Jan 12, 2020

2020 Year of the Rat


We have already started this year with a bad omen of killing 176 innocent people who were like sitting ducks travelling in a bomb, we also call it a 21st century modern era aircraft, I think nothing is an easiest target then a commercial passenger airline, there is no escape for the people who board them, hence it was picked by the cowards behind the cowardice.

My condolences to the near and dear of those who were deceived by everyone involved, particularly my heart goes out to the children who boarded that ill fated and pre-destined aircraft.

In today's world (Trillions of dollars are spent on surveillance) in 2020, all we can say to the victims is "we are sorry, we are in no position to counter or predict such attacks", so when ever anyone travels by any airline always travel with some good insurance, at least your family or children will not suffer from financial woes.

Last time I travelled in 2015 to India,which was for my mother's funeral by British airways, which was my first time, I found out BA is one of filthiest airways strictly speaking in terms of customer satisfaction, comfort and treatment, I travelled with some good insurance because the vibes were not very good, and the British airways pilot was only having some fun, :-) when we reached in the air space of Iran, right above Iran, the pilot dropped the flight many stories and he did that few times, well I enjoyed the drop, it was like a large sky screamer going down, I am kidding, people were all asleep, this was done when the crew requests the passengers to put on the belts, which is just above the forever war zone and once we entered Pakistan air space they took off the warning, :-) Iran (Tehran) was all lit up with lights and Pakistan was all pitch dark, so was India, and then on return the BA fights were delayed for repeated scrutiny both at Hyderabad and London, so someone travelling with very high insurance might as well trigger all the alarms, :-) because the network of intelligence in 200 countries after Sep 9/11 Is like Mimosa Pudica.

And when we reached London, the pilot of the British airways wanted to have some more fun so he dropped the flight in a cork screw fashion causing some dizziness (Additionally induced by the Electronic Voodoo onboard BA), this he did near the London Heathrow airport, and in Montreal the pilot could not repeat that but he did something else. :-)

After returning to Montreal I send British Airways my dissatisfaction and guess who replied, an Indian guy replied for British airways, and the reply read "Thanks for the feedback and please travel again". :-)

The reason I am writing this again in 2020, about British Airways behaving like that, just above the Iran's air space in 2015 is, because it suggests that pulling down a passenger aircraft above Iran has been in the plan for quite some time, so it is not a surprise or it is a mistake, the culprits have been just waiting for some moment to take advantage of it in multiple ways, and If a pilot behaves like that, trying to scare passengers midair, it obviously suggests, the idea in 2015 itself was already well discussed and shared among all the influential Caucasian circles at least in Britain, because the airline pilot was the executor of that idea.

This behaviour of the pilot is documented in 2017 Hollywood movie, American Made, Tom Cruise as a pilot of the passenger aircraft does exactly that scares the passengers by dropping the flight midair, though in the movie it is highly exaggerated, the Caucasian Wimps can not resist to show the bravery of such real life people, :-) that is what it is considered, dares of the Caucasian people, :-) they have to document it in some media platform and nothing can be better than movies, this is also one reason why I watch lot of movies.

And as far as the BA pilot is considered, he must have been jacked up into the secret society of wimps as a hero, that is what the movie American Made suggests. :-)

Just imagine that pilot was a non Caucasian or Arabic, BBC would have run that story for months. :-)

Question: Even if Iran's Military made a mistake as they are under tremendous pressure, for now let us accept that for the sake of discussion, question is in recent past why such mistakes with passenger air crafts happen always in and around Ukraine.?

In case of this Ukrainian flight, whatever happened, who ever is responsible, one thing is clear, the Inner circle of Iran is no longer united, the Rats from outside and inside have already torn their unity apart, whether it is good for Iran or not only time will tell, but given the recent history of Arab Springs, and many invasions into sovereign small nations etc. it only indicates Iran is headed for some very bad times, it would sure be another mess and we will be effected indirectly and this would further strengthen the Terrorist Lobby or the people who are running THE Terrorism as a business, and I am not sure how many American soldiers will be sacrificed here for a cheap political distraction. 

May be this is the new way of terrorism by the cowards, kill and then say we are sorry, or for political distractions the so called rich and powerful resort to such below the belt hits, in this case the culprits seems to be well protected, I am well aware that Non Caucasian citizens in the west are considered expendable, this is one of the reason why immigration is even allowed.

Question: What does this entire episode suggests to the small small nations like Iran, North & South Korea, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Yemen, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Phillipines, Saudi Arabia etc. etc. etc.



USA refuses to sign many treaties all by itself and stands alone, which are mundane and ordinary when compared to the NUCLEAR NON PROLIFERATION TREATY.

I think every country in this world needs to have their own stockpile of NUCLEAR WEAPONS, and acquire them openly and with out fear or shame, take the name of the GOD and do it, GOD is on your side, ANYWAY they will put your country under sanctions whether you have them or not, :-) which means you are FUCKED both ways, so why not at least buy some time by acquiring the NUCLEAR WEAPONS, which might deter them from engaging directly. :-)

See, no one is stopping Australia or Canada from selling Uranium to nuclear countries like India or Pakistan, it is just business for them, because USA has a special clause for India and Pakistan, I think If special clause exists then every country should have access to it.

