Jul 4, 2019

WIMPS are saying I messed them up

Digging Deeper...…..Because the WIMPS are saying I messed them up, :-) 10,000 WIMPS in 200 countries are working 24/7 some times for LEFT sometimes for RIGHT, sometimes for BFH, sometimes for the Cat on the wall and some times for La Prostitute and some times for someone I have no clue, who they are, strangers like the motorbike guys. :-)

How it started: Canada Chapter:

Which means there is an Indian Chapter also, but that is not important, since I live in Quebec.

Obviously it was started by people from Ontario, because up to 23 June, 2001, I was living in Toronto, that is why.

Participants of this Campaign.

1) A Political Party, 
2) Operations Director of our company - Who called herself Bitch from Hell, then 60, now 78. :-)
3) Newly promoted Human Resources Manager, Sin'D the Evil.

Their favourite line: Always cover your ass.

Each of these participants were playing their own game/games, :-) which means they were churning their own cock·a·ma·mie stories, :-) all these stories have taken the form of movies released by almost all countries which are members of the international WIMP society, :-) leading are UK/USA/India/China/Spain/France etc etc. not one story in these movies comes any where close to my real life as a child or youth or as an adult. :-)

But it is good to know how thinking of people can get so twisted when they dislike/hate you, and it also reveals how badly equipped these WIMPS are when it comes to understand human behaviour, :-) but out of all the countries churning these movies India takes the cake, "Mera Bharat Mahan". :-)

It is also good to know that WIMPS who think I messed them up :-) have been trying to fool themselves or deceive themselves with all these twisted stories, may be they help them calm their restless nerves. :-)

I never told or asked any WIMP in any country to invest all their time, money and resources running after these cock·a·ma·mie stories, it was their choice, even the old women instead of imagining things they could have just asked me about my life, If it was that important, :-) I would have shown them with proof, :-) but they never asked, or we could have arranged a trip to India and my mother was still alive then, could have met her and others and satisfy their curiosity, but since that was not the purpose, :-) was it, the purpose was to mess up every thing and put WIMPS in a never ending loop of hatred and campaign, after running this campaign for 17 or 18 years they are saying, I messed them up or I was messing with them. :-)

Just for starters, 


also cock·a·ma·my  (kŏk′ə-mā′mē)

adj. Slang

1. Trifling; nearly valueless.
2. Ludicrous; nonsensical.

Federal government in 2001 was Liberal Party of Canada under Mr J.Chretian.
Government in Quebec was Party Quebecois under Mr Bernard Landry, he lived within shouting distance of our plant in Varennes, :-) and he even visited our plant in 2003.

Agenda, when it started:

Simple, blame the colored people (Like me) for something, so that all the participants get benefit, it could be financial or political etc etc. :-) 

The WIMPS working for the political parties on both sides wanted some pale women to get tangled with me, an affair, so many women were trying at the same time, because it did not matter who, anyone was ok as long as that women was pale. :-)

Basically you can understand it like this, I was bombarded by scores of women every where, :-) so the closest who played this game well was Cat on the Wall, :-) and it touched peak after 2002, that is after the arrival of the La Prostitute.

La Prostitute was working 24/7 :-) to fix an affair for me, she trained all these women how to enchant a married man and keep him in the loop and play, :-) she gave me movies (Spanish) which were more or less on this theme of extra marital affair, where office colleagues leave office together and hole up in an hotel to you know to do what. :-)

Possible purpose or role for this pale women: :-) You can read the life stories of all the black, colored men in the west, they all fell for such a plot and were exposed with lies or no lies, purpose was to use them to blackmail, and this was always done by the pale women. :-)


They did not check the facts, rather they leaned on all the cock·a·ma·mie stories from the Indian Chapter as well the initial participants, :-) of course it reached a crescendo when the La Prostitute took over in 2002, :-) because she has more experience with men (Lustful) but it turned out she had no experience with men like me, :-) after boasting about her exploits with all kind of men, she was a failure, :-) as far as fixing an affair for me is concerned, I am sure she must have told lot of cock·a·ma·mie stories to keep the WIMP community enchanted.

