Jul 24, 2019

I Understand Your Problem - THE DEAD END

I think I understand what the problem is? :-)

To understand the issue - Imagine one has to watch four movies, 

Lord of the rings I
Lord of the rings II
Lord of the rings III

And now Imagine that someone watched Lord of the rings II, or entered the Crazy World of Caucasian Wimps in that period, then that someone will not understand what is the issue with the ring.

Example: You can take me I came into the Crazy world of Caucasian Wimps in 2001, otherwise called Canada-Quebec :-) it does not matter knowingly or unknowingly, it effects you and your family. :-)

Now imagine someone who watched Lord of the rings I, he or she will still have one question, where did the ring come from ?, I think the Author of this sequel was asked this question by movie buffs all over the world.

So they made Hobbit after Lord of the rings III, which explains how the ring came into being, that is as far as movie is concerned.

Now let me explain the issue at hand.

I know, Caucasian Wimps who are badly messed up or Efed up, :-) due to their own doing, or even they might have reached the DEAD END, it is due to their  own understanding or mis-understanding of the entire issue at hand.

And after investing all their time, money, attention, perks, goodness, support in business and money for at least 15 years on Bitch from hell, The Prostitute, Cat on the wall and others like Punjabi's, now in 2019 :-) they are expecting a lot from me, :-) and that also only to help the very women like Bitch from Hell or The Prostitute who threw me out like I was nothing back in Nov 2004 and never looked back to even see what happened to me or my life and the wimps continued to work on me and my family all these years to keep these twisted women in good comfort. :-)

Anyway, My Problem.

1) I entered Crazy World of Wimps in 2001 which means I missed :-) 


Hobbit ( Before 1995) IInd Referendum in Quebec took place in 1995.
Lord of the Rings I (1995 to 2001 Aug) Dimethaid entered Quebec in 1997.

Lord of the Rings also called Two Towers, came in 2002, after Sep 9/11. Co-Incidence. :-) Nothing seems to be a Co-Incidence in the Crazy World of Wimps. :-)

Becca Becca was CEO since 1993 till 2004 Aug and they came in to Quebec in 1997, which again is a co-incidence that the small plant they were interested in happened to be in the shouting distance of then Quebec's premiere Late Mr Bernard Landry's home, :-) and while all other companies where moving out, they were coming in with no one in the management in Ontario speaking French sorry Quebecois and with no product to sell. :-)

Bitch From hell has been there since her birth in Canada, or she has been there even before 1995, and in 2001 she was around 60 years old.

And all departments and people were directly working under them at least until Aug 2004, and all of them were in Ontario, while I was in Quebec with bunch of monkeys.

The Cat on the wall joined in 2001, she is born in Quebec.

The Prostitute came to Canada in 1999 or 2000 from Mexico, but she joined Dimethaid in 2002, before she was working in some company in Quebec under the women from Denmark, where she recalled all employees were "homosexuals", probably they did not behave like JMB, hence they were all homosexuals. :-)

2003 She got nominated in to the Wimps Camp or political party which ever it is, :-)
2004 She was riding the Horse called "POLITICAL EGO", :-) "Anyone who ride that Horse always bites the dust", any way in 2005 she was free from all her problems, including me, she got rid of everyone, even Bitch from hell and CEO were gone in 2004 Aug. (They planned it together though)

But for an immigrant from Mexico, is it not too fast to get into the WIMPS CAMP in just two years, that too at a higher level like number two in London Wimps line up, :-) I guess the HYPE created by likes of Bitch from hell was that strong and compelling. :-) 

What happened after 2005?

 I have no Idea.

My Assumption, Her bad habit of back-Stabbing, :-) lack of stability in her mind, she must have continued to back stab everyone (Those who helped her or those who found error in her or those who projected her as a genius through hype) to reach some where in the top of the Wimps Camp, and must have ended up just behind the Wimpy Wimp in London or UK.

