Jun 18, 2020

Dealing with Pandemic

Normally I want to write every week but there are thousand things I have to think about, :-) one of them is some people connected with some political parties, not only are claiming that this blog belongs to them but also they have been trying to get hold of it, but thanks to the two level security, it is still with me. 

There is this person from my past who has been trying to understand my passwords for quite some time now, the psychology behind it, :-) what ever is the purpose, No, No, my bank account has few hundred $, and they remain their because my expenditure is very less, I think it is less then 500$ per year, :-) because reducing one's expenditure is also one of the Yoga Sutras.

The purpose of finding out my passwords is much deeper, I do not want to take the cat out of the bag at this time and spoil the fun, :-) let them work on them.

A point from the past, (Gade Murde)  :-)

What happened was this person went to USA in 2003 to attend some conference and before leaving she asked me the possible questions one can ask on certain topic, as I was a much lower cadre employee I could not say no, so I gave her a detailed possible questions, and since then the scheme was started to trap me in some predicament so that a leash could be put around my neck, and whenever she would need information or knowledge based information, she would tug the leash, :-) and she would bask in glory, but I saw what she did to a person with a PhD, whom she called teacher, just because he was colored.

During that time she and her connections in the wimp club finished off a Cambodian employee (A toilet cleaner) in just 6 months and brought him down on his knees, and when he returned he danced like someone's personal bitch, so she thought it will work on me exactly the same way. :-)

But unfortunately for her and her team of wimps instead of just 6 months it turned in to a wild goose chase, and 17 years have passed and it has come to a juncture where the wimps are tired of her, :-) and they are even looking for some excuse to hide behind it for all their illegal actions, I warned everyone, she could not manage or mis-manage a small scale pharmaceutical with 30 employees, but wimps never read my posts as is, they try to read between the lines, which were never there, :-) my posts are simple and direct, no hidden meanings, yes!, some times I might use adages from all languages.

And funny part of this story Is, the very wimps (From at least 6 countries including India) who have been not only breathing on my neck for 17 years or more, they have been trying to reverse everything that I wish for or pray for since 2005, :-) and now they want "ME" to do some thing for them to save their arse, :-) but while I do something for them, if I, they would not change course or stop breathing on my neck, they would continue to execute every whim and fancy of this women or any other women who is also in the reckoning, :-) because it is their bread and butter, :-) they are paid for it by the political parties or the governments or both.

Only Good thing that has happened in 18 years or 20 years since 2001 is, they have found the truth, :-) but the EGO which is higher then the Himalayas, obviously it will be that high, when 156 countries dance to their tunes like bitches, and are even killing soldiers for some stupid proxy games, the EGO is bound to be that high, it will come down, :-) in fact, it has. :-) but there are some who still think that they can blame everything on me, :-) the regular Caucasian recipe dished out on all occasions, after all they are Caucasian wimps.

"Ulta Chor Kotwal Ko Dantte". :-)

One should have seen them in 2005, my goodness, such cockiness and brash bitches and bastards everywhere, "NOW", they are thinking, :-) and the thinking is, that the smartest people on Earth, who guide or misguide almost every elected or nominated official in any forum, political party and governments in 156 countries, and more or less end up playing from both sides or all sides also, were taken for a ride on a train called "Crackpot Express", for 20 years or more, by just two or three ladies, one a suspicion expert and the other an ignorant expert, and the third one blindly depends on these two, and hopes that these two women will bring to her everything a women needs on a platter, reality is these women could not manage or mis-manage a small scale pharmaceutical. :-)

A word for paranoid Caucasian Wimps, ;-)

Most Mantra's, Stotrams, and Stuti's in Sanskrit were created thousands of years before Chirst, so they were never created to harm Caucasians or anyone, :-) it seems Caucasians have turned Paranoid,  they think anyone prays or chants any Mantra is to destroy the Caucasians. :-)

Yes! almost all of them say one thing, when they (Mantra or Stotrams or Stuti's) get activated they sure destroy the enemies, even the hard core enemies, :-) and that enemy can be anyone. :-) 

Solution for this, do not defile or desecrate any place used for worship, food, water or rice used in puja, thing, idol, person, person's mouth, clothes, vessels used in prayer, lamps, lamp oil, lamp wicks, fire is pure so no one can make it impure, leave them to their fate, as most prayers and Mantra chants are for inner spiritual awakenings only. :-)

Wimps have been poking into me with their electronic paraphernalia since 2005, particularly when I was in my prayers, today it continues but for a different reason, it is for left or right proxy games and some times for Bitch from hell, sometimes for Cat on the wall from Laval, some times for Dumbanique the cave women from Geneva, Switzerland or Liberals or Conservatives also,  sometimes it was too much to bear, but I never broke my prayers or gave up praying, and it worked for me double time. :-)

