Nov 30, 2020

8.5 Billion Wildebeests Vs Half a Million Hyenas

Imagine 8.5 billion wildebeests are made to run from pillar to post by half a million predators (Hyenas) to keep one Nymphomaniac/Fraudster entertained, yes! my dear reader you are living in that world right now, :-) and does not matter who is fighting whom, and where this fight is taking place, one and everyone is expected take some side, left or right, white or black, red or blue, Democrats or Republicans, Liberals or Conservatives, BJP or Cong, it goes on and on covering all the 156 countries.

Only problem is, I am not running around like the Hyenas want me to, particularly the Hyenas from England, :-) hence they also call me Crazy/Pagal and wimps from Telangana call me Talaka Masinodu, gutter ka kida, anything that comes to the mouth of the wimps in India, :-) because they are so desperate for the Nymphoaniac/Fraudster. 

The Wimps from England always want people to run around, because that makes their job easy to trap in some terrorist drama, and If you are an Indian then it is double easy for them to wrap the rumor mill around you, (They told things to my relatives in India :-)) because India/Indians is/are so dependent on them, even after 70 years they still give priority to England and only England, few are trying new angles like Australia/Canada, :-) as If Australia and Canada are independent countries from England or U.K. or Great Britain. :-) 

I think India is way bigger than England/Great Britain/U.K. or Australia or Canada, but Indians in general, Punjabi's in particular can not stand up to the Caucasians because of the pale skin color, :-) I will give you one example.

In 2015 when I visited Hyderabad for my mother's funeral, for me it was an emotional event, but for the Wimps in England/Canada and India it was just another proxy game, on my return they put few Indians behind me to see where I go, :-) because England/Canada were telling them I live in Middle East, :-) and few Caucasian wimps from England followed me from London to Hyderabad and returned with me on the same flight, :-) so the Indian was so upbeat like James Bond on a special mission, :-) in Shamshabad airport, Hyderabad, Telangana, :-) there was a Sikh in police uniform, they even followed me into the washrooms, :-) and made sure that the tag on my bag remains, :-) possibly it had a tracker.

But the moment we landed in London Heathrow, and I reached the lift before anyone else did, :-) the Indian James Bond got lost, :-) because he needed time to figure out how to take the tube between section B to A in Terminal V of London Heathrow airport, :-) and his attitude was no longer like it was in Shamshabad airport, :-) here in London he was nervous and when he finally figured out and reached the lift, :-) I could not stop my laughter when I saw his face, "batti was gul", he asked me where was the baggage section "SIR" etc is this the way to go to Section A :-) and tone of his voice was like he is in trouble, Mummy! Veera Bhadrayya became Utti Bhadrayya. :-) 

It is a saying in Telugu, In the village Great Bhadrayya is with upright moustache, outside the village Simple Bhadrayya is with fallen moustache, :-) I could not stop my laughter when I saw the expression on his face, this effect you can see on almost all Indians when they face Caucasians, and this is taken as an advantage by the Caucasians, particularly by England, :-) I am very well aware how they work on intimidating people of color on a regular basis 24/7, how they treat people of color when they travel to England and how they treat people when they leave England, particularly by British Airways, :-) I have seen that for 20 years in Canada/Toronto/Montreal/Holland/USA/England/Germany/ and Shamshabad Airport Hyderabad, Telangana in 2010 and 2015.

In Hindi, "Indian ki phat jaati Hain", ya! ask them to behave badly with another Indian, voila! No one can beat them, not in India not out side India, :-) does not matter who they are Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, etc. etc. this works in great advantage for the Caucasians who are already looking for ways to intimidate the nervous person of color, :-) it is like handing over your arse on a platter, and back in India they run to take selfie with them. :-) which further complicates the situation in favor of the Caucasian, the Caucasian visitor in India is confused why they take selfie with me, because back in his country they treat them with vile, like they are doing some favor by even talking to you, particularly in cities like Toronto, " Bitch from Hell once shot back at an Caucasian Manager who was appreciating my skills in 2001, "That is why we gave him the job", :-) in Toronto a Punjabi Sikh told me they call us Indian Dog, a Telugu living for 40 years in Montreal told me they call us "Paki", :-) and in India we take selfie with them and pamper them like new born babies, so delicate. :-)

