Mar 16, 2021

People in GLASS houses and the retards

There was this time in India during 1987-89, when Amitabh Bacchan resigned from politics calling it a cesspool, with in three years of joining it, and V.P.Singh ex-prime minister of India, then was contesting another election from Allahabad, and Shri Vinod Dua was asking him about his chances in the elections etc. etc. and at one point Shri Vinod Dua asked, "Who do you think Cong-I will give ticket to, it was for Allahabad seat", it was a simple question and Mr V.P.Singh answered, it will be Mr Amitabh Bacchan, then Shri Vinod Dua repeated the question, with an option that what If it is not Mr Amitabh Bacchan, who could it be, same answer, it will be Mr Amitabh Bacchan, this went on for quite some time, and tired Shri Vinod Dua could not find a way to get a different answer from Mr V.P.Singh, he kept repeating, it will be Mr Amitabh Bacchan.

I was still a student but having read newspapers particularly Arun Shourie's Indian Express from very early age I recognized many politicians from both sides, I can say I was politically savvy at a very young age, :-) so while watching that interview I felt, If V.P.Singh becomes the Prime Minister of India what would be the plight of IAS officers, :-) but he did, in 1989 Dec and resigned Nov 1990, he was Prime minister for 10 months, :-) any way the reason I am writing this today is to make a point that some people no matter what back ground, situation, circumstances, country, color of the skin,  caste, creed, they get stuck in a life long predicament, self created or created by the world and they simply refuse to see the reality or the truth, :-) even If the truth might be dancing naked in front of them. 

Then I thought to myself, will there be another such individual who has such closed mind from 10 directions, it sees nature heard me then and voila!!!!!.

We have been in the similar situation in Canada, for almost 18 years now, :-) I used to work in a small scale pharmaceutical named Dimethaid (Markham Ontario and Varennes, Quebec) with out any product from 2001 to end of 2004 as a Research Chemist, and I came to Canada after four years of processing (1997 to 2001), interview in 2000, medicals in 2000,  and then paid lot of money to land in Canada with my family, which means I paid for their application, their medicals, and their landing fees etc. etc. all from my pocket with out any help from anyone, and in addition to all that expenditure as per the requirement I brought liquid funds with me to support myself and my family in Canada, with out a burden of a single penny on Canada. :-)

But in that small scale pharmaceuticals there were few V.P.Singh's, female version and Caucasian, :-) one was Humpty and the other who joined her later in 2002 was Dumpty, :-) their problem was very simple, they wanted to keep that pharmaceutical as is, without any product or income, with out any progress, keep it in losses, and probably go for repeated public issues and make some money, something like that, that might not be the M.O. it could be more to that.

But that is not the point, lot of people make illegal money in this world and not every one gets caught If they keep proper contacts in the governments or the political parties, this story is same for all countries, because all people have to deal with 150 Tattva's like Greed, etc.etc. and not everyone can overcome it, and certainly Humpty and Dumpty could not.

So, Humpty and Dumpty like V.P.Singh got into a predicament created by themselves, circumstances, or the wimps from three countries, the nexus of 2001, India - U.K. - Canada, Cong-I in A.P. now Telangana, - U.K. is every ready to screw anyone, including their royal family, :-) so no surprises there, and Canada with its sadist wimps, together these three countries cooked something in advance for me even before I arrived in Canada, :-) and Humpty was given this task to call me and rope me in to her fraudulent scheme which involved Quebec, and Liberal party of Canada (Jean Chretian) and PQ in Quebec, the target, so it should be no surprise that Late Mr Bernard Landry visited the small scale pharmaceutical in 2003, and Dumpty chose to stay away from the party. :-)

Then when things did not go as planned by the Wimps from the three countries and wimps from USA joined in 2002, :-) Humpty and Dumpty together with few more ladies planned something to strike two or three birds with one stone, in other words "Eat the cake and have it too", and they took up a challenge of proving three things to the retards from five countries, Canada (Quebec) -U.K. - U.S.A. and India, wimps from India joined around 2003-2004, :-) and the three points are:

1) That I am not what I claim to be, with respect to my nationality, my mother tongue etc.

