Dec 29, 2020

Exit 2020 - Enter 2021 - Uncertainty - Caucasian Terrorism

Finally we are at the 2020's exit door, :-) but we are not yet clear through the thicket of mess created by all including the nature, few will deny and few will accept, whatever forgive yourself. :-)

Few decades back, every now and then influenza bothered many of us, few decades back it was 6 to 12 times a year, then it slowed down to few times a year and then it got reduced to almost negligible, most people would agree with me that flu or influenza did not bother them in recent decades, I do not remember when I had the last flu attack or influenza, I remember few times in my childhood, I am not talking about forced symptoms by the trillion $ electronic voodoo available with 156 countries, thanks to the western hegemony and desire to control people through their minds, :-) otherwise we would know the symptoms of flu, because it got forgotten.

[Shinzo Abe of Japan could have passed some legislation to stop growth of these surveillance cum voodoo systems across Japan, :-) but instead he chose to suffer in silence, it is the POOP designers at work, they play with your GI system, they are in Canada/Quebec, USA, U.K. India and in all the other 156 countries, see how Australia and USA are burning their forests to get rid of them, it is a fear in the hearts of the wimps in Australia and USA, that may be some country might have placed similar systems in their forests, like they do in other countries, hence the burning.

India is sleeping, but one day they too will have to burn their forests, :-) India's condition will be more difficult because the people in India think they have to work for the west and always against India, :-) and see how easily they let the tourists from the west in general and U.K. in particular into remote areas of the country, :-) I saw a you tube video of two blokes from U.K. fooling in deep remote areas of Meghalaya, what business and what were they doing there, :-) helping map India for China. :-)

And in Canada the conservatives under Stephen Harper wanted to give them Bill C51, :-) so that they can play with certain people across 156 countries with out any resistance or objection, but before it was passed he was kicked out of the PM's office, :-) but that took 10 years, not that it is over, the wimps are slowly working on the current PM, :-) the day he is compromised, then they will go back to Bill C51, then Canadians will be screwed by wimps from 156 countries 24/7, till then they too chose to sleep.

In fact the wimps in Canada/Quebec and India love this access into people's Arse, it is such an obsession with the wimps, :-) they start with the Anus first, then they slowly move their office into the rectum, :-) they live there 24/7, the entire team, :-) then into the Colon, then into the Large Intestines, as they map it inch by inch, similarly they do with the mouth into the Esophagus and down into the Stomach, and this is all wireless. :-) 

And playing or jerking the lower jaw is always there, when ever they are frustrated they jerk the lower jaw, the idea is to damage the tongue between the teeth, particularly when one is fast asleep. This is the grand Caucasian Terrorism. :-) rampant in Saint Laurent and Quebec.

And imagine the billions and trillions of dollars and man hours spent on such research, :-) the logistics of such systems is carried out by the police stations, 28 of them in Montreal alone, and see how they are always complaining of shortage of manpower, :-) because 1600 cops If work round the clock, may be they can watch 16000 citizens at a given time, but the population of Montreal is around 3 Million, :-) which means to watch every one of them all at the same time, the number of cops and money needed is immense, :-) and the city is already spending a billion or more to maintain 1600 cops. :-)

And this is also one of the reason why the Pandemic did not kill 60% or more people and only 0.02% are reported dead from Corona, :-) so it is not the Virus, it is the access and man power of these wimps which is stopping them, :-) due to this limitation the killing is selective, strictly as per the proxy game being played by the 156 countries.

Solution is not to play any proxy games. :-) because wimps from 156 countries are playing for both the sides or rather all the sides as per the whim and fancy of a Caucasian prostitute from Geneva.

Now I can not pass a legislation to stop them or their spread across the continents, but Shinzo Abe was in a position to do so, at least in Japan, but he rather chose to say SORRY to USA for dropping Atomic bombs on Japan, :-) and stay silent about his colic problems, which were given to him by the wimps of Japan, but even after his Sorry, his mapped/scanned body in the network of surveillance cum voodoo systems across 156 countries was not deleted, :-) he was forced to resign from his position, and I am sure his suffering went worse after he left office, :-) because that is how the wimps work. :-)

Bhagwat Gita says, "the Ignorant has no purpose".

