Jun 28, 2020

Crackpot Express

Crackpot Express:

The Crackpot Express is a human train which has two engines running opposite directions, and it runs sometimes towards left side, sometimes towards the right side, the tug of war continues morning to night every day depending on who is leading for the position of chief crackpot in the train, :-) which changes from Morning to afternoon to night.

And the crackpot express shuttles continuously between two stations, "Suspicion", and "Ignorance", and it stops at station "Non Sense" for refueling. :-)

And the crackpots expect me to keep track of all the nonsense every minute, every day free of cost, while they get paid. :-)

The Fight:

The fight is between the people and the Crackpots, the Crackpots want complete control on every aspect or all spheres of every single people's life. 

Though the crackpot express has been in a special fight with me since 2001, i.e. when I came to Quebec from Toronto, (I am still digging the entire reason behind it)  and slowly it escalated into an international crackpots Vs Me fight, I think NSA USA got involved and was taking too much interest in me, even the Indian wimps from India also joined them in 2004 or earlier.

[Note: If NSA USA screws a Canadian in Canada via the Satellites (International network of Surveillance cum Electronic Voodoo ) or a third country like India, then what do you call such an agency, I think it becomes a Cross Border Terrorist Organization, and vice versa.]

In the fight between the Crackpots and the people :-

People are 8 billion plus and the Crackpots are some half a million in 156 countries, but in an excellent network, communications, perfect fascism based leadership and hierarchy, who are mostly nominated by the current crackpots, but the requirement is one should be a genius with double N, :-) and I think except me everyone else is a Genius, double N or not need to be verified. :-)

In this fight between Crackpots and the people for the control, there is a sizeable number of people who are played like a violin by the crackpots fall in between the two, we call them politicians, :-) and I think out of all of them, Mr Donald Trump is the most misguided President in the entire history of USA, no wonder he crossed his sword with Madam Hillary Clinton, even today she might have a bigger say in Washington then Mr Donald Trump and Mr Obama put together. :-)

I have one simple question for all of them, :-) how do you tolerate such disgustingly scrounging misguiders, get rid of them lock stock and barrel, you have your people's mandate, so why do any politician need crack pots as a medium who Ef'up every thing.

What they (Crackpots) do?

Like recently in India, Indian railways started non AC sleeper class stops anywhere, goes anywhere special trains for so called daily wagers, Cong-I which screwed them for 70 years and never included them in any of their five year plans, in 2020 was calling them "Nation Builders", they were some 400 Millions before COVID-19, now more then 600 Millions are there and increasing as you read, because many from the middle class also joined them, and all are workless and moneyless, I fear If the present situation continues a genocide is possible due to hunger.

Having said that, there are 250 Millions already below this class of people in India alone, I have no idea how they survive, Para Brahma only knows how, :-) but they not only survive but also thrive and multiply, more they are pushed to the bottom more they multiply.

Back to non AC trains, :-), the same day our Car's AC stopped functioning in Montreal, Quebec, :-) and we also had to drive around in a non AC Car during the recent heat wave, and yesterday we went to Canadian Tire to get it fixed, we were made to wait three hours and we were given a detailed picture how things will be done, and after three hours were told it has been fixed, and we were charged 425$, I should say my wife ended up paying 425$ with her Credit Card and the AC is still not working, which means we have to go back all over again.

30 June 2020, I called back and I was given instant appointment, :-) and a lady named Chantal picked up the phone and transferred me to the service, and after I explained, how the AC was not working, a request for verification was placed and the car was checked with 49$ fee added for the verification, :-) and then they noticed that in fact it was not working at three positions, so they rectified and the AC is now working at its full capacity, but I was told it will cost 149$ more to rectify the fan controls, :-) which I refused, and then I was asked to pay 49$ for the verification, which I refused and it was taken with out any argument. :-)

Note: The problem faced by most people in Quebec or Canada is suddenly with out any provocation or reason, the person behind the cash counter behaves badly, when that happens, take a good 360 degree look and you will find some Caucasian women wimp or even a Caucasian Man bitch standing around watching the person at the cash, :-), I saw more then once in Scotia Bank on Rue Chabanel, :-) it appeared he was insisting the lady clerk to get my signature, which was not required for depositing company funds in company account.

