Nov 17, 2019

Caucasian Wimps orchestration Vs Me III

We started searching for our first house in Canada/Quebec in 2009, more seriously in 2010 with a budget of 200,000$ ofcourse with a mortgage loan (95% or more) from some bank, particularly we were expecting CIBC or TD Bank, :-) but in 2017 when this thing materialized after a lot of hardwork it was neither CIBC nor TD Bank which helped us secure our first home it was Desjardin Bank of Quebec, :-) but they also played little dirty. :-)

It is no secret that Caucasian wimps are involved in almost everything we do, and as a result mostly things go south, thanks to them, :-) but once in a while things also go north due to their overkill, securing a mortgage loan in Quebec, after living 17 years in Quebec as a Citizen of Canada was kind of an uphill task as a middle class family, again thanks to SHarper and Conservatives new mortgage rules for first time buyers, :-) not that Liberals did anything better. :-)

Why is that before and after elections the agenda of any political party does not match, :-) all most all parties they end up literally Ef'ing the Citizens who give them the mandate to safe guard their interests, and it is always the wimps who get the benefits. :-)

I think the reason for this anamoly is, both sides Liberals and Conservatives are run by people whose Roti (Food), Kapada (Clothes) and Makan (House) are secure even before they start their lives, so they can not guage the depth and dimensions of this criteria called Roti, Kapada and Makan, leave alone understand it.

So I did not vote for them. :-)

Then we are left with NDP, BQ and PPP, NDP with Jagmeet Singh was holding a great promise for the Canadian middle class, as Jagmeet Singh is a product of that struggle, that is THE struggle of middle class people in Canada (Quebec included), but I did not vote for him also because Sikh community is a closed society, it helps each other and they scratch each others back, and after working in a Sikh owned travel agency for 8 years on a regular basis in Montreal, I have concluded that they have no place for anyone else other then Sikh, with an exception for Caucasians. :-)

[Canada is a country with a population of 30 millions, If here middle class is not free from struggle then they are not free fromsuch struggle in no other country.]

BQ calls itself Bloc, to us the ethnic minority in Quebec it sounds like block, :-) there are three languages in Canada, English, French and Quebecois, French is taught in adult educations centers like CARI etc, but the language that is spoken in Quebec by the visible majority is Quebecois, :-) I learned French in CARI St-Laurent for 2 years and completed its 4th level in flying colors, :-) though a Russian tutor made fun of me there, :-) but when I listen to people (visible majority in Quebec) talking in Quebec, I do not understand a word they say, :-) because they do not speak French, they speak Quebecois, but they read and write French, hence I could not vote for BQ also, when they start speaking French as it is taught in CARI or when they start teaching Quebecois as it is spoken in Quebec then we will think of voting for BQ, and they could not secure even 50% of the seats (74) available in Quebec with their bold and loud separation agenda.

Recently we needed to erect our car shelter for the winter, and it was short of a strap, and I found a piece available in Home Depot for 34$, I tried to secure it online but my Desjardin card failed, so I went their personally but could not get it as Caucasian wimps had already changed the rules even before I arrived, and Patrick Morin another hardware store had some pieces available but very expensive, 75$ for a piece, :-) for 75$ Amazon sells four sides of a 22 feet shelter and they deliver it in a day. :-)

I can not compete with Trillion $ surveillance equipment  at this moment, though I am working to counter it, :-) and its 10,000 or more strong bots or trolls, or cowards or wimps what ever one can call them, they know our shopping plans before we execute them, so I had to do some JUGAD, it is a Hindi term, I am not sure how I can explain it in English, it roughly means timely, temporary or permanent alternate arrangement made in absence of resources or against all odds, :-) don't expect me to explain it in French, :-) so it worked for this winter with out spending a cent. :-)

So should I thank Caucasian Wimps for saving our money or curse them for blocking us, like I said when there is an overkill it is not necessary everything Caucasian wimps plan or execute will go north in other words in favour of their Caucasian candidates only, or for us everything will go south or in other words against us, sometimes it works in our favour also. :-)

So then I have to pay my Traffic ticket 211$ if paid online, so I thought of using my CIBC VISA/Debit card to pay it online on Ville de Deux-Montagnes website, it did not go through, :-) I tried twice because anything repeated is a proxy for the old retired fat women from Toronto (Ontario) but still it did not work. :-)

And the P-Genius (67 yrs old retired fat women from Mexico) who lives in Quebec or lived in Quebec, though a Gringo herself, :-) calls me Gringo, blames the old fat retired women from Ontario for everything the Caucasian wimps do in Quebec. :-)

[Gringo usually means an American in Mexico, but it is being used in Quebec/Canada for an outsider.]

