Jun 19, 2022

Mental Constipation

My last post was published on 20 June 2021, and while I was still in the process of posting it, the retards following me 24/7 wireless (Through WiFi) asked me, "How Long I was going to keep the post", :-) because I kept the previous post for few months, hence I decided let me see actually how long I can resist from using the blog, today is 19th June 2022, and I am posting this post after one year. :-)

See I am a yogi, If i decide on something I stick to it, because we walk the talk and talk the walk.

Even though on the day of Eid last year the other side pushed me very hard to publish something relating to Ramadan and etc.etc. but as I am born to followers of Sanatana Dharma, my both parents and at least five generations before them were followers of Sanatana Dharma, and I follow Sanatana Dharma in its true spirit, even though I study all religions, all aspects of spirituality, I kind of ignored it, and on that day I was cutting nails, :-) then what happened clarified few aspects of Islam, may be I will write about it in some other post one day, provided the atheists let me. :-)

The reason of that pushing is because the Atheists are trying to prove there is no GOD, :-) and they are also trying to certify, which religion is true and which is not, :-) I am not sure why they even bother, :-) If you are an atheist then why bother. :-)

But it seems like most people suffering from ignorance and so called Atheists also want to keep their clan alive and in large numbers, :-) and some of them even are distributing certificates of spiritual excellence, like they are the one's who are supposed to tell the world, who is enlightened and who is not, :-) and If you happen to be in the spiritual pursuit to see the kingdom of god on your terms and on your time and you did not receive any approval from them, :-) then you are supposed to feel discouraged, :-)

The people fighting over religion, or politics are always those who are in the bottom, :-) and they are the one's who mostly either kill each other or die for nothing, those in the top are all united and share and enjoy the spoils equally.

And If one is spiritually evolved, he or she will automatically enjoy the attention of all the Devi ,Devata, and of course the attention of the almighty, and after one crosses that threshold there is no competition, fighting or any misunderstandings, it is all clear like the sky above the clouds.

One can see that all the paths lead to one destination, the religions are like transports bringing people to that one destination, people are more interested in the transport then reaching the destination, but then heavens are many, each heaven is custom made as per your wish and fancy, :-) for some heavens is right here on this Earth among us, but one has to evolve over and above the heavens, which should be the only purpose of such a pursuit, then only one can see the true kingdom of the god.

Create a heaven for someone (This includes animals), you will enjoy it, create a hell for someone and you are bound to end up in it, now you decide what is heaven for you as well as what is hell for you.

Few lines about Sanatana Dharma, I did not find one aspect of it, untrue till now, it is only that, 99.99% people do not understand it as it should be understood, that includes, Brahmins and Buddhists, rest of them I don't want to hurt their feelings, but it is of no use If you follow something which will not take you to the final destination, it is mere wastage of time, or it becomes a political tool in the hands of some very interesting people, :-) most of these people are atheists. :-)

There is this shloka, which Brahmins recite every day in their sandhya vandana , even Kshatriyas and Vaishyas are also supposed to do this but they became Brahma Gyanis so they need not do it every day like Brahmins do, and like Brahma Gyanis, they also need not wear a yagnopavitham, :-) and they found a heaven for themselves where they enjoy Mutton Biryani. :-) and all together they are supposed to keep the Shudras happy.

Oh! The sholka, 

Followers of Islam, Message for them is join the Christians. 

Christians, For Christ sake do it yourself, don't wait, that someone will come and bail you out of your misery due to your own sins, he said you need to have faith in yourself, like I (He)did, he came to show you the path of salvation, and not to go through it over and over again for you or anyone else. :-)

So you have to see Jesus for Christ sake as a teacher and not a redeemer on some dooms day. :-)

Every time I tried to read Torah, I was discouraged by the inner worlds, reason I am still trying to consolidate, I am a student of comparative study, because :

"How does it matter how you reach your destination",  S.P.Ianala


It was really hard to resist myself from not writing anything for a whole one year, since I am flooded with ideas and information from all directions, but I did resist it for an entire year.

Other then this there is no change on any fronts, yes one thing Quebec government paid 500$ to every one who earned less then 100,000$ per Annum, my younger daughter who had no income and had turned 19 this year also received 500$ from the government of Quebec, she was born in Quebec and had lived all her life in Quebec so this was a good gift for the new tax payer or the future tax payer.

My wife also received 500$ even though she makes close to 50K, so did my elder daughter who also makes close to 50K, but I signed the solidarity form for solidarity tax credit, :-) I did not receive that 500$. :-)

:-) I know there are certain people in Ontario who are responsible for this :-), I have one chequing account in CIBC, which I opened in Ontario in 2001, and I have not issued a cheque in last 15 years or more, :-) that account still has my original signature, the reason why some people in Ontario want to get it cancelled, :-) doesn't it appear little weird (Ghariba) that some people in Ontario are able to influence government in Quebec. :-)

And like always mine and my wife's income tax files were reviewed multiple times both federal and provincial, but every time they get nothing to hold on to, still Tom, dick and harry repeat this process almost every year, :-) 

By the way the word "Weird" in Arabic is Ghariba, and in India, poor people who do not have food, clothes and shelter are called Gharib people, even Mr Modi called them Gharib people recently.

As I am learning few languages, I found out there are so many words common in Russian, Ukrainian and Hindi

May be in one post I will cover that, no other language has so many similar words like in Hindi and Russian.


Apart from this, I have been very busy digging up the past, and I found out, the problems I have to face were created elsewhere by someone way before my time, but as I was trying to break free from the boundaries set by them, I became the target, and this continues even today.

One chain reaction started in New Delhi before I was born, and it was for my father, and it was by few Indian Air Force Employees, even though they work for Air Force doesn't mean they rise above their petty differences, beauty about Indians is they always end up finding some thing to fight for or alienate each other.

Another chain reaction started before 1962 Chinese war, very surprising that Indian government or Indian Air Force was aware of impending Chinese war way before 1961 or 1960, so Chinese war of 1962 did not happen suddenly it was planned by the Indian government for some political purposes along with you know who, and it also caused major changes in my life.

Another chain reaction started by my father by opposing his father when he was 14, it also effected our family in general but me in particular, this I might write in another post.

Another chain reaction started by an ignorant educated Reddy because of his personal insecurities and fears, and because he was very close to another Reddy from Congress party of India, well, he died in an helicopter crash, :-) but this Reddy is not finished, he not only wants me to get back to his kingdom, :-) kingdom of lies, corruption, and Reddy pride, he also wants me to say Sorry, :-) he is one of the first in line who wants me to say sorry for their misadventures. :-) 

Funny thing is as long as I was with him, (1990 to 1995) he did not give me much value, he openly declared I was not worth of even half kg Sweets which is given free to every employee on the eve of Dusshera, After I left in 1995, since then he has been running after me, for the last (since 1995) 27 years.

He is the first one, then there are others, who didn't want me anywhere near them, or I was not required based on their own reasons and logic, :-) or they wanted me to fight with someone for their attention, :-) they too have been in the pursuit and are still in it. again, 

Я не понимаю ( Ya ne ponimayu ).

再见   Zai Jian.


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