Now who is free from this system ?, it is a point to ponder for all the dicks who get elected or nominated to some public office in 156 countries, including the fat ladies, :-) the general tendency is, "I am not one of those", because the wimps are dancing to my dictums, :-) not for long, the moment they will get a new dick, it takes few seconds to map a body by these systems, and it can be done while you are in your home, car, office, Aircraft, public places or private places, even in police stations, :-) and the dimensions of your Anus will separate you from the crowd even before your flight lands, then the facial recognition software comes in to play, because one is illegally implemented, for which Bill C51 is required, the later is partially implemented with legal help or both are illegal.

When did this happen?  Oh! While you were sleeping.............:-) decades have passed, they (About half a million of them in 156 countries) have been working since 1960's, they want to control the wild animals also, like they want the wild animals to behave in certain way around certain populations when they go to visit, like Africa etc. it is ok I am awake and keeping an eye on their activities and what ever way it is possible to stop them, I am trying to do, you folks can go to sleep. :-) dodo! dodo! dodo!.

For Shinzo Abe it is too late now. :-) 

All this is a part of the Caucasian Terrorism, which is rampant in U.K./Canada/Quebec/USA/Europe, India and other 156 countries, If you are not a target yet, you will not experience it, :-) at least not now. I became a target since I came to Canada/Quebec that is since 2001. :-) so I have an experience of 20 years with them. :-)

What a politician in office (156 countries) can do, :-) it is not that easy, :-) your ass must have been scanned/mapped and available in the system ready to go like Shinzo Abe, :-) the moment you start working against them, you will suffer like Shinzo Abe, and will be forced to leave office, :-) but still If you want to do something, :-) remember a Canadian in the parliament suffered from fits, I think it was last year. :-) he tried to do something, then Jack Layton of NDP we all remember how fast the Cancer caught up with him, in a year or two he died. :-) it is ok Dodo! Dodo! Dodo!, sorry If I disturbed you....

Pass a legislation (More like reverse of Bill C51, particularly the funding through various other programs) which should stop the development and spread of this disease, which is surveillance cum voodoo cum so many other things, and anyone who is involved directly or indirectly, :-) simple way to deal with them is, I would say drag them out of their holes and shoot them between their eyebrows, because they are not on anyone's side, BUT since we live in a civilization, :-) direct your police stations to stop the logistics of such systems and arrest any MF (Male or Female, white or black or brown) tinkering with these systems in public or private places and keep all of them in a hole until further investigation, when Bird Flu happened, birds were culled, this is also a disease, so cull them all, roughly they are around half a million, this is what I will do. :-) so be very scared MF's in 156 countries, particularly in Canada/Quebec/Australia/England and Indian subcontinent. :-)

USA is like THE idiot on the block, Duh!!! where are we going..... which country are we invading, Duh!!! that is USA, :-). 

Then what will happen:, Then people can live their lives as they like, because people are given enough physical and mental faculties by the nature to live their lives, they do not need some WIMP with trillion $ know, people elected or nominated can carry out what they wanted or the purpose they got elected or nominated for, it will not be one step forward two steps backwards thing anymore, then people who want to go spiritual can go....with out some one watching them 24/7 and with out someone playing with their testicles or colon, while they are meditating. :-) Imagine that world, but then Shinzo Abe's will not suffer in silence and leave office, they will continue to do what they wanted to do in office or out of office. Imagine that is about half a million Hyenas and a Prostitute.