2) That I have a criminal back ground, :-) either it is self cooked recipe or someone spoon fed to these ladies from India.

3) That I have some Million $  ( 1 Million $ in Indian Rupees as per 2001 currency rate would be around 3.5 Crores, actually it was one lakh rupees (some people in India call one lakh rupees as one million rupees, even educated people do.) which I took from city bank in the year 2000, it was a loan, and in 2003 some 8 Rupees was due.)  :-) but twisted minds and gossip can change 8 Rs in 1 Million$, its gossip.

Here, someone should play that suspenseful music from Indian cinema, "Tan Tan Tan", the plot thickens. :-)

Humpty and Dumpty were so sure like V.P.Singh :-) that I was all the above, all 10 directions shut and a perfect make belief world created in their minds, where the two fat ladies prepared scheme and fed cockamamie stories to each other and to anyone who was interested from Canada to U.K. to USA to India and even any other countries from the 156 joined and everyone to join the club made movies, tele serials, etc. in all of them there was only one scheme, Humpty and Dumpty played the Sherlock Holmes and I am always the running criminal, :-) , something like the movie fugitive, Telugu movies openly played comedy scenes where an Indian Telugu guy is rebuked " Malli Switzerland Jolly ki vellavu ante" choodu yem avtado", meaning "don't mess with Switzerland again, If you, then see what will happen", this in Telangana, India, :-) by Telugu people, on Telugu people, for some Dumpty from Switzerland. :-)

And in Canada, every time we visited Ottawa for the Tulip festival, a large police bus with all the surveillance and electronics to listen what we were talking, particularly me and my wife, :-) and it would be parked so close to where we would sit, first time, I thought some random incident, but second time same spot, same thing, third time bingo, :-) so Humpty and Dumpty used all their connections in all the political parties, in all the interested countries, :-) including India, :-) only one agenda for the two Sherlock Holmes, catch me with one of the above, :-) that was in 2003- 2005, but it continues in 2021, Humpty and Dumpty have not given up, they are very sure along with the retards from Canada - Quebec - U.K. - USA- India, :-) that their gut feeling is very strong.

Someone should ask why such obsession, the answer is simple, Humpty and Dumpty with few other ladies planned a swindle in 1997 to 2005, and Humpty had to get out along with the CEO, they got me fired by end of 2004 and Dumpty could not overcome her bad habit of betraying left and right, so she end up betraying everyone, but she was the last one left in Dimethaid, :-) common show some courage and tell the world your M.O., 

What happened to the swindle ?, did it happen, If yes, who is holding the loot, Humpty and Dumpty should reveal it now, it is 2021, common, when will they enjoy the loot, Humpty is 80 and Dumpty is 70, it will be such a waste If they die with out enjoying their loot, what will happen, If they tell the truth and reveal where they are keeping the loot, the political parties are already packed with swindlers they will certainly protect, they ight ask for some share though, I am a single man with out any backing, what can a single man do?, and retards from five countries or 156 countries are already on your side.

Common Dumbo open your closed mind and let the world know......:-) 

When they came to know that I have 1 Million $, :-) the ladies built their castle of cards and since then retards have been looking for that 1 Million $, it is a simple plot, If I am caught with that 1 Million $, they can rub what ever they have swindled also on me and all the fat ladies, Humpty and Dumpty can enjoy their life and I would be sulking in some hole somewhere, but unfortunately for them, retards could not lay their hands on that 1 Million $, hence the castle of cards is falling apart, because one can not keep it afloat on lies, rumors and gossip, does not matter how any retards are involved.  

But this foolhardiness by Humpty, Dumpty and the retards from five countries cost me 18 years, and a simple apology will not work, :-) I will take my sweet revenge, and it is said revenge is served very cold, then it is very sweet. :-)

What are we playing? where and what?

