Feb 1, 2021

Spiritual Challenge

Yoga  =   Union, it is like a radio connecting with a radio station, even though radio waves are everywhere, when you switch on a new radio, it does not connect just like that, it needs to be tuned into the radio station. :-)

And to tune a radio it might take few minutes, but to tune your mind so that it connects with the super conscious it might take from few minutes to few million years, depending on your spiritual evolution.

I am playing with words here to give an idea the reality is much more simple.

In this process there are few challenges, :-) 

It took me 45 years of sadhana to reach where ever I am standing today, spiritually speaking, :-) as far as material world is concerned I am Tan Tan Gopal. :-) 

But now I am realizing that as a child I was already awake, and all I needed was one word "Sri Ram", to go forward in my path, and freedom to do so, and fortunately I was initiated also with "Sri Ram", by my parents when I was 8 years old, and my mother told us all about bhakti yoga, and all the seers, sages, mystics who attained moksha, my father always told us about Karma Yoga, they could not tell how and the details, but she repeatedly told us those stories. :-)

And they always dragged us to pilgrimage with them, I have visited Tirupati some 17 times, at least 10 times with them and when I visited Tirupati all by myself when I was 24, my mother was not very happy, it was them who initiated us and then they were afraid that I might become a sanyasi, and after getting married all I could think about a place for honeymoon was Tirupati, :-) thank god, my wife was already into spirituality and her father was taking care of a temple.

But in our school we were learning who was Vasco Da Gama and who was Aurangjeb, how many times Prithvi Raj Chauhan was attacked and how he was defeated the 17th time, how Porus asked mercy from the Alexander the great, quadratic equations etc, etc. 

It is our stupid education system,(CBSE, NCERT copied from London, England)  and the race to earn money to survive in this material world, people around us turned us towards the darkness, :-) and made us spend time on things which we never use in our life.

And today I feel very strongly that Sanskrit should be made mandatory for all children in India, and Spiritual education should also be made mandatory where all scriptures, mantras, etc. are taught seriously like maths and science, the benefit will be students will understand the applied sciences and maths better.

There were two shlokas which were read by us almost daily in our school (CBSE). till 12th grade, one was "Shanav Vavatu.....". but we were never told the meaning of those shlokas, even though we had Sanskrit as a mandatory subject from 5th to 9th grade, it is after the advent of Internet, we came to know the meaning of those shlokas. :-)

Number one challenge always is food in YOGA,  people say I am doing Yoga, I am going to Yoga class etc. etc. which is all wrong, you are either in Yoga or not,  one can not do Yoga, one has to attain it, because it is a union, it is like your radio is tuned into a radio station or not.

Then the five senses and their attributes at five levels, :-) 

Then, when the aspirant is sure that he has overcome the senses and might go around doing blah blah blah, then the memories kick in, :-) this is when the actual challenge begins.

One by one the aspirant has to overcome them till he reaches the last one and the toughest one, the tongue and the taste memories related with them, I did not say she because she is running one birth behind he, and if he runs after she, he will become she in his next life, :-) it is a vicious cycle.

I want to write about Chakras, and the worlds with in etc. etc. but every time I type few words the other side immediately tells me stop. :-) 

May be because there are too many parrots out there, :-) one parrot from India just copied word by word from my blog and he did not even mention from where he lifted it, :-) and in turn he is used as a proxy by some political aspirant from the west, :-) I don't loose anything, it is him who is wasting his time.:-)

There is no use copying, :-) or claiming in front of people that you are blah blah blah, :-) because by doing so one only deceives themselves, which will not only mar your spiritual progress it will throw at you, tons of other challenges which one should avoid at any cost.

And the bigger reason is the other side wants every human being to discover their own spiritual customized path and destination, hence the discouragement, :-) I will wait till I am cleared to educate the world until then I can only give few indications, :-) because the world doesn't mean anything to me  my path does.

But I feel sorry for all those people who are just playing with words in dark, :-) for every question same answer, intellect, knife, dissection, memory, etc. etc. they are no different from politicians trying to keep their respective crowds, and both use "jumla" to keep them, and people who sit and listen to such talks simply waste their time, instead they can chant Govinda Govinda.

And please there is no competition at the top in the spiritual world, there is place and space for everyone, all 8.5 billion people irrespective of caste, religion, color and creed can stand at the top with out pushing each other, :-) and everyone will get equal and unbiased attention, it is in the material world the space on the top is very narrow and only for few people, hence the cut throat competition and the family business, and all the brickbats to keep it narrow.

