Feb 2, 2020

Not a Mistake it is a Blunder

History: 2003-2004

Just for the record, back in 2004 when Dumbanique the genius after getting projected as genius in some anti social outfit, it could be a political party, I am not sure, they never revealed it to me, but she turned very cocky and brat like firing people at will etc. etc., of course her god mother and proctor Bitch from hell was hand in glove with her, till she got herself fired along with the CEO. :-)

That is not the point, by now everyone including the staunch Caucasian wimps who are not capable of seeing the reason leave alone the truth also know that they made a mistake, well folks it is not called a mistake it is called BLUNDER, in capitals :-) and blunders are punishable, particularly if it effects someone's livelihood.

well! again that is not the point, :-) point is back in 2004, Dumbanique the genius who cleared all her debt, her house paid off, her new car paid off, and she was getting paid 50K plus for reading roman history on company time, :-) and all employees including cat on the wall were dancing to her tunes, thanks to the instructions given to them by the Caucasian wimps, in that situation she was thinking how to make me go broke, Evil has been always on my tail, since I was born, it is only that it looks for weak minds around me to express it self, then, it was these two women who carried the weakest minds on their shoulders. :-)

And she did everything along with her god mother to see that I go broke, and Caucasian wimps (I think they are 75,000 strong in at least 3 or 4 countries) as ever ready they are, pounced on the opportunity, :-) and did not let go off me.......:-) they must have seen a prospectus candidate for their various dramas they play from time to time around the world, then it was the terrorist drama top on their agenda, :-) in 2002, it seems when the UK -Canada-India wimps informed US wimps they have selected a candidate, the wimps in US wanted to take a look, so a conference in Hilton, Philadelphia USA was arranged by the Bitch from hell, :-) I attended with my Supervisor and I found I was being watched. :-))

As a result 2005 was a very difficult year for me and my family, but we steered clear of it.

By the way some people including Bitch from hell might be thinking why Dumbinique the genius is like that, mean and back stabbing, deceptive :-) well! this question is like asking why does a SCORPION sting, the answer is, it is the nature of SCORPION to sting, so it is your choice whether to have a SCORPION as pet or leave it in the wild. :-)

Does not matter with whom you keep her she will eventually sting them, irrespective of whether they help her or not, problem with people like Dumbinique the genius is, when they are well and comfortable, they don't give a damn about anyone, but when they are in trouble they want everyone to attend to their woes, my elder brother is like that, so I had someone right there since my childhood, this attitude was not just towards me, but even towards our parents and other siblings.

And If some Caucasian Wimps think that I will work for her just because she got catapulted to some heights by Bitch from hell and others, :-) back in 2002 she could not write a small SOP of PH meter, that is her first impression with me, it has not changed, she and Bitch from hell together could not manage a small scale pharmaceutical with 30 employees, they are bound to fall and fail, no matter 75,000 Caucasian Wimps work for them. :-)  This is my confidence, it comes from my experience with them and my experience with people. :-) so no worries, we managed 2005, it was the toughest year, I don't think any other year will be as tough as 2005.

Moreover I don't see any reason or purpose for such an endeavour, I don't know what I will do, I will be like another piece of furniture, :-) and above that there must be severe competition among the 75,000 plus Wimps to grab her attention, :-) Moi, Moi, Moi ,Moi, Moi, Moi, Moi, Moi, Moi, count 75,000 times, :-) it will be like entering a mound of termites. :-)

I am not expecting any apology from the parties involved but I think some punishment is in the order and it will be served when the time arrives, :-) till then enjoy your lives filled with ignorance, ignorance is like a veil of illusion, some times it has a purpose.

But no one has escaped from punishment till now. :-) Trust me, it is a long list of  insensitive brats, and people keep joining it. :-)


Story to remember: ( This story also tells how we Indians pull each other down all the time, which could come as a surprise to many people outside India, particularly to those who live like Termites.)

Time period: 1990 - 1995,

Place: Jeedimetla Industrial area, Hyderabad, Telangana (Then A.P.), India.
A Managing Director, (Telugu, Forward caste - Reddy) Multi Millionaire, politically connected, around 40 years old.
A QC Manager, (Telugu, Forward caste - a Brahmin by birth not by virtue, around 45 yrs old), Struggling with Money and family issues, his brother just died of stomach cancer, got this job because he worked with the MD back in some company as colleagues chemists, he could barely ride his small scooty, every day he got into some accidents and would arrive with some bleeding injury.
Production Manager (Telugu, forward caste a Brahmin again by birth not by virtue, around 35 yrs old), joined the QC Managers campaign and behaved as if I did not deserve to even exist.

