Aug 20, 2019

I Understand the Problem - Wimperia & Proxymania


It must be really frustrating to know that the situation is back to square one, particularly when some people assured themselves that they had buried their competition 10 feet's under the ground head down, but within 15 years they are back in the same situation - square one. :-)

I am talking about the bunch of women from Canada-Quebec-Mexico-Switzerland etc etc who did everything with in their power and reach to bury me upside down into a cycle of wimperia and proxy mania and thought they were good and lived their pathetic lives, as if nothing had happened.

But in 2018-19, we are back to the same situation and it took 15 years for me to dig myself up and out and stand in the same situation, but still standing on my feet, of course the wimperia and proxy mania took toll on Job, Business, my customer base, my credit history, credit cards, bank accounts and my financial situation, :-) because they are not controlled by me but by the WIMPS.

By the way:

WIMPERIA is: It is a disease which effects the mind and the behaviour of the person, when a WIMP controls things in their lives, now it has reached chronic level in Quebec-Canada, my neighbours are being played by these wimps like a violin, :-) few neighbours who could not take the daily non sense from the ever demanding WIMPS sold their houses and left, :-) few are vibrating, :-) because the WIMPS make almost every thing a game and demand them from all these people on a 24/7 basis, ok they might be paying or even extending some credit in some form but it must be a nuisance, they demand things like,

go out and smoke a cigarette, or throw things loudly in a recycle bin, or just bang the garbage bin,
go out with your children and make some noise, and I am amazed how grownup people follow them like puppets.
go out with your dog, (Wimps with their electronic Voodoo make dogs behave in many different ways which includes barking etc. and as every inch in Quebec-Canada is under WIMP surveillance, not like it is shown in the TV series " Intelligence", :-) what they show in that TV series was in 1960's.)

Today the surveillance is in such level that in the middle of a night, 10 feet below the ground , in a basement, in the darkness of the night and the basement, as all lights are switched off, when I sleep completely covered with a comforter as it is cold even in summers (Thanks to Electronic Voodoo, Infra red rays can be very cold or hot) and while sleeping place my one leg on top of the other, the WIMP sitting in Scotland or India or Pakistan, or Argentine or Paraguay, or Uruguay working for Canada-Quebec, UK, USA, Australia, Europe. all connected through hundreds of satellites can tell which leg is on top of which leg, :-) and then it does not stop there, that WIMP has technology at his or her disposal to poke with a sharp painful microwave or laser based invisible stream of rays in to that leg which is on the top or bottom depending on which side he is playing LEFT or RIGHT, again it comes down to LEFT-RIGHT games while the actual politicians from LEFT-RIGHT might be sleeping in comforts.

Few more things WIMPS ask people

go out and just bang the car door loudly,
go out wearing this dress, that color,
go out and scream loudly, "KuKu".
go out and drive your car slowly at 15 km/hour from this point to this point,
go out and talk loudly,
go out and laugh loudly,
go out and scream at your children,
go out and talk sweetly with your children, like you are teaching something,
go out and sing, dance, jump, show that you are fun,
go out and play with your water tap,
go out and mow your lawn, trim grass, weeds, etc etc.
go out and drive your car rashly 
go out and honk your car horn,
go out and just look at this empty parking space like there is something, and when this act is enacted I might be parked there. :-)

On top of this add the electronic voodoo because If it works on dogs it works on humans also, :-) If you are near an animal like a puppy and you feel like someone is pushing you to kick it or hit it or push it away, then stop before you act, count 10 or do something else or move away from that animal, it is the WIMPS with their Electronic Voodoo trying to stimulate your brain wireless and also pushing you to act on those senseless thoughts.

It is easy to catch them, :-) or those thoughts, they are it, do it, do it, do it, :-)

The WIMP is obsessed with his games, apart from fun it is also his/her bread and butter, so they will not rest till they accomplish what ever they are experimenting on, so it is a repetitive stream of same thought like obsession, :-) sorry!!! "we are all GUINEA PIGS in Quebec-Canada", India, USA, U.K., Germany, (My experience) but the WIMPS don't call it Electronic Voodoo, they call it National Security, :-) and they need more money, more man power, and more power, like Bill C-51, so that they can control you like a hamster in a free wheel.

