Apr 10, 2019

Crystals on Maple Tree

It is very rare to see the entire dried up tree covered in clear crystals of ice and then sunlight shining through each one of them, they appear like diamonds attached to the branches of the tree, and this view in broad day light, this time I think it was perfect.

May be If it was photographed from the other side, i.e. the sun behind the camera, it would have given a much better picture, anyway this was a casual picture with my old Samsung cellphone, and the camera could not capture what my naked eye could see, :-) after all nature's technology is far higher and perfect then man made technology, nature's technology is self repairing, while man made technology is self destructive, :-) more so in the current times of lunacy. :-) 

Even though winter arrives year after year after year, I have not seen this in my last 20 winters, not this spectacular.

But today due to high temperature of 4 degrees all the crystals fell off to the ground and the dry tree with out any foliage appears again loosing all its temporary shine.

By the way a dry tree with out any nutrition is none but Shiva, Shiva turns in to a dry tree - like because of severe penance and no nutrition, and the dryness (Due to lack of nutrition) of such a tree is called Aparna. :-)

And the branches of such a dry and naked tree is none but Skanda, otherwise also called as Soma Skanda, which is Sa + Uma, + Skanda, i.e. Skanda with Uma.

And higher to SomaSkanda is none but Ayyappa Swamy, who is epitome of pure celebacy.

Then one might ask where is Ganesha, Ganesha is at the door, the entrance. :-)



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