Apr 19, 2020

Elephant in the Room (Reader's discretion)

"Elephant in the room" is an adage, but it fits the bill as of today amid the Woman made crisis for the humans (Both male and female) who work their ass off to make both ends meet on a day to day basis by the humans who steal from them to live a comfortable life and live and work for the humans who accumulate worlds 90% wealth.

Out of all the countries India is one country which is hit very badly, not in terms of sick cases or deaths, but in terms of economics, I will explain later why.

Virus or Bacteria or Birus or Vacteria. ?

I got educated in Organic Chemistry, and then I had the oppurtunity to work in Vaccine manufacturing plant, so I could not resist from writing these few points.

The way the propaganda departments of various agencies working for the government, which are spreading miss-information about everything related to COVID-19 to the masses does not fit the bill, so people like President Donald Trump instead of crying "fake media", "fake media", on twitter or elsewhere, should take stock of the propaganda departments of all the government agencies in USA, who are behind all the miss- information, some time back I read CIA alone had some 1600 employees working on propaganda, then there are similar people from UK, Canada, Quebec, India, Russia, China, France, Australia, and many more countries.

Having worked in vaccine manufacturing plant, which was designed based on Welcome Burroughs of UK, so the systems in place were world class provided they disagree, but that was 20 years back, things might have changed for worse or best, :-) I did not see them in Canada, and our plant in Quebec lead by Bitch from hell was like a road side food stall, and after the cave woemn arrived it turned into a circus, :-) and the Gripe water plant in Toronto, my friend saw in 2001 was a big NCR.

If the projections are true for any Virus, as far as its infectability is concerned then all those people who are exposed to various active Virusus in these manufacturing plants all over the world would be not only spreading the virus to their families on a daily basis but also to everyone in their communities, but it does not happen, not because they keep minimum 2 meters distance, :-) or because they wear a mask, but because Virus does not behave like the way it is being projected. :-)

Testing of products:

When sterile pharmaceutical products like Vaccines, Injections and Sterile water are tested, they are never tested for virus contaminations, :-) only bacteria and fungal contaminations are tested and for pyrogens which are lipo-protein molecules, If present in those products cause fever, Virus does not cause fever, infection because of a bacteria causes fever.

The reason for that is Virus does not grow in nutrient media like Bacteria or Fungus do, Virus needs a host cell to translate its RNA into a code to multiply themselves in to similar or more potent or mutated copies, and when they are leaving the body of an infected or sick person then they are very infectitous, and that is when isolation of such people is required, and where ever they are isolated it should be made sure the air pressure is negative. 

This Virus causing COVID-19 related sickness or flu or other projected symptoms is behaving more like a bacteria then like a virus, so we should call it either a BIRUS OR VACTERIA.

Disinfectants: If ordinary disinfectants were effective against Virusus then Vaccine manufacturing plants would not use Formaldehyde to fumigate their work spaces on a routine basis, even after fumigation with formaldehyde the working spaces in these plants are not free from fungal spores, because fungal spores are like hard core seeds which need a more complex chemical to destroy them, that chemical is widely used in these plants but to a limited quantities, because those chemicals are mostly carcinogenic, the reason why I am not giving the name of that chemical.

WHO video:

Normally people who are exposed to live virusus in these plants are advised to take preacutions for minimum 3 days, but for COVID-19 the advise is 15 days or in India it is 21 days, :-) and WHO came up with this video which shows how far the droplets from a persons mouth can travel and remain air borne, the video suggests 2 meter distance is not practical.

Two meters distance is also not practical because in the last century we have designed everything with minimum distance of less then 1 feet, one can look around, and now people at shopping malls are barging in to that 2 meters circle, some with disinfectants, :-) some with instructions, and some with directions to follow the arrows in green color. :-)

COVID-19 related virus 

Now this Virus is not behaving like this, at least the way it is being projected, or miss- information being spread around by the fake media backed by the propaganda departments, and for sake of discussion, If we accept that there is a Virus going around and causing sickness and deaths.

The vulnerable groups are mostly effected due to their low immunity.