The Truth: I never showed any interest in any of the women, :-) including the Cat on the wall, but they did not give up, and then more stories came up, but no one ever spoke to me about this (To have an affair) not in India not here in Canada or Quebec.

The big clue: The Cat on the wall would come and say hi etc even talk sometimes when no one is around, but once outside the plant she would bolt like I suffered from some infection. :-)

This was the big clue, :-) and when the elderly women (In Ontario and Quebec) involved in this were tired of not getting anywhere they wanted to replace Cat on the wall with someone else more effective and La Prostitute flipped on Cat on the wall in 2004 and told me cock·a·ma·mie stories about Cat on the wall and her personal life. :-)

But even that did not work, because by then I was so clear about all their games, I kept my mind clear of any emotional entanglement.  

In 2004, when I had to visit Quebec city to carry out an audit which was actually La Prostitute's job and she could not go because she claimed she never audited, even Robber Forehand told me that I can meet his daughter, who lived in Quebec city. :-)

The Chosen One:

JMB was the only chosen one by La Prostitute, and she devoted lot of time, energy and probably money to keep him like that, and worked very hard to pit me against him, I know she wanted me to compete with JMB to kiss her arse, :-) I gave her the lead, I let her go to the weekly meetings, and in weekly meetings all she talked was about her one clinical study which never took off. :-) 

Problem was she was supposed to replace the director of the plant, and I was not included in this plan, Bitch from hell used me when ever she needed to get things done, :-) and when they fired CG after a flimsy fight, :-) Bitch from hell called me over a conference call with my supervisor, and asked me, "CG was calling names, meaning CG was insulting La Prostitute", I told both of them  I did not know as I was not in the room with them, I was aware that she wanted to use me all over again to get CG fired, but CG had no back up, :-) I kept my distance from this fiasco as CG was not in my good books. :-)

And while she was acting QC manager and one day JMB did not come, I bailed her out, she stood with her chin on my shoulder while July watched, :-) and the QC staff was not happy about it that I bailed her out, they complained and confided in me that CG was a good manager, :-) then came the audit my George, :-) and she got exposed and was bundled back to her R&D-QC associate position, but it seems she blamed me for her failure as a acting QC manager. 

How many times Bitch from hell tried and used me for getting things done like the one above, in some other post, :-) this was/is also a part of the agenda or you can say the manifesto for Screw Quebec Project.

If someone calls you and asks, "Is there Internet in the building", answer is Yes if it is there or No if it is not there, right, one can not lie.

When all involved could not find a way through me to replace the director, they decided to fire me, :-)
that was the only reason so many people were fired and one purpose was not fulfilled, she never replaced the director, which also means the women in Ontario had other plans.

When Piercing Robber arrived:

It seems La Prostitute dug up her own hole when she brought in 5 employees from a shut company, Robber Forehand's team, :-) the Bitch from hell I think fell in love with Piercing Robber and wanted him to replace the director Callous Lunnetic, one because he was English and had a PhD from McGill, :-) and eventually I think he was the director for quite some time even after the old wine was put in a new bottle. :-)

Cat on the wall was very upset that my English was not good enough, :-) and many times Piercing Robber would ask me what was being discussed in English, so they thought since English was his mother tongue they can use it to put him above me, :-) his English is better then yours so he is more eligible, Cat on the wall would tell me, "He likes communication through emails", :-) all directed at one goal. :-)

Not that he had any hand's on experience, I never saw him working, he would be in Cafeteria checking documents, I always wondered what documents needed so much of proof reading by at least three or four people on a regular basis, we were not selling any product. :-)

He gave a talk in cafeteria, it was ok, Cat on the wall also did, it was ok, but La Prostitute came storming in to my office after Piercing Robber gave his talk, she said "So he can not talk, Han, so he can not talk, ha han" :-) I was like Whattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt? because I was never in any discussion about his ability to give a talk. :-)

Then Cat on the wall came storming in to my office, " What did  you say about Robber Forehand", :-) again I told her, I never spoke with anyone about him also, she left angry. :-)

Which meant someone was telling stories and pushing almost everyone towards me to confront me with something or other, agenda was clear.