See how they fight tooth and nail to keep their property and at the same time they want to take your's as well, "chit bhi mera pat bhi mera", "sab kuch mera", the moment anyone becomes a chief minister they immediately want to hand over it to their son  and move up to become Prime Minister, "bakhi kya karenge, ghanta hilanyenge kya". :-)

What If I say when one overcomes even the memories, he might come to this understanding that his spiritual journey has not started, it was all only preparations for the journey :-)

Hence, 'O'  Idiot, sing Govinda Govinda, instead of wasting your time adjusting your shawl, :-) this was said by Shri Shankaracharya in 8th or 9th century CE, and when he was going around the country spreading this message, a tantric in Guwahati gave him piles, so Caucasian wimps are not alone in this demon like behavior, there were demons against mystics even in 8th and 9th century, now it is wireless, then it was tantra. :-)

And when people in India did not heed to Shankara's messages, Marauders came looting and killing, which ended with Aurangjeb after 700 years of that, and then to add insult to injury, English arrived and physically stayed till 1947 and they remain in the psyche even today, and are looking for ways to install Mr Robert Vadra in the main stream Indian politics because his mother is British. :-)

Bashar- Al- Assad's wife is also British, look what happened to Syria, :-) British are very loyal to British, they don't hurt their own, :-) look what the ladies from Britain did to M.K. Gandhi after 1945, and our first prime minister was head over heels when ever they were around him, result is Indians hates another Indian be it outside India or Inside India, even after 70 years of independence. :-)

I mentioned above that in India, Sanskrit should be made mandatory, because all those souls who aspire to lead a spiritual path are given broken English (English is also taught in Hindi) education copied from London, England, when they are born in India, there is a reason why all the knowledge was developed in India and in India alone, and why souls with higher spiritual aspirations are born in India, because India is at a higher Chakra, the Agya Chakra, hence the challenges are different, look at the Prime Minister, he is also a yogi in his own spiritual path, it is the affect of being born in India, :-) one can not help it.

It is like, a soul aspires to further its spiritual progress, so it desires for a better spiritual atmosphere, and as a result of that desire he is born in India, :-) but when he is born, he is taught about Alexander the great instead of Upanishads, :-) imagine the plight of that soul, and then he gets beaten, insulted, and ridiculed by some random maths teacher because he can not understand quadratic equations with X,Y and Z, "Uska to maths or spiritual life dono ka beda garg ho jata hain". :-)

Thanks to Internet, Youtube, and Google I saved myself, otherwise just imagine we were doomed learning A for Apple, and D for Donkey, Z for Zebra. :-)

Anyway, thanks to millions of people who spend their precious time and upload Sanskrit texts on YouTube, many many thanks to all of them, but they can do another favor, please desist from using English Transliteration, or just English, If it is a Sanskrit text keep it in Sanskrit only. 

And please, Sri Ram is Sri Ram or Shri Ram and not Lord Ram, same with Krishna, and Siva or Shiva is just Siva or Shiva, no Lord Shiva, or Lord Ganapati, when one uses Lord as prefix in front of all names of divine, they appear like they are subjects of Queen of England or youngest sons of Duke in England, :-) I also made this mistake in 2006, then I realized and changed them, it took some time to change 1000 names of Lord Ganesh to Shri Ganesha, please desist from this.

Let us not make Rama, Krishna, Shiva and Ganesha subjects of England by adding Lord as prefix, every time their names is used in English, even Sanskrit Channel from Hyderabad also profusely uses Lord as prefix, it is a great channel on Youtube, If Lord is used for Christ, it is ok because English dictionary says so.

There is no one in the west who wants these texts in English, everyone is like trying to teach the western parrots always in English, y humble request to all those people who use English transliteration for Mantras is, "for god sake or your own sake first learn to speak proper English then teach Sanskrit texts in English", :-) there is no one who is interested in learning your Sanskrit texts in the west, all they want is how to control everyone and everything and make money for their race or how to make use of it in their proxy games. :-)

Vishnu is also a proxy for some western retard from some political party. :-) they have no idea what Vishnu means, Saraswati is also proxy, :-) and the person with some political party, who is using her as proxy eats raw cow meat, and also calls herself Govinda, :-) not Chi Chi, real Govinda of Tirupati, some retard from India told the western retards that Saraswati sits on the tongue, hence the western retards want to damage the tongue, so that Saraswati can not sit. :-)

I wanted to do Shanku Prakshalana every 6 months, and I have done that for years, they are giving me Shanku Prakshalan every week, some times twice a week. :-)

But anyway every time I use anyone's work on Youtube, I always bless them.

Thanks to all of them once again your good work will not go un rewarded.

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