Aug 31, 2020

Blindmen under the Juju Tree

Borer worms destroyed four fully grown trees in our backyard, and the trees died so fast, we have to  cut them from the base, and the rings on those trees are so clear and loud that they were 27 years old, meaning they were planted by the builder of the home, and one tree was 34 years old which was there even before the construction of the semi detached homes were taken up in 1993, before 1993 this area where I live was a health resort, people would flock here to enjoy good clean weather, not any more, noise is the main pollutant by vehicles, particularly motorbikes, then it is people in pools not able to contain their excitement.

It is not just in our backyard that fully grown trees died in a short duration, this problem is all over Quebec, and it seems there is a shortage of lumber in Canada - Quebec, co-incidence ?. 

The Lumberjack who did the job, finished off the four trees in just under 2 hours and for the fee, we agreed to pay which did not include cutting the branches, so I have been cutting them slowly since then, :-) 60% is over, but still 40% is left, no hurry, :-) I tried to engage the Municipal Office, as they have this tree branches pick up service, the answer was prompt and the fee suggested was 30$, but when we called to reserve the pick up, we were told 60$ per tree, so I decided to cut them myself as I am already short of money in Corona Kaal. :-)

Though Canadian government came up with various financial schemes, which are still in affect till Oct 2020, none of them covered me, :-) in fact we were the first one effected by the shut down, we (Self Employed External Counselors who worked on 100% commission), but our Canadian government could not include us in any of their financial schemes.

Back to Municipal services, after paying 3500$ taxes per year, non refundable and non mentionable in any tax returns, Federal or Provincial, still people have to pay for the following service,

1) Tree Branches pick up,
2) Snow removal from their drives ways after the Municipal snow truck shoves the snow from the main street into our drive ways early morning, exactly at the right time when people are trying to clear up their cars to go to work, in fact they pile up the snow so high right across the drive way, If done immediately it takes at least 3 hours to break it and shovel it on to our front yard, but If delayed it gets very hard.
3) Snow removal from our drive ways, they can arrange tractors along with the Municipal snow trucks to pile up the snow on the front yards, as snow is rarely picked up.

So people engage some private company to get their snow removed from their drive ways, which costs another 350$, or those who can not afford they have to shovel it away, then the private company which is engaged by the neighbors also adds their part of woes, the Blue tractor which runs to and fro compacts the snow wall piled up by the Municipal truck, making it very difficult to shovel.

It appears like all dimwits have come together to play their part as per the script given to them by some Dimwit on the top, and there are no Muslims involved in this, :-) all Dimwits are Caucasian. :-)

It reminds me of Dimethaid a small scale pharmaceutical miss-managed by bunch of ladies for their personal political goals, and even there all dimwits were given script on day to day basis, and each one of them though educated carried them religiously, out of all of them Geneva born Dumbonique was the top nincompoop, though she claimed she had Ph.D in Biochemistry from some European University, :-) 

Well she was not the only Ph.D carrying out those dimwit scripts, there were more from Univerisity of Montreal, McGill University, some University in U.K., it seems I was the only one who was not given any scripts, whatever was the reason.

And today in Corono Kaal, it is so obvious the education system is such a failure not just in India but all over the world. 

Back to my tree branches cutting , actually few weeks ago while cutting the branches I got a gash on my left foot, my mistake, I was careless, but with in three days it got better with my home medication, but then the Caucasian Blue Eyed Monster (Wimp) noticed it getting better, :-) for three days the wimp did not touch it with his trillion dollar Surveillance cum Electronic Voodoo cum Hacking cum Diseases symptoms mocker cum many more things, it must have been very difficult for the wimp to resist such an opportunity to screw. :-)

By the way I wanted to mention that the technology turns humans body (In and Out) into a three dimensional floating blob divided in to small squares by a grid line, where a wimp sitting in front of the monitor can poke into and manipulate the skin, muscle, nerves, ligaments, arteries, veins, etc. etc. to his fancy and whim, this is the available technology with the government agencies and it is all wireless, meaning they can reach you in your shower, in your home, in your car, public transport, at your work place, anywhere, irrespective of who you are, and almost all 156 countries have this technology and they are all connected in a network, some countries use them left and right with out any guilt or morals like India, Canada, Quebec, U.K., USA, there might be more, I am not aware because I haven't visited them. :-)

This is the current Video games being used and played by government agencies including the police department and nothing is fake in these video games, blood, pain, scars, cuts, scratches, etc etc all are real, hence the addiction. :-)

And elected and nominated dick's have been pumping tons of money in to this thinking they are safe, and no one will come after them because they are on the other side of the law, above the law side, but all it will take is one nut case and things will fall apart, in Montreal this is the major time pass for the police department and the Lady Mayor has no clue and she continues to pump more them a billion dollar to main these anti social elements and their electronic lunacy.