In ancient times spiritual aspirants were openly tortured, butchered, boiled in hot oil, etc. but now, since we are in ages of cowardice, people playing the role of demons prefer to stay put in a hole and poke with their electronic arms, everything is hush hush, silent, stealth mode, even a person sitting next to you will not know what is going on with you, a wimp's nose might be deep into your arse up to the large intestine, or deep into your throat, in olden days a Caucasian agent in USA was called "Deep Throat", because of this reason, he was a legend and much talked about in the Caucasian circles, who laud efforts of such people, particularly if such efforts are against people of other races, and any person sitting next to you will never know, even If you show discomfort, it will be seen as a natural health issue. :-)

So any Spiritual aspirant anywhere in the world, IF is suffering from such issues, take it easy, take it as a test, and a challenge, otherwise where will you get such free service, team of bozos spending all their money, time and life to develop some technology like that and test your patience, concentration and focus all free of cost, take it in your stride, you will progress spiritually much faster, in absence of such issues you will not only loose interest, you will also not have determination. :-)

More they tortured more my determination grew, :-) and they accumulated SINS, it is double benefit.

Anything happens there is always a positive reason behind it.



We started this year 2020 with a bad omen, and we are all paying the price for that, and funny part is the people who normally are better off because they call all the shots are also stuck this time, :-) which is a good news.

"Okali Mein Sar dena" is the apt adage.

That is why one should not dig up holes everywhere just because someone gave you a shovel as a gift on your birthday. :-)

I think some people planned all this pandemic thing before July 2017, :-) and then they added lot of things to that agenda, but it seems things did not go as planned, :-) because some times too much planning is also no good, :-) there is this old saying, "Man proposes, God Disposes".

COVID -19 :

Thank god this Birus does not have wings and is not air borne on its own, and being heavy around 30 kb settles down faster then other smaller Virusus, which means one need to clean their shoes often, or leave them outside, which is the norm in most Indian homes it comes to us as a culture, and in olden days we were not allowed to enter the home with out washing our feet, hands and face, but after British came this changed.

[ Note: I called this Virus a Birus not because 'V' is pronounced as 'B' in Nepal or Bihar, West Bengal etc, because VIRUS + BACTERIA = BIRUS or VACTERIA.]

You can leave the pronunciation to the racial profilers.

By the way you know what is racial profiling or what are you dealing with when you face racial profiling ?

Answer, when you face racial profiling, you are facing someone's ignorance. :-)  


If you take a look at the score board, which is being updated continuously by all the very enthusiastic media, all over the world, one can simply divide the Corono effected world in to two groups.

1) Countries with promiscuity,
2) Countries with out Promiscuity.

In the first group you can put Italy, Spain, Europe, UK, USA, Brazil, Russia, Canada, Quebec, Australia, etc. Iran is an exception.

In the second group you can put, China, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Arabic countries, Africa etc.

The first group is hit very hard where as the second group is still very safe.

Another very open fact is first it appeared a common instruction was passed to almost all countries that they should not have a single Corona Case, like it was a dictum from some higher up who has a say on almost all countries, so all countries went for lock down, :-) and every one, particularly the elected took the podium's to project how good they were in keeping their countries safe.

Then a second dictum was passed, this was after China announced that it was out of the pandemic, this time the dictum was who ever gets the maximum number of cases is the winner, :-) and USA exploded, Brazil exploded, UK, and now India is standing 4th for number of cases.

The Score board never showed the number of cases who got out of the hospital, only India was showing right from the beginning, because India was still following the first dictum, :-) they understood the Covid-19 game slowly, so now the score board is running very high with in days it has reached 4th.

Now tell me, any smart guy out there, where is the need to run a live score board all over the world for cases, when it is almost impossible for any media to cross check their authenticity.

Particularly when there is no proper, certain way of testing to first identify it.


This I am writing with my vast experience in developing methods and testing Chemicals, Sterile and Non Sterile Medical products from API's to Vaccines, almost everything that goes with any medical product, you can say hand's on experience not just theoretical.

As of today, we do not have any thing concrete to test the current Virus as it is projected.

The basic idea of testing anything is to test the target and minimise all other variables, now If you watch all those You Tube videos of drive thru testing, like in US, you can see, though people are decked up nice and good with PPE to protect themselves but they are seen holding at least 20 or 30 exposed swabs in one hand, while they take one swab and insert (invasive testing) into gullible people's noses and throats, and then they insert that swab into a tube with buffer for testing etc. etc.

So many variables are added to this testing method that one can never conclude the source of the Virus (If Any).

1) Swab exposed and contaminated, 
2) Buffer 
3) Tube
4) Person's hand not sanitized after every test. 
5) Absence of controlled air, variables increase.

It is easy to point out what is wrong, so how it should be done.

Each country is goverened by a Health body like FDA in USA, and all medical devices used for testing are supposed to comply with the testing standards as described in current US Pharmacopeia, which means the medical devices are expected to be sterile, they are supposed to have an expiry date, I think sterile pouches with medical devices are ok for their sterility for 7 days, but in case of a pandemic it should be three days or less.

The integrity of the pouch carrying the medical device like a swab should be intact before testing and should be ripped open just before testing, with a proper valid expiry date, and a certificate which details the testing done, date, place, an approval by a listed and approved Chemist, which should be produced when requested by the person being tested by the invasive swab technique. (I did not make these rules). :-)

And in each pouch there should be a second swab for blank, and same for the buffer, tube, all this to minimise the variables, and every single time a blank of everything need to be tested, then comes the hard part.

