Oct 24, 2016

Five Grah/Planets in one house at the time of birth

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

I have already presented the effects from conjunction of four grahs in one house in my previous post, and here are the combinations of five grahs conjoined in one house at the time of birth.

If present in any house, each house will have a different result, the results will also differ based on which Nakshatram they are present in, how close Mercury and Venus are to the Sun, and many other factors, and then that  1st house can be Aries, or Virgo or Pisces, the results of such combinations in each house will be different, as the Sun is exalted in Aries and debilitated in Libra, Venus is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo, Mercury is exalted in Virgo and debilitated in Pisces, so please don't read a combination and feel bad or good, these are very general rules which change depending on position, status, Avastha, Astakavarga points, strength, power, any combination needs to be seen from Lagna (Ascendant), the Moon or the Sun and not as an independent entity.

Note: Dhristi - Aspect 

Effects of Conjunction of Five Planets

1. SUN-MOON-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. If these five planets are together at birth, the native will be subjected to grief, will be cunning, be bereaved of wife and will experience physical distresses. (Kalyana Verma Saravali)

Varaha Mihira - The native will engage in fight, will be deceitful and skilled in work.


In 2nd House - Lyndon Johnson, 2nd house, Leo in Rasi chart.

In 5th House - Pope Paul VI, 5th house, Virgo in Rasi chart.

2. SUN-MOON-MARS-MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. If these five planets join at birth, the native will be intent on doing others' jobs, will lose his strength, or courage through his relatives and friends and will befriend a neuter. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will be devoid of charity, will be earnest in work, will be without kinsmen and will work for other men.


In 4th House - Pauline Marois, 4th house, Pisces in Rasi chart.

In 12th House - Gene Hackman, 12th house, Capricor in Rasi chart, Jupiter 9th dhristi.
                             Ksenia Sukhinova, 12th house, Leo in Rasi chart, Jupiter 5th dhristi.
3. SUN-MOON-MARS-MERCURY-SATURN YOGA. Should these be conjunct at birth, the native will be short lived, imprisoned and be devoid of every kind of happiness, wife, sons and money. (Kalyana Verma Saravali)

Varaha Mihira - The native will be of short life, will be fond of earning money and without wife and children.


In 9th House - Cindy Crowford, 9th house, Aquarius in Rasi chart.

4. SUN-MOON-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. Should these five planets join at birth, the native will be blind by birth, subjected to much grief, be devoid of parents, always dejected in mood and fond of singing. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will delight in annoying other men, will be rejected by his parents and kinsmen and will be of defective eyes.

5. SUN-MOON-MARS-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. If there be a combination of these planets in one House, the native will be all expert warrior, will steal others' money, give trouble to others, be a tale-bearer and fickle-minded. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will be avaricious and will be afflicted with grief owing to separation from his wife.

6. SUN-MOON-MARS-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should the said five planets join in one House, the native will be devoid of respect, money and prosperity, will have dirty conduct and be addicted to women. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will be wealthy, powerful, able and dirty and will covet the wives of other men.

7. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. One with the conjunction of these planets will be a machinist, will enjoy great prosperity, be a king's minister, be a judge and be famous. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will be a minister, will be rich, successful, famous and powerful and will also be a magistrate. (What non sense).


In 9th House - Brooke Shields, 9th house, Taurus, in her Rasi chart, Rahu also present.

In 12th House - Rajiv Gandhi, 12th house, Leo in Rasi chart, Saturn 3rd dhristi.

8. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. With these five planets in one House, the native will be timid, be deprived of people dear to him, expert in cheating, given to anger and will depend on others for food. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will depend on other men for meals, will be timid, will commit sins and will engage in fearful deeds.

9. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One, who has the said five planets together at birth will be tall in stature, will have a hairy body and be not endowed with happiness, money and sons. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will be poor, tall, without sons and sickly.

10. SUN-MOON-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One with these five planets together at birth, will indulge in jugglery, be fickle-minded, be liked by women, be learned, will have many enemies and be fearless. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will be without a wife, of good speech will have enemies will be fearful and learned in jugglery.

11. SUN-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. If these planets join at birth, the native will be sensuous, will have a fleet of horses, will do good acts, be an Army chief, be dear to king, very fortunate and free from grief. (Kalyana Verma Saravali)

Varaha Mihira - The native will be without grief, a good friend and master of horses and covet the wives of other men.

In 5th House - Rudyard Kipling, 5th house, Saggitarius in Rasi chart with Saturn dhristi,

In 12th House- Suresh Wadekar, 12th house, Cancer, Rasi chart,

12. SUN-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. Should a native have these planets conjunct, he will be emotional, sick, will earn food by begging going from House to House and will live in dilapidated Houses.(Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will be hismeals, will be dirty and dressed in ragged clothes.