And as she has another bad habit, it is to never take a stand, like If you are with Conservatives or  you got nominated in to some scum bags association or club or department who run Conservatives, say it, what is the big deal, put it on the notice board, let everyone see it, some may like it , some may hate it, some might not say a word, what is the big deal, are they (Scum Bags working for Conservatives) involved in some kind of terrorist activities in Canada and around the globe that one can not express it openly after being nominated. :-)

Same thing If you are working as a nominated official for the police department or the interior department of the police, say it, take an open stand, why it has to be a secret, :-) and just because you are ef'ing the police from inside like a worm in the rectum to carry out all the illega lactivities, it does not make you powerful, it makes you a coward and a scum bag, even then say it. :-) why it has to be a secret. :-)

I think the reason she can not take a stand is she is afraid of loosing the credibility that she is a genius, :-) (Hype created by likes of Bitch from hell) and scores of people in the party must have kissed her arse in the past 15 years giving her the feeling she is a god, :-) happens, it happened to lot of people in the past 25000 years and eventually they all fell to the ground and had to bite the dust, read the history books they are overflowing with fools like the prostitute. :-)

Or If you are with some terrorist organizations managed by the Caucasians to screw the citizens of the country or province, then also say it, it will help the people know the truth, "How clean the Caucasians are". :-)

By putting a small notice on the notice board of Dimethaid in 2003, about the nomination to Conservative party's wimps camp, she could have saved millions if not billions of dollars, millions of man hours, and lot of hardship to millions of people in Quebec/Canada/and around the globe particularly in the third world countries, because almost every country (200) has been trying to convey the truth that all the scum baggery is being run by the prostitute. :-) 

Anyway, my suggestion, unsolicited though, when the time will come, when you will have to RUN, run to Pakistan.

Their Problem:

The Prostitute:

She had some agreement with Bitch from hell in 2000, through a middle women from Denmark, who was also fired in 2002, :-) probably it was to join Dimethaid, spy on all employees, get rid of bad ones, keep the good ones, and this plan was later adopted by Bitch from hell and it was applied with Robber fourhand's team, and the benefit went to Piercing Robber, :-) that is a different story, or rather I would say it was a pit she dug up for herself, after pushing me in to a pit she and others dug up in 2004. :-)

Note: If this is what happened, then this gave a wide window to the Bitch from hell and her WIMPS to play on both sides, which I think they also did and it seem they continue to do so. :-)

Now she was not given the position and instead of fighting with Bitch from hell, she has been fighting with me. :-)

I was just a Research Chemist, :-) it was/is not in my mandate or even I was not privy to any thing above my pay grade, even in my own department, I never had a single meeting with our R&D Director, though three people changed in 4 years. (Z S House, Zoodith, Philippines women her name starting with B something)

And if the Prostitute still feels that she wants to become a Manager in Dimethaid, :-) in 2019, she will have to take up with who ever is running it in whatever form, as far as I am concerned I was asked to leave on 21st Nov 2004, that is it, I Never went back or I was never called back, ever. :-) 

So she is barking up the wrong tree. (16 Years is a long time for a self claimed Psychic) :-)

If she is not moving up in the wimps camp, may be for numero uno position, it seems back stabbing is also not working, but again I have no say in wimps camp, :-) or If all her puppies in the wimp camp who are loyal to her think I am not helping her in their camp, ;-) which is laughable, but again they will have to take up with their Wimpy Wimp, :-) who ever that is in London or Australia, I think the Numero Uno is a blonde women in Australia. :-) What is her name?.  Por Favor, Birth Data. :-)

Anyway, the Prostitute is retired now, she must be 67 or 68, so she has to take it easy or let it go, her life is over as per me, but some people think life starts at 60, then take up with them, I will not waste my time, money or attention on some retired efed up twisted women who pushed me in to a pit. 

What happened to JMB, he should help her get where ever she wants to go, because she invested all her time, money, etc etc on him and others like Punjabi's, :-) at least till 2005, I think both of them should move to Australia and work on that Numero Uno Blondi, you know back stabbing and stuff like that. :-)

Fare enough.

Becca Becca: I don't know what else she wants, after leaving us all in a mess, particularly me. ?

Cat on the wall: She has her own mind, and wants to live her life like she wants, and keeps her cards very close to her chest, and does not want anyone near her, which is perfectly fine, and she clearly told me "life starts after 60", which again is perfectly fine, everyone has a right to live their life like they want, no one can/should force anything on anyone not even wimps.

Even though it is hard to tell who (wimp) controls her since 2004, I have no complains with her or I don't expect anything from her, and I don't owe her anything and she does not owe me anything, simple as that, because we were not even friends. :-)

Bitch from hell, :-) At 79 If she is still looking for something in this material world or Crazy Wimps world, :-) and might as well be thinking to misuse me or my credentials and my signature all over again, that surprises me, :-) such obsession is rare.