WHAT IS THE TECHNIQUE to Identify or Quantify the Virus in Question..

PCR for identification, but the technique is manipulative.
Serology, This is good only If Antibodies are present and we should have prior data about the Antibodies.

There is another method which is being used left and right which is producing some graph from a particular gene of the Virus, this can be good but only when we have the complete catalogue of all the Virusus, again to avoid variables.

So we are left with Electron Microscope confirmation of each and every sample, and If I remember correctly back in 1995, we had 5 Electron Microscopes in India, one each in IIT's, I never saw one, :-) and I am not sure how many Electron Microscopes are present in USA or Canada today.


1) Symptomatic and Asymptomatic people.

Leave the Asymptomatic because, If 500 million Virusus can sit on top of a pin head, then imagine the number of Virusus a Human body can carry, so it is a waste of time and money to run after people looking for a Virus taking a ride, and almost every thing like furniture, clothes, shoes are all asymptomatic.

I can write about the efficacy of the masks also but I do not want to scare people.

We have to look for Virulent Virus and not just Virus.

Normally for any Virus, like Flu, Virus turns virulent just before its end of incubation, like 5th or 6th day, and that is when the spasms occur, and those people should be isolated, and treated for relief, and please do not ask your police force to round up the patients, it is not their job, :-), call them when Zombies arrive. :-)

Ask people with symptoms (Whatever they are I have no clue) to get tested for Serology after 14 days of incubation period, may be Antibodies will show up, If you see the Vaccine regimen for any Virus, two shots are required to sustain the Antibodies for a longer time and Flu Vaccines those are available today, do not give any guarantee for such a protection.

And important question is, 

Do we know how many strains of flu virusus are available each year in Canada alone, based on race, nationality, because each mutation can be different for each person, and Virusus always mutate, and there is no Virology lab on this planet which has a catalogue of all the Virusus, leave alone Mutated Viruses.

Which means, a Vaccine need to be a concoction of multiple most potent strains satisfying all the races, nationalities and backgrounds. 

Another Question is: Do we wait for Vaccine each year to avoid Flu, and how many people actually take flu vaccines each year, :-) and what ever happened to the idea that flu happens to boost our immunity, and when flu happens, sit tight, drink lot of liquids, chicken soup, self isolate and stay away from others for at least 7 days, many doctors told me flu means 7 days of bed rest with or with out medicines.

And back in old days, at least few decades back, :-) it was widely published that an adult goes through 6 episodes of flu each year, and children 12 episodes, but now since immunities have gone up they are less then even one.

I don't remember when I had the last episode of flu, and in the past 6 months, I have not seen one person with any FLU like symptoms, leave alone Covid-19 symptoms what ever they are. 

Back in 2001-2002, I sat next to C Gel in the cafeteria many times, whose nose would run non stop, and I have never seen anyone pour buckets of nosavion solution down their noses like Dumbanique did in 2002 to 2004, and there was this JMB continously coughing, it wasn' like working in a pharmaceutical company making medical products, it was like an old age home, people sneezing, coughing, sniffing, etc. etc.

And funny part is even after my repeated mentioning of this, none of them were requested by the company for a medical check up, which again is a regulation and minimum qualification to work in a pharmaceutical company, again I did not make these rules.

Another similar thing now you can watch is, people dressed up in PPE, head to toe, projecting this idea that they are handling Virulent Virus in all the emergency stations all over the world, which means their PPE is exposed to the Virulent Virus, "Bravo", good work, and then they walk out of the emergency stations to stand outside and listen to the noise people are making (To thank their work), no disrespect to them and their wonderful work, but hello, we are supposed to be dealing with a pandemic, :-) and a Virus which has no historical data.

People handling live Virusus are supposed to discard the entire PPE for re-sterilization, each time they leave the station, and take a complete head bath with a good shampoo, and not visit any places where vulnerable people live, like old people, infants, even children, people with chronic conditions, etc. etc.

I knew one person who handled live Virusus, he would take shower, head bath every time he left his work place, sometimes it was three times a day, he lived with his wife and 7 years old son, and his son went to school daily. :-)

And If the Virus is known to cause harm to animals then stay away from animals, Zoo, Farms, and pets, suggestion was to stay away for at least three days from the last day of exposure. 

And please do not think that washing your mask with soap will make it fresh again, Virusus have Lipo -protein bodies, and Lipo - protiens are hard to break, they need super heated steam (180 deg C) to destroy, hence the Autoclaves, in your home you can use your pressure cooker, which works on the same principle, you can place the mask in a pouch and run a 15 minutes cycle or longer, but there is no way you would know the temperature inside.

If Sun light would destroy Virusus, then all samples tested by PCR's would destroy the Virus, because in PCR the temperatures are needed to be raised to 96 degrees C.

Stay Safe not only from Mis Information also from too Much Information. :-)


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