Oct 24, 2016

Four Grah/Planets in one house at the time of birth

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

I have already presented the effects from conjunction of three grahs in one house in my previous post, and here are the combinations of four grahs conjoined in one house at the time of birth.

If present in any house, each house will have a different result, the results will also differ based on which Nakshatram they are present in, how close Mercury and Venus are to the Sun, and many other factors, and then that  1st house can be Aries, or Virgo or Pisces, the results of such combinations in each house will be different, as the Sun is exalted in Aries and debilitated in Libra, Venus is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo, Mercury is exalted in Virgo and debilitated in Pisces, so please don't read a combination and feel bad or good, these are very general rules which change depending on position, status, Avastha, Astakavarga points, strength, power, any combination needs to be seen from Lagna (Ascendant), the Moon or the Sun and not as an independent entity.

Note: Dhristi - Aspect 

Four Grah/Planets in Conjunction in one house.

1. SUN-MOON-MARS-MERCURY YOGA. Should these four planets be together at birth. the native will be a writer, a thief and be scurrilous in speech. He will be sickly, cunning and be capable of deceiving others. 

Varaha Mihira - The native will be deceitful, skilled in the art of writing and will suffer from diseases.


In 3rd House - Herbert Hoover, 3rd house, Cancer in his Rasi chart, Saturn 7th dhristi.

2. SUN-MOON-MARS-JUPITER YOGA. one, who has these four planets in one House at birth, will be wealthy, dear to women, splendorous, will maintain decorum, be free from grief and expert in work. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be rich famous , intelligent and liked by the king and will be free from diseases and from grief.

3. SUN-MOON-MARS-VENUS YOGA. If these four planets join at birth, one will speak and conduct himself, as a great person, be happy, expert, intent on gathering money and will have learning, sons and wife. 

Varaha Mihira - Will have a wife and children, will be learned, a moderate eater, happy, skilled in work and merciful.


In 11th House - Calvin Coolidge, 11th house, Gemini in his Rasi chart, Saturn 7th dhristi,

4. SUN-MOON-MARS-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets together at birth, will have uneven physique, be short in stature, be poor and will collect food by begging and be a proven dunce. 

Varaha Mihira - Will suffer from diseases of the eye, will be fond of travels and of prostitutes and will be poor.


In 4th House- Lal Bhadur Shastri, 4th house Cancer in his Navamsa Chart.

5. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. If these four planets are in one House, the native will be a goldsmith (or a gold dealer etc.), be long eyed, be a sculptor, be very wealthy, bold and beautiful bodied. 

Varaha Mihira - Willhave eight sons, will be rich and possessed of good qualities, will be famous, powerful and liberal in gifts.


In 9th House - John Turner, 9th house, Taurus, in his Rasi chart,

In 11th House - Rose Byrne, 11th house, Cancer in her Rasi chart,

6. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. The native, who has these four planets together at birth, will be deformed, lucky, short-statured and dear to king.

Varaha Mihira - Will be of defective organs and of good speech.


In 1st House - Anthony Hopkins, Lagna/Ascendant, Sagitarius in Rasi chart, Saturn
                          10th dhristi.

In 2nd House - Brandon Lee, 2nd house, Capricorn in Rasi chart.

In 3rd House - Halle Berry, 3rd house, Cancer in her Rasi chart.

In 5th House - Khloe Kardashian, 5th house, Gemini in her Rasi chart,

In 7th House - Jasraj Pandit, 7th house, Capricorn in Rasi cahrt, Jupiter 9th dhristi.

In 9th House - Ashton Kutcher, 9thhouse, Capricorn in Rasi chart.

In 10th House -Gulzar, 10th house, Leo in Rasi chart, Saturn 7th dhristi.

In 12th House - Pope Benedict XV, 12th house Scorpio in Rasi chart, Saturn 7th dhristi.

Raj Babbar, Gemini in his Rasi chart, with Saturn 10th dhristi, (Time of birth unknown)

7. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, the native will lose his parents in childhood, be devoid of money and happiness, be wandering, will earn food by begging and will be a liar. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be poor and ungrateful.


In 1st House- Katy Perry, Lagna/Ascendant, Libra in Rasi chart, (Lived with her pastor parents all her life but at certain times they had to depend on food stamps while living in various churchs.)

In 5th House- Corazon Aquino, 5th house, Capricorn, in Rasi chart. Politicians family.

In 10th House- Shammi Kapoor, 10th house, Scorpio in Navamsa chart.

In 12th House- Charlize Theron, 12th house, Cancer in her Rasi chart.