And then we also wonder why the RACISM is not going away, :-) or why the Punjabi in India and Caucasian people the world over are so racist. :-)

Take a look at Sikh from inside and outside India trying to arm twist Modi's government, you will see their support from Canada, USA openly, but not from England, :-) because the remote control is in England. :-) 

Basically the Sikh always want special treatment because he is wearing a turban, :-) what they are asking is to retain the government run depots where their farmers were selling at Minimum Sale Price with out any competition, it is like Caucasians they do not like competition, and 65% of the food grains purchased by the government was being purchased from Punjab/Haryana etc. and remaining 35% was purchased from rest of India, I think even Modi's government followed the same trend.

Now due to the new rules, they will have to compete with rest of India and framers from Punjab will no longer get the priority treatment they were getting, everything was so well set with the lender, the farmer from Punjab does not want the change and compete in open market, population of Punjab is just 2%, no wonder they produce more grains then anyone but other states like Telangana, A.P., Maharastra, Bihar, U.P. West Bengal and other states also produce enough food grains but they do not get the same treatment. 

So, will Modi's government succumb to the internal and external pressure (From England/Australia through Canada/USA) and extend the special treatment only to farmers of Punjab and Haryana and suffer the consequences for a longer time or make it clear that it is one rule for one country, and purchase food grains from all states on a equal basis at MSP, which is only possible in government run depots, and all private middle men and lenders never follow MSP set by the government, :-) e.g. they are paying 800 Rs for Maize while the MSP was 1800 Rs, but the farmers are all set and have no problems with them, because they keep the farmers in a feudal system of money lending, :-) and farmers never get out of that or they do not want to get out like the black people in the west, :-) particularly the small farmers, so they are happy with the old system because they get small amounts of loans pronto with out any problem. :-) 

Even though the new rules are giving them an opportunity to get out of that system and take charge of their produce and sell where ever they want to and when ever they want to, no wonder it needs some extra infrastructure on both sides, and it is a lot of extra hard work for already tired farmer not just in Punjab but all over the world, even farmers in Canada/USA/England are not in a very great shape they are also struggling, but like I said India will never raise it as an issue. :-)

When Lal Bhadur Shastri said "Jai Jawaan Jai Kisaan", I think he wanted to treat farmers on par with the soldiers, it was not just a political jumla, even I would, like a country recruits soldiers for army, farmers should also be recruited by the government with all the benefits like a soldier including pensions and rank should be based on size of the land they hold, then farmers will not have to worry about their survival, whatever they produce government can regulate it to their depots, that needs a large work force and infra structure, and unfortunately no government any where in this world including England has ever thought of it. :-) 

So farmers like every body else are made to run from pillar to post in all countries like wildebeests, so it is the same Hyena who wants to make Modi's government also run from pillar to post, :-) along with the farmers, :-) their favorite dialogue is "Don't mess with us", Say Sorry". :-) 

But it is not about the Wildebeests (People) or the Nymphomaniac or the Fraudster, it is all about the survival of the roughly half a million Hyenas, :-) end of the day it is only them who survive, Nymphomaniac or the Fraudster are subject to change, :-) in Telugu we have this saying, "Dina Gandam Noora Yela Ayushu", meaning every day they suffer from fear of death but end of the day, they survive and might as well live for 100 years. :-)

 Elections in USA and who will sit in the oval office in 2021 to 2025 is the main topic apart from Carona, everyone from 156 countries are waiting to know who will it be, for quite some time now, the truth is everyone wants to control this one country for its fire power and also for its stupidity as far as its foreign policy is concerned.