Choose wisely! the WIMPS in 156 countries have chosen EVIL and EVIL Deeds under a Prostitute from Geneva and a Fraudulent Identity thief from Toronto, :-) Wimps in 156 countries behave like prostitutes, they are loyal to their clients, but Wimps in India, they are worse then prostitutes, they flip left and right with in few seconds depending on whatever half baked information they get from England, which is about who is winning. :-) because they follow a simple adage, "Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikander", does not matter who it is, a prostitute is also OK, as long as it has a white skin. :-) fraudulent thief, Identity thief, does not matter, does it have a white skin. Voila! that is our Sikander. :-) 

And they want to fight the Divine. :-) Really!!!! a Prostitute, :-) If someone said the BFH from Toronto wants to fight the divine, I would say that is possible because that BFH has never visited a place of worship in her life or fallen on her knees to accept her crimes in front of the divine, but a Prostitute. :-)

This audacity is because they have this Trillion $ surveillance cum Voodoo cum citizen fucking wireless Systems placed everywhere and with logistics help and protection from the police and of course the political parties are always there, :-) where even a Shinzo Abe is not safe, hence the audacity. :-)

Don't worry this has not happened for the first time, :-) go to Rome  take the reader of Roman empire also with you, :-) you can see the ruins of a million times mean and stronger willed people, compared to them the wimps in 156 countries are like fallen pubic hair in a washroom, :-)) today Rome is in ruins everywhere, then ask a simple question, what happened to them, the ROMANS, :-). 

"Wahi Hota Hain jo Manjure, Khuda Hota Hain". :-)

The solution is Tough!! because to do something like that, someone at the top will have to forego their agenda to control or rule this world, or rather screw this world on some or other pretext, now it is Corona, before it was Swine flu, before that it was Osama Bin Laden or bird flu, then again we might go back to Osama Bin Laden like terrorist drama effecting 8.5 billion people, which is very tough, :-) even the Vaccines is a way to screw the world, :-) they want people to scramble or run after them, suffer from anxiety, :-) run from pillar to post, who is first who is not getting, you are last, in Telugu we have this saying for all this, "Lange Kathalu", :-).

And remember there are always Duryodhans and Dushashans. :-) who does not want to share anything with anyone.] :-) And this time we have a Duryodhan who is a Prostitute and a thief.

Back to Influenza, :-)

Now tell me in that situation, where, most people did not suffer from a single episode of influenza, which was one of the nature's ways to boost our immunity against all the variants of the available Bacteria and Viruses lying around, Viruses are just lying around like chemicals but with a capacity to multiply when and where they are provided with a host cell, otherwise they just lie around in billions and Trillions of numbers.

One episode of influenza creates multiple number of variants from one individual that is the capacity of our system, human body, both inside and outside, we are like walking variant manufacturing machines, inside we call them antibodies and outside we call them variant. :-)

Cataloging all the variants of the Viruses lying around is impossible task, and when governments start doing that, not just to catalogue but also to control all of them, then think about the world around you, :-) that is absurd, or making vaccines for all the possible variants, :-) PCR can do it, man made technique to play around with the genetic code or the chemical sequence of the Virus, 

On one hand scientists involved in Virology say that they can create a Virus or a Variant just by reading the genetic code of that Virus through PCR, when it is provided by the country where the epidemic happened, and on the other hand they say the Virus and its variants are natural, :-) we can understand the pressure, we have watched all the episodes of X-Files. :-)

Forget about the capacity and understanding of the humans as far as science or nature is concerned, now see it from nature's point of view, it needs a tool to boost our immunity against all the variants billions of walking machines are or might be created, born in a country like India, where the life revolves around or with in the concoction of billions of bacteria and trillions of Viruses, and the body quickly adapts and creates its variants outside and antibodies inside, voila! human body is stable in that concoction, which you can imagine like fluid all around you flowing in and out 24/7, like a fetus in an amniotic sack, yet stable.  

I am born in a middle class India, which means I came into contact with both sides of the spectrum, and I never felt the need to get those influenza vaccines, flu shots like they are prescribed in Canada, in India I never heard of them until the year 2000, even though I was working as an QC Executive in a Vaccine manufacturing Unit :-) after 2000 may be even Indians might have been scrambling for flu vaccines, I am not sure about it. :-) 

But born in a country where the atmosphere goes sterile for good eight months, like Canada, so the concoction of bacteria and Viruses is much less dense or much less lethal, provided you make human bodies available for them to manifest in their worst form through out the year, :-) like it was depicted in the Alien movie, :-) again say thanks to 156 countries with the trillion $ wireless technology to mimic symptoms of various ailments.

