Oct 19, 2020

Stalemate and Hyena-giri

USA Elections:

I wanted to publish my next post after the USA elections on 03 Nov 2020, :-) because I didn't want some Caucasian Wimp from USA/UK or Canada to use some statement from my post as an excuse and promote one of the two candidates and blame me for that and then the other party which looses runs after me for next four years trying to stop me, :-) because this is what has happened since 2008, when I aggressively promoted Obama on my blog. :-)

And in 2016 when I predicted Trump as the winner, then again the Liberals in Canada-Quebec and the Democrats in USA and the miserable Indian wimps in India were so upset with me that I predicted Trump would win and not Madam Hillary Clinton, :-) and I did make some cartoons showing how the two candidates were seen by the Wimps, because in USA, Canada, Quebec, and U.K. all that matters is how the united front of the Caucasian wimps see the candidates and how useful the Candidates are for the Wimps and their agenda, which is mostly to goof up things around the world, through COVID-19 this time.

So, a new name for the united front of the Caucasian Wimps in U.K., Canada, Quebec, USA and elsewhere like Australia and also India is The Goof Up Gang". :-)

In Canada when Liberals were in power under Mr Jean Chretien and Mr Paul Martin, the Goof Up gang ran a campaign against me in Quebec that I was with Conservatives, so the Liberals in Quebec were very upset with me, this is in 2001 to 2004, then when Conservatives won the elections in 2006, the same Goof Up gang in Quebec ran another Campaign against me that I was with Liberals, so the Conservatives continued with their investigation of whatever the Liberals started based on the gossip of bunch of Caucasian women in Toronto and Montreal, :-) it is so sad that the intelligence in the west is based on GOSSIP of bunch of Caucasian women, :-) "He does not know daal". :-)

Then after 10 years of Conservatives investigation of who I was, even though I was carrying a Canadian passport, :-) but the gossip was projecting a new thing almost every day, :-) because it was just gossip, and If there are two anus, one on the face, only crap comes out of it. :-)

Then on 4th Nov, 2015 Mr S Harper lost his office in Canada and  Liberals won under Mr Justin Trudeau, and on 5th Nov 2015 my mother passed away in Secunderabad, Telangana, India, so I had to go for the last rites, co-incidence my wife's cousin who lives in New York since 1997, his mother who lived few km away from my mother's place also passed away suddenly and another co-incidence British Airways announced a price of 975$ to Hyderabad, India, and Air France was 1350$, I did go with BA.

In Montreal airport on 11th Nov 2015, a security guy suggested I should have travelled by Air France, and on 13th Nov 2015, series of attacks took place in Paris, France, co-incidence, too many co-incidences and from London (U.K.) a large team of Caucasian Wimps (Mostly women) with all their paraphernalia followed me to Hyderabad and whatever they did in Hyderabad, I was not well the entire 15 days, my blood sugar shot up to 425 mg/100mL just like that, and co-incidence we had Insulin in the refrigerator, when I returned to Montreal they also returned along with me and only their bags and my bag was repeatedly checked in Hyderabad Shamshabad airport, :-) guess what my blood sugar levels came down to normal and have remained such. :-)

Note: There are no Muslims involved in this story. :-)

Back in Montreal, Liberals were upbeat for their victory under Justin Trudeau after a long time, :-) we have been living in Saint Laurent a Liberal stronghold since 2001, and as winter approached, I was out of money like all winters, :-) and I was looking for a good spring jacket but cheap, and voila! 

Sears Canada came out with a sale of winter jackets, and co-incidence again, a blue colored spring jacked my size was on sale for just 25$ and I purchased it with out giving a thought that it might be Liberals or Conservatives way of telling the party folks I was with Conservatives again. :-)

And that was true, all wimps had to do was point at me in blue jacket and tell all the misguided folks that I was with Conservatives hence the blue jacket, :-) this is how Liberals play politics in Canada - Quebec.

So as per the goof up gangs plan I was with Conservatives now, which means the liberals will have to continue their investigation they started in 2001, :-) who I was, in simple terms it is called racial profiling, or Systemic racism as per Mr Justin Trudeau.

Now after 5 years of Liberals rule, and in their second term, and none of their Emergency financial aid plans due to COVID-19 covered me, :-) which means I should be with Conservatives. :-)

Anyway back to USA elections, last time the goof up gang which decided who the winner will be, and I also -predicted Mr Donald Trump would be the winner, which was like predicting against all odds, but all I could see was how the united front of Caucasian Wimps see the entire elections in USA, Canada and UK.