These are the Crackpots who visit/enter/replace the clerk, receptionist, impersonate any employee from police to airport staff, customs etc. etc. almost in all outlets private or public, with out any restriction, like James Bond :-) but Canadian  or even Quebecoise, and they also not only force people at cash to misbehave, ignore, talk lewd, pass comments, misplace a scanned item etc. they also watch If this dictum is being carried out, I think If the employee refuses to comply is fired like I was fired from Dimethaid Manufacturing Inc, Varennes, Quebec in 2004 Nov, for not accepting the dictum of the Operations Director (Self nick named as Bitch from hell) in Markham that her pet the Dumbanique the cave women from Geneva Switzerland was a genius, and like everyone else I will have to kiss her ass no matter what. :-) 

I refused from 2003 to 2004 and eventually when they felt I would not comply, they fired me with out any reason or provocation and with out any benefits, :-) To the vindictive minds of these women it was not enough, :-) such huge ego's they (Not they, the Crackpots) started a campaign domestic and international, :-) but why did India join them so promptly in 2005 is still a topic for my digging.

Now a days I see a 7 feet tall black big guy where ever I go, I saw him in Rona, Aisle for Screws, only Aisle with restriction for 5th person, today I saw him in front of Canadian Tire, he does not do anything, he just appears lost, and just walks around. :-) 

Another issue with crackpots is they have been going around running a campaign, which is to patch me up with some Caucasian women, this has been going on since 2001, i.e when I came to Quebec, it is a different story I did not accept the advances of many women, or various women, because of a simple reason I am legally married, and  :-) at 54 I am unable and I have more important things to do for my spiritual progress. :-) 

The reason why I was extra careful, :-) even though there was this seven year itch, :-) there was this instance in India, there were three women, two senior, and one very young, and a single Veterinarian employee, :-) he was also my neighbor, :-) the young women was little like a bimbette, may be she was not, but she sure appeared, and was already having an affair with someone else, I saw them together on a bike in Banjara Hills in Hyderabad, India, :-) like Bitch from hell he also tried to run it on me using bunch of women very close to him, :-) I am not sure why such people are caught by me only, :-) any way, the three women hatched a plan to take the single, young, unmarried Veterinarian for a ride, and they informed him that the young women wanted to meet him at a certain place, so he got dressed up and reached on time and waited, waited and waited, it seems the three women appeared together and surprised him, like April fool, etc. etc. :-) so I was already aware of women quite capable of playing such games even before I came to Canada and with Dumbanique's reputation with men, I would not touch a man with a 6 feet pole, and women, are you kidding. :-)

I think in this campaign, Bitch from hell has a big hand, because I caught her kissing an employee square on his mouth, later when Dumbanique joined in 2002, she took over and jacked the entire game to different level given her expertise with 250 men. :-)

I think we need to find that wimp who has been working on this project, "Patch him with a Caucasian women", since 2001, and ask him to stop for this free service, :-) because I never asked anyone for this service.

And someone in 2001 informed me, rather "warned" me that before 2001, near Du College Metro, Saint Laurent, a Colored Man and a Caucasian women were killed because they were in some kind of affair, :-) could be a political game played by pro Canadian Crackpots to tarnish the image of Quebec and Minorities, you know this was post second referendum period in Quebec, so people can go to any lengths for their political purposes.

So, now you know what the crackpots do through their large numbers, digital connections, etc. etc. these are just games for them. (Mind you they get paid for playing these lousy and lazy games.)

What do they get?

I have this Air miles card, and when ever I buy things I get few Air miles, and once I accumulate some 100 miles I get some 10$ discount in Shell Gas Stations, I am not the only one who gets these points almost everyone who has a card can get and this card is free, almost anyone can get this card.