Back to my gash, once the wimp noticed then he started playing with the wound, mostly it is pulsing pain right in the wound, :-) it appears sometimes they leave it on some AI kind of programmed machine which runs all night non stop, they work in three shifts, :-) mostly the wimp would work on it during the night time, :-) best time for a coward to play with his addiction, trying to complicate it with what ever they can pump into it through their wireless laser cum microwave cum some wave based technology. :-)

There was no swelling in first three or four days but then the leg started to swell at various points. :-)

They have been looking for something like this for quite some time, because for their proxy games and for the blue eyed monster a wound on left foot is nothing more then much wished boon. :-) so it has been three weeks now, they continue to play with the wound. :-)

Last time it was in 2012 during USA elections, Obama Vs Romney, in 2008 I was pushing for Obama, but in 2012 I was not in favor of Obama because by then he had done what ever he could, and his family was already intimidated enough in the white house, so second term would be a waste, but by then the wimps in USA who manipulate everything including elections and its results, :-) they projected Dumbonique as supporter of Obama, :-) in 2008 Dumbonique was supporting I am not sure whom but certainly not Obama, because she had no clue who Obama was, I projected him as future  president during the primaries itself, :-) I am sure BFH or Dumbonique took the credit for that and enjoyed the spoils. :-)

In 2012, I was not supporting Mitt Romney even as a blogger, but since I drew his caricature the wimps took it as I was supporting and since the decision was already taken even before elections that Obama will win the second term, they wanted to use it in their daily non sense of proxy games and show that Dumbonique's decision of supporting Obama in 2012 was unique, hence he won, :-) and to discourage me from supporting the Obama family even as a blogger, they showed his wife playing with a puppy named "Sunny", the name I was using in my travel business, :-) co-incidence, no the wimps always wanted me to support Hillary Clinton instead of Obama as a blogger.

On the day of the 2012 USA elections, I was cooking in my home in Saint Laurent, Quebec, :-) even though I wrote few things about it but unlike 2008 elections I did not project Obama at all, :-) and on that day I almost forgot it was elections day in USA, I cooked something on left large lower stove of the oven, and suddenly steam from the vessel burned by left arm, and then of course ever watching wimps played with it for three or four months till they got tired of playing with it.

And Obama won that night his second term, :-) again co-incidence, :-) now in 2020, which is again the election year in USA, just couple of months away, now a days I am not cooking, :-) main reason is too much meddling by the wireless wimps in my cooking, mostly they pump too much spice, salt, even gasoline etc etc gasoline directly in to the mouth while I am still chewing food, all by wireless technology and my wife started to complain about my cooking, now explaining about all this to a women and a women with commerce background, :-) hence I stopped cooking. :-)

The left and right proxy games is ON even today, and on anything, even on the oven, :-) because the wimps do not want to leave any stone unturned for their proxy games and for their candidate's wimpy future, :-) so I am warning in advance the left side or right side that I make tea regularly, :-) so which side I will make tea I might not plan, but I mostly, I use right top small stove on the oven, :-) because my right hand is my active hand, but for the wimps looking for some excuse to support or decide in favor of Biden or Trump even before the elections, this might be it again.

I am writing about it in advance because again it is not about Biden or Trump, it is about Geneva born Dumbonique or Ontario based BFH, :-) and I am being used as the canvas for free, the wimps use me as if It is my decision to cook on the left side, hence Obama should win, but Dumbonique takes to credit something like that, already feeling dizzy, please don't read, there is lot of literature out there, this is Caucasian lunacy.