If BJP and TMC in India thinks that I am playing in West Bengal, no we are busy playing very silly proxy games always planned around me by the silly retards, and it is always for the Humpty and Dumpty. :-)

Back in 2007, a Latino family lived in the fourth floor of our apartment building in Saint Laurent, and they installed a AC on their windows like most people in Canada -Quebec do, during summer, and water droplets from the AC would fall right on the sill of our window and would make some disturbing noise particularly during nights, and as I slept close to that window it was more disturbing for me, and even after informing them many times about it, the Latino family ignored it like it is not their problem, :-)  some Caucasian wimp was behind it, :-) and wimps from 156 countries enjoy gossip, and gossip is basis for all their actions, :-) the wimps in India made a movie out of it, "Guzzarish in 2010", where the water droplets fall on face of Hrithik Roshan and Sanjay Leela Banshali is the director, though from 2005 to 2021 almost all movies are based on me, in every possible twisted way, :-) thanks to Humpty and Dumpty. :-) 

Humpty is 80 years old now, Caucasian, may be Jewish, lived in Toronto, Canada, and Dumpty's story is very interesting, one can make a movie Dumbo Duh! Duh! Dumpty came to Canada -Quebec from Mexico with her Mexican husband (Legally a paramour) in 2000 and was working in a regulatory affairs department in some pharmaceutical with no name or fame, before she was discovered by Humpty in 2001, :-) and in 2002 Humpty was so mesmerized by Dumpty's Cockamamie stories, she told me that she was just like her, :-) meaning a good cockamamie story teller. :-)

Humpty and Dumpty has been digging in India since 2003 along with the wimps from Canada- Quebec - U.K. - USA - and India, :-) looking for something to hold on to, :-) I think they are looking for that 1 Million I brought to Canada, :-) but poor things have remained luckless even though they have turned every stone related or not related, :-) many times repeatedly but no luck till now, but they have not given up hope, they are very sure because their gut feeling is so good, :-) that If they predict yesterday's sunrise time it is never wrong even by micro seconds, :-) and more because retards from Canada - Quebec - U.K. - USA and India have such trust on their gut feelings, :-) they have spent almost every minute of the past 18 years looking for something, but they never asked e directly about it, only once Dumpty mentioned about 1 Million $. :-)

Now they are depending on a random private company called EXO, which is supplying buses to people, because the train station is under complete renovation or upgradation, so employees of EXO are now playing those silly left and right proxy games and retards with Humpty and Dumpty expect that suddenly I will jump and say, "Eureka", I got it, :-) then Humpty - Dumpty, Banta - Santa, and Retards from all the interested countries will make one big family, and screw the world. :-)

I had the picture of Humpty and Dumpty cheek to cheek taken by Jambone in 2004 with me, I could not find it, how Dumpty placed it on the notice board in 2004 and felt so proud how Humpty kissed her on her cheek, she wanted me to see the moisture on her cheeks from Humpty's mouth. :-)

The best gift anyone can give Humpty and Dumpty is a shovel, :-) how long do you think they will dig in India with bare hands, one is 80 and the other is near 70, and they have all the time to take baby steps.

Apart from the silly proxy games, the wimps have been playing with our shower head, it has been leaking, may be wimps in India can tell Mr Banshali to make Guzzarish part two, :-) I tried to fix it with no cost, but the technology used by wimps is such, it creates some extra pressure in the pipes and makes the water to leak, so we called a professional plumber, he was from Mauritius and he fixed it for 100$, and I came to know a weird thing that in Mauritius Telugu and Tamil are not languages but religions, and language is Creole, which is like French but with a different slang K replaces C in most words, I hope the Video came all right, :-) because anyone visits our home Wimps never leave an opportunity to take a fresh look at the arrangement of furniture etc. because it helps their surveillance software operated and connected through Satellites covering 156 countries, same thing with things in the backyard or front yard, it helps the design, it must be like face recognition software, might be place recognition software, so If they know where every furniture is placed it would help If they have to trace someone. :-)

So, after 18 years of digging, Humpty - Dumpty, are still looking to prove that I am not what I claim. :-)

But Humpty never checked the credentials of Dumpty, she took everything she was told on face value or skin color value, this is even for Telugu folks in Telangana and A.P., they should also try to answer these questions before they make some more movies kissing Switzerland's arse. :-)

What kind of person can not live in Switzerland, ? 
OK, may be Switzerland is a country which deals with black money of the world, so morals ight be an issue, :-) 
What kind of person born in Switzerland can not live in Europe, Europe is 27 countries, :-) 
What must have gone wrong that they (Her Egyptian husband) have to run away from Europe and try to live in Cuba?
And If Cuba did not allow her, instead of returning to Switzerland or Europe 27 countries, why she ran away to Mexico and went through some hard life of Alcoholism, Drugs, Hunger, looking for food in dumpsters behind restaurants, :-) and again instead of returning to Switzerland or Europe, applies for immigration to Canada - Quebec, and lives in Quebec, works in a small company at a associate level in Quebec.