The issue is, when ever I get that 10$ discount on gas, :-) because I accumulated them by spending my money on things, the crackpots claim that I was given that discount because "Bitch from hell", :-) a 80 years old Caucasian women, who used to be an Op. Dir. in a small scale pharmaceutical with no income or product, and this women after putting me in a shitty predicament in 2004 because of her lack of life experience, she got scared because of some political pressure, got herself fired along with the CEO, she also promoted white women employees left and right and kept a colored Ph.D from U.K. in same position of Supervisor for more then 7 years, whom she called he was her teacher, :-) is now very generous in 2020,  :-) hence I am getting that 10$ discount.

Have you heard more ludicrous story then this. :-) I do every day.

It is difficult to understand, :-) but this is what crackpots do on a daily basis, they come with such ludicrous ideas every day, I am tired of laughing. :-)

These crackpots are mostly women (Caucasian) who are very active and are trying to prove that women are superior, :-) the liberated women force, etc. etc. but they mostly end up hurting women (Financially ) in this process, like now in this AC- Non AC game it is my wife who had to pay 425$ during COVID-19 era, while the liberal party in Canada had taken care of all the deserving folks with CERB, which gives the deserving person 2000 $ per month for 8 months from March 2020 to Oct 2020 while they stay home, No I am not deserving, :-) people like me :-) along with other people under economic sanctions by the crackpots were systematically sidelined by the crackpots from availing any CERB or any other financial program released by government of Canada since COVID-19 arrival.

Note: It appears women from some party in my neighborhood are claiming how they handled me, :-) and it also appears they are bragging :-) about it with their Montreal counterparts, :-) " Haaaannn", you people could not handle him in Montreal (Saint Laurent) in 17 years, look we the powerful women (I am not sure which party) see how we handled him here, see and learn.

Actually my dear Caucasian sisters, :-) back in 2004, I confronted one women (Dumbanique) for her cave women like behavior, she went complaining to 10,000 people in 10,000 countries :-) and even today in 2020 she is complaining, :-) and not just that, Bitch from hell who was not present in that situation, :-) this women badly needs a special therapy to stop building castles of lies and rumours on thin air or hearsay, in fact she had got herself fired few months earlier :-) also went around complaining to a million people in a million countries, :-) and it appears even today in 2020 she is also complaining, :-) not just this, my own biological sister who is two years junior and lives in India with her husband, was also complaining about my behavior in 2005, :-)  she said, " If you can not behave in Canada properly, come back to India, as If someone from India was responsible for my Canadian immigration, and Canada was not a country but a school, :-) where all the kids were supposed to behave like convent educated nuns, this in 2005- 2006, which shows the crackpot express from at least 6 countries have been complaining since 2004 Nov, :-)  it is like they created a permanent station called  "Complain", :-) for the Crackpot express. :-)

Question: Did India take such Economic precautions for their working class before implementing lockdowns 1 to 4 ?, all the western countries did,  :-) they might be in deficit, but they can always print more paper and exchange for goods and all they need from China. :-)

[Note: Indian PM clarified on NDTV few days ago that India had started a program of 5 Kg free rice or wheat per month to 800 million people till Nov 2020, which is almost 2 and half times more population then USA, which is true but I still have a question. :-)

Mr Prime Minister of India, Can you survive the whole month with just 5 kg Rice or Wheat, and Wheat needs to be pulverized, and I think during lock downs the pulverization machines were also shut, and people in India had run out of money, so how will they pay for the pulverization of wheat, by the way just for information 10 times or more that amount of food grains rot in ill constructed make shift godown's all over India.

In my home, a family of six, we consumed 40 kgs of rice, 60 kgs of Wheat, many varieties of Daal, Chicken, Meat, Eggs, 20 kgs of Sugar, 10 to 12 kgs of refined ground nut oil, mustard oil was used for body massage, coconut oil for hair only etc. etc. every month, 70% of my father's earnings went in to just food, imagine such a family is asked to survive on 5 kgs of rice or 5 kgs of unpulverized wheat for 8 months in a row, it is just a question of reality or practicality, the reason I am giving my father's example, because most middle class families have no savings so did my father he had 100 Rs in his bank when he retired.