8. SUN-MOON-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. Should these planets be in one House at birth, the subject concerned will be head of water, animals and forests (i.e. his livelihood may be through such sources), will be happy, honoured by the king and be an expert. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be possessed of many good qualities , will commit adultery with other women, will be intelligent and will suffer from diseases of the eye.

9. SUN-MOON-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. If the said planets join at birth, the native will be dark-eyed, fierce, will have many sons, be wealthy and fortunate through women.

Varaha Mihira - Will be fond of travels , will be rich , intelligent and attached to prostitutes.


In 3rd House- Carl G Jung, 3rd house, Libra in his Navamsa chart.

10. SUN-MOON-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should one have a combination of these planets in one House at birth, the native will have habits, like a female, be very weak, desirous of coming up and timid at all times. 

Varaha Mihira - Wll be of defective limbs, will be timid, will follow girls and will be fond of wealth and meals.


In 8th House - Smita Patil, 8th house, Libra in Rasi chart, (Moon in MKA in 8th owns 5th)
                           She passed while delivering her child)

11. SUN-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. These four planets together at birth indicate, that the subject will be brave, be a composer of Shastras, or a ruler of province, will lose his wife and money, be undesirable and will wander. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be strong, will get into difficulties, will be married and rich will suffer from diseases of the eye and will be fond of travels.


In 5th House - Richard Nixon, 5th house, Sagitarius in Rasi chart.

In 9th House - Deepak Chopra, 9th house,Libra in his Rasi chart, Married in 1970 and
                           lives withhis wife and two children.

Samuel L Jackson, Sagitarius, Rasi chart, He married his college friends in 1980 and
                                    is still married with a daughter. (Time of birth unknown)

12. SUN-MARS-MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. If these four planets be together at birth, the native will be addicted to other women, be a thief, will have uneven limbs, will be a bad person and will be bereft of energy.

Varaha Mihira - Will be fond of the wives of other men, will be of fearful eyes and appearances, will be addicted to stealing and will be weak.


In 2nd House- Leonardo Dicaprio, 2nd house, Libra in Rasi chart, Jupiter 9th dhristi.

In 3rd House- Virender Sehwag, 3rd house, Libra in his Rasi chart.

In 8th House- Adolf Hitler, 8th house, Aries in Rasi chart, Sa 10th and Ju 5th dhristi.
                          Amitabh Bacchan, 8th house Virgo, in his Rasi chart

In 9th House- Jessica Alba, 9th house, Aries, in Rasi chart.
                          Nutan Samartha Behl, 9th house,Taurus in Rasi chart, JU, Mo 7th dhristi.

In 11th House- Chiranjeevi, 11th house, Leo in Rasi chart.

In 12th House- Judith Resnik, 12th house, Pisces, in her Rasi chart.
                            Pope John Paul I, 12th house, Libra in Rasi chart.

Ben Johnson, Sagitarius, Rasi chart, (Time of birth unknown)

13. SUN-MARS-MERCURY-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, the subject will be a warrior, scholar, be fierce, will be meanly disposed, be a chief among poets and be a minister or a king.

Varaha Mihira - Will be a commander of armies or a minister will be addicted to low deeds and will be in the enjoyment of numerous pleasures.


In 6th House - Prince Edward, 6th house, Aquarius in Rasi chart.

In 9th House- Warren G Harding, 9th house, Libra in Rasi chart.
14. SUN-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. with the conjunction of these four planets, one will be fortunate, worth worship by the people, be wealthy, dear to king and famous. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be as famous as the king, will be respected everywhere and will be rich.

15. SUN-MARS-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. Should these join at birth, one will be rash, prime among his group, will have cherished desires, will be endowed with relatives and friends and dear to king. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be blind, will be a wanderer and will have friends and kinsmen.

16. SUN-MARS-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets together at birth, will be deformed, mean in conduct, oblique-sighted, will hate his relatives and will always be insulted. 

Varaha Mihira - Will suffer disgrace, will be slothful and possessed of good qualities.


In 3rd House - Prem Nath Malhotra, 3rd house, Leo in his Navamsa chart and Ketu
                            also  present.

In 4th House - Justin Beiber, 4th house, Aquarius in Rasi chart, Jupiter 5th dhristi.\

In 6th House - Sharmila Tagore, 6th house, Aquarius in Navamsa chart, Me 7th dhristi.

Dev Anand, Virgo in Rasi chart, with Moon dhristi.(Time of birth unknown)

17. SUN-MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. With these planets in one House, one will be wealthy, happy, chief, will have cherished desires, will have relatives and be noble. 

Varaha Mihira  - Will be very rich and famous.


In 4th House- Arvind Kejriwal, 4th house, Leo in his Rasi chart.