Another Employee (Telugu, Forward Caste - Probably Khamma,around 30 yrs old) M.Sc, joined as Supervisor QC, under the QC Manager.

Me: (Also Telugu- Forward caste - Naidu by birth) MSc, 23 to 29 yrs of age while in that company.

Title of the story: No Need to Mess with. :-)

Back in 1990, I was forced by the circumstances to take up the job, the MD sensed the urgency because the cover letter was stained with turmeric from previous day lunch and he offered mere 850 Rupees as stipend with lot of conditions, but the situation was such I could not refuse, the top two characters took the interview as I applied for QC Chemist, it was a paper ad, but the MD felt I should join the non existent R&D department instead, again with conditions like you are under observation etc. etc.

I joined the company and I was given a 4 x 4 sq feet space next to a sink in the QC lab, and I shared the table with the QC Manager, it appears the QC Manager went around the company telling he is going to take care of the R&D as well, :-) but it took one week when he was sidelined by the MD.

But I continued to sit next to him sharing his table, but he started to show signs of resentment, and he started a campaign against me, I was just 23, just out of the university, with nothing behind me, an ailing father, and this man started to mess with me, he did not stop, all the senior managers in his age group, caste, joined him, so did his employees with few exceptions.

[He would tell me a story repeatedly of successful R&D Chemists in other companies who would simply resign to threaten the management and then get a hefty raise and continue to work with salaries as high as 50,000 Rs, and it seems he got this story fed to the MD that I was planning to do so, that is when I came to know his designs, when I resigned, the MD quipped, your chapter in this company is over, expecting that it was a game I was playing to get promotion or a raise, what a dick, :-) I never asked for a raise in past 6 years, he should have known, but he lost me, I told him, yes! my chapter in this company is over, so I resigned, he was shocked it was not a game, it was real, because working in that lab was like working in an open bus station, all kinds of people walking in showing their resentment, the cause for resentment, I was a non Reddy, and making three times they were making and many years junior to them, and I had all that freedom to do what I like, when I like, how I like, it was simply jealousy, I think If I was a Reddy, then they would have followed me, accepting my abilities.]

Then came the new employee, as a supervisor in QC, he behaved like he was just dropped off by some alien ship on a special mission,  :-) the antics, hype, acting, lots of drama, but he also joined the gang and would not respond to even my greetings, as I had to share their laboratory and resources, and MD saw it as an opportunity to teach me a lesson that when you work in a company you should kiss ass for promotion and growth etc. :-)

I left them in 1995 as I got a better opportunity and my salary doubled, then it tripled the next year, the game was already set there, my first day there, someone slashed the seat of my motorbike. :-)  

One fine day, the MD asked the new supervisor QC to just go and sit in the QC Manager's seat, which he did, the QC Manager who had by then sold his apartment and purchased a small house near the company to settle down as he got rid of competition, :-) poor fellow had no option but to leave with heavy heart and no on to complain, so he got his punishment, which he was asking for, he had to again sell his house and move away to a new city I think Vishakapatnam with his family, he had one boy around 15 yrs old, relocation for that boy etc. etc.

The Production Manager who joined the campaign, one day was found in a trench with busted Appendicitis, he fell from his scooter into the trench, and I went to see him, well! the QC Manager wanted to see him and he needed a ride, so he asked me to go with him, post surgery he laid on his bed, I asked him how he was doing as a courtesy, he refused to even acknowledge that I was there, such insensitivity, insulting guests in your home is very punishable, I could never understand what was his problem in 6 years, when I resigned, even before I was relieved he got my name removed from the employees register, he was in such a hurry to get rid of me.

I went to get my PF transfer in Dec 1995, so I asked the reception that I wanted to see the MD in his office, he immediately asked to come in, and he offered Tea and asked me to be seated, then he told me how four of his employees died on a centrifuge, which has caused him so much trouble, then he looked at my pocket, there was this pen in my pocket with Sai Baba on its holder, it was my wife's pen, I just borrowed on that day, :-) then he asked me, how I was doing and how were the things in my new company for me, because he used his connections and his influence in Cong-I (Managed by Reddy's) to create something there for me, :-) which I had to deal with it for the next 6 years, before I moved to Canada.

