dhyana is.

To explain this phenomenon, trillions and trillions of words have been written from time immemorial, :-) not just in India and in Vedic Sanatana Dharma, but all over the world but yet it is almost impossible to experience it with mere imagination or by gaining knowledge about it from books and scriptures or from well written documents like, by Swami Sivananda Ji, one will have to get down into it and experience it all my themselves.

I would say what life did you live If you did not experience even a fraction of it, If not its fullness.

S P Ianala

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