Feb 10, 2021

No Lip Service please, better act.

The temperatures this winter in Montreal, Quebec and its surroundings areas are not that bad, otherwise first week of Feb's are very cold with temperatures dropping to -27 degree Centigrade, which feel like -35 to -40 degrees centigrade with the wind chill, but this year the temperatures have been lurking around -14 and below, then around -2 most part of the week then back to -14, and today it was -10, well it feels like -23 though, and every day early mornings, around 6 am, I see people particularly students standing in an open bus stops with out any bus shelters, waiting for their buses, I also did that in 2005 to 2009, so I know how it feels to stand in an open bus stand with out any shelter, but I am sure all those people who make policies might have no idea, because they move around in their large SUV's at 160 km/hour speed on highways with 100 km/hour maximum speed limit.

Last week I was driving on autoroute 13 with my family at 100 km/hour on a 100 km/hour maximum speed limit highway and I was in the middle lane, while all others vehicles zoom passed me at speeds not less then 160 km/hour, a huge 18 wheeler heavily loaded truck with a blue tarpaulin tried to bully me at 110 km/hour, :-) and it came very close at that speed and with that kind of load, :-) one move by me, would have put him and his truck in a huge swirl into the Saint Laurent river, but I always put myself in people's shoes to get an idea of the situation and act accordingly, so I remained in the middle lane and continued at 110 km/hour, after 15 minutes he backed down and maintained a distance of 50 yards, we were going to our dentist, who is from Saudi Arabia. :-) 

This is not the first time, the wimps have been trying this since 2002, they try various techniques to check, in what mood we are living or driving, it is like checking your pulse :-) because their psychology swirls around fight and flight only, :-) it is basic dog mentality, big is always powerful or strong.

Take a look at a delegation from Switzerland, which visited Yogi's government in UP, India, I think last year, as Shri Yogi Adityanath stands around 5 feet, the Swiss delegation was with 7 feet tall men, next time Yogi Adityanath has to meet such a delegation from west, when men as tall as 7 feet are included for business meetings, :-) he should recruit Khali and keep him to receive them. :-)

Every time the arctic vortex swirls in anti clockwise direction towards North America it forms a circle around Montreal and dumps heavy snow in USA and also in the western Canada, as a result in Montreal and its surrounding areas the snow is less, this winter we had two episodes of 10 to 15 cm of snow only as compared to previous years. :-)

In our street, the municipal snow truck does not pick up snow, it simply shoves it into our drive ways, which is left there as a 2 to 3 feet high and wide snow mound, and interesting thing to note is they do this exactly around 6 am in the morning, that is when people are getting ready to move out of their homes to go to work, and the private company tractors come in their own sweet time, they mostly wait for the entire snow to finish falling,  :-) so even after paying taxes, paying the private company for snow removal from our drive ways, every morning people clear their drive ways with shovels, which is the normal, and funny part is no one complains, they are tuned so well into the puppetry, they don't move a finger unless they are told otherwise by the wimps, who manage them and their lives. :-)

"C'est la vie au Canada est Quebec". :-)

Every one is Caucasian both English and French, few are black, but they quietly shovel the snow mounds piled up by the municipal truck in the mouth of their respective drive ways, I guess If they complain they are taken to task by the wimps club, "how dare you complain", "this is Canada and not USA", someone said to me in a lawyer's office, back in 2006 or 2007, :-) I wanted to sue our landlord for not complying with his part of the contract, as rental board was of no use.

I know people in western Canada and USA are being plummeted with heavy snow this year, even Texas had some snow, I think may be Earth is switching its poles or it is just that wobbling due to precision cycle.

Funny thing is every one knows that winter stays for good 8 months both in Canada and North USA, and it snows heavy many times during Nov to April each year, but both these countries have done nothing to keep certain areas out of it, like the Neanderthals they clear snow every time it snows showing off their heavy equipment, which mostly blocks the already blocked streets.

Last week in India the drama by the Sikh in and outside India was little too much particularly when they were keeping pictures of Sahid Bhagat Singh in their tents and then what ever they did with the Tricolor of India at the Red fort, few lines popped out of my mouth.....

" Kuch hi dashakon pehle kuch aise insaan bhi the jhinhone 

  is tirange ke liye apne deha ko ek purane kapde ki taraha nikaal kar phenk diya 

  aur tirange ko jukhne nahin diya...

 aur aaj kuch aise inssan bhi hain jinhone chand paison ke liye

 ussi tirange ko ek purane kapde ki tarah uttar diya".

