Mar 16, 2020

Demons fooling Demons

Demons fooling Demons: The Demons who are present in almost every country and who manage or want to control everyone and everything are not only fooling everyone, they even fool the one's who protect them and keep them safe, like the crackpot women who think the Demons are on their side or they are working for them. :-)

12th Mar 2020,

Back in April 2002, when Demon - Dumbanique the Cave women from Geneva came onboard our loss making small scale pharmaceutical with mis-management, first thing she did was stopped our checks for two weeks, this was to check the financial depth of each individual.

I told her then, I can manage 6 months with out pay, and then to make sure I had enough funds I took 3000$ loan from City financial, :-) so I was OK for about 9 months in case the two mischievious women extend their mischief to more then 6 months, but they did not, cheques were issued after two weeks.

Only people, who refused to work with out cheques were Cat on the wall (COW) and her assistant, :-) they sat in the cafeteria, Cat on the wall was upset that I too went back to my office to work. :-)

But then after some time, when all the mischievious women were done with all their financial and other assessment, Dumbanique came to me and said, what kind of life is this with out even one bad habit.

Then my home computer was splashed repeatedly with casino website and porn sites. (Note is managed by U.K.)

That is how I started playing online casino. :-)

But when the people (Caucasian Wimps) behind the scam saw I was making money, once in 2003 I made 3600$ in 2 hours, that is it, they started meddling with the online software and particularly with roulette. :-)

And as a result of such meddling from 2003 to 2020 I lost around to 10,000 $. :-) 

Because the purpose of introducing the online casino by the Caucasian wimps was to cut deep into my savings, with such savings the mis-management team then, was not in a situation to call shots or blackmail, :-) since then they have been working on a daily basis to increase our expenditure, even though I left the mis-managed company in 2005, the policy remained to this day 12 Mar 2020. :-)

The weak people always think how to put other people in difficult situations so that they can exploit the situation in their favour. :-) 

Now in 2020:

Suddenly my daughter's friend (From Sri Lanka) :-) booked a trip to Dominican republic costing her more then her months wages, then her car was mishandled by the wimps causing severe damage to the wheels costing another 600$ + 200$.

So something similar is being planned by the same bunch of women, :-) this time they are not in a small scale loss making pharmaceutical but they are with the international terrorists, the caucasian wimps or they are trying to show them what they can do, or they are with the top boss of these international terrorists (All Caucasians), who might me asking them what can they do to qualify as the top international terrorist (Reserved for only Caucasians), :-) I think COVID-19 also comes somewhere in this game plan. :-)

Let us see, we survived then, we will survive again. :-)


Bottom line: Women (world over and particularly in the western countries like USA/CANADA/UK/Europe/India ) are screwing women, financially, politically, socially and emotionally, and then they blame the men's world that they can not have a women president/Prime Minister in countries like USA and Canada. :-)

Little History of flu like symptoms from our small scale loss making pharmaceutical in Quebec.

2001-2002, The only person who suffered on a continuous basis, day after day with running nose was Sandal Gel in Ass, and she was THE GENIUS of Demon-Bitch from hell during that period.

Demon- Dumbanique the Cave women arrived in 2002.

2002-2003, Demon - Dumbanique the Cave women suffered from continuous nasal congestion, day after day, and she got Sandal Gel in Ass fired and replaced her in QC and became the new THE GENIUS of Demon - Bitch from hell. 

2003-2004, Then when She was also found to be just a crackpot, she was replaced by the Piercing Robber, and he suffered from Nasty GI symptoms, irregular bowl movement, stinking toilets etc. mostly he was found in the toilets after lunch breaks and the toilets would be stinking, and he was the new darling of the Demon-Bitch from hell. 

Many times I had to hold my breath while washing my hands in the toilet. :-)

Then in 2004, The Demon - Bitch from hell got into a checkmate kind of situation and had to get herself fired along with the CEO. :-)

This is why she became vindictive, :-) and I was deeply thinking that If She and her team (Including Dumbanique) were stealing something, that stolen goods or whatever it was, where would she keep it, the best person for that would be Jug Head Sing, because no one will suspect him, given his mild manners.

Before I was thinking, for both the demons, the best person would be Cat on the wall, but I think Jug Head Sing would be more perfect for that.  :-)

Whatever, till it is clear what happened, who, when, why, where, I am going to keep my distance from every single one of them from that company. :-)

Online Casinos:

They are software's, so they depend on some code like any other software, and generally the casino's keep a very low give away ratio, but on top of that the Demons who manage everyone and everything in almost every country, :-) need I explain, look for yourself how fast almost all countries implemented COVID-19 scare and locked down their countries.

So Demons also manage and manipulate these online casinos, they have many versions of the software, depends who the user is, like in Quebec it is almost impossible for a non-French to win anything on, same way on Grand Mondial, the winning software must be reserved for certain folks only and that might not be for only Liberals, because it must also be one of the ways to generate funds for the party or parties.

Then on top of that, the online casinos are also being used as proxy queens for the crackpot ladies, :-) who think the demons are working for them but the demons just fool them, fool the user and also fool themselves.

End result is we end up loosing our 20$.

Same thing with Zodiac Casino, :-) when they saw I have won more then I have deposited they suspended my account and I can not redeem my points in to playing chips, some 28$ are stuck there. :-)

Question is why do I play, :-) I do research, and this is also one good topic to research how people actually find ways to deceive everyone, but even though they think they are very smart they leave certain loopholes, and though it is a costly way to do research, particularly when Demons are manipulating every one of them with their Trillion $ high tech Surveillance cum Facial recognition software cum Electronic Voodoo cum Software hacking and manipulating technology, available with almost all the developed and few develping countries like India and China.

In the developed countries this technology is used to screw the minorities and to safe guard the interests of the majority, but in countries like India it is used against the Majority :-) to help the developed countries like UK/USA/Canada/Quebec finish their racial profiling, radicalization, and other such programs targetting minorities.

But India it is in opposite direction, because it is a crackpot country which promotes only crackpots mostly based on caste, so the well educated, smart people leave India all the time.

I am not saying it should be used against minorities only like in western countries, it should not be used at all against anyone who is living a legal life of a citizen.

But then the question arises? 

In that case where is need to even develop something like that and place them in each and every police station like in Montreal, and then How will the crackpots like BFH and Dumbanique survive....:-)

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