May 28, 2019

Who is the best Puppet.

In this puppet world, 

It seems the Assumptions department is not done with running after assumptions.

It seems no one wants JMB, :-) in fact he is a better puppet then the rest of the people in the line up, 

Because everyone likes to remain in the past and does not want to move forward in to the future, lets go back to past, the last few months in 2004.


Back in 2004, 

One day the prostitute (Associate R&D-QA) tells JMB (QC Chemist), who was in QC to pick up a new equipment from my lab (R&D) and kind of discard it in the trash, and JMB without thinking he has no business in R&D, picks it up and throws it in the discarded equipment area, later I find it and ask him as to why he did that.

JMB was very furious, all fuming and he calls me some names and brings back the equipment, :-) we purchased it to collect fractions from a liquid chromatography, it was purchased by a loss making company with burrowed money, and this STUPID women who wanted to replace the director of such a company asks JMB for such a mischief and sits in her office laughing.

Later JMB sends me an Apology email, :-) I still have this email, :-) he says, he is extremely sorry for what ever happened, but there was no apology or guilt or remorse from the prostitute.

She continued to find ways to pit me against anyone, purpose was simple to get rid of me or to get me fired, does not matter who is responsible, so that she can replace the director of the company. :-)

If you see the line up in R&D in 2004.

CEO followed by Operations Director (Bitch from hell), - R&D Director (A Lady from Philippines, I met her once) -- Supervisor R&D (Jughead Sing) followed by me the Research Chemist, and in this line up the prostitute had no role, she was connected to the my Supervisor as an Associate -R&D-QA.

Anyone from R&D background reads this might ask a simple question, what is R&D-QA, :-) yes there is no such thing as R&D-QA in any other company on this planet, it was specially created by the bunch of ladies MIS-managing the company, so that the prostitute can sit on her fat ass reading roman history and play with people's emotions.

After this episode, Robber Forehand (QA-Manager) joins the issue, he sends a long email (I still have it) in French to JMB, (A QC Chemist) :-) and CC to almost entire company, and he details how I (Research Chemist) was spoiling the peace of the entire company. :-)

Callous Lunatic (The Director) calls me along with Piercing Robber (Another PhD) :-) and tells me there are so many complaints on me. :-)

I ask him, like what?

Cat gets his tongue,  :-) but I could not figure out why Piercing Robber was present, he was QC Manager, my Supervisor Jughead Sing should have been present. :-) it was like a grocery store. :-)

Then Robber Forehand calls for a meeting and invites me, I was not required but he invites me and a colored guest (Appears to be South Asian) from some water filters or resin mfg company is also invited, others present are Callous Lunatic, Cat on the wall, her microbiology colleague, and in front of this guest Robber Forehand trash talks, I keep quite to maintain the decorum of the company at least in front of the guest. :-)

The very purpose of this meeting was to insult me in front of a South Asian Guest, expecting a reaction, If I react, you know Callous Lunatic was already looking for complaints against me, :-) they were looking for an excuse to fire me, so everyone was trying their best to provide that excuse, I am not sure why people are always in so much love with me. :-) 

After we come out, Cat on the wall returns to my office and tells me, that her microbiology colleague said, "Robber Forehand treated you like shit", and she returns to her office. (Another provocation)

Interesting thing to note is Robber Forehand it seems was fired from Aventis, and Cat on the wall joins this company in 2005 within few months after I was fired. :-)

These provocations continue till I was fired, sometimes Robber Forehand comes with the nail eater, sometimes with JMB, sometimes with Callous Lunatic, sometimes with someone else, his problem, he says, " My god you are like dean of this company", so he wanted to be dean of that company and he also must have found out that I was the only hurdle. :-)

Same Robber Forehand (QA Manager) and Piercing Robber (QC Manager) behave likes kids and run away in to their offices when the prostitute bangs her office door during lunch break, as she takes her lunch in her office, :-) she was just an Associate (R&D-QA). :-)

So much drama, to show that the prostitute was something and people in that loss making small scale company can survive only If they kiss her fat ass, :-) (They could have openly announced to everyone instead of keeping it a secret, who she was) in Hindi we call it "Howwa", :-)

The prostitute few months earlier in 2004: What will happen If you loose your job?
The Supervisor R&D in mid 2004: Is your wife working, he repeats it many many times.

So they all came to this conclusion that with me present they can not shut this company down, so they will have to fire me, :-) but there was no excuse. (I was just a Research Chemist). :-)

And I think they also had a plan B, that If I fall on their feet pleading not to fire me, :-) as I was in very vulnerable situation and loosing my job would cause such disruption, in that case they would ask me to work in QC under Piercing Robber. :-)

Making way for the prostitute to become manager of R&D and later replace the director. :-)

She could not manage QC, she was acting manager, :-) so she was bumped back to R&D-QA as an Associate in 2004 after an internal audit and feedback from the QC staff, who could not digest the firing of CG,  and she wanted to be Manager R&D, :-) 

Funny thing is she turned vindictive towards me after she returned to R&D-QA, :-) probably because she had to read roman history to pass her time, there was nothing else to do, I was busy with CMC of five products, my Supervisor always called them shitty products, :-) but it was my job to collect CMC data for the submissions and it was not my mandate to not work on them or refuse to work on them, even though they were shitty products, all DMSO based, including for Erectile Dysfunction, imagine people applying a DMSO based gel for Erectile Dysfunction. :-)

Vindictive behaviour turns to provocations.

So many ideas and does not matter which idea they looked at it seems they found that the prostitute had to cross me, :-) how will she cross with out any goods, so get rid of him was the solution. :-)

And this also she created for herself, she told the management she can manage anything If I was with her back in 2002 or 2003, and in 2004 when I was not turning into another JMB, to get rid of me she needed a bigger excuse. :-)

But surprising thing is after so much hard work, the prostitute could not replace the director, she it seems also left in 2005, :-) which means there was someone else behind all this drama, and it can not be anyone other then Bitch from hell. (Assumption)

Trust me, in that chaos created by these educated fools, who were lead by the prostitute, I felt like all my education and experience was wasted working among them.

Now the same prostitute and others want second or rather I should say fifth chance, and I am sure, again like in the past someone might have convinced her I am the only hurdle she need to cross. :-)

Now again who created this all over again, :-) Is it again the Bitch from hell or some wimpy wimp.

And again like always it is about them and their life and their political ambitions, their peace, their money, their job, their, their, their:-) always theirs, theirs, theirs, nothing about me, :-) and I say what about them, they are already retired.

In 2001, I had just joined, and Cat on the wall was the first one to react sharply for asking her some help with microbiology, she said, "What about us".

I had just joined the company and I was just three or four months in Canada and about three or four  weeks in Quebec, OK, she was under pressure from CG, her Manager QC, but still it is always about them. :-)

Not to brag but the truth, even after all these provocations, I kept my cool and never reacted in any way disrespectful to anyone, including the toilet cleaner, M'Lee the Cambodian, just on one occasion I warned the prostitute in a raised voice that is all, but I kept my cool through out, even after I was fired with out any show cause, or reason or any compensation, I just walked out.

Bottom line: Who is the best PUPPET, there are billions of them out there.

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