Mar 3, 2020

Devata and Demons (Good Vs Evil) - I


Devata/Devi and Demons: (Please read only If you are an intellectual, weak/intolerant minds stay away, there are so many sites catering to the demons go there. :-))

For almost everyone this time comes almost on a daily basis when they think why so and so person has been acting strange, mostly it is about someone around them, which is demon like and in Hindi we say Rakshas or haiwaan or more severe word Shaitan, and some times which is rare and short lived people say "my goodness he or she is a devata or devi", :-) but no one takes a peep into their own self and see who is ruling their body and mind.

And no one will argue for one thing that, our Human body is nothing but food rearranged, and so is the mind.

Whatever one eats, the gross matter from it shapes it self as body and the subtle matter shapes itself as the mind, and the residue is discarded, If you live in western countries like UK, Canada or USA the residue might be subjected to further research by few people who wants to control everything in this world, :-) it is EWimp-Poop Department. :-) Anyway.....

Food has been divided in three categories:

1) Sattvic : Divine
2) Rajasic : Passionate
3) Tamasic : and the sickly,

Since the invention of the much needed Refrigerator most people consume food which is mostly Tamasic, on few occasions it is Rajasic, but it is certainly not fit for the devata/devi to consume.

I am using devata/devi for the divine because there is no equivalent word for them in English, I cannot use GOD for divine, because GOD is beyond all this non sense.

Devata: They safe guard every nook and corner of our body and they are divine and behave or work for our best interest, they are vegetarian, like Sattavic food, which are Fruits, Vegetables, fresh grains, or freshly cooked food (Vegetarian), raw is better then cooked.

Demons: Larger in size, and larger in number and they are always on the look out to spoil the plans of the devata/devi, so they pollute every place and every door way of the human body, so that they can keep the control, and in current times as food is treated not better then shit by everyone including the governments, particularly the wimps, (Domestic terrorists), shops, restaurants, does not matter punjabi or non punjabi, they are controlled by Caucasian wimps, so the food is mostly polluted in all the restaurants, hence the people who consume it turn in to demons of high quality or rather I should say calibre. ;-)


Devata/devi wants you to see good, soft, soothing divine images,
Demons pollute your views/eyes with filthy, ugly, nasty, voilant, images of voyeurism,

Devata/devi want you to listen to soft, soothing divine music, divine Chants/ Mantras, 
Demons pollute your ears/sounds with filthy/ugly/senseless sounds and noise,

Devata/devi want you to smell nice odors, clean smells, 
Demons will pollute your nostrils with filthy smells, 

Devata /devi want you to eat good, sattavic, fresh vegetarian food,
Demons will pollute your food, they want you to intoxicate yourself, eat and drink tamasic food, and more like sedatives, narcotics, stimulants, drugs, marijuana and other similar herbs.

[Note: People who have to do hard work they should consume Rajasic food like Fresh meat etc, but it should also be freshly cooked, or made.]

Devata/devi want you to wear light, clean, soothing colors, 
Demons will pollute your thoughts about clothing on name of style,

This struggle between Devata and Demons is very old and it happens not just inside your body it happens 24/7 outside the body, because even Earth is another body.

[Note: Only way one can save themselves from being controlled by Demons is by turning your mind in to Hanuman.]

What happens If you eat only Tamasic food the entire week, and the week after and after, year after year, Devata/devi in your body go hungry, and become so weak they cannot help you protect your body from demons polluting it to complete destruction, as a result people suffer right after they turn 48, and the suffering continues.

Tamasic food: Left overs, dead animals that includes chicken, long stored dead animals, food contaminated or polluted with blood, etc.

It is our responsibility that we provide the devata/devi residing in our bodies with fresh food at least few days a week, so that the balance is maintained and the body and mind is not taken over by the demons.

Thoughts: Thoughts are output of both Devata/Devi and Demons, and each want to outsmart each other to control the body and mind.

Devata/Devi: Their thoughts are divine, soft, easy, towards peace, towards attaining higher divine planes, helping the downtrodden etc. one can imagine the all the good stuff.