The reason everyone is in this situation is because 175 countries are not united, there used to be something called NAM, none of these 175 countries will ever be part of NATO anyway, and why it is not possible that USA and Russia might be using this Nuclear equation to their advantage to keep 175 countries on their toes, so the target for all the 175 countries should be to increase their Nuclear stockpiles to the level of USA and Russia.

It is a simple CHANAKYA NITHI, if it is difficult to understand, follow Winston Churchill's policy, a dictator who had killed 10 times more people then Hitler, :-) yet he got Britain its respect, political and money power, veto in UNO, lead over 175 countries and the pride back after 1950, :-) he is the real phoenix.

Before 1950 these very 175 countries were crying,
After 1950 these very 175 countries were crying,
After 2001 (Sep 9/11) these 175 countries were crying,
In 2020, These are the 175 countries still crying. :-)

Back to 2020, The pattern which is emerging now, though it is too soon to say but still, the pattern is Russian Equipment, Ukraine/Malaysia or some third country airlines in and around the middle east and some people who are the target.

Millions of people from the west and east fly over the middle east each year and governments of these people are hell bent on messing up the middle east, :-) it is like fools, who are trying to cut down the branch of that tree on which they are seated, :-) which clearly shows that the folks who are responsible for governing these countries are with zero visibility and very twisted visions. 

It sounds like madness, get it done at any cost, something like that. :-)the personal diary of the culprit might read, A passenger airline to be shot down above Iran - Check.

And Astrologically speaking Saturn has not entered Capricorn yet, it is moving into Capricorn on 25th Jan 2020, the natural 10th house, and Jupiter has already moved into the natural 9th house.

So Dharma is in Jupiter's hand, and the Governance is going to be in Saturn's hand, and Saturn is a slow moving, filthy but very strict when it comes to indiscipline, bad karma, and it will also record all your bad deeds, particularly the Government, Political parties, Police, Law and Order, Intelligence, Royal families, all are under the radar or the scanner, so people related with all these areas need to be very careful in their day to day transactions, indiscipline will not be tolerated, karma will strike back.

It is not like Saturn was not in Capricorn before, last time it was in 1991-1993, so one can go back and see how things were then and kind of co-relate, but keep in mind the morals are way low now.

In layman terms it means politics in almost every country is bound to nose dive as far as morals are concerned, which are already very low, we are going to see more such cheap techniques for political survivals, only question one need to ask themselves is, are we going to see the NADIR point in the human history and record that never before we have seen such cowardice, but express it as bravery.

Another victory for the Trap and Blackmailing Ministry, two people who were trapped and blackmailed for giving up their lives emerged, one from 19th century and one from 20th century, I felt bad for both of them but I think I will keep it under wraps for now.


Caucasian Wimps are upbeat :

The Caucasian Wimps are upbeat, is it because they could pull down a passenger aircraft indirectly or directly, or is it because they cornered Iran, it is a small country with tons of issues of its own, it might become another Iraq or Syria, what is the big deal or is it because I wrote Saturn will hold the 10th house issues for 2.5 years.

Whatever, I know for the Caucasian wimps in UK/USA/Canada/Pakistan/India this is time for celebrations, and it is of no surprise that Humanity has come to this destination where people celebrate for killing innocent people, when they are in the most vulnerable position.

If Caucasian Wimps can not resist the excitement, they can give each other a medal of bravery, and don't forget the folks fooling around in the Canadian Tyre not able to contain their excitement, it has been a while I have seen them so excited.


Most appropriate song for this moment.  2020.

Written by Anand Bakshi,  It is Metaphorical.

Chingaari koii bhadke,  (If someone lights a spark.)
To saawan use bujhaaye (Then the rains will put it out.)

Saawan jo agan lagaaye, use kaun bhujaaye?  (But if the rains start a fire, who will put it out?)

PatajhaD jo baagh mei.n ujaaDe (If a garden is destroyed in the Autumn)
Woh baagh bahaar khilaaye    (It will bloom again in the Spring.)

Jo baagh bahaar mei.N ujade, use kaun khilaaye? 

(But who can revive the garden that is destroyed in Spring?)

Maanaa toofaan ke aage   (I agree that before a storm )
Nahii.N chaltaa zor kisii kaa  (No one can use force  )
Maujo.N ka dosh naii.N hai (Yet this is not the fault of the waves )
Yeh dosh hai aur kisi kaa  (It is the fault of someone else )

Majhadaar mei.N naiyaa Doobe  (If a boat starts to rock midstream  )
To maajhi par lagaaye  (The boatman/Rower can lead it to shore )

Maajhi jo naaw Dooboye, use kaun bachaaye?  

(But if the ROWER drowns the boat, who can save it?)

Canadian Mythology: Fighting Demons

Bitch from hell Vs the Dumbanic the genius.

BFH is fighting her own idea, back in 2002 to 2005 she was on Dumbanic's side blindly, with out any back ground check or vetting, she projected her as a genius, all she saw was her pale skin, :-) not that anyone has checked or vetted BFH also, but both sides have devoted lot of money and time in checking my background, :-) a spectator on the sidelines and they continue to dig, well they are not doing it now, India is doing for them. :-)

Since 2005 she has been fighting that idea, which was her own creation. :-)

In 2020, this fight continues, now it has reached the level of Hate.

It is also called fighting your own demons.

Since 2002, I have been just a spectator watching from the sidelines the drama unfolding, folding, unfolding, folding then again unfolding.

And it seems the Wimps/Cowards are very happy they have won. 

Whatever :-)


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