Countries which control or wants to control USA, are : Australia, Great Britain/England, Canada, Pakistan, India, Turkey, etc, it is a long list, there might be more but these are the countries which have easy access, If USA is invading some hapless country they understand one of these country is behind it, take a look at the past four years under Trump, everyone around the world disliked him and wanted him to go because past four years it was very hard for the above listed countries to control USA and send it into some hapless country, one should thanks Trump for that, but this does not mean they are done, they have a bigger role for Trump or his son for the 2024 to 2028 period, akin to George Bush's role from 2000 to 2008. :-)

This time also (Every time) the elections in USA were influenced by Canada and its expertise with fraud, :-) apart from expertise in hacking, :-) Canada also has expertise in fraud and this time the folks in south used it to the max, which means the elections in Canada are managed likewise, the predators (Goof Up Gang - a.k.a. Wimps) manage them so well that they can choose If the elected government should be a minority, or majority, and who will win etc. etc., everything is planned way in advance at least a year before the elections or any event, and then it is executed and they call it democracy. :-)

Democracy in all its true colors is seen in only one country i.e. Mera Bharat Mahan. :-)

Some people have problem with the name "Hindustan", instead they want to use "Bharat", I think it is perfectly OK, and the name "Bharat" for India was also promoted by Hindu's, it has nothing to do with Islam or MIM, :-) but since some Muslim MLA's in Bihar from MIM refused to take oath with the term  "Hindustan", and preferred to use "Bharat" instead, it is a topic of serious discussion, :-) "Hindustan" is a name given by Iran, before that India was called Shindu by Shankaracharya, which is before Islam entered India, and Bharat also means fire.

Then the British with their inability to pronounce anything properly changed it into India, which was freely accepted by all, :-) no one wanted to hurt the British feelings because of "Athithi Devo Bhava", sentiment , even though everyone wanted Bharat instead of India, :-) and when an Indian born NRI returns to India or visits India then "Athithi Devo Bhava ", sentiment is not applied it is reserved for only Caucasians, :-) but now that few Muslims have used Bharat in their oath, it is a topic for very serious discussion. :-)

Telangana elections:  No no no,  Telangana is not going through State or federal elections, it is just going through another round of Municipal elections and democracy in all its craziness is at its pinnacle, glory and colors, and you don't see this anywhere in this world, only in one country that is the Dramastan sorry Hindustan, sorry, Mera Bharat Mahan. :-)

In 2020, I came to know that city of Hyderabad-Telangana has a Mayor, :-) Deputy Mayor, Managing Director, and many other officials, :-) and they take home hefty pay cheque, but the way the city fluttered in the recent rains, it appeared there was no administration in this city.

I have lived in Hyderabad - Secunderabad from 1984 to 2001, so there is some sense of belonging, it hurts to see people destroying the very city which provides them their life, I think people of India sorry Bharat can learn one thing from the west, "What else can be done for the comfort of the white man", it might look little self centered but all cities and even outskirts of the cities in the west have same facilities in any city in the west, they all look the same, and India take a look at any city it looks like a grand slum.

[Note: North Indians also suffer from pronunciation problems, particularly when they have to pronounce south Indian names or words, It is तेलंगा णा  and not तेलंगणा , please correct this.

Bhagya Nagar is an excellent choice for Hyderabad, city of fate or luck, even though Luck now is already there, :-) but what about the twin city Secunderabad, Bhagya Nagar from Bhagmati is ok, but she did not have a twin sister, Hyder Ali had a brother Secunder Ali, now what would someone call Secunderabad in similar sense. :-) 

What ever is happening in Telangana should be the norm for the political parties, because it is them who enjoy the spoils after the elections, "the wildebeests" , sorry "the people", simply go back to their miserable lives waiting that someone will do something for them, but that someone never happens. :-)

Because It must be very tough for the new politician to keep himself or herself away from the temptations, :-) because the Hyenas or Wimps of that country never let anyone do anything other then carry out or follow the agenda from the top Wimps who are always from the west, and the agenda is nothing but Terrorism in some form.

So instead of making people fight with each other for nothing in return, it should be like Telangana where political parties fight with each other, :-) and hope that people will get all the benefits, sorry, I must be dreaming of Rama Raj, where the king feels the pain If a Citizen does not get his rights or dues.

I used to enjoy Teen Maar News for its satire, Teen Maar is proxy for banter against the government which is anti to people, if you see it in its extremities, it goes into socialist ideologies where people like Vara Vara Rao can be seen suffering for nothing or for few socialist poems/write ups, little more deeper it is communist ideologies like Gaddar, Red Flag, and further down Mao/Naxalites etc etc.but let us keep with Teen Maar and the banter against the government and its failures.