Remove me from R&D or the plant and La Prostitute to replace the director. :-)

Basically everyone wanted me to leave R&D and join QC under Piercing Robber - JBM- the reason why JBM and Cat on the wall were promoted as Team Leaders.

Had I joined QC you know, buckled under the pressure of so many attacks, :-) I would be under JBM, as he was the Team Leader in QC and Piercing Robber was the QC Manager.

And R&D would be available to La Prostitute and she could become Manager R&D, :-) and later replace the director, Viola! such a tough job to become Director of a small scale plant with no product.

After I was fired:

I was put on probation for three months after I asked for help from the CEO/Operations Director/R&D Manager/R&D Supervisor/Human Resources Manager/Plant Director, and Nov 30 2004 was the last day for the probation, La Prostitute and her team were working over time, and they were even using women who were my wife's friends, Nov 21, 2004, I could not take it any longer and I decided to give a little peace of my mind to La Prostitute, I could not say much, my lack of experience with women, all I could say was "I will fuck your life, don't mess with me", in a raised voice and I left her office, she went running to the deaf directors office, he came running to my office and screamed.

This is funny, he screamed at top of his voice, "No Screaming here", :-) near the exit, I saw La Prostitute explaining to the M'Lee (Toilet cleaner) and left the plant in a hurry, M'Lee who otherwise would misbehave like someone had been told, do what you want to do, say what you want to say, no one will touch you, you are the future sanitation manager under La Prostitute, protected, but this time first time in 4 years, the moment he saw me he ran into the store with his cart. :-)

JMB was very furious too, it is only the Controller the receptionist stopped him, otherwise may be he would have attacked me, he came up to the QC lab door, from where he returned to his seat.

Now the problem was, How will La Prostitute who was supposed to take over the plant even come to the plant, she had already stopped going to the cafeteria, :-) she was having lunch in her room, so before I could finish my probation they fired me.

Cat on the wall never reacted, or called or spoke about it, :-) I was kind of confused that after working for four years how people can be that numb, I wanted to find out, so I called her after couple of months, she told me she also left and had joined Aventis.

Which evoked a new interest in me that may be as I had enough experience in Aventis like companies, may be she can help me get into it, so I called her many times, and every time it was very difficult to get her to even talk, she was avoiding, it was clear someone was telling her to avoid me, WIMPS, :-) finally after few months I could get her to see me, she called me to her home on 02 Dec 2005, 10:00 am.

But when I reached there, she opened the door and looked at the watch, it was 10:00 am, she took my jacket and said, " You finally made it", :-) I took of my shoes and placed them in the pile of other shoes, it was her kitchen, a large table occupied most of the kitchen, a washing machine in the right corner, with stack of nicely folded clothes on it, a hockey game near the door, she asked me tea or coffee, I said, tea or coffee no problem, she showed me her collection of tea, this tea, that tea, she asked me to choose one of them, I was still looking at them, she quipped, " If you can not choose tea, how will you choose things in your life, something like that, and more came after that, don't keep the cup on the table, it will burn the table, keep it on the coaster, :-) don't keep the cup in the sink, If you have nothing, go back to Dimethaid, look at your face, don't be like a puppy, she put her two hands in front of her like a puppy, :-) don't follow cars, it is like she was given a script and she had to say them all, I could not get an opportunity to ask her If I can send my resume to her, that is when her room mate arrived with a cup of Tim Horten's Coffee, she introduced him to me, he sat behind me with his cup of coffee and coughed continuously. :-)

She stared at him for few seconds as he was coughing very loudly, :-) I got up as we could not talk, he was coughing non stop, I put my shoes on and struggled to open the door, she opened it for me, I took leave, I descended the stairs without looking back, she was still standing at the door, few people outside her house moved around staring at me, :-) there was this white guy with a beard in a small open jeep, I saw him at many other places in Saint Laurent also, :-) may be some WIMP, next day I send her an email which read, "host gets 10 out of 10", :-) she answered, " you are welcome", and she also said she was in a hurry or something.

It was clear, what I was looking and what she was looking were two different things, and too many people involved, it was difficult to even guess who was controlling her, given the scripts and one liners, I could not muster enough courage to even see her again after that barrage of reprimands, or ask her If I can submit my resume through her for a possible opening in Aventis.