I think she should not flatter herself, as far as I know either of these retired women can barely move an inch, everything that is done in Quebec, Canada, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, UK, USA, Australia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Nigeria, it is done by the network of Caucasian wimps with their Trillion$ surveillance equipment and 10,000 or more wimps,  

Ivory Coast is selling their Natural Coconuts smeared with their shit in Quebec, so folks If you buy coconuts in Maxi-Cie in Quebec, make sure you wash them properly or just break them outside your home, because Ivory Coast might be a proxy for Elephant, Elephant is a proxy for Republicans or Conservatives, :-) then you might ask why the shit, shit is a proxy for money, because If one dreams of shit it means money, see where the proxy mania has gone or is going, :-) Maxi-Cie is also a proxy like all other stores and malls. :-)

Proxy-mania has already reached the chronic level, it has done irreparable damage to the brain/mind/psyche of all the people involved in it particularly to the Caucasian wimps, like I said proxy-mania is in its overdrive, :-) now the Caucasian wimps are negating each other with their overkill or overdrive, as a result their candidates who can not or do not move an inch are more dependent on me then before, :-) and they want free service. :-)

Basically the predicament is and it means, they will not do anything or will not move an inch in any direction, :-) and Caucasian wimps who always work towards protecting their interests, and they always have been working against me, so they will also not do anything, :-) that leaves me, and anything I do, the Caucasian wimps will award that as a credit to their Caucasian candidates (Including P-Genius) :-) who otherwise will not do anything or will not move an inch, Elephant or Donkey or Red or Blue. :-)

That leaves PPP, I read about it in Wikipedia some times back but I did not remember, they had one seat in 2015, Beauceville, recently I happen to communicate with a tree felling company from Beauceville just before elections, they visited our neighbour to cut a tree damaged by borer worms, co-incidence or Caucasian wimps orchestration, :-) they wanted to communicate on telephone only not by email and again my phone is also hacked 24/7 by the Trillion $ surveillance equipment of the Caucasian wimps, so it never happened, but after the elections I see PPP lost even that one seat. 

But I think Jagmeet Singh was the main factor for every one's loss as well as wins, I really wanted him to win with out my vote, :-) as his agenda was way better then anyone, at least for the struggling middle class of Canada and Quebec, I can not vote for a Sikh person as they have no place for people like me. 

What keeps me awake:

I am still trying to wrap my mind around the thought that how and why I had helped lot of very ungrateful people in my life that includes my own family members in India, :-) in return they only screwed me nice and good, so what about the outsiders!, they anyway screw people around, it is THE culture, and people like P-Genius it is their only strength, :-) otherwise they can not survive, it seems I am the only item in her agenda, and she is hanging on to that thread (Proxy Games) with all her might, or she knows, she will vanish in to oblivion like she never happened.

That one thought bothers me so much that I lay thinking about what was I thinking, because most of them did not deserve to be helped it was their bad karma, they were supposed to suffer, but I went out of my way to help them or bail them out of their sticky situations and in return I got not just their ridicule :-) but also the wrath of the Nature If Universe is too big for it. :-)

And it became a challenge between me and the Universe, it is like the Universe has been/is saying, "Oh! Oh! so you want to meddle in our affairs and help those who do not deserve", "let me see how far you can go with this ideal", :-) and it kept pushing me in to a corner, and I kept helping one after another scumbags and douche bags, this includes P-Genius also, :-) and in return I kept receiving punishment after punishment after punishment from the Universe.

But there is one thing that went in my favour, my spiritual growth went North, it got catapulted to such dizzy heights, but again I can not share it with anyone as same question arises, do they deserve, and what good it will do to anyone, and If I share with the ungrateful one's what I will get in return here on this material plane is ridicule and punishment. :-)

Hence! I keep to myself, because there is hardly one person who can think like me, there might be few somewhere, but then I have yet to see or meet them, but in general, all everyone wants is to use and throw everyone, :-) yesterday I was watching a Santa Claws movie "Bad Santa (2003)" it shows the ugly drama, how it is played, it does not matter you put which fat old Caucasian retired women as Santa, the drama will remain the same, and with Caucasian wimps with their trillion $ surveillance equipment shamelessly in use, the drama is bound to remain such.