1) People born before 1930, 

2) People born between 1930 and 1945,
3) People born between 1945 and 1960. (60 is a magic number when many body destroying agents are released.)

Deaths which are happening, are due to multiple factors,

1) Natural, (Old people can pass away anytime.) but this is a small %

2) The main cause is the big "Elephant in the Room"., Death Induced by our ever watching friends who have this Trillion $ surveillance cum electronic voodoo cum hacking cum facial recognition software cum Microwave/Infrared/Thermal/Laser cum night vision cum x-ray vision cum see through airport like technology devices, which can be merged into any electronic device, pre hacked and used from a remote vantage point, linked through satellites, people can be killed in Canada from Japan or India or vice versa, where people are selected and put to sleep by pressing one button.
3) Modified Virus (Chances are low) because foreign particles can not just travel straight to the lungs, they are trapped in the nasal and upper respiratory tract and they stay there, like many virusus stay in the throat trapped in the phlegm, for three days.

But If we see the Virus behaviour the way it is projected, it would mean RNA of the Virus in discussion was tinkered around in a laboratory to give it this character or infectiveness like a bacteria, so all those labs where genetic engineering is possible should be under scrutiny not just in China but all over the world.

Vaccine for this Virus:

If this is true as the circumstances suggest then people who were behind the development or modification of this Virus must have already developed the vaccine to at least protect themselves, :-) and might as well be going around spreading this virus in communities, while they already got vaccinated. ( People who do not belong in the community but one might see them walking or driving around, now there is no end to this madness.)

Which leads us to one fact, and that is:

Biological warfare :

Now let us not kid ourselves, :-) almost all countries have some kind of program in place for biological warfare either for defense or offense, and this is also one of the "elephant in the room", the big countries, the dangerous 10 or 12 do not address or do not want to address, because it keeps them in a position to call shots.

Flu season:

Every year during this season March-April-May, millions of people fall sick or even die from flu, and it is estimated every year at least 5 million people get sick, and 1 or 2 million die, then the question arises, If that is normal then what is so special this year.

Flu Season in India: During this season in India we have a festivals like Bonalu, where people decorate their homes with neem leaves, fresh mango leaves, and people smear their bodies with Turmeric, :-) indirectly they all work against any spread of Virus or Bacteria.

Possible causes for this special attention in 2020.

1) Proxy games by political parties for some internal competition (Left and Right trying to outdo each other) by Caucasian women in UK/Canada/USA/Australia/Europe, the proxy being, Asthama, wearing a mask, ( The reason cat on the wall wore a mask in 2003 was not due to some sickness or flu but because of some dental work), or me asking Dumbanique the cave women to keep distance or not to touch me, this in front of Bitch from hell, Sin'D and Jug head singh in 2004, was not because of some flu but because the cave women could not keep herhands off me, because now everything is based on what ever happened in this small scale pharmaceutical in Ontario and Quebec in 2001 to 2005. :-)

Countries like Russia/China/India are secondary or side kicks in this competition, but they are working very hard, :-) particularly India has been working very hard since 2002.

2) Large consortium of international funds need a transfer from China (It exists), which I think was shifted to China after Sep 9/11, and since then you will see countries like Russia and India always crying for control or share of such funds, :-) but it seems differences have cropped up between China and the West, and the west must be asking for the transfer of these funds back to USA or Canada or UK, (Assumption), does not matter which country they all share.

3) The obvious one is Tokyo Olympics, some Khichidi has been cooking in the western minds regarding Olympics for quite some time, because it is a huge money making opportunity for the host country, Brazil Olympics 2016, Zika Virus was the issue, Brazil did not stop, I think the western minds want Olympics to remain at one place probably in Greece where it originated, that way Greece can pull itself out of debt.

3) Another "Elephant in the room" is wide usage of electronic surveillance systems with hacking cum electronic voodoo with microwave/infrared/thermal/lasers cum facial recognition software/ cum airport like see through technology based devices (some 2 feet by 3 feet in size), circulated by police stations.

These devices can be merged with any electronic equipment used in private homes, old age residences, Ventilators, Heart and lung machines, Dialysis Units and even with children's toys, I have seen people carrying the miniature versions in their pockets, :-) I think it gives them a range of 50 feet's circle around the person carrying it.