Mar 2006, I lost my Car, as I cold not pay the monthly premiums and we had no car and no job and no money till 2008 May, then I started Travel Agency work.

She never called or sent an email or even replied my emails.

She kept an Album, title "Friends", it used to be lying in our cafeteria for everyone to see, only my picture was not in it, pictures of all employees were in it. :-)

We could not even become just friends,  :-) I don't regret, may be this way it was good for both of us, as too many people were involved in it.

And now in 2019 as the blame game is ON, the WIMPS want me to go find her, :-) for what ? now I am not even looking for jobs in pharmaceuticals.

Whatever WIMPS want now I have already attempted them 15 years back,

1) I asked for help from CEO/Bitch from hell in 2004 itself, I drove from Montreal to Toronto.
2) I met Cat on the wall in 2005 itself 
3) I started a new career in Travel Agency in 2008,
4) I wrote so much in favour of Obama in 2008, who told him to take Hillary Clinton in his team. :-)
5) I predicted Trump will win.

None of them yielded any thing beneficial in any way.

And the messed up WIMPS are running 15 years late, :-) 

End result: Ghanta. :-)

Question: Your LEFT or My LEFT. :-)

The reason I keep writing this story is, every time I try to bring new angle, more information, and clarity to my own understanding of the past events and possible future based on them, and WIMPS who think I messed them up and who are also running 15 years late, :-) they are the one's who are not letting me forget the past, hence I keep visiting the past.

WIMPS got a new game.

The self messed up, self fucked up, not knowing what to play, :-)  :-) other than asking bunch of motorbike guys to waste their fuel running up and down the streets in this hot weather, :-) it seems I gave the wimpy wimps a new game to play and with out wasting any time they started the game. 

The name of the game is : Cat on the wall is against you or hates you,  :-)

OK. :-) What is the problem with that, I am not a part of LEFT or RIGHT or MIDDLE or Even I am not working in her company. :-) It is only few strangers dressed up like her walking around, fine. :-) who cares.

If I was a part of which ever side she is then I would be worried that If she joins the La Prostitute or Bitch from Hell side then they would be stronger, because Cat on the well can be very nasty, she is a Quebecoise from St Eustache.

And then she is a Saggitarius, they snap suddenly and can get very rude to very direct with out any reason or provocation, they have weak ears, so careful WIMPS. :-) 

In contrast La Prostitute is a Scorpio, They are generally mad about everything, :-) it is a perennial madness, NATURAL MADMAX, just like that reason or no reason, Angry planet Mars rules their Ascendant, and with out any spiritual backup they are nuts packed with sex and anger and in addition to that La Prostitute's birth Star is Mula, their mind is obsessed with SEX, they destroy any man that comes in to their lives, even their biological father/Uncles/Brothers/Sons can not take that heat. (This aspect of Mula Star is still under study)

Bitch from Hell (RAH) I Don't have her birth data, but I would like to see her chart, probably born in 1941.

On top of this they have WIMPY WIMPs, :-) who will not let anyone use their brains or breathe normally, the WIMPS must be keeping them busy 24/7. :-)

Solution to reduce bottled up ANGER is - Go Spiritual.

But I guess WIMPY WIMPS ARE HAPPY they got a new game to play. :-) Last time they played the Baby Baby game was in 2006 to 2019 at least four countries, that was also Cat on wall's who started it. :-)

La Prostitute and Wimpy Wimps, spreading WIMPERIA. (The font size is not in my control, some WIMP plays with it)

Back in 2003 Just before Christmas La Prostitute told me to stay home on certain Saturday, She said some WIMPS will come to see you, I guess those WIMPS visited Cat on the wall and all other employees also, probably they told they have to follow La Prostitute because she was a genius, :-) as If the hype created by Bitch from hell was not enough, the reason is when she returned in  Jan 2004 she was a different person, she got WIMPERIA, she called it Asthama, she said every one has Asthama, but it was clear it was WIMPERIA, when contracted people behave like they have lost their minds.

But I waited all day long no WIMPS appeared, may be they got scared, I have that effect on people, I look very intimidating. :-) I can not help it, it is natural expression, inside I might be just calm, serene, and very peaceful.