So, only a direct deposit of 2000 $ per month per family would help a family like my father's family to survive in similar situation and to continue live their normal lives still without any savings, which Canada's Justin Trudeau did for all the deserving families, some with children even got 4000 $ per person per month for 8 months, so a couple received 8000$ first payment and the first payment was for two months, we did not avail any of those plans as we did not qualify.

I am also raising this question because few western countries have been hobnobing with India lately with extra cheese or double cheese, :-) so friends should always share information on equal basis, but the way lockdowns were handled in India, it does not appear the information was shared properly or equally.

Question: What will India get?   

I can drive around in a Non AC Car also, :-) I come from a very hot Ef'ed up country called India, and while growing up we have lived in one of the hottest places like Agra, where we had to buy ice to rub on our bodies to avoid prickles but still we were covered with prickles, :-) then on top of that eating whole lot of Mangoes was the norm during summer, :-) and then on top of that, with swollen bumps on the forehead due to Mangoes, there were these hungry mosquitoes to deal with, to avoid them mosquito nets had to be put up, so due to the thickness of the fabric the heat inside the nets would go up, and the fan air would not penetrate those Mosquito nets provided by Indian Air Force, those were our summers, night after night we lay on our beds covered with sweat.

When ever we travelled we travelled by Non Ac sleeper General class on Indian Air Force CV voucher, which I guess was free once every year, reservation would cost some extra bucks but my father would not spend those extra bucks for reserved births, and the train would stop anywhere and everywhere for hours with no power, and the free general compartment was left out with out engine on the side tracks for hours, thanks to my mother's always available portable kitchen, we always had plenty to eat and drink, :-) so it did not matter much, how long the trains stopped and where. :-)

In 2020, Caucasian crackpots are scaring us with some heat and Non AC. :-)

India Vs China

It is surprising that two countries with 1.3 billion people are trying to outdo each other for some 2 km land in a cold desert, and interesting things to note is that India which did not do anything when China occupied Tibet and forced all of Tibet with Dalai Lama to flee to India, and kept mum on this issue for so long and now for 2 km of land they are ready to bet everything on it, but this time China is stuck in some predicament, and that predicament is forcing them towards India.

What is the Predicament ? :-) anyway!  May be Australia can shed some light on it, :-) or they do not want Indians to know. :-)

Question: Who will win If India goes to war with China?

Multiple choice:

a) Canada
b) Australia
c) USA
d) U.K.
e) Pakistan
f) China
g) India
h) Russia
i) All of the above

Answer: :-)  

Question: Why is Pakistan so quite and appears like it is waiting for something? It is just a question that came to my mind, just ignore it, it is a small insignificant country, so is Nepal. 

Question: Why is that the entire west which hobnobs with Dalai Lama and Buddhism but does not even talk about Chinese occupation of Tibet, :-) and instead gives tons of business to China ?.

USA - 500 Billion $,
Europe - 500 Billion $,
Australia - 300 Billion $,
Canada - 300 Billion $,
U.K. - 350 Billion Pounds,
India - 5 Lakh Crore Rs, and there are other 150 countries.

And on top of that there are two other issues, 

1) The dark money syndicate which is with China right now, period, and the western countries which are part of this syndicate, cannot tolerate China using it left and night to create ghost towns, in the past 20 years since Sep 9/11 China has done such face lift of its towns in vanity, no other country has done, and that is not possible only with their business monopoly.

2) The equality in currency exchange, like the USA $, Canada $, Australia $, U.K. Pound, Japanese Yen, this must be on the table for quite some time along with Russia also vying for it, but for this status, China will have to do something, what is that something?, and for whom?.

Where does India find itself in this bargain ?. :-)

Proxy games?

In this India Vs China propaganda, does India and China know who owns them in the proxy games?.