My gosh!!!!! NASA's budget is 650 billions USD a year. :-)

:-) This is not once a while, regularly, 24/7 it is like the WIMP has nothing else to do, and the Motorbikes are any way there.

When things are not working and WIMPS are frustrated, they send a Caucasian dick with a pad, :-) and that Caucasian dick impersonates some security company like ADT and some drama follows, the way he behaves is like he is checking on a criminal on parole, :-) and behind the scenes the WIMPS might as well tell similar story to the gullible people.

WIMP: Large number of people (Male and Females) helping each other and in a network of electronics and communication to mislead everyone from the elected to the last man/women in the line and yet get paid by the government, political parties, corporate world and the prospective WIMP candidates. :-) they are present in all countries, they have free access to Money, People and any private or public premises.

Structure of WIMPS:

Begin with a small shopping mall or area, one lowest cadre WIMP (Mostly old Caucasian women) is assigned that shopping mall or area, he or she can do anything even terrorism  which they end up doing mostly, and the police protects them or they can not even question them, :-)there is no limit, they can go into any private or public building even day cares, schools, Clinics, Hospitals are not out of limits, does it ring a bell why there are plenty of high school shootings in USA, it is the job of these WIMPS.

That WIMP reports to a WIMP who is assigned a small town, like e.g. Deux-Montagnes, then that WIMP reports to some one who is assigned bigger area a city, then a province, then a country, then a continent, and finally the Queen on the top is from Australia, a Blond women. :-)

And they say terrorism is in and from Middle east. :-) 

Problem of the WIMP: They stick their nose almost everywhere.

They will not take your name as is, as true, unless they spend few millions of dollars, still, your name is always a dubious one. :-)

I can go on and on and on, but what is the use end of the day when they tell the prime minister to go watch STAR WARS he does exactly the same or when they tell leave QUEBEC-CANADA to us, and you go focus on Ukraine, he does exactly that. :-)

So end of the day it is the WIMP who prevails and 99% people are suffering from WIMPERIA and PROXYMANIA.

PROXYMANIA: It is also a modern disease, currently at its peak in western countries and also in 175 third world countries, everything to everyone is a proxy of one of the prospective WIMP candidate in the race towards top in the WIMP's world. :-) 

Top proxy games are:

Making noise with Motorbikes on Auto route 640 which is behind my house. :-)

Purpose is multiple, some WIMP is trying to hit three birds with one stone. :-)

Story behind Motorbikes as proxy:

In 2010 when I visited India, the LEFT - RIGHT were using Motorbikes and Auto Rickshaws, which one was which side, don't ask me, my big problem is:

Whose RIGHT your RIGHT or my RIGHT, same thing for LEFT, your LEFT or my LEFT. :-)

in 2010, The Province of Andhra Pradesh (My parents birth place) was under CONG-I, and CM was Mr K Rosaiah till Nov 2010, he became the Governor or Tamilnadu in 2010 and remained so till 2016, and PM was Mr Manmohan Singh, :-) but both sides enjoyed taking shots at me in Hyderabad/Tirupati, India, :-) funny part is I was a Canadian Citizen travelling India on visit visa, :-) and I received few messages on my cell phone which read: "Welcome to Andhra Pradesh, India, and this message was from Canadian High Commission , New Delhi. :-)

In short both sides Motorbikes and Auto Rickshaws Mis-Behaved with me in Hyderabad/Tirupati, India, I was mostly with my two teenage daughters so my hands were tied, so it was mostly one sided games with zero contribution from me, because for me that trip was more towards clearing some spiritual debt, which got accumulated from 2001.

Then in 2017, when we were looking for a house as it became almost impossible to live, particularly  for my family in the apartment on Rue Crevier, Saint Laurent, Quebec, due to Cockroaches, Bed bugs, Noise, Water leaks from the apartment above ours, frequent visits by wimps into our apartment in our absence, so we found a house suitable by all reasons in Deux-Montagnes (I will tell the story behind this house in another post) :-) .

