Aug 9, 2007

Subhashitani -- Good Speech 2

Subhashitani -- Good Speech
मातृवत पर धाराणि
परद्र्व्याणि लोष्टवत
आत्मवत सर्व भूतेषु
यः पश्यति सपण्डितः
maatR^ivat par dhaaraaNi
paradrvyaaNi loshtavat
aatmavat sarv bhuteshu
yaH pashyati sapaNDitaaH

Meaning; The man who treats other men's wives as his mother and who considers other's money as nought and who see himself in all the beings is true scholar.

यस्तु संचरते देशान्
यस्तु सेवेत पण्डितान्
तस्य विस्तारिता बुद्धिः

yastu sancharate deshaan.h
yastu sevet paNDitaan.h
tasy vistaaritaa buddhiH

Meaning: He who travels far and wide, and who is in the company of intellectuals will finds his intellect ever expanding like a drop of oil on water.

धीराः शोकं तरिष्यन्ति
लभन्ते सिद्धिमुक्तमां
धीरैः संप्राप्यते लक्ष्मीः
धैर्य सर्वत्र साधनम्
dhiiraaH shokam tarishyanti
labhante siddhimuktamaam
dhiiraiH sampraapyate lakshmiiH
dhairy sarvatr saadhanam.h

Meaning: A brave man overcomes sorrow and attains highest success in all his endeavour, he also acquires wealth by dint of is efforts, hence courage is instrumental in attaining everything.

उत्तमे च क्षणं कोपः
मध्यमे घटिकादव्यं
पापिष्टे मरणांतकः

uttame ch kshanam kopaH
madhyame ghatikaadavyam
paapishte maranaamtakaH

Meaning: people with high morality will have anger for a minute, it might stay for more then few minutes in case of people with medium morality, in people of low morality it stays for a day, where as in the people with the lowest morality it remains till his/her death.

ॐ नमः शिवाय !

Sianala, Montreal, August 2007.

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