But the Goof Up Gang/Wimps from the west :-) who promote Democracy and also women liberty, :-) with all their ignorance and enthusiasm to promote the Nymphomaniac, know what I watch, and the hostess of Teen Maar News has same name as my wife, :-) and only difference is Sada anna the comic satire has my father-in-laws name, :-) but the united front of International Predators with out giving much thought to the background of Teen Maar News or its origin or the purpose of the Teen Maar music, tried their best in recent episodes to use the hostess as a proxy for the Nymphomaniac, :-) and the exchange between the two has turned into negative remarks against each other instead of banter, it is like the hostess has some personal vandetta against Sada anna, and poor guy tries very hard to stay  cool with his talents.

It is so funny, 8.5 billion people are proxy for one Nymphomaniac, :-) and all the hard work by the united front of the international predators is to promote her, :-) and wimps in India sorry Bharat particularly in Telangana are so jacked up in promoting her, :-) in their enthusiasm they did not leave Mata Sita also, Mata Sita a proxy for a Nymphomaniac, such is the foolishness, probably this was one reason Chirag Paswan did not win seats in recent Bihar elections, poor fellow did not know that there is no Sita with out Ram, it is SiyaRam, and Sita was Pativrata.

Now BJP came up with Moon as a proxy, now who is that, :-) Mr Modi was pointing at the Moon on Kartik Purnima (Full Moon) as that Moon on Shiva's Head in Kasi, but with his Index Finger, don't tell me Moon is also proxy for the same Nymphomaniac I am talking about, If you watch You Tube Video's of people travelling and vlogging they also use Index finger to show various places, like Mr Modi did :-) it might be a normal thing but for some folks it is a proxy game, and If I talk about it, then I am crazy, :-) but point to note is focus is more on the Index finger then on the place being pointed. :-)

Remember the song "Main karun to salaa paagal lagtaa hain", :-)

There was this employee in our Travel Agency, one day she suddenly said, "Jisko Tum Chand Samajhte Ho, Uspe Saare Chad Gaye", :-) since she was a young women and Punjabi in a Punjabi owned Travel Agency I did not want to get into a discussion on that but since then I have been guessing who is Moon, I mean Moon is proxy for whom. :-) only Modi or that Punjabi women can tell, I have no clue, :-) I Can understand Moon on Shiva's head etc.

I know Akshya Kumar is proxy for her like Anil Kapoor, Salman Khan or Sonu Sood, or Dharmendra, or Hema Malini, or even the name "SURYA", :-) and Sun, Tejeshwar etc. even Mr Modi himself, Yogi Adityanath, Asaduddin Owasi , KCR and KTR of Telangana, Sonia Gandhi, Late Jaya Lalitha, Late Sri Devi, Late Meena Kumari, Paul, Pammi, any Singh, Imran Khan, Pakistan, Sheikh Hasina of Bangla Desh, all are proxies used in India and abroad for the same Nymphomaniac I am talking about, like I said 8.5 billion people are proxies for her, I did not do this, BFH (Bitch from hell from Toronto) and her over enthusiastic Wimps (Hyenas) did this, since 2002 BFH has been spreading this for her.

She started this capaign in our small scale pharmaceutical to push her upwards as Manager in R&D, :-) even though the Nymphomaniac never worked in R&D, :-) her only qualification was her pale skin color and Switzerland as her birth country, :-) which is enough in Canada-Quebec to become anything, :-) and the Nymphomaniac with out any guilt or shame claimed it, :-) "I have to do my work and then do his work", she claimed, :-) in front of our common Supervisor Jug Head Sing, he just looked on, and when she left he asked me, "What is that". :-)

So the Shameless and Guiltless continued their Campaign through half a million Hyenas around the world.......tch! tch! tch!

Even Prophet Mohd. is used as her Proxy, not by me, Wimps and their Muslim friends are responsible for this, she was married once to an Egyptian, not just the Prophet, his first wife, Khadija is also used as her proxy, almost every one is used as a proxy, my family members in India and Canada, are also not left, even our puppy is proxy not spared from this nuisance, :-) poor fellow is not allowed to eat or poop on certain days of the week such is the coverage of the trillion $ equipment with the Hyenas.

It is like the over enthusiastic Wimps (Hyenas) did not want to leave any stone unturned, hence the blanket proxy game in 156 countries, but unfortunately I refused to go along with them and have resisted for 18 years now, :-) and the stalemate continues.