In this situation nature needs a stronger tool to stir the immunity machine inside us, so that we can evolve and stay stable in the concoction of the bacteria and Viruses.

So just for the sake of discussion :

Corona Virus is one such tool, see what it did, we turned our world upside down, we cleaned all our darkest corners, :-) and also our human relations, many more things happened we will see their effects, later as we move into 2022 onwards.

One thing, it is high time we start learning to live with minimums, like most Yogi's strive to live, minimalism, it is complex word with multiple understandings and implications, every now and then in our homes we use little force to enforce certain regulation, if it is accepted freely with out resistance then it is ok, but if it needs little or more force most of us will enforce it seeing the greater good of the family, because we think we are responsible individuals.

Why not put nature also in that parents position, it also needs to enforce certain regulations so that everything remains in balance, it wants us to evolve and not stay stagnated at one level, so accept the new reality and not yearn to go back to 2018 -2019 kind of oozy life style, that was too nosy, too close with each other, there was no "my space" anymore, too much discomfort because people got too comfortable with each other. :-)

We were taught Darwin's, survival of the fittest, Evolution, etc. but today it looks like our lessons are coming true to see If we are fit to face any threat from outside, we forget that each one of us has a command center, which can create things to change the world, :-) it is good that most do not know how to use it to create, this command center is kept busy with all the nonsense, then we get tired and go to sleep, imagine a world where each one of us knows how to use it in its most prolific form, Sanatana Dharma called that form "Shiva", or attaining "Shivatva".

What is it, all the noise for, after almost a year, less then 1% people contracted the Virus, at least that is what the media is screaming about, :-) and calling it "Pandemic", If you see the definition of Pandemic, it talks about substantial number of people living in an environment with greater possibility of some infection, but it does not say, what % of the population If gets the infection, it is or it should be called Pandemic.

As of today 29th Dec 2020, less then 1% of the world population is reported infected, at least that is what we are reading being informed after being tested through our substandard testing procedures, :-) and the death rate is what %, I am not sure we should call it a Pandemic, it sure looks like a Pandemic when you look at the restrictions enforced, may be we need a better definition, before the government can enforce certain restrictions and turn their and our world upside down.

Logic is any Pandemic before it becomes one has to be an epidemic first somewhere. 

If we treat this Virus also as a nature's way of finding a new tool to boost our immunity, then we are fine, the one with weak immunity will suffer or even perish, it has happened with influenza also, it still happens with influenza, but it does not matter, we need Vaccines for everyone against it, few in the bottom with lowest immunity and health, sure need them, because my argument is the death rate is less then 0.02%, should we call it a Pandemic at first place.

There are other reasons with higher death rates almost in all countries, but we take them with a smile or even ridicule because those reasons are not infectious. :-)

Vaccine for the Virus and for its variants:

If one takes a look at the Vaccines available for the Influenza, I did not take one till now, ever, :-) they are made with some concoction of inactivated Viruses that cause Influenza in some part of the world and are expected to cover all the variants also, it is not concrete, like other Vaccines which are prescribed to a new born.

If you see the science behind the Virus, If 10 million people are reported to have contracted the Virus, it is not like same Virus goes in and gets out or spews out copies of same Virus by the infected body, take a look at the probability for variations in the genetic code, millions of variants are possible, can someone or some Virologist catalogue all of them, not possible, but suddenly one country U.K. claims they have a new variant and it is 10 times more infectious then the first one from March 2020, :-) they did not start naming them like they do with all the storms or hurricanes. :-)

Apart from fear mongering, now tell me how many people would like to go to U.K. now :-) may be this is one of the easiest ways to keep the unwanted traffic out of your country, do not come, we have more infectious variant making rounds in our streets, :-) it waits for fresh blood in Heathrow itself, particularly in Terminal V, Section B :-) but our Queen is safe at 95 and her husband is also very safe at 99, :-)  in fact kicking, :-) no offense.

