Oct 17, 2019

Caucasian Wimps Vs Me - II clearing COBWEBS

Back in 2002 when P-Genius was bringing pie's almost everyday, during the luring phase, :-) "I will adopt you", etc. etc. phase, one day I felt bad that I was not bringing anything in exchange, so, I asked my wife to cook something like chicken or lamb for P-Genius as a exchange for her pie's. :-)

My wife immediately cooked chicken hearts fry, :-) I have no idea why she picked that item, and packed it for my next day's lunch, and during the lunch hour, I told my mom, :-) yes, I used to call her "mom", because she said she will adopt me as she had no children, :-) and the age gap was also there, she was 50 plus and I was 35, and I also met her sixth husband (Mexican) in her house in St-Michele.

[Note: P-Genius (67 yrs old) and the Caucasian wimps she was working with in 2003 onwards might have told a different story :-) and replaced P-Genius with Bitch from hell (79 yrs old), :-) meaning in their version, it was Bitch from hell whom I called mom and not P-Genius, :-) and then they did not stop there, they also replaced the Cat on the wall (41 yrs old) and all those tits and bits of interactions with me with P-Genius, :-), which means the characters and stories would not match, so Bitch from hell became my mom, :-) P-Genius would be Cat on the wall and Cat on the wall the scum bag. :-) 

Well! I warned Cat on the wall face to face in 2003-2004 to stay away for her own good from the group lead by P-Genius and BFH in general and P-Genius in particular, but she never took that advice seriously, :-) so, P-Genius picked up small tits and bits of information directly from Cat on the wall or from the ever recording Caucasian wimps, :-) which were nothing more then hello, Hi, Salut, and Bonjour, and retold the story to Bitch from hell or wimps or both as If it happened between her and me, :-) but the story P-Genius told ended up as movies in 300 countries with local masala respective to each country. :-)

Yesterday I watched this 2017 movie Suburbicon directed by George Clooney, :-) this is the best example how tits and bits of information picked up from here and there and exaggerate like Caucasian Wimps/BFH/P-Genius do all the time and retell the story as history from 1950 USA. :-)]

I went to her home to collect some movies along with her, on the way she stopped at a liquor store SAQ where she purchased some liquor while I looked around, :-) then she drove through a diversion route criss-crossing St Michele street and then stopped in front of her home, I parked my 2001 Toyota Camry Metallic Silver car in front of her old black Honda car,  she had a huge collection of movies, spread over many open full size cub boards, in addition to collecting some Hollywood movies, me and her husband found a rat running around, so we tried to catch it but it escaped, while P-Genius sat there very uncomfortable watching us, watching her discomfort I tried to patch them up with some nice words, so they kissed each other. :-) 

Her husband made tea for us, while she sat on her black sofa quite and very uncomfortable, and then she took me around to show her entire house, when we reached the garage, she offered her old torn green colored huge carpet stored there, I politely refused, then after few words with her husband in Spanish, :-) I left while both husband and wife walked me up to the exit.

Next day, she told me her husband (Mexican) liked me and he had sent me a yellowish-orange colored T-Shirt with the picture of lots of skeletons on it, depicting the political cub board of Mexico, I never wore it though. :-)

Anyway, during the lunchtime in our pharmaceutical plant, I warmed up my lunch box in the microwave oven while telling her that my wife had cooked something for her, :-) she looked at me with a squirm on her face while eating her lunch, :-) I took out the lunch box out of the microwave oven and voila! as If someone did not want her to eat my home cooked food, it fell all over the floor. :-)

With a sorry, I cleaned the floor and had to throw everything in the dumpster, and I managed with a cup of tea, her reaction was a quick laughter, :-) and then with out a word continued to eat her lunch. :-)

After that I never offered anything to her, my wife asked me how was it, I told her it fell all over the floor, with out saying a word she went in to the kitchen. :-)

Then during that time I had purchased a new computer spending some 4500$ and we started taking video's and pictures with its new web cam, and I wanted to print few of them, and P-Genius suggested she can print them for me as she had this color printer which can print on good quality photo paper.

After that my wife's friends, a Bulgarian Caucasian women and another Pakistani women now living in Calgary, who were her park friends all with small children, they got introduced to each other in the park, they started looking at me in a weird fashion and would not allow me to help them with their children, :-) even though my own daughters were more or less the same age, I was like what went wrong, :-) their home phone numbers were on my office desk list, because many times my daughter was in their home.

Now few pictures that I gave to P-Genius were with my elder daughter also, who was 7 then, now I am not sure where all those pictures ended up, all were electronic, nice family pictures though.

When my younger daughter was born in March 2003, P-Genius along with all the employees signed a card, she signed, "Well done my SUN", :-) I still have that card.

Now I think, rather I should say I know, same old bunch of crazy Caucasian women in the process of framing me for their M.O. (Making their future financially and politically comfortable) during that time, must have created some sick story about those innocent pictures, anyone from the Caucasian Wimps could have stolen them from my computer or P-Genius's computer, and Bitch from hell was always stealing information from my computer, and twisted minds can twist any innocent picture into a twisted story.

Anyway as I had no special interest in those families, they slowly moved away in 2004-2005, but one thing worth mentioning is, the P-Genius would walk in opposite direction in the corridor of our plant and greet me, "Good Morning", like the Bulgarian women's voice and diction, etc. etc., :-) whatever she was trying to do.

