Apr 28, 2019

Assumptions Department -I

After I announced the winner (B J M) in my previous post, I thought the Caucasians in Quebec will be very happy with it but like every year at this time of the year some people in Quebec are very busy with floods, and this year is no different.

I tried to find a map which can show us what part of Montreal and outer Montreal are effected, I could not find such a map, because St-Martha-Sur-La-Lac is just a km away from my home and in the year 2017 army was called in to help the residents to deal with the floods.

One might ask then what are the governments (Federal, Provincial and Municipal) doing or helping to deal with the floods, well! actually we don't have any such thing called administrative government in Quebec or Montreal, we have a special department called 'Assumptions Department", which is mostly assuming flimsy things and they end up working on them.

It is akin to day dreaming. :-)

Assumptions department is busy playing their proxy games for some Caucasian candidate for some kind of internal leadership contest, only Caucasians (Black and White) are involved, but most of the games are played by non Caucasian countries like, Bangladesh, Bhutan to Taiwan to Zimbabwe etc.

Assumptions department every now and then comes up with a new assumption, and the entire team works on it for at least two weeks or more then they get tired, and then they come up with another assumption, and again same thing goes on and on and on.

I have seen this since 2002, :-) it is a non stop nonsense.

Now even the floods in Quebec might as well be a proxy game for them, but for some people it is a life and death situation, but the assumptions department is not bothered, they are just busy playing their stupid games for some stupid Caucasian. 

Even Snow blizzards, Winter, Freezing Cold, wild fires, tornado's, floods, Earthquakes, all are used as proxy games for their candidates and all the Caucasian Candidates are Caucasian women from Australia, England, USA, Canada, and Quebec. 

Which means all the benefits (perks) always go to them, while the rest of the world has to suffer the consequences, because when one of these four or five Caucasian women wins the rest of them share the spoils of the contest, and the Caucasian wimps always remain in the control of the rest of the world. :-)

I hear Indians complaining, and calling me names, :-) what can I do, I am  not a Caucasian and I am not in to any kind of terrorism, or mischiefs, and thanks to Indians the Caucasians have won again, like I said BJM.

Look at the team: (Don't ask me which side, Left or Right or Middle) :-)

BJM  - Team Leader
La Cat on the wall, (Also a Team Leader but secondary/ just an eye wash)
La Sandal Pair       (The Perennial Wimp)
La Prostitute          (The Master Mind)
La M'Lee                (The Floor level Mischief Manager)
La Becca Becca (The Escape Artist)
La Bitch from hell (The Root Cause)
La Sin'D                (The Evil)
La Terrace Burning  (The Controller)
La Dieing living      (The Typical Quebecois- Female)
La Nail Eater (The Typical Quebecois -Male)
La Cloud Provoked (The Rudy)
La Saarge Carboy   (The Idiot)
La Callous Lunatic (The Ambitious
La Jughead Sing (The Miserable)

Even the Robbers forehand and backhand were very close to BJM.

Does it not look like, "Ali Baba and 40 Thieves". :-)

BJM  is a perfect candidate for the mischiefs, racism, internal bickering, calling names, ridiculing others, inequality (Women as superior and Men on the floor), etc. you will not find such a team any where in the world, not this perfect and with such unity and secrecy. ;-)

I think Caucasians should call it a day and enjoy their life with this team in charge of all the mischiefs, they call it smart games. :-)

Just because people in general suffer because of these games does not mean they are bad for the wimps, these games are bread and butter for the Caucasian Wimps.

Every day the Caucasian women in this team can come up with a new assumption and the team leader with out a question will ask the wimps to work on them, and get paid, :-) what a wonderful life.

" I think he is from Egypt", 

OK, lets go to Egypt and spend 100 millions on racial profiling all the Egyptians from 16000 BC to 2019. 

This is a nice assumption. :-)

There are more like for bigger budget, even NASA might jump in, "May be he is from Orion", :-) 

But spare me,
I would prefer to be in the opposition, like I was, because I am not cut out for this kind of behaviour, I am already 53 and my spiritual journey is very important for me, now I think I wasted 30 years for nothing, what I have achieved now (Spiritually speaking), I could have achieved it when I was just 23 or 25.

What a waste........................Tch! Tch! Tch!


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