Jan 5, 2020


Who is my Guru?

First and foremost credit of being my GURU goes to my parents, for providing me with everything I needed, so that I could get educated, learn and make myself able to face the world, which they did in flying colors and never let me or my siblings down, for which I am grateful and in debt. 

But the question comes, what is so great about it, all parents do that, even animals are doing it.

In that case my parents did something most parents do not, they initiated me into the spiritual world at a very young age of 9 years, and my mother was the first Guru who told us all the mythological stories best to her knowledge and introduced Bhakti yoga, and my father was already walking the path.

What did they install?

YAM AND NIYAM, not in its perfection but yes they did introduce them to us, I followed and incorporated them into my life on a daily basis, as they both followed it on a regular basis.

Next comes our hundreds of teachers in various schools, who were imperfect and not very apt at their work but they did best to their abilities to give us some education, of course few stand out because of their exceptional abilities, but all that education was for the material world and nothing towards the spirituality or for the spiritual world.

The big shake up?

It came in 1978-1979, Living in Agra, I was in 7th grade, first time I saw a human dead body being burned on a pyre, and this was done next to the railway tracks in a village which was with in the viewing distance from our living room window, it was an exception, I went with my few friends and brother and had a good look at the burning corpse, and that night I could not sleep, tsunami of questions overtook my mind and since then it was the norm, questions and questions and questions but very few answers, my parents all they could tell is dead people go to heaven. :-)

Then my two teachers employed by my school (Guru's) who introduced and taught us ASANA YOGA, for four years from 1980 to 1984,  I followed the instructions and incorporated them into my daily routine.

I started working, got married, had a child,

Then comes the YOGA sessions with two yoga instructors, a male and a female.

They taught us, Shanku Prakshalana, Yam, Niyam, Asana Yoga, and PRANAYAMA, and PRATYAHARA and other needs for YOGA.

I learned them and incorporated them in to my routine life.

Then I was introduced to DHYANA (also called meditation) by their GURU, he also gave me my personal mantra.

Then I moved to Canada in 2001. (The turning point.)

Then after 4 years of lull or nothing towards my spiritual life, after I lost my job the real Spiritual life begun in 2005.

Three or four Gurus helped, they were Internet, Google, Wikipedia, and later You Tube. :-)

Millions of people who manage them, upload information, should get the credit for helping me with my spiritual progress, this includes thousands of YouTube channels, and websites.

Late Shri Swami Shivananda through his website stands out in this crowd.

Craving for more clarity:

At this point I reached a point where humans living or dead were of little help, I needed more clarity.

Then there are so many Guru's like Fauna and Flora, Pets, Animals, Birds, Trees, flowers, Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth itself, my family, my Children, because information can come from anywhere and anytime, all a sadhaka has to do is keep his ears and eyes peeled.

Then came the Guru's from Ancient world with all their creations.

Atri, Brhigu, Kuthsa, Vashishta, Gautama, Kashyapa, Angirasa, Panini, Parasara, Shakti, 

Vishwamitra, Shuka Brahma, Narada etc etc few to name.

Then Jagat Guru Shankaracharya with all his incredible Sanskrit creations which introduced me to the wide world of spiritual ideas and visions.

Then Lord Ganesha who gave me the permission to pursue Kundakula Vidya, and my Kundilini flowed and remained flowing non stop since then and it is in laya. (I can see it with my own eyes, like I see other things in and around me.)

Then came the three Param Gurus,

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu and Guru Maheswara, Param Brahma, 

and their feminine consorts, Mata Saraswati, Mata Laxmi and Mata Parvati as their blessings.

At this point all my spiritual faculties came alive, and up and running, Chakras appeared.

Blessings from Mata Gayatri, Rama, Shiva, Krishna, Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Allah, Nanak, it continues, it is like they are joining me, my wife brought Sai Baba with her when we got married in 1995, and I always felt he was smiling at me, and I always asked him why are you smiling at me, no answer.

The journey which begun 45 years back came to one milestone, Self Realization. 

Now I know the journey has just begun...…………:-) it is like I have just acquired tools for my further journey, but good thing is I have reached this milestone before I am 60, which is still 6 years away. :-) it was not easy but once I reached this milestone all the hardship I went through is gone like a feeling of visiting some place.

One thing is sure If I do not falter like many did at this point which appears unlikely, because more then me the universe is more determined, :-) I am not returning to this Earth, it is confirmed, :-) and also with the other two subtle planes attached with Earth, meaning I have passed my examination with flying colors. :-)

My Ancestors were informed of my achievements. 

The benefit of Self Realization: You have a hot line and everyone past, present are in easy reach, darshan is easy, it is like you call them they appear and respond, spiritually speaking.

Exception is the Humans. :-) 

There is so much to see, I need more clarity.......and the Guru's said wait! (So this what I am doing waiting for further instructions from the divine.)

I am not only grateful to all of them, but very thankful for all their direct or indirect help with out which I would be another human running in circles, and deceiving myself with false pride and false ego, and wasting my time, which would take me nowhere but downward.

What I want to give to this world? (This is based on whatever clarity I have for now)

I am not in a hurry, I will take my time, as I have a long way to go, I will probably write few books in Sanskrit first, then in Hindi and then in English and French, which will cover all topics of spirituality and will help everyone irrespective of color, creed, caste and religion.

I am not suggesting any change of faith, I will bring only the clarity, but it will be given to the true seeker only.

May be a School, where adults above 40 who need clarity in what they are seeking will benefit, which will be limited to Spiritual pursuits. ( At this moment I have 11$ in my account so a long way to go before I begin something like that.) :-)

A Spritual clinic in all cities around the world which will help people free of cost.


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