May 8, 2019

Assumptions Department -II

I think after a long time I got it right about the people who work on the citizens of their own country to make someone happy. :-)

The Assumptions Department. (Chapter - Gossip)

A young daughter of the receptionist in 2002 visits Sri Lanka, and returns to Quebec, and points at a certain person in one of the photographs taken in 2001 Dec Christmas party of her mother's company, and tells her that all people in Sri Lanka looked like that individual in the photograph. :-) 

(Poor thing should have travelled to few more neighbouring countries, it would have saved the Assumptions Department few millions (Could be Billions )and lot of hardship to me and my family.)

The mother immediately with out delay informs everyone in the company and eventually the Assumptions department also gets the information and like always the dicks (Both Male and Female) swoon into action to work on that individual to make sure he is from Sri Lanka. (Even though already federal wimps are on his tail since he moved to Quebec in 2001- JChretian's Screw Quebec Project)

Note: Even today I could not understand what would be the problem If the person was in fact from Sri Lanka, there is a large Sri Lankan population (Both Tamil and Sinhalese) in Canada-Quebec. :-)

Anyway the young Caucasian girl stirred the hornets nest. :-)

Budget: 1 Billion dollars. :-) (First by JChretian's government then by SHarpers government)

The BJM team also gets into action and they are very sure that, the Individual is hiding in Quebec, so they take liberties in their talk and actions. :-)

By the way the BJM team line up is as follows.

BJM (Team Leader) (Science graduate from Quebec)
Cat on the wall (Team Leader - Eye Wash) (Science graduate from Quebec)
Perennial Wimp, (PhD from Quebec)
The french Goat (May be a graduate)
The Master Mind, (Claims to be a PhD)
The floor level Mischief Manager, (Uneducated from Combodia)
The Becca Becca  (Lawyer from Toronto University)
The Bitch from Hell, (MBA)
The Evil from Toronto, (May be a graduate or high school)
The Controller, (The Mother of the women who visited Sr Lanka in 2002)
The Dieing Living, (May be high school)
The Nail Eater, (May be a graduate, but appears uneducated)
The Rudy, (May be high school but appears uneducated)
The French Idiot, (May be high school)
The Ambitious (May be a graduate)
The Miserable, (PhD from UK) :-) Colored hence miserable under Bitch from hell's regime.

One after another each one of them take turns to ask the individual from which country he came from, :-) and even though the answer to that question was always India, they don't agree because the women who visited Sri Lanka is so sure that because all people in Sri Lanka look like him it can not be Indian. :-)

I think CIA should trash their website, :-) because no one is reading. :-) 

Indians don't feel bad, not many people from Quebec step outside their province, many of them have not seen even Toronto. :-)

Then the Master Mind adds another dimension to it, once she sees him eating Upma, since Upma is eaten in lot of countries and it is called Khus Khus in few Arabic countries, :-) she claims Oh! He is not from Sri Lanka, he was eating Khus Khus, so he is from Egypt. :-)

Now people might ask how she jumped to the conclusion, only Egypt??? :-) because so many Arabic countries also have this dish in various forms of Semolina.

Because her 5th Husband who took off one fine night to his country from Europe and never returned seems to have been eating Couscous, so Egypt.

Note : All these people are well educated and were highly paid by a loss making company, :-) it is a different story they were hardly working, and If it was not mismanagement then what it was, in 2001, for no product being sold, :-) and only one product still in its research stage (They claimed they were doing some clinical trials), there were 9 people in QC alone, with a Manager (MSc from Quebec), :-) and the Idiot was so impressed by the Manager, she was promoted with in one year of joining the company. :-)

Bitch from hell gets her own reasons India or no India.

1) Once in 2001 the company arranges some lunch as Calous Lunatic joins the company, and in that lunch there was one brown colored watery dish with few pieces of meat floating in it, one stupid Indian sitting next to the Bitch from hell :-) points at it and asks the subject it is like Indian curry no. :-)

But since the subject is well versed in cooking, he does not confirm it was anything like Indian curry, he remains calm with no reaction. :-) (My general reaction to stupidity)

Bitch from hell's rumour machine triggers ON. :-) Oh! he does not know Indian curry, :-) so he is not Indian.......:-) she claims she is a MBA from some western University, I never asked which one. :-)

2) Then on the day of presentation (2001) to replace the Idiot, Bitch from hell asks the subject "how is India".

Subject: Congested, there will be COWS on the roads, .....

Bitch from hell; Common!! Cows on the road, no way.................So her doubt that subject is not from India moves towards confirmation.......:-)

Note: If people get such stupid botherations instead of running to the Assumptions department, they can travel to India (Or which ever that country is) to get a firsthand account, or simply watch some You Tube video's.