U.K. is one country which runs few steps ahead of all other countries, :-) and always has multiple agenda's, hence I am like little more interested in every thing they do, this time even Canada jumped and restricted the flights from U.K., otherwise they wait for approvals from all the Queens and the Kings with in Canada and elsewhere.

Every country should have a special team to study U.K. alone and they should not blink or sleep, it should be a 24/7, like U.K. has teams studying every country, what do they call them, MI1 to MI156.

That is a big change in Canada, our population is so low compared to countries like India and China, even USA, just 30 millions and Australia is just 20 millions, so precious, :-) so we have to be extra cautious, and take utmost care of our precious little population from threats with in Canada and outside even it means restricting U.K. or USA from entering.

I am surprised India also did it, how the hell they stopped flights from U.K. did they take approval from U.K. MIIndia, :-) no really that was prompt, and they did not behave like an orphan, mummy! no intelligence, gosh a country that large with a matrix of populace, and no intelligence bureau, which proves that India is run by gods, some 30 million of them, but the scriptures say there are more demons then the gods, same thing stands for our variant spewing bodies.


Nothing will change, let us say all are vaccinated, even second dose is done, then let us say even the serology is done to see If enough antibodies are generated, and some have done hoarding of the vaccines for their future generations in the frozen mountains of the Scandinavia, what will change.

We continue to manufacture all the vaccines even today, like wise we will have to manufacture all the vaccines for all the variants of the virus, that would be a new race....who is first U.K.

Change if any will be visible by 2024 or 2025, but by then we will have new challenges, particularly with regards to economics to deal with, I have been dealing with it since 2005, :-) again thanks to certain people who can not mind their business, but it has done great good to me, I have learned to live with minimum, there is an opportunity in every situation.

But If by 2024 or 2025, a new Virus with not just Corona, but like an Emperor :-) raises its ugly head and instead of just 1% people, it effects 50 or 60% people, then are we ready and If it needs not -80 degrees facilities but -150 degrees facilities or much less, are we ready, with this Pandemic, most Virologists, Pharmaceuticals, and Health Ministries at the beginning of this year 2020 were like a five year old, who had just soiled his pants, not knowing what to do with it, :-) Mummy!! I soiled my pants, :-).

Someone moving towards Shivatva was asked, what is the solution to curb all the disease, all the ailments, is it having Hospitals at every nook and corner of the city, the best hospitals, the best facilities, prompt service, jet set health system.

The answer was, no, the right knowledge can avoid all that, the right life style, the right food, the right quality and quantity of things around us, the minimums. :-)

But then what should we do with the growing technologies, with 156 countries all in a network, and all share all the information with in seconds, the purpose is to control everything and everyone. :-)

Go back into history, there were people who walked among ordinary folks with knowledge to end the world many times but still the humanity survived.

With this in our hands or rather out of hands, let us walk in to 2021, and see for ourselves what does it bring.

Astrology: Saturn stays put in its natural 10th house, Capricorn for the entire year 2021 and until first week of Jan 2023, which also has its lordship, and we have seen how the 10th house (Karma Bhava) turned upside down since it moved into it.

Now Jupiter moved from its own house Saggitarius, natural 9th house (Dharma Bhava) into Capricorn. the natural 10th house, with Saturn already posited there.

In Capricorn, both see each other as enemies, so some brickbats there with in one house of Karma, it governs, action, fame, career growth, profession, honors, awards, self-respect, dignity and knees.

Like 2020, Saturn has a 3rd house Dhristi (Sight) on natural 12th house Pisces, which is house of loss, and 7th house Dhristi on Cancer, natural 4th house, house of relatives, mother, real estate etc, and 10th house Dhristi on Libra, natural 7th house, house of spouse, Venus is its lord, so like 2020, self, real estate, mother, and relations are highlighted, be nice or some form of punishment will come your way.

Dhristi (Sigh of a planet on a house or a planet, is 100% If it is 7th house Dhristi, 100% for Saturn on 3rd, 100% for Jupiter on 5th and 9th, 100% for Mars on 4th and 8th, rest all other planets have 50% on 3rd, 5th, 9th, 8th and 10th, and even less If the degrees are wayward.

