Apr 22, 2008

Chakras - III - Manipura Chakra

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Previous post: Chakras-II - Svadhisthana chakra


The Third Chakra, 

The Mandala is Fire otherwise called as Agni Mandala.
The Zodiac sign is Leo.

The Mantra is रं
The Endocrine Glands connected are Pancreas.
The no of Petals are 10, which are ten yoga nadis which appear like petals. 

ढं , डं , णं , तं , थं , दं , धं , नं , पं , फं , 

The space in this chakra is like a triangle, the seat of fire and controls Stomach and Liver,
The colour of this Chakra is Dark clouds to Yellow,
The area of Knowledge is Unconscious.

The Energy is called Rakini Yogini (राकिनी  योगिनी),
मणिपुराब्जनिलया राकिंणयम्बास्वरुपिणी .
The Masculine deity is Shri Vishnu who is present here. 

Swami Sivananda Maharaj says:

The MANIPURA CHAKRA is situated within the Sushumna in the region of the navel and
is the third Chakra from the Muladhara. It is of the colour of dark clouds and has ten petals. It is the solar-plexus or “city of gems” because it is very brilliant. 

Meditation on this excellent Chakra bestows power to destroy and create worlds. 

The Goddess of Speech, Saraswati, ever dwells in the face of the Yogi. 
He gets knowledge of the hidden treasures and is freed from all kinds of diseases. He has no fear at all from fire. 
He can make gold and see Siddhas or Adepts clairvoyantly.

In his Pdf document he says:

The Yogi who concentrates at this Chakra gets Patala Siddhi, can acquire hidden treasures and will be free from all diseases. 

He has no fear at all from Agni (fire). “Even if he is thrown into the burning fire, he remains alive without fear of death.”, (Gheranda Samhita).

During Meditation on this Chakra, many faces of your Ista devata or gods will emerge in your Inner mind, they are not illusions of your mind, these are real as you and me.

Just carry on with the ॐ , mantra or your personal ManTra and generally one is not supposed to reveal your personal ManTra to others, it is basically your ista devata.

Ista devata: Grah in 12th house from Atmakaraka in your Navamsa chart (D-9), gives you your Ista devata (Ista - Liking or personal, devata = god.)

Physical manifestation of this Chakra -Hunger and digestion will regulate.

More to follow.....Chakra-IV, Anahata Chakra

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, April 2008

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