I have drawn caricatures of politicians from Bihar, India does it mean I support them, :-) they amuse me with their insensitive appearances and talks, and no other state in India throws as many politicians into national stage as neglected Bihar does, while people of Bihar suffer and struggle to makes both ends meet, we had a long relationship with people from Bihar, as they were our milkman, washerwomen and men, barber, and many were friends, children of my father's colleagues, one thing separated them, they did not differentiate on color of skin like in Punjab, or caste like in Andhra Pradesh or Telangana or race like in Canada - Quebec, we ate in their homes, slept in their homes, and the language Bhojpuri amused me so much, at the same time I felt sorry for the state of Bihar and their people. :-)

Nepotism in Indian cinema exists since it came into existence, it is between Punjabi's and rest of India, and it is little on the harsh side for the people of Bihar, U.P. and South India.

List the names of all the leading stars and you will find all were Punjabi's and they all helped each other, which also means they discouraged people from other states, there are few exceptions, even Amitabh Bacchan's mother is Punjabi. :-)

Back to the wound on my feet, through the wound the Wimp tried to get deep into the leg and complicate it, and after working on it for few days they came up with a programmed version with AI attached, :-) it did not work like they wanted because it is not important what kind of technology you have, it is very important what is the level of intelligence of the operator also, Wimps are dimwits with 500 MB brains so like always they messed it up, sometimes pressing a known button must be overwhelming for them.

They wanted to play like this.

Accept SHE is one , SHE is two, SHE Is three, and SHE is a genius, and also say Sorry, :-) and then the operator would press the button and the left leg would be in severe pain from toe to thigh travelling along the ligament, and every time something comes up the Wimp would press the button, 
all this is done wireless, the person sitting next to me would not even know, If you express or tell them, all they do is smile. :-)

Note: "SHE" is anyone but only Caucasian and it seems it is always someone from Dimethaid, a small scale pharmaceutical which does not exist anymore, thanks to the miss-management by ladies from Ontario and Geneva, and "SHE" always changes from Monday to Sunday, Morning to Night, so do not sweat or any action required here.


By now the reader must be feeling dizzy that then how I live my life, :-) or anyone can live in such an environment, well ask the animals who are used in experiments world over for your cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, facial BEAUTY creams, eye lotions, perfumes etc etc. unlike them I can move around, even though the addicted police keeps tabs on my movement through various trackers in the car or it could be even in my dental fillings, recently my dentist used a thicker gauge needle to inject anesthesia for my tooth extraction. :-)

Positive and hope side, I do not keep favors, so I  give then back what ever the Wimp Club was/is dishing out or rather throwing at me, and I don't return with out interest, and my interest rate is very high.

My 1 $  = Your 1 Million. 

And it seems when ever I write about the technologies developed or being developed by the Wimps Club in the west, (Again no Muslims are involved), the BFH (And Dumbonique) asks them to use them on me at their maximum intensity, :-) she just wants to get rid of me somehow, :-) because she thought picking a new immigrant in 2001 and "Eat the cake and have it too", would work out like charm, particularly when half a million wimps in 156 countries are on her side, :-) but it has been 20 years of roller coaster ride, it is not just me who feels dizzy from time to time, I am sure they too have gone not just dizzy but crazy also, almost to the brink of lunacy with a capital no return. :-)

Stupid women (BFH) should know that when I write about them, it itself means that they were used on me hence I came to know about them, :-) they did not start now in 2020, they have been using them on me since 2001, and it also does not mean they came in to existence in 2001 all of a sudden after Sep 9/11, they were being developed since 1960, everything is planned wayin advance, like COVID-19 the planning started as early as 2003 and the actual plan for the Pandemic was executed in 2015 or 2016, one small detail was overlooked, the Immunity factor.

So now the Wimp Club is back to business looking for ways to REDUCE or LOWER the Immunity of a target species, which includes humans, :-) because it is the "Immunity" of an individual which has defeated the COVID-19 Pandemic mongers, and it has not given them the numbers they were looking for in terms of deaths.

Which also means next time they will come back with much potent VIRUS which will effect the immunity first and then the lungs, so people are you ready  :-)

When you elect people like SHarper, and keep them for a decade, there is always a huge price to pay, and this is the price we will pay, it is not too late, you can shut everything down lock, stock and barrel, begin with your police department, because police departments have turned in to brothels, :-) but question is "who will bell women like BFH or Dumbonique, or there must be more and above them".