But since Jupiter moved into his enemies house, (Check the relation between them in your chart and also the position they are in your birth chart, which means Capricorn might be an insignificant house in your chart like 8th house as far as material world is concerned, and deduce the respective effects.) 

Jupiter is a Brahmin, and Saturn is Shudra, so Jupiter will try to dominate, but both are like teenagers.

Jupiter is a natural Benefic, Clean, Pious, Priest like and can be even more stubborn then Saturn, 

Saturn is a natural Malefic, Unclean, Stubborn, and Dirty, 

Jupiter will drive some sense into stubborn Saturn, already present there, and also to people of karma (action), our governments etc. etc., but since Jupiter and Saturn consider each other as enemies there will be some brickbats and eventually Jupiter will move out into Aquarius by Nov 2021, again a Saturn's lordship and Moolatrikona, a powerful place for Saturn, as it is its own house also. 

So people might consider big changes in their life styles this year 2021 to prepare themselves for uncertain times ahead of us.

And Rahu in natural 2nd house (House of Inheritance or fortune) and Ketu in natural 7th house (House of Spouse or relations) will keep people on toes as far as these two houses are concerned.

Rest all other planets come and go for short durations with in a day or two to with in a month or two basis, so that needs to be deduced likewise.

Prophet Mohd. has predicted so many events for the future, until the dooms day, you can watch so many video's on you tube, and proud followers of Islam project them as the ultimate predictions, and at the same time they say Muslims do not believe in horoscopes or in future.

Every time they take Prophet Mohd.'s full name, and end with "peace be upon him", which is a very good thing to say, but why do they have doubt that Prophet Mohd. will not have peace If he is with Allah all the time. :-)

Then the way they give out the call (Aazan) for community prayers five times a day, it sounds like singing, and then they teach their children, Muslims should not or are not allowed to sing.

They should not say Muslims, because the word Muslim means the one who has surrendered to Allah or God, they should say followers of Islam should not this or that or do this or that, whatever.....and also it is wrong to say Muslims are the people who follow Islam etc etc. Muslim can be anyone and follow any religion or not, even an atheist, an agnostic, etc. etc. as long he or she has surrendered himself or herself to the all mighty knowingly or unknowingly, he or she is called a Muslim.

The English translation of Quran I read, I am not sure it was the best translation, "Halal", is a way to get rid of the all the blood presumed to contain parasites from the body of an Animal, which is only possible If the animal is kept alive while the blood is drained, which is by giving it a slow death, I have watched it up close on a Bakrid day, it is very painful for the animal and for people watching, and this process can not be performed on a Pig, because it has such a thick neck and it carries more potent parasites like Entamoeba Histolytica and also it is not possible to drain all the blood from a pig's body, given the thickness of the fat and muscles, so it is considered not pure for human consumption because of those parasites, it has nothing to do with Allah.

Halal also slowly became a slang for the word loyal, otherwise it is Haram. :-)

Farmers in India:

Farmers in India are a patient lot, 700 years of Islamic looters, 300 Years of English looters, 70 years of Indian looters, :-) and yet they produce and give us food with out fail, and we can not give them the same respect and status that we have given to a soldier.

Farmers in Punjab: Too much pampering is the result of this attitude, Punjab and Haryana no doubt grow maximum food grains and are good at agriculture but they got a lion's share for quite some time, and it was the Bihari's who did all the hard work in their fields for peanuts, I have seen it since 1978, now is the time for them to give freedom to the farmer and compete in open market along with rest of the country, shoulder to shoulder.

They should let them implement the new rules and see the outcome for two or three years, then If it works against the farmer like it is being predicted, :-) they should ask for compensation, again Sikh are also a community who does not believe in future, predictions and horoscopes, :-) even Surya Namaskar but see now, their entire protest is based on predictions of something bad will happen in future. :-)

A case by case based compensation package from the government in case such predictions come true should settle the matter, there is no need to back track on the new rules, they are for the greater good of the farmers.

Any way, 

Given all these uncertainties, I would still wish a happy :-) and prosperous :-) new year "2021" to all my readers.

And let us wish for Sadbuddhi.

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