For her I have only one suggestion, PLEASE get psychologically evaluated, it will save lot of hardship to the hard working people of this world and ask for Clinical Psychologist, If you can not ask, ask your pet, SIN'D Tarter, she knows how to ask for a Clinical Psychologist, she has good experience with psychologists, and don't go alone, take your entire team of Alibaba and 40 thieves with you.

And one more favour on this world, give your MBA back to the university which gave you that degree, MBA is for running companies and giving growth to people and the product and not to destroy their careers and mis-manage the companies and also not to project prostitutes as geniuses, in the fag end of your life, try to do something good for this world, I know with that kind of twisted and Ef'ed up mind it is difficult, but you can try.

Wimps: Anyways, wimps only create mess, :-) whatever and where ever they go or touch, and now they are in a mess, so what is the problem, do what ever you have been doing, Traffic jams, Road Rage, sneaking in to people's backyards and destroying plants and grass, lawns, etc. etc. listen to rap, make noise with whatever you can, misguide people, politicians, twisted people or freeload, or just go Ef yourself. :-)

Political parties in Canada.

Conservative Party: This party was in power from 2003 to 2015 and I was never a part of anything, so they have nothing to do with me or I have nothing to do with them, don't tell me they also wants to use SUNNY in 2019 elections. :-)

My suggestion  : They can/should hand over the party to some Punjabi to deal with Liberals and NDP which are more or less Punjabi parties now. :-)

Liberal Party of Canada: I don't know what else they want, they have a good run in 2015 and it is ending in Oct 2019, they can completely hand over the party to Punjabi's, they will manage it better, because they are better then Caucasians in almost every aspect including racism, my personal experience in India and Ontario /Quebec.

By the way "What happened to SUNNY". :-) 

NDP: They have already handed over the party to Punjabi's, good job, so what is the problem, may be they don't know about SUNNY yet. :-)

Quebec: Who said political parties run Quebec. :-) common people wake up.

Third world countries: Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Burma, Philippines, Afghanistan, etc.etc, some 175 countries I can not list them all. :-) it is surprising they are all managed by dicks. :-)

You are anyways screwed on a regular basis left and right by two lines of WIMPS (All Caucasians), does not matter you work for them or you oppose them or you hand over your arse to them like India did. :-) Like I already mentioned about the prostitute, she back stabs those who helped/helps her and those who oppose her. :-) 

Her agenda is not different from the Caucasians on seven continents led by UK/Canada/AUSTRALIA-NEWS ZEALAND, USA and EUROPE, which is: "WHAT CAN BE DONE FOR THE COMFORT OF THE WHITE MAN".

Otherwise, with a back ground like that and with a mentality like that, she would not be on the top, :-) all Caucasians on seven continents know that what ever she does is for the greater good of the WHITE PEOPLE (Caucasians) only, I am not saying fight with the Caucasians, :-) truth is it is too late for that, you can not fight because 175 countries have already handed over their arse to them long back, :-) all you can do is, "If possible", get rid of the dicks in you respective countries who sell their soul to them on a regular basis and protect your countries from total destruction of culture, people and resources.

Don't think only Muslims have a thing called JEHAD, even Caucasians on seven continents have a thing called Jehad, they don't call it Jehad, they call it " What can be done for the comfort of the white man". :-)

And more over EVERYONE LISTED, particularly the prostitute has been spending all their money, time and attention on Punjabi's, so hand over everything to them, what is the problem, I am not Punjabi ( I speak Punjabi though) but the truth and my experience is Punjabi's will never accept any Non-Punjabi, PERIOD.

What happened to SANTA Singh and BANTA Singh, :-) they already predicted a Punjabi will be a PM of Canada in near future, and the Prostitute was helping them with every thing from their business, money, comforts, etc etc, :-) what ever she expects she should expect from them or from those on whom she invested all her energy/money and time.

Bottom Line: See where the problem is ?, :-) and see where EVERYONE is banging their heads. :-)

What can SUNNY do, During Conservatives rule, his business was down, ( Making less then minimum wage of Quebec) when the Liberals came in 2015, his income went down completely, thanks to the Prostitute, Bitch from hell and the Punjabi's, :-) I don't know what will happen If NDP comes to power in 2019. :-)

Ciao for now,


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