In 5th House-Valery Giscard D'Estaing, 5th house, Capricorn in Rasi chart, Saturn 3rd dhristi.

In 6th House- Sardar Vallabhai Patel, 6th house, Libra, in his Rasi chart.

In 10th House - Rahul Dravid, 10th house, Sagitarius in Rasi chart, Rahu also present.

Fakruddin Ali Ahmad, Aries in Rasi chart, Mars 7th dhristi.(Time of birth if unknown)

18.SUN-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets together at birth, will have a neuter's habits, be prestigious, fond of quarrels, will have brothers, or sisters and be not enthusiastic. 

Varaha Mihira - Will bring about quarrels, will be respectable and of vicious habits.


John Joseph Caldwell Abott, Pisces, in Rasi chart, (Time of birth unknown)

19. SUN-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should these four planets be in conjunction at birth, one will be scurrilous in speech, fortunate, learned, soft spoken, happy, energetic, pure, wealthy, bold and helpful to friends. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be of good speech, will be truthful, will be a man of principles and will be of good conduct.


In 1st House- Sri Satya Sai Baba, Lagna/Ascendant, 1st House Scorpio in his Rasi.

In 3rd House- Prem Nath Malhotra, 3rd house, Scorpio, in his Rasi chart.
                           Sashi Kapoor, 3rd house, Pisces, Moon 7th dhristi.

In 4th House- Abhinav Bindra, 4th house, Virgo in Rasi chart.

In 10th House- Albert Einstein, 10th house Pisces, in his Rasi chart.
                            Candoleeza Rice, 10th house Libra, in her Rasi chart,

20. SUN-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. These four planets in conjunction at birth will make the person a miser, a poet, chief, leader of sculptors and mean. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be learned in arts, will be the cheif of low people and will be obstinate.


In 7th House - Narendra Chanchal, 7th house, Virgo in his Navamsa chart, Singer.

21. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. One, who has the conjunction of these four planets at birth, will be an expert in Shastras, be a king, or a great minister and be extremely intelligent. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be liked by the king, will be minister or on an eminent post.


In 8th House - John Q Adams, 8th house, Sagitarius in Navamsa chart, Sun 7th dhristi.

22. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, one will be fond of quarrels, will sleep much, be mean, will marry an unchaste lady, be fortunate, will hate his relatives and be not happy. 

Varaha Mihira - Will have a good wife and sons, will be intelligent, will be ugly and deformed and will live in comfort.


In 3rd House - Gerd Muller, 3rd house, Leo in Navamasa chart.

In 7th House - Mohd Rafi, 7th house, Virgo in Navamsa chart, Saturn 7th dhristi.

In 12th House - Bruce Lee, 12th house, Libra in Rasi chart, Saturn, Jupiter 7th dhristi.

23. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets together will be bold, be without parents, is from an ignoble race, will have many wives, friends and sons and will have good conduct. 

Varaha Mihira - Will have double parents, will be bold and will have several wives and children.

24. MOON-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, one will be deformed, will have a good wife, be highly tolerant, be self-respected, learned will have many friends and be happy.

Varaha Mihira - Will be sinful deeds will indulge in sleep and will be fond of money.


In 11th House - Namrata Shirodkar, 11th house, Scorpio in Rasi chart.

In 12th House - Sheikh Hasina, 12th house, Libra in Rasi chart, PM of Bangladesh.

25. MOON-MARS-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets conjunct at birth will be deaf, wealthy, bold, rash in speech, firm in nature, wise and liberal. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be of firm views, bold, happy and learned.


In 7th House- George W Bush Jr, 7th house in his Navamsa chart with Rahu.

26. MOON-MARS-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are together, one will marry an unchaste lady, will be proud, will have eyes resembling that of a snake and will be always emotional. This is certain. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be of bad conduct, will have no sons, will be learned in the Vedas or will be king's priest.

27. MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. One, who has these four planets together will be learned, be devoid of parents, good looking, wealthy, very lucky and be without enemies. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be very rich, attached to his kinsmen and virtuous.


In 6th House - Meg Ryan, 6th house, Pisces, Navamsa chart, Rahu is also present.

28. MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. Should these be conjunct one will be virtuous, famous, noble and splendourous, fond of relatives, wise, be a kings minister and be a chief poet. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be liberal in gifts, will be respected by the king will live in  great comfort, will be wealthy and attached to his wife.


In 8th House - Abigail Johnson, 8th house, Capricorn in Rasi chart. (she has all planets
                           in 2 houses, and Rahu in Cancer 2nd house) Ketu aslo present, she is a
                           billionaire business women, all inherited.