My Sikh Colleague told a Quebecoise in our office, that I was the only one in this entire world who had predicted Donald Trump would win the elections in 2016, he pointed his index finger at me and it was not clear it was a compliment or he was upset because Donald Trump had won or he was upset because Madam Hillary Clinton had not won, and as If by predicting that I had committed some grave sin, at least the attitude was like that, "here look! this is that man who predicted Donald Trump will win, punish him, the talk appeared like that. :-)

Not that Donald Trump or the Conservatives in Canada or Republicans in USA came running towards me and thanked me for the prediction or the little promotion I did on my blog, nothing, they continued with their self centered Caucasian ways and here we are for Donald Trump's second term.

So by now, one should understand why I am kind of little over sensitive about US Elections, does not matter where the elections are and what were my predictions, it appears someone took the credit for that and made me look bad or in poor light for the loosing party. :-)

The Stalemate is:

I am not with any political party in Canada, Quebec, USA, U.K. or even India, or anyone from them directly or indirectly had paid a cent since 2001 till yesterday, :-) and I am still trying to figure out which political parties the two fat women belong to or want to join or are with, or have been with, it is an enigma, and to sit and figure out on a daily basis it is too much work, because it is all free.

But it appears someone in these parties had been up to some mischief since 2001, i.e. when I arrived in Canada - Quebec, and they always put me in the opposition no matter who the opposition is, like I mentioned above, just because I was wearing a blue jacket or a blue shirt, for me they were on sale and were good and cheap, or because we had a red car, now we have two red cars, so a blue shirt/jacket in red car, which party?? :-)

My Quebecoise neighbors had two white cars when we purchased this current property in 2017, and with in few months they changed them to red color, now they have two red cars, another neighbor changed the color of his door to black from white, and another changed his cars to Caravan, :-) my immediate neighbor had his front door painted red, :-) then few neighbors (Caucasians) who could not comply with constant requests of the goof up gang sold their property and left. :-)

Because the goof up gang constantly calls them, at least 8 or 10 of them to tell them when they have to place the brown (For Kitchen wet garbage), blue (Recyclables) and black (Garbage) bins for collection in what order, when they have to erect the car shelter, when they have to mow the front and back yard, wash their cars, park their cars on the streets left side or right sides, walk with their dogs, children, on bycycles, it goes on and on and on, and the two fat women for whom all these things are done on a 24/7 basis are not moving an inch in any direction, :-) 18 years have passed and everyone is working to place a 80 year old women somewhere in the hierarchy of the goof up gang club, with all the spoon feedings, manipulations, the fat women is not move an inch, :-) at least half a million wimps in 156 countries are working for her but end of each day it comes back to me, back to square one. :-)

So, many neighbors sold their properties and left because it must be a nuisance for them even though they might be getting paid, to carry out all the stupid things the goof up gang asks them to carry out.

The Stalemate is :

Because the Goof Up gang wants some Caucasian women does not matter who, as long as she is Caucasian, to lead them. :-)

Ok, but what it has to do with me, I am not a member of the Goof Up gang and I am not a puppet who belongs to the Caucasian race. :-) 

The two fat women from Canada are not able to move even an inch with all that encouragement from half a million wimps from 156 countries, but at the end of each day they come back to me for my support free of cost, in return all they can give me is crap free of cost. :-)

"Chit bhi Mera Pat bhi mera", kind of game, Eat the cake and have it too kind of attitude......

Hence the stalemate............:-)


Hyderabad - Telangana - India.

Last week severe floods submerged Hyderabad, this happened with just two days of rains, because political party after political party failed to address the basic issues which were so loud since 1970's, the plumbing culture in Hyderabad has always been of open drains and it did not change even in 2020, it is a habit of citizens of Hyderabad to throw garbage, raw sewage, anything they can not keep in their homes outside in the open drains, :-) as a result the rain water got lost in the twin cities and inundated all the localities which were constructed in the encroached lake beds, permits for the constructions were issued with out proper roads, water connections and drainage systems in place, so people constructed their homes where ever they could and today because there was heavy rains they have no where to send the water to.

