Dec 30, 2019



30 DEC 2019

2020 accounts to number 4, apply this to your birth number, if your birth number is 4 you are good.

Just to get an idea, how this new brand year will be like for you, go back into your past and recollect events, from the following years.

The closest previous years that you have already lived with number 4, were 2011, 2002, 1993, 1984, 1975, 1966, and etc. etc.

And also (More or Less)  this new year will also be like one of your previous years, like 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010.
Astrology 2020, 

Moon: Currently on 30 Dec 2019 is in Aquarius and moves into Pisces on 01 Jan 2020, and will move one house every 3 to 4 days.

Sun: Currently in Sagittarius will move into Capricorn on 15th Jan 2020 and then move into Aquarius by 13th Feb 2020.

Mars: Currently in Scorpio and will move into Sagittarius by 8th Feb 2020, so all that feeling of vexation in Scorpians will subside to some extent by 8th Feb 2020 and Sagittarians will have to deal with it till 22 Mar 2020 and then it moves into Aquarius.

Mercury: The greenery of life, the speech, communications, currently Mercury also is in Sagittarius and will move into Capricorn on 13th Jan 2020, people who are interested in Speculation, investment should watch both Mercury and Rahu. 

Venus is in Capricorn as of Dec 30 2019 and will move in to Capricorn on 9th Jan 2020.

The Venusian charm will kind of leave the Sagittarius and Capricorns will feel it in the brand new year 2020, and as Venus moves roughly a house every month, it will bestow that charm to all the natives of 12 houses beginning with Capricorn in Jan 2020 to Sagittarius by Dec 2020.

Jupiter the largest grah has already moved into its own house Sagittarius last month i.e. Nov 2019, so Sagittarius will feel more homely in their pursuits towards gaining education, knowledge and also in other pursuits.

By Nov 2020, Jupiter will move into Capricorn and join Saturn, stirring up some old dust and creating some new avenues for Capricorns in particular and all other natives in general.

Saggitarius/Dhanus described. 

The Rāśi Dhanus rises with its head and is lorded by Guru (Jupiter). It is a Sattvic Rāśi and is tawny in hue. It has strength in night and is fiery. A royal Rāśi, Dhanus is biped in first half. Its second half is quadruped. It has an even build and adores an arch. It resides in the East, resorts to land and is splendourous. Lord is Jupiter.

Sagittarius: Thighs, royal, attorneys, government offices, aircraft, falling, sparse hair, muscular, deep eyes, upright, honest, genial, gambler.
Saturn the slowest moving grah will move to Capricorn from Sagittarius on 24th Jan 2020.

So people whose Moon or Ascendant are in Libra will be relieved from its 7.5 years cycle,
But for  people with their Moon or Ascendant in Scorpio, they will experience another 2.5 years of tardiness in their day to day activities.
Similarly for people with their Moon or Ascendant in Sagittarius will have to wait another 5 years before they can take a sigh of relief from Saturn.
And for people whose Moon or Ascendant are in Capricorn, for them Saturn brings new change as the house belongs to Saturn, but slowly over a period of 2.5 years.
Similarly for people whose Moon or Ascendant are in Aquarius, Saturn will bring new changes, which will come in to affect over a period of 7.5 years, as Aquarius is the Moolatrikona of Saturn.

Capricorn/Makar described. 

Capricorn/Makar is lorded by Saturn/Śani and has predominance of Tamo-Gun (a disposition, seen in demons). It is an earthy Rāśi and represents the southern direction. It is strong in nights and rises with back. It has a large body. Its complexion is variegated and it resorts to both forests and lands. Its first half is quadruped and its second half footless, moving in water. Lord is Saturn.

Capricorn: Knees, marsh lands, watery places, alligators, beasts, bushes, slender bulls, long neck, prominent teeth, witty, perfectionist, patient, organizer, cautious, secretive, pragmatic.
Ketu : The head less demon which bestows misery in the material world is currently in Sagittarius and will move into Scorpio by 25th Sep 2020, where it gets exalted.

Rahu: The Head of the demon who had tasted ambrosia/nectar by deceit is currently in Gemini and will move into Taurus by 25th Sep 2020, where it gets exalted, out of all the grah Rahu brings the worst in the human minds, i.e. lies, rumours, speculation, deception, deceit etc.

The Major change for 2020 is Saturn moving into Capricorn by 24th Jan 2020, and will remain there for about 2.5 years.

Saturn represents Addictions, Bondage, Descipline, Karma, Longivity (Or Death), Servants, Sorrow, Thefts, Filth, Muscles, Astringent taste, Useless Trees, Ant hills, Multi colored robes, Metals, Material and Winter.

As Saturn moves very slowly and takes about 2.5 years to move through the 12 signs, people experience delays, tardiness, and frustration, and people who have Moon or Ascendant in Aquarius, for them the 7.5 years Sade Sati cycle of Saturn begins 24th Jan 2020, which effects Income, Job, in first 2.5 years, then relatives, friends, etc. in next 2.5 years and Health in the last 2.5 years, mostly in this order but it can be in other combinations also.

Aquarians will have to take precautions and move with utmost care in their day to day dealings, like talks, speech, actions, (Karma), particularly at their work place.

Note: The positive and negative effects depends on the strength of the grah Saturn, weak and debilitated Saturn (Present in birth chart in Aries) gives mostly mild and positive effects, and for those with Saturn in Libra, Aquarius, Pisces, or Sagittarius the effects are more severe, and also check the Astakavarga points for each house, 4 point is average and less than 4 is weak, and more than 4 is strong.

All the best for 2020.


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