We started early morning on a Saturday for our second visit to see the house, and also for the formal inspection of the house in Deux-Montagnes, Quebec, in our 2009 Journey and on Rue Cote Vertu when we stopped at a traffic red light, at the traffic red light, a Caucasian dick on a motorbike stands leaning on an auto bus talking to the female bus driver, we wait behind him giving him 20 feet's of space, the traffic lights turn green, :-) and the talking, laughing , giggling continues but we wait for another minute or so, then I honk my horn, that is it, the Caucasian lover boy on the motorbike gets very angry :-) and he starts screaming right in the center of the road, and the female bus driver does not stop laughing loudly and giggling, :-) I simply pass him with out saying anything as I was with my wife and my two teenage daughters, again my hands were tied, :-)

Then onwards the stream of bikes have been running to and fro behind our house on auto route 640 and it has been two years and they continue, it has become the TOP PROXY GAME for the WIMPS, otherwise ours is a quite neighbourhood and only now and then, particularly when I go into my backyard the motorbikes pass making loud noise. :-)

:-) And the WIMPS must have already applied for more funds :-) so that they can make this game the top priority for which ever political party the Caucasian dick (The LOVER BOY on MOTORBIKE) and the giggling female bus driver belonged, for me they were mere strangers, :-) and my family and me we never talked about it because it was one sided again no contribution from our side except that honking when the lights turned green, and this man is still on my "Show Cause" book, which means I need to know what was his problem, :-) it is not over. :-) 

Anyway this is the story how the motorbikes came into the picture of WIMPERA and PROXYMANIA.

The previous landlord who sold the house to us in Deux-Montagnes were both Bus Drivers, one was Spanish, and the other English-French, this is another angle. :-)

But when it comes to the prospective WIMP candidates, The JMB, The Cat on the Wall, The Bitch from hell, The CEO Becca Becca, The Piercing Robber, The Perennial Wimp, La Prostitute- Genius, none of them ever rode a motorbike, I did back in India from 1985 to 1992, regularly from 1992 to 2001, then again in 2010 and 2015, but all in India but those are quite 100 cc motorbikes, and these motorbikes are 500 cc to 1500 cc to even 5000 cc loud noisy motorbikes. 

Anyway WIMPS always find an excuse to play some proxy games for their fun, entertainment, time-pass, and even to earn bread and butter, but they are all senseless games. :-)

PAST which refuses to rest. 2002 to 2005.

So, I happen to brood on the relationship between the two witches the Bitch from hell (Then 62 yrs old) and the Prostitute -Genius (Then 52 yrs old), I remember the prostitute used to reach office 7:00 am in the morning while everyone else came between 8:00 am to 8:30 am and myself I always arrived around 8:30 am. :-) and the prostitute always left the plant at 3:00 pm, tired of reading Roman history :-) and rest everyone else left between 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm, I myself left around 5:30 pm, the last one was always the Director cum Janitor Callous Lunatic.

Which means me and the prostitute were never on the road at the same time, yes Cat on the wall criss- crossed with my times almost regularly, sometimes she was ahead of me and sometime I was ahead of her and this was with out any prior understanding, mostly because we both took same route. 

The reason the Prostitute-Genius left early was because she had to talk to Bitch from hell on telephone and tell her all the cockamamie stories how she tackled this how she tackled that, but the truth was she spent her time need I repeat. :-) so how the discussion between them must have gone on a daily basis on telephone.

Bitch from hell: Hello Geniiiiius !!!!!  so today how many mountains did you move, feeling mesmerized and proud for her pick with out checking her claimed credentials or back ground.
The Genius: :-) Oh! don't ask, today I set every one in their place and you know I want to do this do that, and I have to do every one's job, teach them, guide them for small small things. :-) (There is no limit for bragging when someone like the Bitch from hell is on the other side.) :-)
Bitch from hell: You have to take charge of the plant then we can together do lot of great things.
The Genius: Yes! (Use nasal sound) but I can do lot of things If the Psycho is with me (meaning me) :-) I was aware she called me psycho or Kuku behind my back, :-) but in front of me she called JMB the psycho. :-)
Bitch from hell: How is he, does he listen to you, do things as and when you tell him.
The Genius: Yes! I am the one who is running everything, he just follows me. :-)
Bitch from hell: That is not enough, he should be on his knees always when ever he is around you.
The Genius: He will be I need to work on him a little more, use my charm, :-)
Bitch from hell: You should scream at him, use bad words, create an atmosphere of fear around you, then you should take charge.