Even Sanatana Dharma gods and goddesses are used as Proxies for her, :-) she had 250 plus one night stands, five failed marriages, :-) one You tube Video from India used her face as face of the goddess, Wimps in India went over board in this proxy games for her, :-) and now in 2020 they have realized that they have committed a blunder, :-) but the Wimps from the west though agree in private but still want to blame me for their blunders. :-)

Apart from the failed proxy games, I think BJP (Modi) in India sorry Bharat needs to do one big favor to this country called Sindhu by Shankaracharya before another Babbar turns the wheel of Indian History for another 1000 years, and all the Babbar ke Nathi from Cong-I to MIM stand in objection, they will have to change the political status of all the Sanatana Dharma Punya Kshetras into something like Mecca for the followers of this great eternal traditions, otherwise called Hindu's. 

[Note: Mecca is a city where only Muslims are allowed to visit, Non Muslims are not allowed even to transit through, and in India we have been discussing Ayodhya with Muslims of India and outside for 70 or more years, which shows how democratic Sanatana Dharma is.]

In simple words, all those places where Hindu's go for pilgrimage like Tirupati-Tirumala, Jyotir Lingas, Ayodhya Rama Janma Bhoomi, Shakti Peethas, etc etc into Union Territories with strict entrance policy like Jagganatha Puri temple traditions, this is much needed to safeguard the eternal culture for the benefit of the billions of souls that take birth in this country for final emancipation.

[Note: Like anyone else people of Sanatana Dharma also has their birth right to have their Dharma Kshetras dedicated to only them, kept at highest standards and respect and not treated like any other place for tourism, visiting Tirumala or Ayodhya should not be tourism.]

Imagine Ayodhaya is a Union Territory, all the pressure on Uttar Pradesh from Cong-I and Muslim parties will also go down, and Ram Temple can see the light with out much resistance, and some people who moved to Lucknow recently will also loose their agenda. :-)

And like Mecca, Ayodhya should be out of bounds for any non Sanatani, and it should be followed very strictly. 

Carona or Covid-19 has done one very good thing for Sanatana Dharma, :-) before Carona time pilgrimage to any dharma sthana was like taking part in a rugby match, particularly in Tirumala, :-) now because of Carona, people are walking slowly, maintaining distance and not touching anyone, and the police presence is also very low, otherwise Tirumala (I have visited 17 times in 55 years) looked like a police state and people behaved like Wilder beasts trying to cross the river in Serengeti plains to Masai Mara plains for green grass. 

Another good thing that happened in Carona times is masks, not as a protection against the Virus, for better hygiene. 

Masks should be made mandatory, Carona or No Carona in restaurants and particularly in all those place where food is handled, packaged, distributed and eaten, other wise this is one item, which is insulted more than any thing, particularly in cities like Montreal by the political parties and the people who work in these places, because food and various food items are also proxies.

You know GOP also has Tea Party, so Tea is a proxy, irrespective of who drinks it, where it is prepared, how it is prepared etc. but when it comes to enjoying the spoils, than only few people of this Tea party in the west enjoy the spoils before and after elections, like those who are with the Nymphomaniac.

Vaccine for Carona Virus:

I was impressed to see Mr P.V. Narashima Rao giving a speech at IICT in Aug 1995, I was sitting in the second row from the front as a delegate, and at one point our eyes got locked for few seconds, :-) my gaze has that effect, :-) he did not speak during those moments, he stared at me and then moved away, :-) he wanted institutes in India to go Ayurvedic, instead of copying western medical moieties from old patents, which is the norm even today, and yesterday I saw Mr Modi visiting three Vaccine Manufacturing Units in three cities trying to understand how they can consolidate on them ASAP.

If India is taken as an example with 1.35 billion people, which is 1350 Million people needing at least two doses, 2700 Million doses, let us round off, so 3000 Million doses are needed by India alone.

At the max capacity, each unit might be able to produce 60 Million doses in one year, If they operated around the year, it is a big IF, which would mean by the end of 2021 India will have 200 Million doses of some Vaccine from three units, let us say all the halts in the cold chain are equipped with -70 degree storage capacity.