The Indian wimps who play these proxy games are they on India's side ? the wimps in Canada are not on Canada's side, Canada lost its SC bid, :-) and they are happy that India got SC seat all over again, why are they happy?. :-)

And wimps in Canada want to replace Justin Trudeau with some women, :-) they are just waiting for the right time, :-) it is all about the women power, :-) but back door entry for the women power, will that be ok for the reputation, I don't know it's women power and women's superiority. :-)

Not only that, they even informed the aspiring women three years in advance, and the fake media has been working very hard to create an impression about her in the minds of the people, like she is also a genius. :-)  

I have nothing against her, but she should strive for the PM's position face to face with people of Canada like Justin Trudeau did, which means lot of things, not through back door, because reputation of women in political circles is already very bleak, particularly in Canada, do not spoil it by taking the back door, and for GOD sake or your sake do not listen to Bitch from hell, :-) because that women thinks screaming at people is the way to show power or authority, :-) and that women could not manage or mis-manage a small scale pharmaceutical, here we are talking about politics and not to become Hitler. :-)

Intelligence Agencies:

This question all country heads will have ask themselves, Is their intelligence with them?

If not? for whom are they working? and on what are they working and spending billions If not Trillions ?

Almost every day I feel they are watching me from the sky, :-) while I am working in my yard, how much does it cost to the government, :-) they should send the bills to which ever dick is responsible for this wastage of resources.

I think when you give video games to boys and girls, they get addicted, and they need more and more and more, and there is no end to it, may be someone can think of some de-addiction program, or else Trillions need to be pumped to keep the boys busy playing live video games.

For India: Do they have Intelligence ? :-) I am not talking about Chai - Samosa departments, because IF Intelligence was there ?, they should have warned Indian government of the impact of COVID-19 on its economy way in advance and a possible genocide due to hunger, but they did not or they could not, which means Indian Intelligence is either not there, or it does not work for India, or If there they are busy planning stupid proxy games for you know who. 

So, what Indians need to do is to figure out where is their Intelligence, what happened to it, may be it got COVID-19 in 2017 itself. :-) 

"Jaane Kahan Mera Intelligence (Agency) gaya Jee, Aabhi to Idhar that Kidaar gaya Jee", Kone Kone dekha na jaane kahan kho gaya, " may be Mr Modi should sing this song. :-)

While I was in India (1966 to 2001), I could not qualify in following examinations:

1) Probationary Officer's exam SBI, IOB, I wanted to work in villages and do something there, but I could never qualify, I tried some 5 or 6 times.

2) Civil Services Preliminary Exams, so appearing in the main exams was out of question, though I was preparing with Chemistry and Public Administration. :-)
3) A.P. Civil services - I could not write because my written Telugu was almost zero.
4) Indian Air Force GDOC, Mysore, I cleared the instant exam but was not selected in the 7 day long Interview, though I stayed 7 days at the Air Force base and three people out of 600 applicants were selected, where were they during those 7 days, I never saw them, there was this Sq. Ldr. Sharma, I had no idea what was his problem, :-) he kept picking on me, now I know, :-) and on the final day, the Sikh Air Cmdr. felt I looked too happy,  :-) may be they needed sad faces. :-)
5) Indian Army Officer's Course, Bhopal, I cleared the instant exam but was not selected, same story, but back in 1983 my classmate from 11th grade, a Sharma, who got so scared one night when I told him how a female ghost walks outside his living room, that night he (16 yrs old) slept with his mother, later that year got in to Indian Army and must be a Col. now. :-) 
6) CSIR examination for Ph'D program, I tried twice, first year they were testing my Physical Chemistry, and second time they were testing my Inorganic Chemistry, while I did my Masters in Organic Chemistry, and I had plans to do my PhD in Organic Chemistry, so probably I should have tried the third time. :-)
7) Group B Civil Services, I think I tried twice, :-) nothing is more discouraging then not qualifying for Group B examinations, If you want to break someone, just ask him to appear for Group B exams in India and see that he does not qualify at least 3 times, :-) that is it, that person will never do anything in his life. :-) (May be Dumbanique should consider this in her breaking people's spirit program sponsored by crackpots.)
8) I tried sports, Cricket, Football, Athletics, :-) the selectors ignored me like I don't exist, bastards sat their chit chatting and never looked what we were doing, tough our Sikh physical training teacher warned me in advance that I can try, but no one will even look..
9) Singing, I appeared in one audition for Zee T.V., the lady felt I can not sing. :-)