I was cleaning my wardrobe and I came across few medals of my father, which he had received from Indian government after various wars or service, after he passed away in 1999 they were lying in his drawers with all his papers, in 2010 when I visited India I cleaned up his drawer, burned all the unnecessary papers and collected whatever I could and since then have been keeping them with me, there is this small pouch which they called housewife or homewife, it contained their service information. :-)

Then I remembered how he had given his 35 years of selfless service and remained with Indian Air Force in all kind of situations till he no longer could continue because of his ill health, and on top of his ill health, two Anglo Indian senior officers were playing some games with him, one was Air Vice Marshal Allan, and the other was Air Commodore McDonald, both of them were posted at Air Force Academy, Hyderabad from 1986 to 1990, as a result he lost his honorary promotion and the pension benefit he was supposed to get, I think they were working on retiring him with out any pension, I know the entire story the reason and how, what and why, may be in some other post one day, :-) because it is a long story of what happens in Indian Air Force generally between North Indians and others, particularly between Punjabi officers and others, :-) officers from Punjab are always in large numbers, no wonder Punjab has seen or taken the heat in all the wars, some one in Kerala or Telangana or Tamilnadu or Karnataka or even Maharastra would not know that heat, but the inequality in numbers does not represent India.

There were few more medals, one from 1961 Portuguese war, and few from 1962, 1965 and 1971 war,

He use to feel so elated whenever he took that flag and pinned it to his uniform and how he used to ask me to polish the Indian brass emblem with brasso on his cap and belt, and my mother who was more like a Kisaan always maintaining a kitchen garden to help support the family, which ever city he was posted, as the income was not sufficient to keep up with the standard of living particularly in the last few years, that is just before the next pay commission is released, particularly it was very tough for him during 1980 to 1984, and the pay commission came in 1986, I think the pay commission should be released after every 5 years instead of 10 years and it should coincide with the end of the term of a government, the next pay commission can be released in 2024 and then every five years there after.


Canadian government should give it a serious thought, about this Khalistan for all the Sikhs in Canada, UK, USA and India, it cost me my medical entrance in 1984, I went to New Delhi to write my exams and I got stuck in New Delhi for more then 20 days because of it, :-) well! I used that time to see Delhi :-) which was good.

May be a large empty piece of land (Khalistan) between BC, Alberta and USA, and then give citizenship to all Sikhs from India, like may be there are some 20 million of them in India, see how they take very difficult routes through some 20 countries to reach Canada, and then they work in construction or deliver Pizza. 

This will boost vote bank of Liberals and NDP, and they can stay in power with the help of Khalistani for ever, Santa Singh and Banta Singh can become President and Prime Minister of Khalistan in North America, by the way Santa Singh is from Jalandhar and Banta Singh is from New Delhi, and I think they work with BFH or for BFH (Mumbo) and Dumbo. :-)

Because technically Khalistan can not be formed only in India, the Indian Punjab is a Doaba, as there are only two rivers in Indian Punjab, If they do, they can only call it Doaba and not Khalistan, after partition actually they should have changed the name of Indian Punjab to Doaba, which is technically correct, rest of Punjab, the three rivers are in Pakistan, so instead of New Delhi they should run towards Pakistan with a Khalistani flag. :-)

But Khalistan will be perfect in North America as there is so much empty land and no one lives there, Sikh can make a Golden Khalistan here, only problem is they do not like to work for others, and they also do not pay taxes like others, their tax return is always around zero as all of them have some kind of small business, but they have one mansion in Punjab and one here.

It was Indira Gandhi and her wayward son who tinkered with the idea of Khalistan back in 1977 to 1980, and we moved into Punjab in 1980, here in USA Sep 9/11 happened in 2001 and I moved into Canada in 2001, :-) 

I am not sure how many people can see that INC (Indian National Congress) was and is a bone of contention between India and England, as it was founded by Allan Octavian Hume, he was British, and Indians slowly took away his party from him and his countrymen, and that tug of war continues even today.

To create a distraction from her son's folly of emergency in 1975-1977, they tinkered with Khalistan in 1977 to 1980, then when it caused such heartburning to Sikhs due to the operation Blue star in 1984 they came up with this idea that she will allow herself to be shot by a Sikh, which would help the party a great deal, the sympathy politics.

And this idea did not come from with in India, it was given to Cong-I by the think tank from England, like always they did and they do even today, which has been the backbone of Congress from 1945 till today, as they consider the party to be their party, it is a British party, the very reason Mahatma Gandhi Ji wanted it to be shut after independence, but Shri Jawahar Lal had already made agreement with England, see even Sir Mountbatten died in an unnatural death in 1979 in Ireland.