Demons: Their thoughts are voilant, selfish, self centered, harming others to fill up their coffers, stealing, deception, back stabbing, all the evil one can think off are emanating from the demons side.

Now one can easily monitor their thoughts and make note of their thoughts and see for themselves who is controlling their bodies and their minds.


Divine words sound like stupidity and poison, Demons in total control.
One can not keep their teeth off the poor chicken, it is certainly Demons in control, sense the craving.

One is happy and satisfied with fruits or vegetables, it is the divine in control, again sense the craving.

Eating mostly left overs from the refrigerator, it is the inventor to be blamed :-) who made us lazy and so weak that we can not prepare fresh food every day.

Whom are you worshipping?

This is also very easy to find out (It has nothing to do with religion, most religions have no idea whom they are worshipping), monitor your thoughts, and you will see for yourself whom are you worshipping.

Divine will lead you towards harmony, peace, and simplicity, equality, withdrawn to themselves for self audit, self study,
Demons/Shaitan/Satan will lead you towards disagreement, hate, voilence, racism, terrorism domestic and international, disruption, blood shed on name of religion, caste, creed, skin color.

Mind is like a vessel:

If it is empty - one can go crazy, :-) so don't keep it empty,
If it is controlled by demons, you behave like wimps/bitch from hell, Dumbaniques etc. etc.
If it is controlled by the divine, I don't have to write how it is, every one knows.

Mind (Vessel) needs to be filled with something always, so why not divine, that is when it rests and moves towards complete dissolution, in other worsd it is called Kaivalyam, or Kaivalya pad.

You need to save yourself If:

You are involved in hacking others computers for fun or even as a vocation, you crave for more, it is so satisfying, :-)
You are involved in spreading lies/rumours/hate/disease etc.
You are involved in Stealing/Fraud/Scams
You are involved in Stealing and then blaming someone, :-) I think most people are doing this now a days as this is the current style of high living and low thinking. :-)

And one can add more such things which are evil, 

Save yourself first, or no one will come to save you from self destruction, there are hundreds of people spending hundreds of hours to show the right path, follow their thoughts, does not matter which religion they belong to, initially the demons controlling your mind will not let you even to listen, slowly with determination you can change that and change the imbalance from Demons controlling to Devata/Devi's controlling.

Or just live like a demon and go to hell, :-) there is no judgement day, there will be more lives/more chances till you will be put on a fast track.

Revenge: We all want to take revenge for the wrong done by the demons, Caucasian wimps are exception, they just go after people (Of their country and outside their country) for fun or because they have resources/money or it can be just a hobby, like I said empty mind goes crazy, sometimes it is people whom we trust the most, sometimes it is people who live such life because they are weak who cause us wrong, the best thing is let it go, and let the divine take charge, because the revenge you will take or you can think of might spoil the divine plan for you and for them, and the revenge divine plans is so nasty (Karma) we can not even think about it, :-) and that revenge goes beyond many many lives and stays that way. :-)

So the best revenge is leave them with pity and let them suffer their demon like life with no bank in sight for many many births, and demons will never let them even listen to one good advise, so they are FUCKED for ever. :-)

Reason: The reason why people living like demons cannot see the truth, because they cannot, :-) it is almost impossible for them to see, so why waste your time, :-) UNLESS AND UNTILL THEY CHANGE THEIR FOOD, they cannot change the body and the mind, and as long as the body and mind remains in the control of the demons they canot understand a word I am writing or the demons in them will move them away because it is not in their favour, and devata/devi are not fed properly, they are like allmost dead, :-) so no salvation in this birth and not in any future human births If they get one. 

The devate/devi played a dirty joke on the demons, it dictated to them through their Guru, that Good is bad and bad is good, and demons followed, now go look around you, people poisoning themselves with all kinds of poisons, :-) it is like demons are having 24/7 fun with so many weak minds every where.

Bottom line is Demons will go to hell and divine will move upwards.

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