Apr 24, 2008

Chakras - IV - Anahata Chakra

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Previous post: Chakras - III - Manipura Chakra

The Fourth Chakra, the Anahata Chakra, Anahata means the sound created by not hitting anything, normally sound is produced when you hit something, but here sound is created without touching anything.

The Mandala is Air otherwise called as Vayu Mandala.
The Zodiac sign is Libra.
The Mantra is यं

The Endocrine Glands connected are Thymus gland,

The no of Petals are 12, which are 12 yoga nadis which appear like petals and the vibrations that are produced by these Nadis are represented by the Sanskrit letters:— 

कं , खं , गं , घं , ड़ं  , चं , छं , जं , झं , न्नं , टं , ठं ,

Nadi on the East            - Pushes the mind towards purity,
Nadi on the South East - Puts the person to sleep,
Southern Nadi               - Pushes the person towards crookedness, 
South west Nadi            - Pushes the person towards sin,
Western Nadi                - Puts the person in merry making, sports, games, etc.
Western North Nadi      - Makes the person a wanderer,
North Nadi                    - Pushes a person towards love, happiness, 
North East Nadi           - Pushes a person towards wealth, earning wealth.

The space in this chakra is like a Hexagonal, the seat of Love and controls touch,

The color of this Chakra is Deep Red to Green,
The area of Knowledge is Conscious.
The Energy is called Dakini Yogini ( डाकिनी  योगिनी)

डाकिनीश्वरी  अनाहतब्जनिलया। 

Tryambakeshwara resides here.
Granthi Sthana- Vishnu Granthi.

Swami Sivananda Maharaj says:

The ANAHATA CHAKRA is located in the Sushumna in the region of the heart. 
It is of deep red colour and has twelve petals. 

The Anahata sound, the sound of Shabda-brahman, is heard at this centre. 
You can clearly hear this sound if you concentrate silently at this lotus. 
He who concentrates on this Chakra gets full control over air. 
He can fly in the air, enter the body of another and become prosperous. 
He becomes wise and does only noble deeds. 
He gets cosmic love and all other divine virtues.

In his Pdf document Kundalini Yoga says:

Anahata Chakra is situated in the Sushumna Nadi,  It has control over the 

The Chakra is of deep red colour. 
Within this Chakra there is a hexagonal space of smoke or deep black colour or the colour of collyrium (used for the eyes). 
This chakra is the centre of Vayu Mandal (region of air, Vayu Tattva). 
From here 12 Yoga Nadis emanate. The sound that is produced by each Nadi is represented by the Sanskrit letters.
The Bijakshara यं , the Bija of Vayu, is here. 
The presiding deity is Isha (Rudra) and Devata is Kakini. 
In the Muladhara Chakra there is Svayambhu Linga and in Anahata Chakra we have Bana Linga.

Kalpa Vriksha, which gives all the desired things, is here. 

Anahata sound, the sound of Shabda Brahman, is heard at this centre. When you do Sirshasana for a long time, you can distinctly hear this sound. Vayu Tattva is full of Sattva Guna. Vishnu Granthi is in this Sthana.

He who meditates on this Chakra has full control over Vayu Tattva.

He gets Bhuchari Siddhi, Khechari Siddhi, Kaya Siddhi etc. flying in air, entering the body of another.
He gets cosmic love and all other divine sattvic qualities.

Anahata Sounds:

Anahata sounds are the mystic sounds heard by the Yogis during their meditation.

Some students can clearly hear it through any one of the ears and some by both the ears, there are loud as well as subtle sounds, from the loud, one will have to contemplate on the subtle and from subtle to the subtler sounds.

Beginners can hear the sound only when the ears are closed.

Advanced students can concentrate on the Anahata sound even with out closing the ears.
They emanate from the Anahata centre of the Sushmna Nadi.

Sit in your usual Asana. 

Close the ears with the thumbs. 
Hear and minutely observe the
internal sound through the ears. 

The sound that you hear from within will make you deaf to all external sounds. 
Close the eyes also. 
In the beginning of your practice, you will hear many loud sounds. Later on they are heard in a mild way. 
The mind having at first concentrated itself on any one sound fixes firmly to that and is absorbed in it. 
The mind becoming insensible to the external impressions, becomes one with the sound as milk with water and then becomes rapidly absorbed in Chidakasa. 
Just as the bee drinking the honey alone does not care for the odour so also the Chitta, which is always absorbed in the inner sound, does not long for sensual objects, as it is bound by the sweet smell or Nada and has abandoned its flitting nature.

The sound proceeding from Pranava Nada, which is Brahman, is of the nature of effulgence.

The mind gets absorbed in it. 

The mind exists so long as there is sound, but with its cessation, there is that state termed Turiya. It is the supreme state. 

It is the Unmani state. 

The mind gets absorbed along with Prana by constant concentration upon Nada. 

The body appears to be a log of wood and it does not feel heat or cold, joy or sorrow. Different kinds of sounds proceed from the heart (Anahata sounds).

Nada that is heard through the ears is of ten kinds and there are corresponding physical effects with each sound, it is not necessary that all sadhak's will experience all the sounds, some may jump directly to various levels, and some might remain stuck at certain level. 

The first is the sound ‘Chrini’ (like the pronunciation of the word); Body tries to copy it,

The second is ‘Chrini-chrini’ - Body shrinks, people loose lot of weight, fat, muscles etc,
The third is the sound of a bell.Severe tiredness, exhaustion happens, dryness of mouth,
The fourth is that of a conch, Severe headache it is like head will explode. :-)
The fifth is that of a lute. Excess salivation, water flows out of mouth.
The sixth is the sound of cymbals or claps, Saliva turns into Nectar, or Elixir, body gets nourishment.
The seventh is the tune of a flute, Knowledge of hidden,  
The eighth is the voice of a drum (Dhol or Bheri); Mastery in Vani (Sound), Clear Divine visions.
The ninth is the sound of a double-drum (Mridanga); Power to Travel,
And the tenth is the sound of thunder. Ultimate state...There is no separate mind, thoughts, actions, or any duality exists, everything becomes one.

You cannot expect the sound immediately after you close your ears. You should concentrate and keep your mind one-pointed. 

( I hear these sounds when my right or left ear is pinned against the pillow, and as I immerse myself in them suddenly I hear songs, which are classical Hindustani to karnataka style classical to plain light music, then to drums, Double drums, Mridanga, and finally it is like standing near some water falls etc.)

The description given above is Laya through Nada, Anahata sound. In the same manner,
Laya can be effected by concentration at the tip of the nose (Nasikagra Drishti), at the space between the two eyebrows (Bhrumadhya Drishti), meditation on the five Tattvas, on Soham Mantra.

More to follow: Chakras - V - Vishuddha Chakra.

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, April 2008

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this article. I have been hearing/"feeling" sounds in my body upon awakening in the morning for years and have been trying to research if they are the sounds of the chakras. Flutes, buzzing bees, and tabla drums, never at the same time. I only meditate occaisionally however, but try hard to focus and "become" those sounds when I am fortunate enough to experience them.