With this capacity for India alone, the last person on the list in India will get his or her Vaccine Manufactured in India,  3000/200 = 15 years from 2020, which is 2035, :-) ok, I am sorry, 600 Million people are not considered in any India or Bharat for anything, want to take a look at them, follow Brown Boy Fitness on YouTube, so for the 600 Million registered Indians who are considered as humans by any government in India sorry Bharat, 1500 Million doses are required, even that would take 7.5 years to accomplish.

Which means three units are not enough, India alone needs 50 such units which can manufacture 60 Million doses/year of some Vaccine for Carona, which would mean all those 50 units will have to stop or not produce any thing else even stop which they might be producing now.

Now see the case of Canada/Quebec. :-) Ohh! Canada, does not manufacture anything, we just do repackaging and name it NONAME, but our requirement is just 70 Million doses, and If we go to India or any other Vaccine manufacturing country with the saying, "Nee Peli Naa Mudi Lagaa Unnadi ....... .......", may be India or USA or UK or Russia will give us our 70 Million doses and Voila !! we will be safe all over again and we can go back to strengthen our Hacking capabilities and screw the world and at the same time admonish them about Human Rights. :-)

I changed the passwords of my two emails only a day before, and today they are not working, and I tried to reset, even that did not work, the key board acts up, and my computer has 8 GB memory, and it takes minutes loading Microsoft's Windows 10, which is updated nonstop, every time I open my computer it is updating something.

Liberals and Mr Justin Trudeau should think about redirecting the Goof Up Gang/Wimps in manufacturing some Vaccine for Canadians at least, :-) instead of hacking, so much Man power and so much money is being spent on them, Canada could have developed Vaccines for entire world with that kind of money, but see for 70 Million doses we are running from pillar to post. :-)

"Hey de data ke naam Allah Tujh Ko Rakhe, Hey De data ke naam  Tujh Ko Allah Rakhe, Arre Koi to humko Carona Ka Vaccine de do", :-)

It means:

Hey, someone please give us Carona Vaccine, Allah will take care of you, it is a song, :-) from Ankhen movie, starring Dharmendra, Mala Sinha, they don't ask Carona Vaccine in the movie, but you know......Satire..........:-) 

By the way what is Bitch from hell and her genius pet doing in this regard, :-) I guess like always, they are just useless, only waiting to take credit for things they do not create, :-) Bitch from hell is 80 years old from Toronto taking baby steps towards her destination and her genius pet is 70 years old from Geneva, :-) she blames BFH for everything, but they are in such demand in India, :-) sorry Bharat, they are in great demand particularly in Telangana, but for all wrong reasons.

They never visited Bharat, leave alone Telangana, :-) Telangana is my late parents home state, and I happen to have worked with them from 2001 to 2004. :-) That is why. :-)  you know "Ghar Ki Murgi Daal Bara Bar", :-) It means home grown chicken is like Daal, :-) and outsiders daal is like Chicken, because Chicken is 10 times expensive then daal. 

By the way 

  1. the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
    copying · infringement of copyright · piracy · theft · stealing · poaching · appropriation · cribbing

But I guess, neither the Wimps Nor the old ladies have any problem with it. :-)

I think I overheard Bitch From Hell asking a Wimp, "We just copy his write up and claim it as ours", the Wimp answers, yes! that is what we are doing, it is ok. :-)


First Vaccine Approved in a hurry. 02 Dec 2020.

Carona Virus, Vaccine, wearing a mask or not wearing it, color of the mask, etc etc are also proxies, Great Britain approving COVID Vaccine first in 2020, Carona itself means CROWN, :-) is also her proxy.

I would suggest Canada to wait till 20 Million British are vaccinated with two doses and the outcome is checked and then may be place the order, :-) any thing British I am not comfortable, because there is hardly anything they do which is fare and square, ther eis always a hidden agenda.

Moreover TPD Canada needs to conduct their own Clinical Studies on local populations,  which ever Vaccine Canada will procure before they can approve it, at least this needs to be done.

No testing lab will ever certify 100% free from any contamination certificate to any medical product because it is impossible to test all the bottles for sterility, like wise 95% safety is also on the edge, and there is no historic data also and additional disadvantage is, it needs to be carried, stored at -80 degrees which is impossible for 156 countries in current situation in a short duration.



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