(Note: This is when Callous Lunatic and JMB sit on the floor on their knees in front of the Prostitute-Genius, to show me how it is done. :-)) Readers take note we are talking about Science Graduates, Post Graduates and Ph.D's here in a small scale pharmaceutical company in Quebec, with its head office in Ontario Canada, where the Bitch from hell (Self named) and an MBA was Dir. Op's. :-)

The Genius: I am trying my best, you can check with someone who will witness, what ever I ask him he does and follows me around like a puppy.
Bitch from hell: Ok, I will set it up with few employees to witness, how you control him, I am not satisfied until I see him on his knees.

(Note: It was supposed to be a one time act, you know few employees were asked to accompany the Prostitute near me or my office in 2003-4, when she did few un-professional cave women like things and the employee looked on, :-) but it became a regular game, :-) WIMPS must have been involved, :-)) and this continues even today in 2019, :-) only instead of the prostitute, it is some stranger playing the proxy.

Hence it is called PROXYMANIA.

The Prostitute: (On her regular after 3:00 PM call to Bitch from hell), Use nasal sound, :-) So how did it go with all the witnesses, do I control him enough to take charge as Director of the plant.

The Bitch from hell: I got negative reports, it is not enough he is not doing anything like I want to see, you will have to ask him do illegal stuff, scream bad words loudly when he is around, create fear in him like I did to Jughead Singh, he would pee in his pants when I talk.

The Prostitute: OK, Send Jughead Singh to Quebec, I will do something cave women like and please tell Jughead singh to co-operate and also to Callous Lunatic to co-operate.

:-) Need I write all that, I think I already wrote about them many times.

The Prostitute: Now how is it, am I controlling him,

Bitch from hell:(2004) We have to get rid of him, and replace him with someone who would crawl on his knees around you.

(Note: If someone used common sense, one can see the Bitch from hell was just Ef'ing with the prostitute here, :-) because the Piercing Robber was already on the scene and at the same time he was playing his games, as directed by the Bitch from hell.)

The prostitute-Genius was not aware that she was not the only informant, almost everyone except me who was passing day to day information on a regular basis to the head office, I was left for the WIMPS to handle. :-) "The trouble", as she called me.

Then I had already written how they pushed her into a miserable situation after the audit etc etc, but the Bitch from hell made very sure to keep me in the eye of the almost every storm, and it seems the WIMPS also followed this till now 2018-2019.

Now what happened?

Now the story WIMPS have created, the rumours Bitch from hell/The Prostitute had created and it seems the WIMPS also interchanged the names, :-) like If I write Bitch from hell, I mean the women from Toronto who is 79 yrs old Caucasian-Jewish, and When I write the Prostitute, who is 67 yrs old from Mexico-Switzerland again WIMPS point at someone else, :-) same way Cat on the wall when I write is a 40 yrs old women from Laval, as per WIMPS it is someone else, :-) so WIMPS cook their own Kichidi, :-) even events that took place between me and Cat on the wall, does not matter how mundane they must be are twisted out of context or are told like they happened between the prostitute and me or the Bitch from hell or me, etc etc, you can imagine how many TV serials and how many movies are made since 2005 in 200 countries, the characters are just four or five, :-) any way the real facts now in 2018-2019 are not matching.

Hence the WIMPS who have reached the DEAD END are not able to move any where with the same set of Lies, Rumours, Cockamamie stories, and of course their electronic VooDoo is also not giving the desired results. :-)

Always remember: There is always a Stalin for every Hitler.

Elections are round the corner: Oct 2019 in Canada, and Jan 2020 in USA.

I guess there must be lots of pressure on the Prostitute - Genius with an IQ of 30, The Bitch from hell, another genius from their political dicks for political forecast, so that they can rest-assured and live their comfortable life while WIMPS work on someone's legs playing LEFT-RIGHT 24/7.

I was always considered to be part of the other side by both or all sides of any company I worked for, the reality was I was never a part of any side, not even in the middle, :-) I just lived my life, since they could not explain they just jumped to one simple conclusion that I was on the other side of the table. :-)

Ciao for now.

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