What they can do: They can create and mimic symptoms of any disease from flu to cancer, and thanks to many dicks who got elected in the past decades they were placed almost everywhere even in police stations to day cares. :-)

Far fetched idea: It is not possible given their mentalities, :-) hope against hope, I am hoping, the very people responsible for these devices, in development, distribution and usage might be taking them off from all the public places before they get caught, because they are all illegal, the reason they wanted Bill C-51 in Canada in 2015 to continue with them legally. 

One can not just walk in to a school or hospital and get them off, they need some private, quite time, :-) and COVID-19 is giving them that space and time.

Which is very good If they remove all those illegally placed devices and wind up their act, because it is not working. :-)

I think the post has already become very long, so rest in next. :-)

Yes! one thing, the reason I said India is one country which is hit very badly in the Women made crisis, is because 1000 million people can not pull through this hardship given their economic situation, 200 million (Bottom most) will survive like they do everyday, God only knows how they survive, 400 million who are daily wagers will suffer the most, and they are already suffering, and 300 million middle class who are fast loosing jobs will go down by at least a decade and unlike the west, Indians don't get anything from the governments, they only pay taxes, but in return they get nothing, things might have changed on TV and on paper, :-) like on paper the per capita income per month projected is 57,000 Rs per person, the reality is 1000 Rs per month in rural areas and 2000 Rs per month in Urban areas.

So 55,000 x 1.3 billion = x is with 1% population of India. ( This is another "Elephant in the room", this equation stands good for any country which projects certain figure to show their per capita income, which is always dubious.)

Stay Safe from Miss-Information.


Identify your Duryodhans (Bad Intentions) and Dushashanas (Bad Governance). 

The reason people in India are told and retold the Historical story of Maha Bharata over and over again is to remind them that one Duryodhana (Parents named him Suryodhana) can bring down the entire race.

His intentions were always to "eat the cake and have it to", and his 98 out of 99 brothers (One brother refuses to join him) and many like minded people join him to eat the cake and have it too.

The great pacifier Sri Krishna also could not convince him to change his intentions, :-)

To Sri Krishna's suggestions Duryodhana says, What do you think, I do not know what is right and what is wrong, I know, I also know that I am doing wrong by refusing to give my cousins their birth right share, I just don't want to be a good person, :-) I am a crook, and that is how I want to live and rule, and he laughs. (When this happens, Duryodhana has a grown up son, who was a coward).

As a result the entire Kuru Dynasty came down on its knees, leaving their blind father with out his kith, kin and friends.

And Duryodhana lies on the battle field with shattered thighs and broken body, dragging it towards his blind father, asking for help and eventually dies a painful death after a long wait.

Some billions died because of one Duryodhana. :-)

Same way another historical story Ramayana is also told and retold for similar reason. 

So folks, Identify your Duryodhanas before it is too late, Dushashanas are plenty, they simply follow Duryodhana blindly. :-)

Today in this world of ours, we have not one Duryodhana, we have many, so identify them and discourage them to retire from public office.

How to identify the Duryodhana: 

Duryodhanas are stubborn with out a reason, but with bad intentions, they want everything for themselves, greed and jealousy is the main reason they behave like that, they just want to "EAT THE CAKE AND HAVE IT TOO", and If they fight or confront someone they will not do it on their steam, they will always use someone else's shoulder to shoot.

In Maha Bharata, Duryodhana takes up the battle because Bhisma and Karna, otherwise he would never have the courage to fight. :-)

All Dushashanas (Now in 2020)  looking for a Duryodhana. :-)

All the Dushashanas in the west and east are seeking a Duryodhana, :-) so that they can hide behind that Duryodhana and continue with their miserable lives full of shit.

Sayings in Telugu: There are many sayings in Telugu which are apt for the current times but for the wimps this one suits the most. :-)

"Regkaya Chetu kinda Gudodu."

It is kind of difficult to translate, but let me try, " Blind man under a Juju tree".

The Caucasian wimps are like the blind man under a Juju tree. :-)


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