But still against all odds, USE is still ok, 70% people in this world are used on a daily basis with out a thanks in return, but the "THROW" part is kind of getting little difficult to digest", and the Universe is unrelenting, if the throw is by some ungrateful one..

Hence! I could not vote in this elections (2019) also, though the voters card came all right, thanks for that and now I see, like always the political parties Liberal/Conservatives/Green/PPP/NDP did not win this elections also.

Numerology: 2020 accounts to number 4. :-)

Middle Class Prosperity Ministry:

Well! I thought middle class people were struggling in Canada  (Quebec included) to make the ends meet and live a life up to the standards or level of life a Canadian should live in Canada (Quebec) as Canada is one of the G-7 countries. :-) 

I think Canada (Quebec included) needs to define the term Middle Class, because understanding of middle class might differ from country to country,  province to province and even place to place, like in Saint Laurent, Quebec, life of a Middle Class is one of the worst, (I lived 17 years in Saint Laurent) given the 24/7 surveillance, traffic tickets sent by mail, condition of children in schools like Ecole Enfant Soleil, where children as small as in pre-scolaire and Maternal are screamed upon by the Caucasian female teachers and administrators or ladies responsible for taking care of them during school hours, in addition to the 24/7 surveillance by Caucasian Wimps, even St-Germain and Emile Legault or any other school is not free from this, parents who go to drop their children are the targets and continuous meddling by Caucasian wimps not just in schools but in almost all spheres of life in Canada (Quebec included), and they get paid. :-)

Kids who come from Lower income middle class families are served free meals in St-Laurent, Quebec, which is not less then trash, human hair and garbage was found in it, these meals were supplied by YMCA. :-) here we are not talking about "PROSPERITY", here we are talking about minimum human dignity. :-)

I know when ever there is a talk of increasing the minimum wage even by 50 cents, there is a huge outcry from almost all the influential people, but when corrupt CEO's take home millions when fired, no one talks about it, MP's take home basic salary is 1,75,000 CAD$, plus 60,000 If they hold a portfolio, etc, etc, wow!

We do not have a lower class in Canada (Quebec included), what we have below Middle class is Students with debt, Individuals with no jobs, business or children, Citizens with debt as a result of Caucasian Wimps orchestration, homeless people, physically and mentally incapacitated to earn a livelihood by birth, fate, accidents, and by design, people who are reduced to a vegetative state due to experimentation by the Caucasian Wimps, :-) you know the Wireless Brain Research, etc. etc. 

I think the definition of Middle Class in Canada (Quebec Included) should be like : People who are in the middle and live in apartments paying 50% of their wages as rent or own houses paying 50% of their wages as Mortgage payments and eke out a living by earning their income in places owned by Government and Private individuals, and are paid less then 75,000$ per annum, and when fired they get nothing, and when laid off, they are allowed EI for 15 months only, after that they have to learn a new trade, or find anything to keep things going or fall through the cracks to even 0$, but the life they live is still middle class. 

And above 75,000$ should be defined as Upper Middle Class, who are well off.

[Note: The very purpose of Democracy was to see that no one from the community falls through the cracks. and get minimum Roti (Food), Kapada (Clothes) and Makan (Shelter)  :-), I would include Education and Health also as minimum essentials, but this entire idea was discarded by the smart or rather cunning folks (all political parties) as socialism. ]

Trap and Blackmail Ministry:

This is another very important ministry which needs to be made public, and it is required in almost all countries, :-) because right now the folks involved in this kind of work hide behind other agenda's to carry out their illegal activities, like national security etc. etc, once this ministry gets its official recognition then anyone like BFH or P-Genius or any other low life like Identity thieves, who wants to live a easy life at others cost can simply call the toll free number of this ministry and place their order, :-) any way this kind work is carried out on a routine basis, :-) so why not make it official.

I think SHarper's conservatives tried to do it through Bill C-51 but ran out of time, they should have called it, Trap and Blackmail Ministry.


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