29. MOON-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGAIf these planets are together at birth, the native will be intent on seeking sexual pleasures with others' wives, will have an unchaste wife, be devoid of relatives, learned and will hate people. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be hated by the people and will be fond of the wives of other men.


In 12th House - Michael J Smith, 12th house, Aquarius in Navamsa chart, Mars 7th dhristi.

In 1st House - Tina Fey, Lagna/Ascendant, Libra in Navamsa chart.
                          (Married once and had two children)

30. MOON-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. The native with these four planets conjunct will be devoid of mother, be lucky, will suffer from skin diseases, will be subjected to grief, be intent on roaming, will know many languages and will be truthful. 

Varaha Mihira - Will be with out sons, will not be earnest in work and will be without mercy.

31. MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. If these four planets are in one House, the subject will be fond of picking up quarrels with his wife, will be wealthy, worshipped by the people, will possess good qualities and be free from sickness. 

Varaha Mihira- will be rich and despised by the people.


In 4th House- Catherine Zeta Jones, 4th house, Gemini in Navamsa chart.

32. MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets in one House at birth, will be brave, learned, be a good speaker, be without wealth, truthful and will have good habits. He will be able to argue and endure. He will be intelligent. 

Varaha Mihira - Will suffer from diseases and will be poor.


In 1st House - Steve Irwin, Lagna/Ascendant, Capricorn, Rasi chart, Ketu also present.

33. MARS-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, the native will be an expert boxer, will depend on others, will have coarse body, will possess pride of war, be famous and will breed dogs.

Varaha Mihira - Will be of defective limbs, will serve under other men , will tell lies and will have bad sons. 


In 8th House- P V R Narasimha Rao, 8th House Aries in his Rasi Chart-Astrologer.

34. MARS-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, the native will be splendourous, wealthy, addicted to other women, fond of bravery, fickle-minded and ill-disposed. 

Will be liked by the king, will be of thin body, will have bad sons and will be of clear understanding.


In 1st House - V Shantaram, Lagna/Ascendant, Sagitarius in Rasi chart.

In 10th House - Charles Bronson, 10th house, Virgo in Rasi chart, Rahu is also present.

35. MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should these be together at birth, the native will be intelligent, interested in Shastras, be a debaucher and an obedient servant.

Varaha Mihira - Native will be rich,learned and of good conduct.


In 1st House - Beyoncé Knowles Carter, Lagna/Ascendant, Virgo in Rasi chart.

PARENTS. If the Moon is in the company of malefics, it is detrimental to the mother of the native. Predict similar results regarding the father of the native, if the Sun joins malefics at birth. Benefics in the place of malefics in the said Yogas will prove auspicious to the respective parent. If the planets joining be of mixed nature (i.e. one benefic and another malefic), the effects are medium. 

BENEFICS IN CONJUNCTION AND MALEFICS IN CONJUNCTION. If benefics are in conjunction at birth, the native will enjoy wealth, sovereignty and fame. Such a combination produces an emperor capable of ruling the earth. Should three malefics join at birth, the native will be unlucky, indigent, grief-stricken, ugly and immodest. 
Thus ends the 17th Ch. entitled “Effects of four planets in conjunction “ in Kalyana Varma's Saravali. 

Ref: Brihat Jataka - Varaha Mihira, 504 CE, translated by N Chidambaram Iyer, 1885, and these combinations taken from Jataka Parijata of Vaidyanathan Dikshita of 14th century.

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, Oct 2016


  1. sun mars venus rahu all in 2nd house then what happens ?????

  2. Rahu, Venus, Saturn and mars in same house?

  3. Sun, Mars, Venus and Rahu in same house then what happens ? They are in 11th house.

  4. Sun, Mars, Venus and Rahu in same house then what happens ? They are in 11th house.

  5. Sun mars Venus Rahu in 12th house

  6. Jupiter Saturn Ketu Venus in Sagittarius ascendant are present then what will happen?

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Sir what hapen when budha shani ketu ravi in 9th house in arudra

  9. Pluto,mars,mercury,venus conjuntion in 8th house . what does it mean ??

  10. Result of Mars saturn Venus Rahu in 9th house for Taurus ascendent

  11. Sun rahu jupiter and mercury in 11th house for cancer ascendant results in hindi

  12. Saturn,mars,Rahu,Venus in 4th house Aquarius ascendant

  13. 10 house surya shukra Shani rahu resalt sir

  14. Sun Mars Saturn ketu in 12th house

  15. i have sun mars, mercury, venus in 12th segattarious

    if i move to Mumbai all comes under 1st house, is it works as amitabh bachan