After few months, I was attending a seminar, and there comes the Rude QC Supervisor, he approaches me and asks me about the position that was advertised in papers in the company I was working, :-) the same fellow who would not return my greetings, was standing there with folded hands and apologetic face, I just told him the truth, the position was already taken. :-) he sheepishly walked away with a long face, which suggested he was having some bad time, I guess being an opportunist not always brings positive results. :-)

All these characters are colored people, including me, all were Telugu (Mother Tongue) Indians, all were forward castes, :-) only difference was sub-castes, and all of them were my seniors by age and experience, and I was very polite and friendly with them, but they chose to mess with me, and not that I took any revenge or ran a parallel campaign against them, I just left when the opportunity showed up, :-) there was no farewell, :-) or people came to say bye, they were happy, they got rid of a huge competition and a non Reddy.

Apart from the Reddy factor, there was another factor, Jealousy, because the way I function it is free and frank, with out any fear, and I do what I have to do, and everyone want that in their lives but when small threat shows up, they succumb to it as a result they end up scheming, planning, running campaigns and in the end they suffer and make others suffer, I don't do all that, I simply move ahead with out any plan or even idea of where I am going. :-)

Bottom line: The QC Manager was in a very good position, all he had to do was build his struggling life on it, but he chose to mess with some one who was 25 years behind him, and in bad shape financially speaking, :-) and he paid such a huge price, when I heard that I felt bad, but I was not there, same thing with the MD, I was his employee, loyal, honest, and adding value to the company in a big way, working 16 hours a day, 6 days a week, even 7 sometimes, but he chose to ignore all that and mess with me, well! he has not learned his lesson fully yet, :-) eventually he will, :-) the other characters are general characters who are just opportunists like most people on this Earth, so nothing personal, but it seems his shroud of hype vanished when he faced reality in few months, where I worked 6 years against all odds.

Theme of the story: There was no need to mess with me.

If people remember this story, it will remind them that messing with me has its own consequences, sometimes they are very severe. :-)

Suffering from Constipation :-

It seems few folks who developed or help develop wireless technology to induce constipation in citizens of their country, are suffering from constipation themselves, :-) and instead of destroying the technology, they came after me all over again, I am not the solution for that, destroying all your surveillance equipment which is spread over the entire continent is the solution. :-)

As far as I am concerned, thanks for the free detoxification, I was anyway thinking of performing shanku Prakshalana (Cleaning my GI system), and I was feeling lazy, so Wimps used their TRILLION $$$$$ surveillance cum Electronic Voodoo equipment to do that for me. :-)

I feel so light. 

By the way, the next phase of struggle for most of the 175 countries will be,  fighting the Surveillance cum Electronic Voodoo invasion, which is under survey now, :-) the agenda is to turn every single country into Quebec, because Quebec is a province which is under wireless surveillance from three countries, UK, USA, Canada, and also Quebec, every inch is covered, when ever the wimps are frustrated they play with my ass or with our dish washer or other electronic gadgets, and where they can not install, they carry the surveillance equipment in a backpack, you will see white guys walking through the streets of downtown Montreal with a backpack, it works like Google Map but in X-ray/Thermal or Infra red waves, the other source of such surveillance or invasion can be through second hand cars, If you find old cars abondoned in the streets, they are the ones holding the technology of surveillance cum electronic Voodoo.

After all 2020 is year of rats.

Confirmed : It is a blunder.  :-)

You should ask the Bitch from hell and her bunch of geniuses with Trillion $$$$$$ hacking equipment, :-)why I am saying this....:-)

She will be 80 yrs old soon, and it seems she has only counted 80 years, maturity equivalent to even a mustard seed has not popped out yet in her brain, I think it is about time this frog needs to be put on some flight and sent out for a world tour to get some first hand life lessons. :-)

I have already said it, she could not manage a small scale pharmaceutical with 30 employees, and wimps are so obsessed with destruction they do not even see what they are destroying, it is like the troll has only one finger and can only read letter D. :-)

That is why the scriptures warn that it is not important what kind of equipment you have, it is important what is the purpose.

By the way, which political party has handed over their arse in her hands, they should call for an urgent meeting and throw her out or she will end up doing some irreparable damage. :-)

And don't tell me the wimps had spent few millions of dollars to stop my 50$, you might loose a million $ for each dollar I loose because of hacking by your wimps. 

Bottom line: People who constantly think how to dig holes for people generally fall in them. :-)  


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