By the way Dharani website does not work, I was looking for details about a plot which was sold to me in 2000 and the Reddy Mafia bungled it up, before Dharani website came I could see online on the old website, someone was selling the plot to someone for 60 lacs with out my consent. :-)

Problem with Telugu people:

Brahmins who are with out any Political party suport does not want to work with anyone, or get along with anyone, my experience, they just do not want.

Reddy's allow other people but only at lower levels and wants to keep all the control.

Khamma's also does not want to work with any one, or get along with anyone, only Khamma, no one else deserve any thing under their rule, disgusting people....

Vellama's/Naidu's /Kapu's lack unity, they stab each other down, or can not get along with each other, even relatives can not get along with each other in these castes.

Backward class people are too backward and are with out any political party support, and reservations given by the governments never worked for them, because to avail reservations one need to pass 10th grade, :-) and most of them drop out of school before 10th grade, because the condition of government schools like Mahboob college in Secunderabad is so bad, it has been very bad since a long time.

SC/ST remain where they were before 1947, only few people who had some money are able to take benefit of the reservations, but those who availed reservations have reaped huge benefits and even though they are well off they continue to reap benefits, which is bad for the entire system.

Muslims are more concerned about their religion, and even that religion they hardly understand, 99.9999% have no idea what Allah is or Muhammad is, :-) and MIM which is more worried about Babri masjid could not do anything for them in 50 years, and now they want to help Bihar which is better off then Old City of Hyderabad.

As a result Hyderabad is a divided city based on Religion, Language, Caste, and Creed.

Back in 1995 - 2001, in Indian Immunologicals Ltd the agenda was, Brahmins, Veterinerians, Tamil, Reddy's, Khamma's in that order were considered superior or were given priority.

If you watch wildlife in Masai mara or Serengeti national parks in Africa, the way the Hyena's live and behave, people in Hyderabad live and behave, it is 24/7 Hyena-giri, 60,000 goats are butchered every day in Hyderabad for Mutton Biryani needs of these Hyena's, :-) who are drenched in rain water now, poor people how they can survive with out Mutton Biryani. :-)

Back to US Elections:

The united front of Caucasian Wimps (The Goof Up Gang) from U.K., Canada, Quebec, Australia, India, USA want Mr Donald Trump once again for four more years, and that is what will happen, I am not sure why they have to spend so much money, and put people through such hardship of voting, standing in long queues, and drama of elections etc, so many people from fake media devote their time talking about it, If one person (Which ever fat women does that) from Canada has to decide for the Goof Up gang, who the next President of USA should be, so be it, China has similar system.

Why follow a system which is not working, and it is not liked by the elite from both sides left and right, black and white, red and blue, it is in place only to deceive the people, all the drama of election is a farce, :-) all they can do is follow the system they want to, like China does openly, and declare Mr Donald Trump for another two or three terms, Caucasians will be very happy all over the world, including India where a red carpet was laid out for him recently, then they say why the racism does not go away.

If you treat Caucasians with such pampering when they visit your countries, how will the racism go away, the Caucasians think because they are superior they are given such pampering by 156 countries, If you stop and treat them like equals then they will also follow suit, after all they have yet to catch up with civilization and religion. 

Why the Hypocrisy. :-) I think it is time The Goof Up Gang should come into the open and reveal themselves and their shady activities to the world.

Now don't blame me that I said Mr Donald Trump should win this elections, because poor fellow needs his second term, or else how will he walk around among the elite with a label of "One term president", :-) and to face Mr Obama with that label, :-) it will be very difficult for him and more difficult for the Caucasian elite in UK/USA/Canada/Quebec/India, and I don't think Caucasians (People) who walk in "Black Lives Matter", rallies in USA would also like that. :-)

And above that Caucasians in USA/UK/Canada/Quebec and India how can they allow a Black women to become the first Vice President of USA with a possibility of taking Oval office If anything happens to Mr Biden given his age, common guys! this is Caucasians dog eat dog world, they are not going to let this happen, so Mr Donald Trump should REST ASSURED that he will get his second term no matter what and like he said, with changes in the constitution he can continue for few more terms after that. :-)

By the way I will be completing 20 years in Canada this March 2021, and certain people here have worked very hard to see that no one knows me here in Canada or Quebec, :-) because the Intelligence which is Gossip based has been projecting that I live some where in Middle East, again no Muslim is involved in this story.

Ciao for now! 


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