And her Mexican husband was working in a meat factory in Quebec, where the meat is handled at cold temperatures for 7$ per hour, Why?

Telugu people, any answer ? Why ?

Switzerland is the only country in the entire world where there is no government debt, Quebec is cold, snow, everything same like Switzerland, but with out the alps, valley's, and rich's, I am from India, for me buying a 200,000 $ house in India is beyond imagination, one of my colleague from Human resources in India said, "Are you dreaming", when I suggested If we can buy a house like it in 2000, so from India it is different, Quebec is 9 Million people, India is 1350 Millions, Quebec is half the size of India, there are 1000 reasons, but Switzerland, Europe, :-) but born in Switzerland and living in Quebec, Why?????? Telugu people in Telangana, Why???? take a break from arse kissing and tell me why???

Next time you make a Telugu movie, the dialogue should be like, "Yenduke Lange, Switzerland lo putti, Switzerland ni Vadilesi, Quebec lo sachevu", that would make some sense. :-)

May be Humpty can give some thought to it, I am not asking to stop digging, :-) she is already 80, barely enough time to prove one of those points they have been working since 2002 or 2003, keep digging, but a little peek into Dumpty's life would have done some good to everyone,  what happened in Switzerland or Europe, she and her Egyptian husband ran in two different directions, that she went through so much for so long, because now a days she seems to be talking morals, :-) at least that is what retards are projecting, :-) "Billy Nau roti khake haz ko chali".

May be BJP should look into it, Mr Ravi Shankar Prasad can look into it, If he does not like Lamba Lamba Lamba Gyan, it might reveal how suddenly Mr Arun Jaitley, Aug 24, 2019, Mrs Shushma Swaraj Aug 6, 2019, Jayalalitha in 2016,  M. Karunanidhi Aug 2018, passed away, at some point they were all proxy for Dumpty or Humpty or both, :-) how Mr Arnold Schwarzenegger met Mrs Jayalalitha in 2015 in Tamilnadu, he is also her proxy and he is from Republican party, he has a pet Donkey, he feeds it Apples, does it mean Republicans from California control wimps in Tamilnadu, :-) or Democrats (Donkey) in USA are also under Republican control, :-) then why fight. :-) 

And all those people who died were in good positions, with great ambitions, people with political ambitions are die hards.

It is not just Tamilnadu where strings are attached from outside, Telangana is also same, A.P., Karnataka, Bengaluru, Maharastra, Gujarat, Bihar, Rajasthan, Kashmir, Punjab, :-) how BJP will integrate all of them, If there was one Sardar Vallab bhai Patel in India there were/are 100 others outside but working in reverse. :-)

Mamta Didi should be careful, because being a proxy of Dumpty or Humpty is easy in the beginning, it is all Haa Haa Hee Hee, later when things go wrong, Dumpty is not one of those who will accept her wrong doings, she will rub it on you, more over for the retards this is all just some live video games, and now Humpty and Dumpty are playing "you do I blame, I do you blame games".

And all of them have direct connections, one phone call and Tan Tan Tan........Drama starts.....

See I don't need to dig, :-) all I have to do is go online. 

Retards - Before they jump to conclusions, they should look into her life day by day, from Dec 7, 1952 till day, and should have account of every single day, persons she lived, classmates, neighbors, their pets, she betrayed, etc. her human pets, If any, :-) this is not my scale, this is called RETARD SCALE of Canada or the west. :-)

Meanwhile Humpty can enjoy some donuts and fish for some other immigrant, we are not in a hurry, we have 18 years, it should be same scale for everyone.