There was this another Afghanistan women, whose children came to my wife for tuition, she gave my wife a set of Pakistani or Pastooni clothes as a gift, Salvar, Kurta, Chuni, and my wife she had no clue how these things are played around by the Caucasian wimps in and around Canada-Quebec, :-) she dressed up in those clothes for our family picture in 2003. :-)

Because of the crazy old Caucasian women from my company, my wife lost her network of friends, there were many, a Chinese was also there, their husbands were just hello friends with me, and I even tried to get jobs for them through my contacts in various companies in Quebec, it did not work. :-)

Now except the Pakistani women from Calgary no one is in her contact, :-) I am not sure what game they all played, but surely Caucasian Wimps did play some game behind our backs.

All my contacts in Toronto also slowly withered away, and the last calls I made to them in 2004, I remember they all used to cough, does not matter they were in Toronto, Montreal or India. :-)

So by 2005, all left me, :-) Caucasian Wimps were trying to isolate me and my family, reason only they know the best, it is not that they have stopped now, but they sure have lost track of their own games, :-) because like I said in my last post, even to frame someone there has to be at least some fire, one can not create smoke out of nothing, smoke is a direct result of some fire somewhere.

But it seems the bunch of Caucasian old women with the help of Caucasian wimps did try to create lot of smoke while there was no fire not even a spark. :-)

From this it is quite evident, Bitch from hell and the Caucasian wimps did something and at the same time they also tried to project the P-Genius as the main culprit, :-) I know P-Genius was very much a part of all their wrong doings, and she was a very enthusiastic one also, today in 2019, and now If they even blame each other for everything, it does not matter, for me they were together then during 2001 to 2005, so it makes no difference who is blaming whom.

After 2005, the Caucasian Wimps turned vindictive............:-)

I hardly know even one Caucasian Wimps, but I know them as people all around me like shadows walking around me, there is this Caucasian fat women in her 40's or 50's in Saint Laurent, I saw her too many times, first time I saw her in a ladies saloon in 2001, when I took my elder daughter for a hair cut and when ever I saw her there was some mischief, and she would be smiling away as If she had achieved her life's purpose. :-)

Basically all these Caucasian Wimps wanted was to stop me from doing anything, like I had to give up and call for help half way, :-) and Taa Daaaan ! a Caucasian expert particularly the one kissing some fat women's arse would appear complete the thing that I would give up on.........:-)

But unfortunately for them I always finished what ever I started, it started with the installation of a washing machine in 2006, then a dryer, then a Refrigerator with water connection, then many other things, and recently in 2019, a Patio in front of our house. :-)

The Caucasian wimps would try all their arsenal, you can imagine this stuff, what all kids do in their school, If they don't like someone, it is more or less like it, I have yet to see an adult in Canada-Quebec. :-)

And with the mentality of Caucasian Wimps not above primary school kids, I can very well imagine how all the elected folks must be feeling, because they also have to deal with them on a regular basis, because the Caucasian Wimps are the smart one's, like the P-Genius and the Bitch from hell etc. etc.

Yesterday 16th Oct 2019, was the hearing for the traffic ticket, :-) "Not stopping at a stop sign".

They did their homework, :-) and were well prepared, not like in Saint Laurent, there the folks banked on creating fear, :-) most of those crackpots, I am sure had not crossed Canada or even Quebec in their entire life time and for the past 16 years of more they have been trying to install fear in me. :-)

The Municipal court folks in Saint Laurent did lot of drama with the French language, :-)even though Saint Laurent is a place where the majority is not French or English, it is mixed religion/Language/Nationality/color/creed but here in Deux-Montagnes even though the folks were all French Caucasian, everyone spoke English with me, :-) and they did their homework, when my name (Horribly mis-spelled and pronounced) was called out, the French man sitting in the judge's chair immediately remembered that I need to see the video and he arranged it with in 5 minutes, I was like wow!, :-) because there were some 40 or 50 people in the audience all with traffic tickets. :-)

Well! I could have asked many questions to prolong it, like there was no time or date on the video, and the video did not show the name of the street, or my license plate number, :-) that way the police evidence would fall flat, but it was unnecessary for 263$, till date I must have paid more then 2000$, one ticket on the 10 year anniversary of any speeding ticket in 2011 was for 675$, renewed for another 10 years, because as long as it stays on the record, it is easy for the police to act or it works as an excuse ready available, and how the Caucasian wimps blocked me at every corner from trapping them with that dubious ticket, the Caucasian man sitting in the chair of the judge, name C. Richard, also enjoyed reading the script given to him with a smile, :-) while a black women who replaced a Caucasian women in the chair of the facilitator looked disappointed and unhappy, and another Caucasian women tried to move on as If my ticket was not important and they need to move on with none left in the room, I was the last one, :-) it is all script, but that cost me not only 675$ also 10 points for 2 years. :-) 

Yesterday, when I accepted that I was at fault given the video footage which clearly showed I did not stop properly on the stop sign, and signed the guilty plea, the prosecution and the policeman sitting on the left side of the judge were very happy, this happiness eluded them for quite some time, :-) while the Caucasian lady (Facilitator) with the computer tried to hide her face behind the computer, whatever was the reason. :-)

I did not contest the traffic ticket but I did go to defend myself, :-) now it is for the Caucasian Wimps to decide where I stand, all free of cost or rather costing me hundreds of dollars, so that some dick can get elected and some bunch of crackpots can enjoy their comfortable life for the next 4 or 5 years.

Happy Election time.


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