13. SUN-MARS-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One with these five planets together at birth will be troubled by wounds, imprisonment and diseases, be learned, honored by the people, be poor and deformed. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will be an important person and will be afflicted with grief, fear, disease and hunger.

14.  SUN-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these five planets are together, one will be a messenger, a dunce, a neuter, will possess dirty habits, be very unfortunate, deformed and bereft of money. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will be respected everywhere, will be rich, will be blind and will have friends and kinsmen.

15. SUN-MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should there be a conjunction of these five planets, at birth, one will be expert in dealing with equipment and machinery related to water, minerals, mercury and such other chemicals and will achieve some fame in these lines. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will possess a knowledge of Atma, will do deeds acceptable to devas and to his preceptors and will be learned in sciences.


In 4th House - Jim Carrey, 4th house, Capricorn in his Rasi chart Ketu also present.

16.  MOON-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. Should these planets be in conjunction at birth, one will be humble, free from sickness, endowed with learning, wealth, truth and happiness, be helpful to relatives and will have many friends. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will be of a mild disposition, happy, rich, powerful and learned.

17. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. One with the conjunction of these five planets will be night blind, penniless, dependent on others for food, miserable and will bring discredit to his relatives. (Kalyana Verma Saravali)

Varaha Mihira - The native will be skilled in engineering, will be a strong physique and will be famous for his skill in work.

18. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. with these planets in conjunction, one will have a number of enemies and friends as well, be helpful to others, wicked and highly regarded. (Kalyana Verma Saravali)

Varaha Mihira - The native will have a good wife and sons, will be intelligent and will live in comfort.


In 8th House - Osho Rajneesh, 8th house, Sagitarius, in Rasi chart.


Varaha Mihira - The native will work for other men, will be poor, of dirty appearance, ignorant and addicted to stealing.
20. MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these planets are together at birth in a nativity, the subject will be a kings minister, be equal to a king, chief of the people and be worshiped by all people. (Kalyana Verma Saravali).

Varaha Mihira - The native will be respected in all lands, will be of defective limbs, will be a minister and will resemble a king.

21. MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these five planets be conjunct, the native will be good-hearted, rash (considered to be one of the 33 subordinate feelings), dear to king, free from grief, addicted to excessive sleep and be indigent. (Kalyana Verma Saravali)

Varaha Mihira - The native will be respected everywhere, will be skilled in work, will suffer from torture, imprisonment and disease. (What Non sense)

PARENTS. If the Moon is in the company of malefics, it is detrimental to the mother of the native. Predict similar results regarding the father of the native, if the Sun joins malefics at birth. 

Benefics in the place of malefics in the said Yogas will prove auspicious to the respective parent. If the planets joining be of mixed nature (i.e. one benefic and another malefic), the effects are medium. 

BENEFICS IN CONJUNCTION AND MALEFICS IN CONJUNCTION. If benefics are in conjunction at birth, the native will enjoy wealth, sovereignty and fame. Such a combination produces an emperor capable of ruling the earth. Should three malefics join at birth, the native will be unlucky, indigent, grief-stricken, ugly and immodest.
Thus ends the 18th Ch., entitled “Effects of five planets in conjunction”, In Kalyana Varma's Saravali.

Ref: Brihat Jataka - Varaha Mihira, 504 CE, translated by N Chidambaram Iyer, 1885, and these combinations taken from Jataka Parijata of Vaidyanathan Dikshita of 14th century.

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, Oct 2016


  1. Hello. I have sun , saturn , Mercury, mars and ketu in 6th house in meena rashi . Can tell me about my career and marriage

    1. You have exact conjunction like me..were you born around 1996 March or april?

  2. Hello. I have sun , saturn , Mercury, Moon, Jupiter in 3rd house in tula rash . Can tell me about my career & prosperity

  3. Hello I have a sign with five planets and a house with five planets. I’m trying to find answers. Any help would be great.

  4. Sun, moon, mercury, venus, rahu in 11 house

  5. Sun, Mercury, Venus,rahu,moon,in 12 house

  6. Sun mars mercury venus rahu in 8th house of Aries ascendant...

  7. Sun, moon, Mercury, venus, mars in 12th House

  8. AnonymousJune 15, 2022

    Hello, I have Sun, Mercury, Ketu, Mars and Saturn in 9th house in the sign of pisces and cancer as ascendent sign. Can you please tell me how it will effect me

  9. Hi

    I have Sun, Mercury , Venus, jupitor , and RaHu in 3rd house.

    Birth date - 8th January 1973/ Place Rajkot Gujarat/ Time -2.10 AM

    Please guide me

  10. Sun mercury mars ketu venus in 6th house in virgo
    What does this mean