So, the norm is, The Wimp Club (With all their Blue Eyed Monsters) develop technologies using all kind of rays, waves, electronics, wireless, etc etc, and I am the first one ( They call me the Guinea Pig) they experiment on, and then........ :-)

But I give it back to them.  :-)   This is good one, easy and fast. :-)  and Wimps do not like me or this giving back thing, :-)  they like only one way traffic, that way the Blue Eyed Monster with his two mustard seeds shrunk deep into the crevice between his two butt cheeks and with 24/7 police protection can enjoy his life E'fing people from a remote vantage point. :-) 

Question is what kind of mindset is required to tolerate the existence of such people. :-)

Is it the same kind of mindset, which wanted to fire me from my job in 2004, when they had 25,000$ in fixed deposit in Europe, their home was paid off, their car was also paid off, had no issues, got some 75,000$ from some relative in Europe, and they got projected on hype as a genius in some political party, and had all the staff of the small scale pharmaceutical running in losses dancing to their tunes, in fact kissing their arse, and the ladies in the top working very hard to remove any hurdle in their way towards the top, and backed by the Wimps club from U.K. :-) is it the same mindset which is required to tolerate such people ?. :-)

But in all of this there is some bravery. :-)

Wait, don't jump to conclusion, there is this Caucasian Ass, who works in Saint Laurent around the day cares, he still holds the Bravery Award for Cowardice.

This Wimp goes after 2 year old's in Day Cares and makes grimacing faces at them, and then as all people are tracked in Canada -Quebec, here Police helps them a lot in tracking, he follows them where ever their parents take them and makes those faces to scare them, when the parents are not watching, this is one of those social experiments Wimps are always working on, it does not stop there they follow them for decades, this is another one of those diseases wimps suffer from.

And bravery is this ass always goes with police protection, :-)

Yes! Your Police department (Independently or for Wimps Club.) is mostly involved in Social Experiments, I can give details but another time, this is not new, this has been there for quite some time, all those millions of dollars are spent on these social experiments and they also work over time, :-) because those games are so addictive, there is no other video game as addictive as these social experiments, and these experiments can be conducted right where you are, in your home, in your car, in your office, in your private place, there is no place free from this menace.

In India a budding and promising actor from Bihar got entangled in these social experiments and lost his life at a very young age of 32, and the Mumbai Police, which carries the hype that they are like Scotland Yard (I think Dumbanique is behind their slack behavior.) like always tried to hush it up by declaring it a suicide, and when it is a social experiment, my experience, everyone has a script, that includes relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, :-) and in case of this star, he had money.

I have no clue how Scotland Yard works or goes about their police business but Mumbai Police is sure using it to their advantage.

If the victim of the social experiment becomes useless for the gamers they get rid of them, and suicide is the easiest way, like National security, it is one of those grand rugs under which anything can be sweeped, after that, again everything becomes well, :-) there are plenty of fish and there is hardly anyone keeping eye on these gamers, the police department works for them in logistics, protection, and everyone is their clients, it is one grand brothel, and it is an open season always, and some politicians like Sharper helped them grow by leaps and bounds, thank god he was stopped before he gave them Bhasm asura like powers.

I am not saying anything about the SSR case because CBI of India is doing their job right now so why sweat, but there is one big problem with all the investigating agencies all over the world, when they get to the truth, they tend to make deals with the culprit, and the pretext is they want to catch the big fish, which never happens, one such big fish DI is still at large, :-) and again it becomes a one grand brothel, where everyone is a client, because everyone is in a deal. :-)

And the top fish is always some politician who never gets caught.

Take the case of Congress-I, In Andhra Pradesh (Before 2014), Reddy's from Cuddapah (Kadapa) were ruling Hyderabad area, and every time they have to change a Reddy with another Reddy they would resort to communal violence (They would go after one community which sat there like ducks, because of poverty and lack of domicile, their condition was such that even MIM would not show interest) and then change the current Reddy with a New Reddy, this went on for quite some time and Reddy's in Andhra Pradesh started to feel like they were invincible and Congress - I, the political party of Mrs Indira Gandhi who contested the elections from Siddipet Constituency, she had no clue what Reddy's were doing in Andhra Pradesh with her party, Congress-I in Andhra Pradesh was more or less a Reddy Mafia till 2001.

