Mar 1, 2019

विवेका चूड़ामणि

Sutra No 141 

महा मोहग्राहग्रसनगलितात्मावगमनो 

धियो  नानावस्थां  स्वयमभिनयंस्तद्गुणतया |    

अपारे  संसारे विषयविषपूरे  जलनिधौ 

निमज्योन्मज्यायं  भ्रमति  कुमतिः कुत्सितगतिः || 


A person of deluded mind, whose knowledge of self has been swallowed by the shark of complete ignorance, behaves as though the different states of intellect were the attributes of the self, and drifts up and down, now rising and now shrinking, on the ocean of change, which is full of poison of sense pleasures. 

What a miserable fate indeed.

Note: The first thing that covers Atma is ignorance (Imagine like a sheath around it) which remains as such for at least 10 billion births, before the self even tries to get rid of it. :-)

Sutra no 142


भानुं तिरोधाय विजृम्भते यथा | 


तथा तिरोधाय विजृम्भते स्वयम ||  


As the clouds which are formed by the sun rays veils the sun, the same way the ego arisen from the self veils the self, and as the clouds manifest in full by covering the sun, the ego also manifests in full by covering the self.

Note: It is very normal for a person to think it is him who is all powerful, :-) like the cloud covering the sun, and the person as well might think it is him who is doing everything, like the cloud which might think it is causing the rain, but like the sun it is always the Atma which is sole cause of everything that happens.


Atma - Paramatma

What If I say there is no such thing as soul. :-)

Then the question comes, "Who am I", or "Who are we".

Answer is: You are just a hologram. 

Like a hologram, you come alive when the light is on, and you disappear when the light is off.

Then the question is but it is so real, I can feel it, I can touch it, I can break it, change it.

Answer: all the तत्त्व (Tatva) make it look real.

What is a tatva?

Answer: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Skin, Tongue, Mind, Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch, Taste, etc. are all tatva's, there are more then 100 of them, which make the projection look real.


But I have been working to create my kingdom forever and forever and forever... and only for our/my people, bohoooooooo hhooooooooobhooooooooo.

Question to ask yourself: Where are the ancient civilizations, they all created kingdoms for their people, where are they now, all we see is the ruins, some of them have vanished with out a trace of even the ruins.

Hence the main job is find your SELF.

Note: Advance course available - Deposit 10,000 CAD per person, One to one basis and selection of the candidate will be by me. (Men Only for now)

Duration of Course: 20 Years.  

Warning: If you pursue this path, you might be blocked/hacked/tortured/labelled/insulted/ subjected to indignation and hazing by people (Domestic Terrorists - like clouds) who protect the interests of 1% population of your country, (100 families in India) (All countries have this disease (Bimari)), Hence the deposit.

Spiritual Angle: Your Prarabhda Karma will come in to play, Prarabhda Karma is what decides or draws the coordinates of your life, that is even before you are born, so as you burn them in the knowledge of self, they will continue to pour from all your 10 billion previous lives, otherwise a small portion is consumed in each life.

Challenge: You can see it requires the strength of 1000 Men. 

Anyone Interested. :-) 


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