But as per the agreement she was not shot just to injure her, but shot many many times which killed her, which was not the plan, she was not supposed to die in that shoot out, it was supposed to be an event for sympathy, Late Mrs Indira Gandhi would be injured by a Sikh security guard, and  Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi who would be the next Prime minister was told to go to West Bengal and stay with Late Shri Pranab Mukherjee, but things went wrong and she died and then the riots happened, and I think Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi must have come to know about all this conspiracy later, and he also lost his life in 1991, again not a natural death.

So Late Mrs Indira Gandhi had given up her life for the party, like Late Mr Abraham Lincoln in USA gave up his life for USA.

Even today I remember the moment her eyes met mine, and she threw a Marogold garland towards me, but the Air Force Policemen took it mid air, she smiled and walked away towards a car waiting at end of the road outside the helipad, where she had landed, this was in Shillong in Dec or Jan 1971 after the Bangladesh war.

Now after reading it, If you see Shashi Tharoor blasting English in England, it will not at all seem surprising, :-) it is all part of the game, :-) it is with the complete co-operation of the think tank behind Cong-I in England, may be we can call them MI India, otherwise the English, who did not teach their tarnished History to their people in England, will they allow an Indian to lay a hand on their dignity, leave alone lambasting them in England, :-) and as it was just an exercise to project an Indian who would work for them in their party INC, and remain loyal to them and carry out things as per their whim and fancy, and see the "Sorry", as requested by Mr Shashi Tharoor never came by, because that was never the purpose.

The best time the think tank (Behind INC) from England had was with Mr Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister of India, they could so everything they wanted since 1945.

Given the scenario, It is not a coincidence that Ms Priyanka Gandhi joins a school where Mr Robert Vadra is a student, they meet, and they fall in love and they get married, :-) and Mr Vadra's mother happens to be British, "Oooooh! such a lovely coincidence, isn't it", :-) it all sounds so British.

If Indian Congress party members want British (MI India) to leave them alone, they will have to bury the party in a museum, cut all the British strings and start afresh with a new Party as Mahatma Gandhi wanted, If they don't they will be standing against BJP so huge, so tall and wide it will appear like standing against China. :-)

Which I think would be very good for India, India needs that kind of governance, then things will happen.

Whatever, people should respect any Flag irrespective of to whom it belongs, even If it belongs to Khalistan. :-), Sikh people should think about it, "Loha Garam Hain", Maar Do Hathoda", and as Liberals, NDP and even Conservatives are in their favor, and Mr Joseph Biden in USA is also inclined towards universal representation of all races, it might work out to have a Khalistan in North America, somewhere between, BC, Alberta and USA, and then imagine with all the family churning sponsorships available, the entire Punjab can be in North America, than it is all "Bhale Bhale".

Yesterday, Zee TV has also suggested a similar plan, I think it is worth pursuing.

Then Sikh can sing, "Baraha Barsi, Katan Gaya Si, Ki Kat Ke Leyanda", Kat Ke Liyenda Khalistan in North America". :-) Yanhu! Yanhu! O, Yanhu! Yanhu!. Think about it, by the way I did Bhangara on stage in 1973 in Shillong, :-) and my sister did Gidda in Punjab in 1981 or 1982. :-)

And If Khalistan is possible in North America, an Israel is also possible, the promised land, they have been fighting for it with Palestine since the times of Abraham, and Australia instead of feeling bad for Rohingya, as they are being sent to a small island by Bangladesh in Bay of Bengal, Australia can create a Rohingya land they have such a large continent for just 18 Million people. 

Governor General in Canada.

When I read the news that our GG was involved in some bad treatment of her employees in her office, the first thought was, even her office is not free from the surveillance and the electronic voodoo, because the technology being used in Canada can actually cause people to behave the way the technology forces them to, it can put words in their mind and mouth, and force them to behave and say certain things in certain way, after all brain is a brain and the technology can hack it anywhere, and it is all wireless, stealth, it is available with all police stations, in Saint Laurent, even kids as young as 10 or 12 were operating it, the police station numero 6 on rue Grenet is responsible for that, it is openly distributed, operated and carried around.

How about a Native Indian as our new GG, instead of just saying "Sorry", every now and then for things that happened in the past 400 years, make peace with them and offer the position of GG, that will pull them into the mainstream with rest of Canada.

I am not sure If native people have yellow curly hair, which seems to be the qualification now a days.

That's all for now, I am not sure the write up complies with the proxy games of the wimps here in the west or in India, :-) because everything and everyone has to comply with their silly proxy games played around the world. :-)



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