Sep 22, 2019

Trees in Deux-Montagnes, Quebec


Fully grown trees in my backyard are dying, following picture shows four of them fully grown but with out any foliage, and last year same time they were full with leaves, and I had to rake 25 full large size garbage bags of them, and today the trees are almost naked and remained so the entire summer.

Following picture shows another such tree in the backyard of  my neighbour on the left side, in same condition and remained so the entire summer, one tree next to it was cut down this August, though all these trees are lined up along the auto route 640, which runs behind my backyard wall.

Still further down on the left side, another such tree which remained naked with out ay foliage all summer,

Following picture shows few more such trees in the similar situation in the backyard of one of our neighbours on the right side,  

Following pictures show how these trees are struggling to grow foliage, few are in the backyards and few across the wall between our homes and auto route 640, all these trees are in similar condition and were naked the entire summer and few trees fought back to life and leaves grew in the lower parts of the trees but very late in the month of August.


The lower parts of these trees though struggling did succeed in growing few leaves.

If any climate change junkie is reading this or takes a look at them, he or she might jump to the conclusion that the trees are dying of some severe climate change effect. :-) they are not maple trees, they are like Birch trees, the seeds are cones, but the bark is brown.

What is causing these trees to go leaf less in summer, while all other plantations around them thrived in 30 + temperatures and though the city came up with some water conservation bylaw this year, rains have been quite normal.

Possible causes:

1) Climate Change
2) Shortage of water or dry land,
3) Plant terrorism - Mischief by Caucasian wimps operating in these areas, they do go into the backyards of people to destroy small small plants, lawns, etc. etc. recently in the month of August 2019, in Deux-Montagnes, 350 Apple trees were cut down in a farm, the police is still investigating. :-)
4) Small animals like Marmots which can climb trees also chew on green leaves, but the entire foliage of trees that size. :-)
5) Borer worms/Termites, Agrilus anxius larvae that digest the tissue between the bark and the vascular part of the tree.

Take a closer look at the large trees, as the bark is dead and peels off easily,

These pictures clearly show the cause of the destruction, it is the small borer worms which had taken residence in these trees and they venture out to consume the tree forming channels of its movement under the bark.

We planted few new trees and they are growing well, but they are small, one tree we bought for 80$ was a mixed fruit salad treed, Plums of two types, Peach and Apricot.

But If the base of the trunk is checked, it looks like this, like it also attacked by bight of some kind, but no borer worms yet on this two year old tree.

Question: These worms were not there in 2017 or before, did they appear in 2018 all by themselves ? :-) and in one year they chewed down so many fully grown trees, hence the trees are dying.

Yesterday a woodpecker worked almost for an hour to reach these worms but as the bark is dead and turned very rough and hard, it could not break through, so it gave up.

The top branches are very dry so they are breaking off and dangling precariously towards the electricity lines of the Hydro Quebec. :-)

In the year 2017, Hydro Quebec did send few people to prune the branches of these trees, which was not done properly, many branches in my back yard are still stuck in to these lines were left uncut, :-) and the people who came to cut did not even want to communicate, :-) and the supervisor who was supposed to inspect each and every back yard to see If the work was done properly, :-) visited few homes in a random fashion and missed my home.

If you go to the Hydro Quebec website to request tree branch pruning, they had  some options in 2017 but now it seems only the municipalities can request such service, in 2017 we tried to contact or place a request with Hydro Quebec but failed.

This winter these trees will turn very heavy under the weigh of the snow and as they are very dry and crisp might crack and fall on the power lines, disrupting service to all these homes along the auto route 640.

An average citizen can do two things.

1) Pay taxes on time, Municipal and other,
2) Pay the Hydro Quebec bill on time.

Calling Hydro Quebec is more difficult then climbing Everest, and it has become more difficult due to the Proxy games, because even Hydro Quebec is a proxy for some political side left or right or middle. :-)

And when we call them, mostly the calls goes to some other number where few wimps take the call and play around or pass around the call till you get tired or frustrated, one name always used by these women wimps is Isabella. :-)

I am unable to digest the fact, :-) and it is so absurd....

A citizen of Canada- Quebec pays all his/her Hydro Quebec bills on time, all his/her taxes, but Hydro Quebec will not provide power lines to his/her home which are safe, clear from all hazards, perils, obstructions,  :-) they want the citizen to take care of them. 

And elected/nominated folks are oblivious of these issues, they are more worried about black faced Aladdin. :-)

And I don't see in the responsibilities of the citizens which says, " It is the duty or responsibility of the average citizen to inform the elected or nominated officials of their duties or activities from time to time ". :-)

Just for record: 

All plants in my back yard including the large grown trees were infected with some or other disease, worms, or bugs or blight or borer worms, as a result this year all plants suffered, I can upload some pictures but as it is sad and if some Caucasian wimp (Plant Terrorist) is behind all this, he or she might get feedback for his or her activities free of cost or with out much labour. :-)

It will be like FACEBOOK, where people provide all their private  information free of cost, and the people who run it make billions and at the same time get free data always available.

S P Ianala.

21 Sep 2019.

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