Apr 28, 2008

Chakras - V - Visuddha Chakra

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Previous post: Chakras - IV - Anahata Chakra

Visuddha Chakra 

The Mandala is Ether otherwise called as Akash Mandala.
The Zodiac sign is Gemini,
The ManTra is हं.  (Small difference, in Tibet it is अं ).

Hindus - Dhayana, (Corruption of the word Dhyana as it moved out of Vedic Civilization)
Chinese - Chan
Japanese - Zen

The Endocrine Glands connected is Thyroid gland.

The no of petals are 16, which are 16 yoga nadis which appear like petals. 
अं , आं , इं , ईं , उं , ऊं , ऋं , ऋृं   लृं , लृं  एं , ऐं , ओं   औं   अं  अं ः ,  
The space in this Chakra is round, and controls hearing.
The color of this Chakra is smoky purple to blue.
The area of knowledge is Conscious.
The energy is called Yashasvini Yogini.

यशस्विनी  विशुद्धिचक्रनिलया। 

Maheswara (Bindurupa) resides here.

Swami Sivananda Maharaj says:

The Visuddha Chakra is situated at the base of the throat with in the Sushumna, its colour is smoky purple and has sixteen petals, concentration on this Chakra enables the yogi to attain the highest success, he does not perish even during the pralaya (great deluge), he gets full knowledge of four Vedas and becomes the knower of the three periods of time (past, present and future), he becomes eloquent, wise, enjoys peace of mind, and it is said that by his yogic powers he can move the three worlds.

In his PDF doc Kundalini Yoga he says:

Vishuddha Chakra is situated within the Sushumna Nadi at the base of the throat,

Kantha-Mula Sthana. 

This corresponds to Jana Loka. It is the centre of Akasa Tattva (ether element). 

The Tattva is of pure blue colour. Above this, all other Chakras belong to Manas Tattva.
The presiding deity is Sadasiva (Isvara Linga), the energy is
यशस्विनी  विशुद्धिचक्रनिलया। 

From this centre emanate 16 Yoga Nadis which appear like the petals of a lotus. 

The vibrations that are produced by the Nadis are represented by the 16 vowels of Sanskrit,

अं , आं , इं , ईं , उं , ऊं , ऋं , ऋृं   लृं , लृं  एं , ऐं , ओं   औं   अं  अं ः ,  

 Akasa Mandal (the region of ether) is round in shape like the full moon. 

The Bija of Akasa Tattva हं  is in this centre. It is of white colour. 

The concentration on the Tattva of this Chakra is called Akasa Dharana. 

He who practises this Dharana will not perish even in Pralaya. He attains the highest success. 

He gets the full knowledge of the four Vedas by meditating on this Chakra. He becomes a Trikala Jnani (who knows the past, the present and the future).

And we already know that during dream state the Mind resides in the throat and the possible reason why during dreaming state we are able to move around from past to present to future events.

In the waking state ,the mind resides in the Agnya chakra, 
In the dreaming state, the mind resides in the Vishuddha throat,
In the deep sleep state, the mind resides in the Anahata  Chakra, which means it resides with the SELF, which is why one does not remember anything about it, only effect is you get up very fresh, energetic and bouncing with good health and vibes.
In the fourth state, which is also called Turiya, one can clearly see the two, the body sleeping and the awake SELF.

The challenge is what you experience during Turiya state, If you can experience it in your deep sleep state.

There are other states beyond Turiya but they are beyond the Vishuddha Chakra level.

To follow: Chakra VI - Ajna Chakra.

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, April 2008

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