The reason why I wanted to join IPS. :-)

Quebec City in 2001.

In 2001 Sep, Few family friends arrived from Toronto, So I took them around and I took them to Quebec city, Lac Brome, etc etc.

Quebec City in 2001 Sep.

The moment we arrived at the info centre next to the bridge on Auto route 20, a Caucasian  WIMP with his girl friend arrived, and he sat their with a mad expression on his face while his girl friend walked towards us with a smile on her face to check us out, :-) my friends were already Citizens of Canada, :-) and I was a permanent resident, I guess the info centre clerk informed the WIMP about our arrival.

Boss, Colored people in our city, Tabarnaque!

Then it seems the WIMP informed the police, that few colored folks were at the gate of Quebec City, :-) they followed us where ever we went. :-)

Behind the Chateau Frontenac there was a huge gathering of Caucasian men and women all singing and dancing in that small hut kind of thing, while others surrounded them.

Police more or less followed us where ever we went, :-) and they parked their cars on the street, we walked towards the area where the singing and dancing was going on, to take a closer look we walked towards them, one Caucasian Dick he looked more or less like JMB, skinny, with a mean face like a skull, he was sitting on the curb with his hands resting on his knees, he started laughing while he looked at my wife and my friend's wife, both ladies were dressed in pants and T-Shirts but their Mangal Sutras were visible. :-) ya it looked odd, they did not match with the dress, they go well with sari, but we don't laugh at anyone even Caucasian for their silly looking, ill fitting clothes, that is our culture, If we laugh we laugh in our private space, but If some WIMP peeking in to our private space feels bad, we cannot help it, that is your problem.

When I noticed him laughing at them, :-) I gave him one mean look :-) and immediately he dropped his head between his knees :-) and did not raise his head for few seconds, I kept that gaze for few seconds and then we walked away. :-)

So my gaze has that effect, it bothered my teachers in my school a lot, :-) they hated me for that, I could not help it, :-) my mother also had that look, my fathers colleagues were terrified to cross her while she sat on our porch, :-) to get into the house to see my father. :-)

I can not help it, it is natural, so WIMPS don't be scared or create cock·a·ma·mie stories about it, leave the cock·a·ma·mie stories for the La Prostitute and the Bitch from hell, they need them to survive.


This is my Confession: (WIMPS ASKED FOR IT WIRELESS)

I am harmless,  since 1986 I have not harmed an ant, before that as a child I have killed many chickens, I was trained by my father, I killed many rats, I killed Grass hoppers, If you don't count cockroaches, and as our family was a meat eating family, so we bought chicken, lamb, goat meat, today I consider even that a sin, so since 2005 I am a Vegetarian. :-)

Yes, one frog that was sedated, dissected and discarded with all its innards hanging out in to a garbage bin, that was in 1986 biology class, every one did that and that was the sad practise, when the frog came out of its sedation it turned in the bin, I regret even today doing that, because it was a useless thing to do.

That is all, and in 2016 to 2017, cockroaches in Saint Laurent, Quebec that sin goes to WIMPY WIMPS, they were responsible for it.

I am not violent like CAUCASIANS (White People). :-) I come from a very polite, cultured, spiritual, quite middle class 100% Indian family (at least 7 generations), where women are not touched (Other than your wife) or harmed, they are respected, I never saw my father even raise his voice against my mother in their 35 years of marriage, even when he was drunk, neither did I with my wife in 25 years.

In our schools boys were physically beaten, some times very badly but girls were never touched.

We are very cultured people as far as women are concerned, our culture is oldest millions of years old, we don't recycle women among men like Caucasians (White People) do as part of a culture, or jump series of women for pleasure or as a part of culture, before or after marriage. (Exceptions are Rich and People on the street).

I never visited a brothel in my life meaning I never touched any other women in my life in 53 years, there has been just one women, legally married to me for 25 years, who is mother of my two daughters, that is all. :-)

And at 53, pleasure from women is the last thing I would seek, I have 10,000, other things on my mind.

I am designed specially by the nature for some purpose, :-) I have yet to discover that.


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