Industrialist from Cuddapah (Kadapa) who had their kingdoms in and around Hyderabad were bone corrupt, they kept all the government officials from Pollution board, Alcohol Inspectors, Income Tax, more or less all those officials who had any thing to do with the Industry on their payroll, they maintained two registers of accounts, one for government and one actual, they polluted the land, water and air as if there was no tomorrow, even though the villagers around these industries regularly complained about breathing issues and other ailments due to severe pollution of their land, water and air.

Congress -I government in Andhra Pradesh (Before 2014) presented those bone corrupt, polluting Industrialists from Cuddapah with Awards like Best Industrialist Award, GMP Award, GMP means Good Manufacturing Practices, product which was exported to countries like UK, :-) the way the product was manufactured, :-) there was no GMP, but Congress-I kept presenting them with Awards after Awards, :-) with such pomp. :-)

Each of these Industrialists became multi millionaires, while Country, Land, Water, Air, and People suffered, and as a result todays there is no Congress-I in Telangana, but the mafia continues to exist.

These are the scars which still exist deep in the Congress-I, which need not only proper address, it also needs healing, or Congress - I can kiss goodbye to their political future not just in Telangana but also in all other states.

Point is If this happened in Andhra Pradesh and Reddy's ruled like they were invincible, same thing must be happening in all other states and like always Congress-I chiefs must be oblivious of their party functioning like a mafia, Reddy Mafia in Andhra Pradesh (Before 2014), today I am not sure how it is in Andhra Pradesh, after separation of Telangana.

I think all these five states in South badly need BJP to balance the political equation, but in South like Bihar, Caste lines are basis of political following, performance takes back seat, so BJP should work on these lines, even though people in South India are very religious but religion was never the basis in politics, caste was and is even today.

In Indian Immunological 1995 to 2001, there were three groups, One Brahmin group no political support, One Khamma group with Telugu Desam suport and one Reddy group with Congress-I support, rest were all others. 

Like in Andhra Pradesh after Congress-I, Telugu Desam came to power, even though it sounded like a Language based political party, and they wanted it to sound like that, but it was just a Khamma Mafia, and Khamma's started to feel like they were invincible, the party did not survive because of internal familial bickering and one Naidu spoiled it, :-) it is like Naidu cannot support another Naidu.

One big problem with Congress-I is Kursi Politics, no one wants to leave the Kursi, :-) recent episode of Gehlot-Pilot bickering, it took a small scratch for Gehlot to explode with hate and for him to regurgitate all that was stored inside him, a 70 year old politician behaved like a 5 year old, he could barely speak because of the stress and immediately brought his son in to lime light.

At that moment I am not sure about Congress-I chiefs but it was so clear that for Gehlot two things are more important then reputation or future of Congress-I, one, Kursi at any cost, and two, Kursi should remain with his family, after all Pilot was also from his party, he could have said, ok, I am old now and I had my share of Kursi, so let Pilot take charge and I will remain in the backyard as a senior Congress man, and Pilot is also second generation Congress-I politician, I did not check their castes yet, :-) If they belong to two separate castes then it is bad for Congress-I in Rajasthan, they will go the same way they went in Telangana (Before 2014).

Now If the political party is Congress-I (I for Indira Gandhi) then only Nehru-Gandhi should lead it like their family business, but If it is INC, then Nehru-Gandhi family should not have any stake on the leadership of the party, and they have already done enough damage to the party, like I explained the party at the lower levels has turned or functions like a Mafia for certain caste in each state, like Reddy's in Telangana (Before 2014), I am also victim of that mafia and I am still suffering from what they did in 1994 to 2004 not just in India but also overseas.

Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad softly exploding after 41 years in Congress-I speaks of the dissent with in the party at the top ranks, the logic of two failures in 2014 and 2019 elections should be enough for Rahul Gandhi to take a back seat and may be he should give a serious thought of career in politics and let someone else take lead, I always liked Ghulam Nabi Azad for his cool, calm demeanor, and he never resorted to cheap Kamalnath like politics. :-)

I hope Congress-I (INC) will also find their Modi so that Indian politics can reach a balance.


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