Or type "Cows on the Indian roads" in you tube, hundreds of video's will appear, watch them and then make sure for yourself, :-) I know in 2001 Youtube was not there, but still don't be an educated fool.

In 2002 the Prostitute joins..... :-)

The Prostitute has some experience with some Indian from Geneva University, :-) one of her one night stands, so she comes up with her reason, "common Indian", Indians are very handsome, I knew one Indian he was so good looking, not like you, look at your face, you have such a big nose, she claims. :-)

Readers: This is in a small scale Pharmaceutical Company in Varennes Quebec (2001 to 2005) :-), the women in discussion are from Toronto and Switzerland (Atleast as per the claim).

Cat on the wall: Can you work legally in Canada ? she also butts in one fine day, just like that, as If someone has asked her, " Go find out If he can work in Canada".

Bottom Line: The entire team now believed that the subject is not from India but from Sri Lanka. :-)

Note: None of them ever visited India at least until 2005. :-)

The Prostitute: How is India?

Subject: India is like Europe, Multiple languages, etc.

The Prostitute: Common, India is not like Europe, it is like Mexico. :-)

She never visited India, but since she slept with an Indian student in Geneva University back in her one night stand days, and she lived in Mexico for 14 years before moving to Canada, so she was very sure the subject was not Indian. :-) Laughing is free, :-) and is good for health, so please help yourself.

So the story does not end here. :-)

The controller not able to resist her urge, she informs her husband, in turn he informs his friends in the police department, and the police department starts making rounds of the company. :-)

The Prostitute begins threats for small small things, e.g.

"Can you do this analysis (Illegal analysis for some double blind clinical study), now", or "I will call the police". :-)

Note: She claims to have a PhD from some European university. :-)

The team is so sure now that the subject is hiding in Quebec. :-)

Note: The subject was relocated from Ontario after an elaborate process by the Bitch from Hell in 2001, after taking references from two Indian companies etc. etc. :-) not once multiple number of times. :-) normally reference is taken once but in this case multiple times information was requested and exchanged.

And the Indian counterparts provided (Officially and Un-Officially) so much information that even today the Assumption departments in at least four countries (Including India) is busy trying to piece them together. :-)

2004, Bitch from hell and Calous Lunatic bring in Caucasian Wimps to show them the subject hiding in their company and claiming to be an Indian, even though the entire educated (PhD's MBA's) team (None of them ever visited India or Sri Lanka or many of them never stepped outside Quebec or Canada), :-) were very certain the subjec was from Sri Lanka.

The two Caucasian Wimps introduce themselves as visitors from Jaba Pharmaceuticals Portugal, but the way they screen the subject with their eyes, it does not appear they are visitors from a pharmaceuticals, but some wimps looking for trouble, :-) that's it, after that the Electronic Voodoo switches from superficial to hardcore. :-)

And I think from here UK and India (Under Cong-I) started their games, USA is anyways mapping the Canadian ass 24/7, so it became an international game.

The Prostitute and the French Goat: Now you have only one country to go, Australia. (This was in 2004) :-)

Well this is 2019 and I am still in Quebec. :-) and the prostitute may be she moved to Ottawa. :-)


The Assumptions department worked on it (The stupidity) since 2001, and in 2019 they continue to work on it, spending millions If not Billions, :-).

What was/is the Purpose?

There has to be some reason or purpose for such an exercise by not one but by the entire team of Ali Baba and 40 thieves, :-) and the Wimps from Assumptions department, does not matter how stupid it might sound or appear or they might be, after all, money and man hours were being consumed, they were/are working 24/7, there has to be a reason?.

When the escape artist left the company in 2004, like all CEO's, she must have also received some compensation like 0.6 million $, but people like the Prostitute, Bitch from hell and the French Goat also worked for her escape, they ran a campaign online to influence the share holders, as only 5% share holders were needed to remove her from office, so the question is.

All this was to share that 0.6 Million $ she received as compensation, :-{ because Bitch from hell also left with her. :-)

I know this was not the original plan, :-) as per the original plan she was supposed to take over,  :-) otherwise all that mis management for 0.6$ million, does not hold water.

But interesting thing to note is, in 2004-5 when Robbers Forehand's new team took over only BJM remained with them, he has been there even before 2001. :-)

Or can we say only he survived, rest everyone left, including Cat on the wall and the prostitute, or he was there till he was sacrificed by the prostitute in 2005.

After 2005.....2019.... 

It has been between me and the wimps.....................Tch! Tch! Tch!

and wimps from at least four countries ....Canada, India, U.K., USA, :-)

Final Result: Ghanta.


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