I know wimps are already uncomfortable, :-) but this is needed, after all, lives of  8.5 billion people is at stake, then we have to carry out a psychological evaluation If she is even fit for a public office, same thing for all wimps, and Humpty and her 40 pets also, till then everything should remain at rest.

This was suggested by Humpty in 2004, and she wanted me to take a therapy from a clinical psychologist with out evaluation, for a Research Chemist's job, :-) in a small scale pharmaceutical.

But what Humpty and Dumpty are fighting for with me, is something very big, whim and fancy of such a person hiding in a remote hole might effect or affect 8.5 billion people, who might not even know who is causing them, leave alone the people, political parties in 156 countries might not or do not know who is causing those effects or affects. :-)

And there is every possibility, Humpty might show up for Dumpty and vice versa, :-) pictures can also exchange, BJP in India might be thinking it is Humpty who is their handler in the west, but it could be the Dumpty, and one person might be playing both BJP and Cong-I, :-) Imagine the plight of an elected politician like the PM of India, with mandate from people of his country, but helpless in his own country because some wimp from some country wants something else for his people, it is highly possible one wimp suggested BJP to come out with new rules for the farmers and the same wimp instigates the farers and others, so BJP should track the suggestion, where did it come from the new rules for farmers, it could be Humpty or Dumjpty or someone like them from London or Australia. 

It is deja vu, Khaki movie, Amitabh Bacchan and Ajay Devgan, and Prakash Raj as the wimp, so find the wimp and do what Amitabh Bacchan did to Prakash Raj in Khaki. :-)

And that wimp might not be even visible to him, all they can do is guess, If pictures, biography, etc. etc. of such a person is printed the world over, :-) and the people and the political parties the world over are given clear information about such a person, then it makes sense that why BJP or Cong-I in India should dance to the whim and fancy of such a person, even If it is like Monopoly, the money game, someone is always getting paid, people should know how it works, so that they can also take part.

Why is this Wimp Club limited to employees of Dimethaid only, Dimethaid is the same company where Humpty and Dumpty worked, and other 30 of them until it was closed in 2005 or 2007, or it was poured in to a new bottle with a different name, 8.5 Billion people the world over should know what is so special about employees of Dimethaid, that they have to dance to their whim and fancy, that company could not even cover its losses or pay increments to it 30 employees and always struggled to find money for salaries. :-)

What is so special??  May be BJP, Zee TV can take a shot, how about Telugu arse kissing wimps from Telangana, :-) If it is wrong for Cong-I to have a handler in London, U.K. it should be wrong for BJP also to have a handler in Canada, does not matter it is Humpty or Dumpty, both are foreigners and none of them ever visited India, this proxy games has gone so low and cheap that it is played in the August houses in India, U.K. and Canada. :-)

It is like people have lost their minds, :-) on one hand they talk about democracy and same time they play proxy games for some Humpty and Dumpty, who do not have any mandate of any kind not in India not outside in any country, all they have is support of bunch of retards with a network in 156 countries.

And the retards are audacious because they have these Trillion dollar wireless citizen torturing equipment, and funds and man power.

This is the Lamba Lamba Gyan. :-)

By the way, all the drama in London, U.K. since a long time, is to replace Queen of England with Princess Anne, and hence all the mudslinging on their own family members, it is to tarnish and remove all those who are in the line for the throne, it has nothing to do with racism, now put all the stories between these two dots, one can easily see what is going on and where it is all going. :-)

Which means some wimp in London is obsessed with this idea that the England should always have a Queen and that will be Princess Anne only, hence all the hard work, I think Queen of England and Princess Anne are also helpless as they are also proxies for some wimp.
There was no need for London, U.K. to get involved in my life, I did not even transit through London or U.K. between 2001 to 2015.

Now that they did, I too have some responsibility to reciprocate. :-)

Hope this satisfies the wimps (Retards) from five countries, I can add more, It is my keyboard is acting up, so it is kind of difficult to type.

It is the wimps from five countries get involved in my life on a minute to minute basis and they ask me to mind my business, which is not possible, me too I am in a predicament created by the Wimps.

Ciao! for now.