There was this English teacher from my 9th grade in Punjab, India, a Gehlot, her husband was a Flying Officer or Flight Lt. in Indian Air Force, she was so nasty right from the day one till she left us in 10th grade, she would find excuses to insult me, her elder son was few years junior to me, and she also asked other teachers to be mean to me during my high school years 1980 to 1984, there was this teacher Asthana from Bihar or U.P. who could barely walk or stand straight, felt I was not fit enough to take part in the parade, I had no clue then for all that non sense, but today I know. :-) "Mera Bharat Bahut Mahaan". :-)

Only exams I came close to selection were,

1) A.P. Medical Entrance 1984, A.P. Backward class reservations protests caused delays during that time, then in 1985 I got 1306 rank, (1500 seats were there) but as my father was out on a 56 A.P.O. address it was impossible to communicate with him, each letter took 15 days to reach one way through Indian Air Force head quarters in Delhi.

2) Osmania University M.Sc. Chemistry Entrance Exam, and I got that one seat because my dad was an Air Force Employee, otherwise I would be working in some road side dealership with my B.Sc, selling Washing Machines and Coolers. :-)

After going through this process, I did not want my children to go through it at any cost.

Now Modi's government has given some reservations for the Economically backward forward class, but above all the reservation system in India is hurting India and no one else, and even after 70 years of caste based reservations the lower classes have remained where they were in 1947, in fact they have grown in numbers as the culture is to multiply as fast as possible, particularly in eastern states.

Today during COVID-19 era because of this "crackpot promoting crackpot" culture, Indians are looking below average everywhere, and it is showing on all its T.V. Channels, does not matter how deep it is dipped in chocolate, it is still showing.

Who Controls India in 2020 ?. 

Multiple Choice, 

a) Bitch from hell, (80 years Caucasian old women who lives in Toronto, who thinks colored folks do not deserve anything) the Suspicion Express, and every now and then she creates a new suspicion and survives on it from few more days, :-) and had tried to make a career out of it, :-) and wants her son to take her place to rule the world, he must be around 45. :-)

b) Dumbanique the cave women from Geneva Switzerland, (Used to live in Montreal in 2002-2005) The Ignorant Express, ignorance is working for her, as her each item of ignorance is taken seriously by the crackpots and it gives her few more days to survive, and is also making a career out of it. :-)
c) b's  boss in Australia
d) a's boss in U.K. London
e) Russia
f) China
g) Pakistan
h) Nepal
i) Sri Lanka
j) Dubai based don like Dawood.

Why USA is not included in the choices above, USA itself is stuck in a predicament of its own, and has been trying very hard to get rid of these masters from Australia, Canada and U.K. or may be even Spain, Italy, Germany. :-) 

Now you know why President Trump was shunted to India recently, :-) it was not to bolster President Trump or India. :-) Think people think, stop promoting crackpots.

Answer: :-)  Actually I do not know who controls India, because everyone and anyone is taking shots at India. :-)

Aborginal Express:  By the way just for information, who ever reads "Indians" repeatedly in my posts, please it means Indians from India and not the native Indians travelling Aboriginal Express, which has no destination or station to stop, it travels between two stations, "Deprivation" and "Injustice", non stop, and it is systematically managed by RCMP at least in Canada, the situation is no different in USA also, for humanity's sake, they owned this part of the world for millions of years. :-)

I think I am done with bashing, :-) it was somewhere down in my belly it needed to be addressed, phew! it feels good.

Some women are working on "Me Too" in my neighborhood, it appears I sure pissed off some women in Liberal party. :-)

By the way Diablo's know me as Diablo, :-) so it depends a lot on who you are.

07 July 2020,

Sun Shines equally brilliantly everywhere at this time of the year, even in the cottage country in Ontario.

By the way, I thought I should remind some people, ARSON is crime.

One should know that even If a person is not talking, the MIND always screams.

Only one should know how to read them, and eyes are windows of the MIND.


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